My husband is acting weird, what is going on?

Have a quacks like a duck and walks like a duck he is a duck trust your gut

Hope things get better, keep your head up! If he loves you he will do whats best for you.

Listen to your ā€œNot Thisā€ moments.

Nope, heā€™s as guilty as sin itselfā€¦

Something isnā€™t right hun

Sounds like he is either cheating or hiding something.
I hope that isnā€™t the case though.

Tape a small recorder like college kids have, under the passenger seat, or go on spy ware they have all type of gadgets. Get proof donā€™t reck your brain wondering! I hope youā€™re prepared for what you may find out!

Iā€™m married and we both have separate accounts neither one of us has each others password.

Listen to your gut. Ask him directly when he gets home, face to face. Donā€™t do it over the phone, or while heā€™s away.

TALK TO HIM. He knows whatā€™s going on not these ladyā€™s that want to fill your head with garbage of cheating. Ugh. Talk to your damn partners. Bitter ass women.

Itā€™s time to do some detective work. A little road trip.

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Go with your gut !! Donā€™t ignore the signs

Trust the gut. If you think heā€™s effin around- he prob is.

Something I
Isnā€™t right & I think you already know

Well you can always do some research. My ex never admitted the truth even when faced with facts. How far out of town? PM me Iā€™ll help you

Nope. You have it right

Always trust your gut. Always.

his messing around, or ordering porn.

Is your name on the account?

Do a surprise visitā€¦see for urself if things are fishy

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Get your name on ASSETS. Take your name off DEBTS. ASAP Stock pile cash and open your own account.

Trust your instincts!


I used to be with someone who works out of town and he was a man whore he wouldnā€™t say weā€™re he was working at and I called him one time and they was a female in his room now Iā€™m married to someone else who also works out of town this one Iā€™m married to I trust him all the way heā€™s not a man whore hope everything works out

I think you already know

Something ainā€™t right!!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband is acting weird, what is going on? - Mamas Uncut

Having worked jobs out of state, shit gets stressful. You change, when you work away from home. Sometimes drastically.

I still donā€™t know my bank login. Good luck on that one!

Been with my wife nearly 20 years, sometimes, itā€™s really nothing, and youā€™re overreacting. We all do it. Rather than going spastic, try having a grown up conversation about it. Jumping to conclusions is childish and only does more harm than good.


I have my husbands log in information to everything. I am aloud on his phone. Iā€™m aloud to ask questions. Weā€™ve had issues in the past but since having our son I play NO games and he is well aware that if anything is too happen Iā€™m packing and Iā€™m done for good. Iā€™ve made it very very clear.

I truly think he has something to hide. Wether he is physically sleeping with someone or not. Something is up and he needs to grow up and be a man and just straight up tell you the truth.


Heā€™s hiding something sounds likeā€¦


If something doesnā€™t feel right is usually isnā€™t!!


Devils advocate hereā€¦ maybe he is planning a surprise for you? Maybe he was in a store buying something for you and thatā€™s why he hurried off the phone and didnā€™t want you to see his account to know he purchased something there? Iā€™d do more digging and find hard proof before throwing out any accusations.


If you feel it, itā€™s happening donā€™t lie to yourself. Sorry


He is the one who was over reacting!


My husband has joint accts w me and gave me all his acct stuff n passwords n can grab his phone anytime (without me asking) n I give him the same. We share a fb as well not for trust issues but just bc were not really social media people just have it for family. We also donā€™t have to ask or question what money we spend anything either of us gets is ours and we trust each other to be responsible and put priority stuff first.


Show at his motel room n surprise him in the middle of the night


Definitely Something Going On. Been There Done That


Him working out of town has to be stressful for the both of youā€¦ My best advice to you is to talk to your husband. Literally, voice your concerns to him so you guys can figure things outā€¦ ā€œLately, Iā€™ve been feeling like ā€œxā€ because of ā€œyā€ā€¦ā€. Goodluck!

