There is a boy being pushy with my daughter at school: What do I do?

Why haven’t u bn to the school? Why r u having your younger son do your job? It’s time for u to go to the school like yesterday!!!


If none of the above works, call the TV stations. Pull them out of school if that’s what it takes to keep them safe.

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Start with principal, than school district, than inclusion bc. Because they are under ten it’s considered “exploration” so nothing the cops can do yet. Have you tried talking to the other kids parents?


Can you talk to his mother? Maybe she doesn’t know it’s going on.

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Sit with ur child in the classroom and observe what is happening


Find out who this little boys momma is & talk to her.


You’re her advocate… don’t stop until the teachers and other staff do something to keep the little creep away from her! Go to principal and admin, go to the news, walk up in the school… you do whatever you have to for her


File a police report, and start blasting the teachers, the principal and the school all over social media. Find out the kids name and find out the parents and inform them, if they don’t get their kid under control you will take legal action. It’s well past talking to anyone, you need to take action and light a fire under their asses.

This goes beyond your daughter’s control you have taught her well. It’s time you take more serious action with the school no child should feel uncomfortable at school. Even if it means going to the principal or even the board of trustees


Umm… I’d call CYS, that boy might’ve been touched inappropriately himself. And def call administration, the counselor, & the principal… bring a lawyer with u if u have to. Kiley Ann this is almost like ur daughter’s situation :pensive: wtf is wrong with these teachers/schools?! :rage: If all else fails, let ur son beat his ass :woman_shrugging: Then call the news station & anyone else to expose them.

You need to go to the principal, and ask for a meeting with the superintendent and the teacher!


Exactly why I’m homeschooling my children. You can’t even trust the teachers or school system to protect your kids. Its sad and honestly it seems like he needs a good🍑 whooping! So he gets the foking point! That’s sexual harassment and bullying and now both your kids are involved because of that ignorant kids behavior. I’m sorry y’all have to go through this. If that doesn’t help… I’d move them to a new school and tell the new school the situation y’all were having so hopefully it won’t happen again.

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I know a guy from New Jersey who can take care of this quietly.


Go to the principal head of the school district like one person the media get it out there to pressure the school try talking to the boys parents if none of that works I do say cops maybe they can explain to the parents and boy if they can’t do anything or won’t then at that point tell her get the heaviest thing she can and wallop him as hard as possible but as a very last resort


Notify the principal in writing that if the sexual harrisment by this boy and the incouragement of the staff doesn’t stop legal action will be taken and your daughter has been given permission to defend herself with justified force which she is legally permitted to do.


Get the cops involved because he is a bully go above the school get the boys parents involved


Contact parents, administrators, and district, use terms such as harassment. You can also bring in the authorities, because this is harassment.
I would let your children know that they have your permission to protect themselves from this unwanted attention anyway they need to once they exhausted other attempts, such as the request to stop.

Look up the laws:
Physical sexual harassment often includes touching that makes an employee feel uncomfortable.

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Sounds like you’re not being heard. Bring it up in person over and over and over. Empower her and show her the roar of a woman. I would consider a new school


No no no. I couldn’t read this past “he has a crush on her.” This is unacceptable behaviour and it’s disgusting that that’s being used to enable and excuse the bullying. Next time she’s bothered, she gives a warning and then rightfully clocks him. If the behaviour continues, the cops are involved for harassment, which means the teachers are getting spoken to as well. I don’t care how old they are. Settling something like this “peacefully” only teaches the boy it’s okay to keep doing it and ultimately, this IS harassment. Let’s just call it what it is


Time to meet the parents.


Tech ur kids especially ur daughter beat him up he won’t take no 4 a answer he is Sexually assaulting her technology as its Sexual abuse nd Sexual harassment does not happen just because there 9 this is the age were kids should be learning NO MEANS NO hell my 21month old has learnt that my thing is he shouldn’t be doing it nd not making excuses but has to be taught from somewere wat is happening at home for hom to think its ok to do this go to cops

Tell her to point the kid out and go and tell him next time he touches either or them you’ll break his fingers :woman_shrugging:


I’d go to the school. Cause a SCENE!! Make the school call this little boy’s parents. And if they still think they’re gonna do nothing I’d threaten to press charges on the school for harassment.


