There is a boy being pushy with my daughter at school: What do I do?

The is school is obviously not helping, why would I let my child be around these kind of people/environment. You trusted your child with their school and this is what you get? If my child is uncomfortable, that’s it! Find another school then… If transferring to another school is not an option, the school should do their best in settling this issue.

I can’t imagine my kids ever going to a school like that. Unacceptable. Is there a way to file charges on the school for neglect resulting in injury. Sexual assault. There has to be something. Honestly if something isn’t fixed immediately I would tell them you are headed to the news and do it. Other parents need to know how that school thinks. This is a do not pass go situation. I would tell her to defend herself at this point. “Do not touch me” needs to be said loud in front of several people including parents.

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I’d get a lawyer. We have this liberal system that says this is okay. The fact that this boy is 9 and making such rapey advances on your daughter makes me wonder what his home life may be. I’d contact the superintendent and then if that didn’t work, I’d contact the police and ask their opinions on how to handle it. And I’d document each time I told a teacher- what day, time who I talked to, I’d record the conversation that way you have proof they won’t do anything.


Go to the principal… and if nothing happens…I would call the police and ask what your next step is…

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I wish my dad would have taught me how to avoid that to this day

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First of all go to the principal and tell him what’s happening. Then ask for a meeting with the boys parents the teacher and the principal. Insist this teacher get some training about the correct response. Facebook is not the place for answers. Good luck.


Id go talk to the principal then the superintendent tbh. If I had to go to a town meeting and bring it up there I would. Children shouldn’t fear sexual harassment from their classmates, especially at that age.


First make sure you’ve talked to teachers, counselors and principle. Make sure the parents are aware. If things dont change go to police and file harrassment charges against school , parents, and boy. Also enroll your kids in some kind of karate/martial arts class to teach self confidence and self protection.

I would tell my kids to beat him up. I understand violence isn’t good or cool, but no one that can is willing to help.
Like you have stated, this could be worse especially if there are issues like this when she is older, and she needs to know that she has a right to stand up for herself in whatever way she can and if the only option is to hurt him, then she has a right to do so and he has created this situation for himself, as have all the adults around him
When they get expelled, because they most likely will, I would fight it with the board of education and make this a nice vacation for your kiddos.

If you already went to the teacher and told her all of this and brushed it off then I would call the principal.


You need to figure out something if you have to go to the school board!! A girl bullied my baby all of 2nd grade year to the point of sexual harassment… It took me quite a bit to get thru to her teacher and principle. Now she is in 8th grade and being bullied by some boys and we put a stop to that too!! She didn’t even want to go to school or anything but it took her forever to tell us! People that say that oh he just picks on you because he likes you make me sick…that is one of the reasons so many women wind up in abusive relationships and vice versa… So sad … Sorry but we told our girl if they put their hands on you again knock the hell out of them! But she cries that she won’t because she doesn’t want to get in trouble!! I tell her we will worry about that later.


Sounds like you may have a sexual harassment suit against the school and possibly the teachers that think it’s “cute” because it certainly isn’t cute. It’s unwanted advances that have already been brought to their attention. If you threaten them with a lawsuit, things will change. If you have to pursue a suit to keep your child safe and comfortable while in their care, so be it.
Or you could tell her like I’ve told my girls, if she’s already asked him to stop, and brought it to the attention of adults nearby, and he continues to touch her inappropriately, teach her some serious self defense moves. I’m sure this isn’t the popular opinion here, but I guarantee if he doesn’t understand the word No now, it will sink it a little better if he walks around with a black eye. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Call the school board and get ahold of this kids parents asap. Pull them out of that school and put them in a different one. Also get a lawyer because you’re probably gonna need to take this to court and yes it is a big problem, big enough to take them to court over. He needs to learn what he is doing is harassing her and her brother. Teacher should also be fired if they don’t see this behavior as a problem. Not cute not okay.

OP, I have a very similar story from when I was a kid. This boy and I were both in elementary and he had a crush on me, I was too shy to do much and I wanted to stay friends with his sister so I was scared to speak to adults about it. He ended up sexually assaulting me, yes it’s possible for kids to sexually assault other kids. Well he told everyone he had s3x with me (UNTRUE he forced my shirt down and did s3xual things) and teachers overheard him saying this and contacted authorities. Well i was the one being yelled at and everyone blamed me, but thankfully his sister was there when it happened and was the witness and told them the truth of what he did. So please get police involved before he does something worse to her. Please teach her that it’s okay to say no and it’s good to speak up against bullies. Report the teachers for encouraging this. There is nothing cute about this and it makes me so sad teachers would encourage him.