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Girl, listen to your gut. I believe that if you keep digging, you will find the information you need.
Technicallyā€¦. If you are married, that account is half yours. Iā€™d drive myself to a bank branch and ask for a printout of bank statements for that account for the duration of his out of town job.
How far out of town? If it were me, Iā€™d probably hop in the car, go for a little drive, and conveniently end up at his hotelā€¦. Unannounced. Tell the front desk that itā€™s your husband and youā€™d love to surprise him. Sometimes theyā€™ll just give you a key :woman_shrugging:t3: time to turn on your sleuthing skillsā€¦.
Honestly there are enough women here that Iā€™m sure there is someone in that city. If you tell me itā€™s Nashville or middle TN, Iā€™ll tail him for you!!


Why his bank info? I guess that was never a big deal to me. Heā€™s got his I got mineā€¦ Hell jus show up at his hotel or where heā€™s staying and be like hello :wave: see whatā€™s up.


Heā€™s being shady. Trust your instincts!


Always go with your gut instinct. My mom always tells me about anything in life to go off my instincts because itā€™s always right! BUT if thereā€™s been any kind of trust issues of some sort in the past and you have that feeling (everyone has had it) then definitely go with it!


GO WITH YOUR GUT!!! My hubby had never given me a reason to not trust him. But 1 bachelor trip to nashville & I was uneasy. Within 48 hours all was revealed on what they had done & participated in & I was right about it all!!!

Nope! Girl time to pull up on his ass

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This why ill never marryā€¦you just cant trust them.Yes more than once fooled around on & the SOBs always found a way to use MY money on their fling.Thats what happens when you trust.

Sorry thatā€™s a horrible feeling . I hope find out whatā€™s going on so you can put your mind to rest .

No. You not. Iā€™m not saying he is cheating, but trust your gut and do some investigating.

Intuition is our God given superpower. Gaslighters will use it against you and try to make you feel crazy. Donā€™t let them. Always trust your gut.

He may be doing something behind your backā€¦ I would say youā€™re not over reacting at all. Something seems off by the way heā€™s acting.


I donā€™t think you jump to the conclusion of cheating, if he was I donā€™t think he would FaceTime you when he knows what time sheā€™s coming. He may think you are cheating especially if you never asked him for his account number and password. Bottom line is you have to trust him and if something is going on it will show up with out you looking for it.

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The one thing thatā€™s scares a man is a womanā€™s intuition. Always trust it. Donā€™t give in either. He is innocent until proven guilty, but also guilty until proven innocent.


Why do you need his bank info? If you have never asked for it before I can understand why he got crappy about it. And I can never remember my password to anything, Iā€™m constantly having to change them and recover them because I forget. So thatā€™s not really surprising. Especially if he has them automatically saved on his devices so that he doesnt have to enter them. I think you just miss him and are insecure that hes not with you at all times anymore. Have an in person discussion before jumping to conclusions. This is only going to create a rift in your relationship that you cant fix when there may very well not even be an issue.

But Iā€™ve had past relationships that were really crappy. My gut would be telling me somethings up. He shouldnā€™t have an issue giving you acct access its not like youā€™re pulling out money. N if he has issues giving you the password worried you could ask him for a screen shot of full bank statement :woman_shrugging: youā€™re married tho there shouldnā€™t be any issues w you having access to that stuff or worry about money. . . Also if you have your name on phone acct you can go and look at phone records for calling and texting which will have dates times and duration of calls.

I canā€™t remember my login either, I log in by biometrics so when I have to type it I always wind up resetting my password, after they send me my username.

Nope not over reacting; hes got the messing around red flag a flying.

Def hiding something trust your gut

Intuition is one hell of a thing. But saying something to him will only instigate. Start doing to him What he does to you. See how he reacts.


Girl heā€™s cheating on you! Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening!!