Meet with principal ASAP completely unexceptable. Id drag his parents in too. You need to advocate for your kids come hell or high water or this could affect every relationship she ever has. Id also put her in kickboxing karate or something. Your son too. So they never feel physically threatened in a situation.


I taught my daughter not to take anything of a male, from the time she was little, she had my permission to sock them and over the years it happened quite a few times, she is 19 now and still doesn’t take anything of of them. It was the best thing I ever did.


I’d let the school know if they don’t start taking it seriously that you will be escalating it to filing a police report and lawyering up.
Your daughter is being sexually harassed and assaulted.


Time for a conference. Your family, the boys family, teachers & principal. At School. You must stand FIRM !!! You are sending the right message to your daughter. 1. The bullying will stop. NOW. 2. Maybe a change in classroom?? Don’t hesitate to talk to a lawyer.


In the case that you just said you’re supposed to report the boy to the teacher and the principal and from there the principal is supposed to motion to expel him from school.

Talk to the principal. If you still don’t feel heard- talk to the superintendent! If no help there, tell them you’ll go to local channel that will do a story on what’s going on. Bullying, sexual harassment etc. Please don’t expect your children to handle this. I’ve been through something similar - when my daughter was a junior in high school. I was at that school at least twice a week. Talking to a vice principal who I finally figured out, had no intention of doing anything. I went to the principal and raised 9 kinds of HELL!! Told him of my plans- he nipped it all in the Bud- THAT SAME DAY!! My daughter was ready to harm herself over it. She lost so much weight, went from good grades to failing . Please, please- don’t wait. These teachers sound like utter morons!! I pray you get this handled.


You need to speak to the principal. This is far beyond unwanted attention, this is sexual harassment and assault. Age does not excuse this type of behavior and you have to put a stop to it, now. You need to put your daughter into self defense classes and you need to raise hell at the school. Do not back down. Do not let them rug sweep. This kid is being inappropriate with your daughter and if it continues you need to get a lawyer and press charges.


Go to the principal… if they don’t take care of it! Go to the school board!! Teach your daughter as your don’t, the right thing! Slap the shit out of him if he touches her and then file charges on him. Have you talked to the boys parents? Stand your ground!!!

I will also add- My Daughter doesn’t take crap off of anyone after that happened. She stands up for the underdog. She is one tough cookie!! And I’m so proud of her!!


This is exactly why the line needs to be drawn!!! Screw everything and everyone, your duty is to your daughter! All the stuff they push into classrooms and education nowadays is exactly why they are letting this happen. BE HER VOICE WHEN SHE CANNOT!

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If the teachers aren’t taking you seriously, talk to the principal. If the principal doesn’t take you seriously, talk to the police resource officer at the school. If the school doesn’t have a resource officer, talk to your local police dept. Height only be 9, but that type of behavior needs to get put in check quick.

No means no, at any age, and the aggressor needs to know there are consequences.


It’s unacceptable. Go to the school and demand to speak to this boy’s parents and the school. This boy is harrasing her. The only person who needs to be taught here is that boy. That no means no. I would honestly withdraw my kids from that school because this type of bullying can cause them both anxiety. School is no longer a safe space for your daughter


Report to board of education


Take it to the parents. That boy is learning that from somewhere. Tell them if they don’t curb his nasty behavior next time he touches your daughter you will press charges. How would those teachers like it if a grown man came and did that to them??? Disgusting


Ummm why have you not escalated this to the school district?!!! This is harassment. Fuck those teachers and their invalid opinions! This is your child and you protect her at all costs! Go as high as you need to go. Call the media if they ignore you. Do whatever you need to do ti make sure she’s comfortable and feels SAFE getting an education.