Schools are so horrible anymore.:100: Try going into the school if the superintendent is active in the school and talk to him or talk to the principal but do it face to face. If you done that already I’d call higher ups and try to figure something out. An if nothing happened with that then go straight to the police. Yeah, the school looks at it as cute but it’s not. Boys learn at that age that it’s okay to treat women a specific way when they get older. If the police ask what you want them to do explain that you want the parents notified so they can manage it but you don’t know how to do that safely and wanted to go to them for help because you haven’t gotten anywhere with it with the school. If all else fails your daughter needs to take actions into her own hands and defend herself from him. An if it ends up continuing press charges for sexual harassment against the kid and the school.

Tell your daughter to say “Don’t touch me” in a very loud voice to catch the attention of the adults near her. Ask for a meeting with the school and tell them you don’t want thus boy or any other child touching your daughter or son and tell them if they don’t stop the bullying you will involve the police. Be prepared to actually involve the police. Schools are very “we have zero tolerance” to parents, but very “we didn’t see anything” to the students.


Go over the school and contact the police he’s sexually harassing her. Also you need to let the school board know that the teacher is refusing to make your daughter safe.

Go to the school and let them know you’ll take legal action against them and the boy for sexual assault within school grounds if its not immediately stopped . Unwanted forced physical contact or sexual talk is not ok and not legal where I’m from .

I would go straight to the top education department and if they don’t do anything go to the Police

You March into that school tomorrow first thing and DEMAND a meeting with the principal. Tell them that if it is not taken seriously you will be contacting the police and superintendent.

My daughter went through something similar and I told her if you tell him to stop once and he touches you again you punch him as hard as you can right in the throat. I assured her she would not be in trouble and she felt more empowered knowing she could fight back.

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I would go to the school board. If that doesn’t work then I would tell them I am going to call a local television station and let them know how they are not protecting your daughter like they should. I had trouble when my son was having trouble at school and they sure changed their thinking when I told them I was going to the television station.


I would go to the principal and see what happens! It is inappropriate for the teachers to encourage this!!


First of all, I would report the teachers to the school board. That is NOT acceptable from adults that are supposed to be teaching the kids, and keeping them safe on school property. I would also be calling the boy’s parents, and then if that is not enough, reporting it to the police. Maybe they can “Scare him straight” so to speak. Show him what happens to people that make unwanted advances towards others. It could escalate to worse things in the future!

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The fact that a boy this young is acting this way is disturbing and makes me question the wierd shit hes seeing at home. I would go directly into school and make the principal call the teacher in. She needs an adult to stand up for her. Over and over again if necessary. No means no means no whether youre 16 or 6. And the fact that a female teacher cant grasp that is even more disturbing. Even if it wasnt a crush thing and he was just too close or wouldnt stop talking to her and she said to stop he should stop. Its common sense. I feel ao bad for our children that adults let things like this happen when we are the ones who are supposed to protect.

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Umm no that’s very inappropriate for a 9 yo to be doing … where is he learning that type of thing from? It sounds like he sees a lot more then what he should at home and is bringing it into the school. I’d be talking to his parents if that’s possible at all about his behaviour and how inappropriate it is and how uncomfortable it makes your daughter. If that doesn’t work and you can’t get through to the principal then I’m sure there’s a way you can go higher up for it. That’s disgusting from the teachers also. I would’ve lost it at the teacher who messaged and said that to. How gross :nauseated_face: talk about your child like that! That’s blatant victim blaming regardless of the child’s age she’s victim blaming for her being uncomfortable and not wanting this boy to touch her.

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If this was happening to my daughter her brother would have already beat this little boys ass point blank period. Then again my daughter probably would have too. I’m not condoning violence however you have already spoken to the teachers and no one seems to be doing anything about it

Call this school out so they can be publicly known.