If it walks like a duck

He got caught cheating by sounds of it

If you have to ask US,
Youā€™ve already found your answer. Sorry. good luck
and donā€™t waste your time.

No heā€™s probably cheating

Womenā€™s intuition is :100: % right

Nope youā€™re thinking exactly along the lines you should be. If something feels off, nine times outta ten, it is.


Stop acting like a child. Try a different approach. Not answering after he calls back? Come on stop playing games. Ask him why heā€™s rushing off the phoneā€¦go with your gut but stop acting like your 13

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Youā€™re marriedā€¦and dont have access to his bankā€¦
Houston we have a problem.


he was scared his girlfriend comes out of the other room

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All I gotta say is trust your gut. Men donā€™t start acting different for no reason :upside_down_face:

Praying for you guys

Heā€™s doing something

definitely sounds suspish

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Omg. Because he is probably tired and doesnā€™t want to talk in the phone 10 times a day so he rushes off heā€™s cheating. Heā€™s out of town co workers may be waiting for to go to dinner to to do something fun. Give him a break. My hubs works 19 hours a day. We never talk on the phone. We use messenger. I donā€™t need to talk to him all day. I think you are probably paranoid because heā€™s out of site and you are board. Relax.


Go with your first instinct :heavy_heart_exclamation:. Keep digging u will get your answersā€‹:pensive:. Best wishes on this one


Being married both of you should have any and all accounts, passwords whatever. When they start acting different pay attention. I had a gut feeling about my husband for at least six months and always thought nah he wouldnā€™t do my like that after 26yrs of marriage. But, one day we were in the ER with him and he went for a test and his phone kept going off. I go to check it. Found a conversation about he would see her later and explain what was going on. Well after seeing that I opened up all his text messagesā€¦3 different conversations and one was a freaking dude!! Turns out heā€™s bisexual. I have no problem with and sexual orientation but I didnā€™t sign up to be married in this situation. Iā€™d definitely go with your gut. Needless to say Iā€™m filing for divorce now.


Your gut is almost always right. Iā€™m sorry girl. But yeah I see a few red flags.


Oh my gosh, I cant believe most people are saying trust your gut and or hes cheating. Thatā€™s what this world has come to these days? You shouldnt be with him or anyone if you cant trust him anyways. He could be planning a surprise or something, you dont know whatā€™s going on. Personally when Iā€™m in a relationship, they never get my passwords to anything, whether they are my husband or not and not because Iā€™m hiding anything but because theyā€™re mine. Thatā€™s why theyre called mine, itā€™s not called ours and same goes for his passwords but Iā€™m not a jealous person so maybe Iā€™m just different, idk.

Listen to your gut and donā€™t ignore the red flags and behavior changes. Have an open and honest conversation with him about how youā€™re feeling when he does these things.


Always trust you gut!

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Trust your intuition.

Youā€™re not wrong for thinking heā€™s messing around. Youā€™re not wrong for being suspicious. Keep digging and/or confront him about it all. Hell if it were me Iā€™d take a road trip and make a surprise visit.


Trust your gut it doesnā€™t lie!


If itā€™s been happening from last few days then itā€™s definitely a red flag.

Always listen to your intuition. We always know the truth, I think youā€™re just trying to validate it.


Ask himā€¦People are funny about giving their bank info especially since you all donā€™t share an account.