I personally would reach out to the principal, if not the school board. And even the boys parents. That is unacceptable. I would even get the police involved. He’s got to learn somehow. And you need to protect your daughter by all means.


So start mentioning to the school that a lawyer talked to you about sexual harassment charges and lawsuits. They will take action quick.


Does she have a bigger brother? Let him take care of it… shit will stop real fast!!! Lol

Definitely go to the principal and get police involved


Wait til his mom picks him up and have some words with her. Otherwise, get your daughter into some self defense classes to protect herself and raise her confidence


I’d be telling that kid all about himself, if he wants to be a bully I’d show him one. If the boy ran and told his parents I’d face them too. Buuuut I’m that kind of mama bear. I’d make that kids life a living hell and if that didn’t work I’d be calling the cops and having him charged, 9 years old or not the police would most likely gladly put the fear into him of facing jail time.


Go up the chain of command. If the teachers think it’s cute, but your daughter is uncomfortable that is all you need to know. She is the boss of her body and no one can touch her anywhere or at anytime. Next step is the principal then superintendent. If that fails go to a board meeting and say you are trying to protect your child and no one is paying attention. Demand that stops. Worse case scenario you contact the newspaper in your town and lay it all out. Heads will roll then.


Bypass the school straight too the education department head boss


That teacher needs to be fired


I’d be filing a complaint with the district. This is absolutely absurd. I would be fuming and in that office and recording everything.


Put in a complaint to the head copying in the governors and have a meeting with teachers to say they need to help stop it. It’s inappropriate behaviour on his part, he’s 9. He knows what’s right and wrong here and is choosing to target and intimidate your dd. NOTHING is her fault!!! I can’t believe they said that!!! Take her out until they agree a plan and if they don’t seem particularly helpful then I’d consider moving them. Have you thought of speaking to his mum? Have a chat to let her know what he’s doing and how uncomfortable it’s making your childrens lives as it’s upsetting. Yes he will deny it but she only has to ask others what they see him saying and doing


Report all incidents. Then file report with police for harassment and demand the school keep him away from your daughter. Put her in counseling. Also you could call cps and tell them you wonder about the kid’s home life as he is 9 trying to manipulate your daughter and referring to sex and things. Find out what influences he has going on at home.

She’s 9 and is already being sexually harassed and laughed at for it. Stand up for your daughter NOW. Get the police involved. If nothing changes, change schools.


Sorry only way to help her and your son is to teach them how to protect themselves with self-defense. Absolutely no one should ever touch your kids. Homeschool if you can sounds like school is grooming this type of behavior.

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There’s nothing cute about this. He is sexually harassing and sexually assaulting your daughter. Go to law enforcement right way. Get a lawyer. To be honest if it was me and my child in this situation I would tell her to do whatever she needs to do even if that is hitting them etc.

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Go to the board education. If nothing is done, send them to another school. Maybe find out the boys parents and go talk to them about it. If not, you can always go to the cops. Not that anything will be done since he’s 9. But maybe the cops can talk to his parents. Hell, call CPS. Clearly something is going on if he thinks that’s ok


I would of told my daughter to hit him and also be looking for his parents and i would be blasting the situation and schools comments online see if the other parents with daughters would find it so cute. But if my daughter was to scared to fight back she wouldn’t be going to school not when he’s escalating and no one will help her.

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I would contact the authorities on this, the kids behavior is too mature for his age so he’s seeing it somewhere else and may be a victim himself. If the school is gaslighting you on this which it sounds like they are, I would not waste anymore breath with them and go straight to the authorities and retain an attorney if the school tries to retaliate against your children. This has to be taken seriously because bullied kids are killing themselves and no kid should have to endure bullying while the adults laugh it off. Also, it might help to put your daughter into some self defense classes like karate so she can protect herself especially if she ever gets cornered and there are no adults around.


Tell your kids to Bea…t the devil out of him. Since the school thinks it’s cute report them to

Id take it further as if this boy is a pest now at 9 years old and no one sees it as odd then imagine as he grows, its a possibility he may up the abuse


Tell your kid to stand up for herself! Even if it means she has to punt him because clearly no one has taught him about consent!


Amanda Alyssa Hawkins shawnee would’ve knocked his ass square out

You need to get the law involved, these schools are useless. It’s a girl who was murdered in my town because she wanted to break up with a creepy guy at her school. It’s so bad out here I have been searching hard for girls only schools but they are so few.


I would be very loud entering that school. Make it clear since they have done nothing to protect your daughter the police are now on their way. Tell them to call in the boys parents and don’t leave until it’s done. Get loud mama!!! that’s your daughter. Who is being sexually and emotionally harassed!!


I would honestly go to the principal and the guidance department at the school about this.
Make it clear that if something is not done about this, you will be telling anyone with ears about their lack of help when it came to harassment of your child. Their student.


tell her. To knock him the fuck out.

I’m just kidding, call the teachers & let them know there’s a boy acting out of hand.

I would be calling the school board and putting in a Complaint, I would also go to the school speak to the principal and tell them that if they don’t do their job and keep her save at school you will get the police involved! Watch how fast they do something then! This is very wrong, and I’m so disgusted in that’s school. Wow!


I would give them permission to defend themselves in this situation. Honestly, it may take her popping him one for him to stop.

Children need their parents to be WARRIORS!! And this is a battle you HAVE TO FIGHT!! You should have raised hell along time ago SMH


You step in as her mother and raise all HE\! My mother would’ve flipped her lid. Some day I would flip my lid. If you’re not getting anywhere with the school, find the boys mother online, and ask her to give you a phone call. When she does clearly express to her what he’s doing and inform her that if it continues you’ll be pressing charges for harassment and will be pursuing a restraining order.

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It’s very strange for a 9 year old to act that way. Way too mature for that age, especially the sex comment. I wouldn’t doubt he is a victim himself. That does not excuse his behaviour though. I would march into that school and give those teachers an earful. I would also call the school board and the authorities while i was there as well. I’d demand to sit in the classroom with my child all day until they do something about this boys harassment and bullying.

Go above the school to the board & if nothings done call the cops & talk to the press. Make sure the school gets how serious this is

Try talking to the teacher again. However this time request the principal AND the school counselor to be there as well. If they don’t respond contact the Superintendent.


Demand the school move him to a different class. Or call a lawyer

Go to the board, and if that doesnt work, bring as much attention to it as possible: write your local paper, call the news, hell, call the cops and threaten with harassment. I know it sounds extreme and a lot for 9 year olds, but no one is listening, so make them. Ive been on this side of things and it can, and probably will get worse. Im not trying to scare you but it boils my blood that even the teachers are blaming her and claiming it’s “cute”. Not cute, dangerous


This type of behavior at such a young age is a sign of what’s to come for this boy. Your daughter does not have to put up with him and his abusive ways. Go up the chain of command, Principal, School Counselor, etc. Don’t let this go, keep being your daughter’s advocate.


If the boy is forcibly touching your daughter and the school is not doing a damn thing, you call the authorities IMMEDIATELY. Unwanted touching and not listening to her NO is assault. I don’t care if you’re 9 or 90. That boy needs to be taught a lesson before his behaviour escalates even farther. He may even be seeing such things somewhere in his own life and he’s repeating them which is of even more concern

Id call the police if that boy is touching your 9 years old child it’s an issue.


Wel I guess it’s time to have the “my daughter is allowed to fight at school “ talk.

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I would be insisting on a meeting at the school with the teacher and the boys parents. If that still didn’t lead to this mess being taken seriously i would go straight to the school board and then to local law enforcement if they allow him anywhere near her. This is straight up abuse and harassment at this point and it’s disgusting the teachers aren’t taking this more seriously.


Write a letter. Words on paper have more power. Write the principal and cc the school district. Start it by saying This is notice that this is happening. Mention the advances and that the teacher is not handling the situation.

If you’re close to Bradford check out Paradigm Martial Arts, they’ll teach your children how to actually deal with bullies and help them (and you) come up with actionable solutions for these situations. And by actionable no I don’t mean physical hands on however if someone puts their hands on you they will help empower your child to understand that they have the right and responsibility to defend themselves. The school board and teachers won’t do anything they’re not trained to actually deal with these situations

Your daughter has done everything right.

She has verbally said no. She has pushed him away. She has removed herself from the situation. She has notified her teacher and her parents.

Now, it’s time to get physical. It doesn’t matter if the other party is 9 , 19 or 30. This kid isn’t respecting her boundaries and school staff isn’t doing anything about it. Of course this will mean repercussions at school, so expect that.

I would tell her to get louder when saying no. So loud the whole class hears her. When this boy doesn’t back off, it’s time to physically push him off.

As for you, I would try to contact the kids parents. They may have no clue he’s behaving this way. Then again, they might. Next step would be the BOE and then the local police.

The next time it happens, call the police. Your children have a right to a safe learning environment, which the school is blatantly failing to provide. Any unwanted physical contact can be considered assault. It’s evident, at this point, they’re not going to take you seriously unless you take drastic measures. Nobody will ever protect your children like you will. Time to get those claws out, Mama Bear❤️

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Go straight to school board.And have a meeting that’s abuse get the boys parents involved .Don’t stop until you get results .If school board don’t do anything see an Attorney . That’s total crap


You go to the school and you raise hell. Get the boys parents involved, everyone. Don’t stop fighting until the issue is resolved.


This moment right here is when kids learn boundaries, your daughter should be learning that it’s ok to have them and ppl should respect them, this boy should be learning other ppl have boundaries and how he should respect them. Go to the school, get a meeting with the other parents, teachers, etc etc and explain how your daughter is feeling.

This child is sexually harassing your daughter at 9 ,and the school is condoning it!Go above the school’s head to county or state level,the fact that a 9 year old behaves this way makes me wonder what his home life is like!


Well you talked to teacher nothing. Go and schedule a appointment with childs parents. Record meeting with parents. If that doesn’t work call the police with recording. If nothing done pull your kids out of that school it’s not a place you would want them where they push things under the rug. This can turn bad do something now don’t wait until it’s too late. Just remember school is not like when we was kid’s it’s a hundred time worse.

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Have you gone to the principal?
Bypass the teachers and principal and go to the superintendent of your school district.

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Next time he touches her tell her to smack him HARD to make it clear and go directly to the principal/superintendent

Few options here 1) call the police and press charges for sexyal assault. 2) tell your daughter to punch him in the face 3) whatever that boy is doing to your little girl do it to the teacher and see if she likes it and thinks it cute.

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If the teacher is ignoring what you’ve told her go to the principal, if that doesn’t work go to the school board and if that doesn’t work go to the local news.

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I think you are teaching your daughter what to do. You’re frustrated because everything you’re trying isn’t working so that’s the issue. I’m frustrated for you and your kids. I’m not sure of the chain to go through at school. Clearly the teacher isn’t helping. Maybe the school board? Hitting or punching is only going to backfire and your kids will be in trouble.

If youve already tried the principal next would be the school board or superintendent. Make a fuss, go to the local news if u need to. School will fix their crap quick to avoid bad publicity, especially with this type of situation


Go to the school district. Tell them your female child is being sexually harassed by another male classmate. The school was of no help.


U gotta put sum fear into that bully…wheres ur daughters dad?


Tell the teachers your going to speak to a lawyer. This all sounds like DANGER :no_entry:. That boy not right in his head


Go to the principal if that doesn’t work the superintendent and if thay doesn’t work the board of education. These are the steps I’ve taken from the incident my daughter went through in the beginning of the school year.


Go over teachers head to principal and administration also police is option if you get no where


Principal then school board!

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If the school isn’t willing to help you and stand up for your daughter, then you need to contact your local police department. No female, especially that young of age, should be getting harassed yet alone sexually harassed. His parents need to be questioned and figure out where this boy is learning this from.