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This was a problem for me in highschool and the school did nothing too I still don’t have the tools to deal with unwanted advances from men :cry: I had a DVO on a boy and they put him in my classes and everything… ended up in a 3 year relationship I never wanted to be in and the school thought it was “cute” too

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If nobody is doing anything teach her how to punch! She needs to learn how to defend herself if she’s a quite girl! No means no after that it’s defence


Definitely go to the higher ups


Being only 9 has anyone thought that maybe he is being assaulted at home or some sort? I would go straight to the principal or school board.


Id be raising some hell. Go down & tell the school it is sexual harassment, and you will file charges, that they NEED to put a stop to it

ALSO! The fact theyre 9, and this boy is saying they had sex, Id probably be reaching out to have someone do a wellness check on his home life. To me that would be very concerning about what he is hearing or witnessing at home to even be saying anything like that, at that age.

p.s. my daughter is 10. She knows if someone is touching her in a way they shouldnt be, and shes already told them to stop & they wont, she has every right to defend herself/hit them. If she gets in trouble for it, I will deal with that after the fact.

This could also be taken to news media in your area. Teachers seem to have a issue lately with doing right by all students. Involve the police authorities and go to the board and let them know your going to out all of them. Most people care about their daughters when it comes to a boy like this. They will hear you.


I would rip her and your son out of that school so fucking fast and show up at the school board office without an appointment and wait until someone can see you. If they refuse, then you tell them you are going to police then and walk out and do just that. Don’t even give them a chance to go back on it. You ask your police department what you can do and they will help you. This is unexcusable and irresponsible on the schools part.

Talk to the principal and guidance counselor also the school board about the teacher!!! Also if I were you I would 100% tell my daughter if she had someone touching her when its not wanted to after she has already made the teacher/adult aware then she has every right to take it into her own actions!!! :woman_shrugging:


If the school is no help, I’d file a police report against the boy, the teachers and the school.


Record it.
Keep all notes, emails, etc he sent her. Docukent every incident and email the school everytime for paper trail.
Find out who his parents are and let them know if it happens again you filing charges.
Then if he does it again file charges

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Does your school have a resource officer? Have them have a chat with this kid or talk to them and have them have a chat with his parents.

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The teacher once sent me a message saying my daughter doesn’t have any friends & it’s her fault because she pushes this boy away.

I seriously doubt this. Follow the chain of command. School principal, school board.

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Oh hell no!!! You are better than me cause I would have already been up to that school & done something about the teachers encouraging that! That is insane!!! You need to talk to the boy’s Parents now!


If the school refuses to help, tell them you’ll call the police the next time anything happens and that the school will be charged along side the boys parents. Either that or send dad/close adult male into the school. And if all else fails confront the child yourself! If this was my daughter I’d be in that school face to face making a huge chaotic scene over it, especially after all you’ve done already. Id go police first and the school board threat watch them crumble!


If the teachers and staff won’t so anything go to the school district/board. If they won’t resolve it contact a lawyer or police.

No means no and the fact that the adults at the school are not respecting her saying No is a huge issue.


Whew you are better than me. When it comes to my kids, I don’t play those type of games. I would’ve went to that school and set it off! Your daughter has a right to defend herself. Put it in her head now that she does NOT have to put up with unwanted advances. Let her know if a MF starts grabbing on her to knock the hell out of him. I mean clean his f**king clock! Maybe instead of saying how cute it is that this boy is sexually harassing your daughter, maybe they should look into why he’s making sexual advances towards a young lady and refusing to back down when she says no. Maybe this boy has been molested. Maybe he is seeing things at home that he shouldn’t. A kick to the :basketball: :basketball: will solve a lot of things. IJS.:woman_shrugging:t4:


First of all I would go to the principal of the school and talk to them and then I would ask for my daughter to be put into a different classroom and if it continued I would ask to talk with the boys parents and it would be solved swiftly … This should be a non-issue at school and should be enforced by the teacher so I would go over her head… Simple

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Call the police. This culture of boys will be boys is disturbing. She is being assualted report it plain and simple.


Involving the police comes to mind! First thing I would have done.


The guy needs to respect her boundaries.

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School district ASAP!!


Document everything with dates and times, good to the principal since the teacher is no help. If he has the same reaction then go to the police. This is unacceptable behavior at any age but especially at this age. Best of luck, and that you for being a parent who follows through and doesn’t take no for an answer


Talk to the principle and the if that doesn’t work go to the police.

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Go over their head to the school board and maybe even get legal affairs involved because it’s
sexual harassment


March tf into the school with a lawyer. Ask what is going to be done about this sexual harassment that they’re allowing to happen. And don’t leave until its resolved.


I’d go straight to the school superintendent. If he/she did nothing, then I would file a police report and find me a news agency that would be interested in running a story - with faces blurred out and no names so as to not embarrass the little girl.

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Definitely files charges against everyone including the teacher!! Thats serial harassment against a child!!! Wtf?! Tell your kids the next time that idiot puts his hands on them, start swinging. I admire the little brother taking up for his big sister.

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You need to go in there and stand your ground. Demand a meeting g with the teacher, principle, the boy, the boys parents, and your daughter. Thus needs to be addressed immediately.

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I would go in the school and do what he is doing to the head teacher then when the head finally told me it was inappropriate I would say I agree now stop that child doing it to my daughter

I would sue the school and get ahold of his parents for sexual harassment


I would also keep the daughter home

First reach out to board of directors for your school district and provide a copy of the message you sent to the teacher. Then tell the directors if this isn’t corrected you will be calling the police and filing charges. Good luck!


School board then make a police report talking to his parents

There’s something going on with this boy at home. Not sure what but that should be looked into as well :disappointed:


Police report definitely don’t let this slide

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Sounds like the boy needs his home life looked into :pleading_face: and I would bring an officer to the school to speak to the principal along with yourself.


Hes learning this from his home


Omg I’d go to the education board and if they still did nothing I’d go to the police. That’s just me though

You should report this matter to the police and the school board and also his parents . these type of behavior has to stop nonsense

The minute she told you this young boy made her uncomfortable you should have been immediately went to the school and talk to the principal


Schoolboard and police and his parents

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Scream rape. Idc where or when. Middle of class and he does it? Scream rape. Lunch room? Rape!! And if the school wants a meeting with you after that, tell them to invite the boys parents as well.

Police report should do the job

This is such an issue in schools. The adults don’t want to admit it to themselves that sexual harassment and sexual assault can happen so young, so they brush it under the table.
Keep a record of your talks with the school. If they’re not taking you seriously, you should report it to the police. They are enabling this behavior. Not only are they putting your daughter in a bad situation, this little boy is likely going through some things if he’s acting this way, and they are ignoring a pretty OBVIOUS sign that something is wrong at home there.
Them egging it on by acting like it’s ok would be enough for me to take legal action.


Go to the school board

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Omg straight to the school and raise all the hell there is to raise!!! Period!!!

My daughter had issues with a boy at school. After nothing was being done. I went to the school one morning, and told the boy “please leave my daughter alone, if you don’t stop next time a police officer will be speaking with your parents.” The boy stopped after that.


It started with the children, but its now escalated past that point and past the point allowing your kids to handle it. Time for you to stand up and speak up on your childrens behalf. This isn’t a fight for them to fight. This is the time for parents to protect the kids, from other children and apparently adults that should be ashamed( teachers, others at the school)


School board, superintendent, police!


You need to immediately go to the principal or the super if the principal doesn’t take it seriously. That is 100% UNACCEPTABLE and they all deserve reprimands and punishments and that boy maybe more so.


Try the Principal first, then the school board, and if you need to the police

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Call the board or police if this doesn’t stop


Go pro body cam hanging around her neck and police involvement is the cure for that


It’s sexual harassment! I would go to the principal first if they don’t do anything I would go to the local news, newspaper and police.


Go above the teacher. Principal, superintendent, the board, the police. She needs to know you will protect her


Police, a lawyer and the schoolboard. You are doing everything right mama! He needs to have his eyes opened and if that involves a sit down with you, his parents, the principal and a cop, then you push for it to happen! He is being taught that being a predator is alright, (I don’t care if he is 9, if this was a 19 year old it would be considered predatory). Her body, her voice, her feelings, all matter more than a stupid crush that’s being taken too far. As a mom of both a girl and a boy, I definitely think it’s time to take it the next step up. School board and police (a lawyer would help for sure by scaring the school but I get that it’s expensive). Don’t stop either! You are her biggest advocate and this is going to be a huge core memory. She will always know she can come to you and you won’t stop until things are right :purple_heart:


I would be at the school. You are their voice, do not let the school encourage this type of behavior. Be her voice, demand the school to do something. Tell the principal that the teacher has done nothing. If the principal refuses to do anything let them know that you’re going to the superintendent and the board. Demand to know who the boys parents are and let the principal know you will be going to file a report with DCFS, the police and the media to let them all know what kind of anti-bullying policy they have and what the school is doing to teach the boys there what is acceptable and what’s not acceptable. The school not doing anything is letting this 9 year old know that he can get away with it AND setting other girls up to be assaulted and harassed like this in the future. They should not only being teaching him what is okay and what’s not, they should also be investigating why he thinks it’s okay and where this type of behavior is being taught. This is 100% sexual harassment, if this boy isn’t taught that this isn’t okay now, who knows what could happen later on when they are older.

Good luck Momma! :pleading_face:


Have your daughter write all down each day date time . Set up a meeting right away with the superintendent and who Evers above . This is sexual assault and abusive behavior of this boy ! And report this to police and have charges . Before the boy does something crazy as we hear about on news all the time these day. The teachers need fired and charged also. This boy sounds very dangerous!

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Call police make a report. Call lawyer. Sue! The school would now be paying for my daughter’s private school!


The next time he touches her in any unwanted way, file a police report and let them show up at the school. Also, tell your daughter to scream at him. Make a scene. Embarrassing the kid MIGHT help, but definitely go to the police. I know they are only 9, but if this kid isn’t stopped now, who knows what he’ll do when he gets older.


File a police report. It’s sexual harassment and the school is refusing to act. That should get their attention.

You are absolutely right. She doesn’t have to put up with it. My daughter is in 5th and had a similar situation. The school handled that so quick that poor kid didn’t get a chance to see it coming. The offending child has a serious home life issue, but the school made no excuse for the boy and his inappropriate behavior. His parent may not care but the school sure did.


Tell her to scream “NO MEANS NO” in his face. That’ll get everyone’s attention


Why are u waiting to go above this stupid teacher…I would have been to school and got right in her face to stop this now.then go to the principal…if he does nothing go to the police if he gets away with this now what will happen when he is older.???time to put a stop now…


If he’s touching her in anyway you can have him arrested. Seriously. Call the police, the school board, the principal. Go to the school. Demend it stops. If they don’t want to listen call the police.


No offense to any teachers but some of them really do suck. It’s not cute and it definitely isn’t okay if she is uncomfortable!! Especially in elementary school! Go to the principal and show them where you tried to inform the teacher and nothing was done then if nothing changes you go to the police. You make it known to that boy that it is not okay to continue doing something after a girl tells him no!

You could also find out the parents of the boy and have a conversation with them and if they don’t do anything then I’d talk to an officer :woman_shrugging:t2:

Go way over her head. Make noise and do not stop. Call police, reporters, make posts. Don’t stop advocating for her. This is disgusting.
As for what she should do. I’d personally tell my daughter that if someone advances on her after she’s clearly denied consent, she has every right to use force. And use it hard.

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I would personally call the police and make a police report

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Go to the principal if he/she don’t do anything get the police involved. Or find out who his parents are and have a chat with them.


I would call the school and ask why they failed at mandatory reporting . This isn’t normal behavior for a 4th grader and he might be being groomed or worse . It might not … but this boy needs intervention today.


Go to the principal, he’ll/she’ll take Care of it and if she says no or doesn’t then ask for the next higher up person.

Last resort… If no one helps them go to the news about it. Once it leaks out that 1 or more children(s) is being bullied and no level of authority is doing nothing about it and nor is the parents of the bullier. It gets out you’ll have a bunch of parents coming in or calling in to demand results. Hope this helps.


Others have said file a police report. Excellent advice.

Go to the school speak to the principal demand something be done or you file idk threaten harassment charges or take it to the school board superintendent something. If you have to contact the police see what can be done ask for his parents information talk to them about it. It’s not ok and you don’t want your daughter thinking it is ok and Thai boy is like this at 9 I can’t imagine what he will he like as a teenager with raging hormones or an adult. Those types become rapists and can’t take no for an answer. He has to he learning that from somewhere.


Call the Principal! If you don’t get anywhere, call the school district, TV News, and the police!