First of allā€¦slow down. Take a deep breath. Now, you made a commitment to eachother, whether you like it or not, heā€™s the person you chose to marry, which means you obviously trusted him enough at some point and believed he was a good enough man-so much so that you agreed to spend your life with him. So keep that in mind. I am a firm believer in LISTENING to your intuition, but that doesnā€™t mean to RELY on intuition solely. Feelings are fickle things, they can mislead us because they can easily be filtered- due to hormones, past relationship trauma, medications, etc. So while itā€™s always good to consider your feelings and intuition, you also need to make sure itā€™s supported with the cold hard facts, behavior patterns of your partner, evidence you have found, etc. Unfortunately at this point it doesnā€™t sound like you have any evidence or many facts. So hereā€™s where I would start.
Get a sheet of paper. Write down the signs he is showing that are making you feel uneasy. List them out, be honest even if you feel that it looks ridiculous or paranoid on paper.
Then, pick the RIGHT time. Timing and delivery can be everything! Not when he is coming off of a long shift, not when either of you are tired or emotional, pick a time where everyone is in a good mood. Present this paper to him calmly! If you want your partner to open up to you, you have to make sure you are approachable. Be someone that he is allowed to be honest with. This can be hard when we are scared or hurt, but I promise itā€™s worth it in the long run. On the back of the paper, list your requests. Again, notice I said requests NOT demands! Have him read this over in his own time, alone. And Invite him to do the same if he has any issues with you. After he has had time to read it, make a set time to talk about it. Communicate about whether or not he agrees with your requests. Put stars next to the request that are a must for you. Stick to your guns about these ones! That being said, make sure they are coming from a place of love, not control. These arenā€™t meant to be rules! Then, if he agrees give it a few weeks. See if you notice him putting in the effort to make these changes. This doesnā€™t mean the problems are solved yet, just that you notice him TRYING. If he doesnā€™t, well then thatā€™s another conversation. But we can cross that bridge when or if we get to it. But this is a major life altering decision. Donā€™t be rash. Make a healthy, educated, informed decision. :ok_hand:good luck love.


Heā€™s doing something.

Always trust your gut

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Communicate with him and see how he reacts. Sudden change in behavior usually means somethings up. Doesnā€™t necessarily mean heā€™s cheating but doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t. Trust your gut if you feel something is off but before accusing try talking and looking into things more.

He could just be planning a surprise and if you look at his bank details the surprise would be ruined, is your anniversary coming up or perhaps your birthday? Donā€™t always jump to conclusions and definitely donā€™t listen to people online who automatically assume the worst in everything.


Iā€™d be mad AF you started asking for my bank info.yiu didnā€™t need it when he was home why you want it now is a perfectly good question because after 13 years with my ol man heā€™s never asked me for mine and Iā€™ve never asked for his.its obvious your intentions are snooping and not finances after 8 years.


ā€œout of state jobā€ :wink:


I agree somethingā€™s up but doesnā€™t necessarily mean heā€™s cheating. You canā€™t accuse someone if you have no definitive proof. Iā€™d be defensive too if all of a sudden if my SO suddenly asked for my banking information after being fine without it for so long but thatā€™s just me. You definitely need to try & talk to him about it though.

Trust your intuition

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Been there, done that. Your intuition is usually correct.


I mean this gently, if my husband was treating me as if I were being unfaithful and then demanded my phone bill and credit card statement I would be pretty offended, as wellā€¦ And we have only been married four years.


Why donā€™t you pay him a visit ? :smiling_imp:


Track his location and just go there lol


Instead of asking him for his bank account info, why not just show up a few times. Eventually if heā€™s doing something, he will get caught in the act. You should always trust, until they prove that trust unworthy though. Iā€™d say, if you honestly feel heā€™s up to something, then donā€™t ask him for his bank info, just start showing up at hours you know heā€™d be home. That way if heā€™s cheating, youā€™d catch him. If nobody is there, sit him down and talk to him like an adult. Tell him why you feel the way you do. Sometimes when communication is lacking, it can cause suspicions to rise when thereā€™s really a good explanation for things. So ask him! Listen. Donā€™t assume the worse, but be smart and donā€™t be naive either. I can tell you itā€™s like a kick in the stomach when someone accuses you of things you didnā€™t do, so be careful with that. It can backfire quickly.


He is 100% doing something dirty.


trust your instinct it will never lie to you


He is cheating 100%:woman_shrugging:t2: