My husband is acting weird, what is going on?

Maybe he got defensive because he thought the same thing about you. Many women have been know to drain man’s account. Just ask him. Suspension works both ways.


Sounds like something’s up
… Sorry :heart:


My supervisors didn’t allow personal phone calls, so I’m ASSUMING she is FaceTimeing during work hours. This would most certainly account for his being abrupt.


Take a surprise visit and find out. Be a detective…


Gut instinct is ALWAYS right!


I feel like he’s cheating. BUT my husband and I were just talking and were wondering, does he have access to yours?

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Follow your gut… it is always right…


Girl trust your man until you have a solid reason not to. So many woman get suspicious (including myself) but if you have been with this man for 8 years y’all should have some trust in eachother. Ur husband may not be himself rn because he just got a job out of state thats a big life change let him get adjusted. And as for the account info some phones have fingerprint to unlock them ik I use mine and have had it set up sense the first time couldn’t tell you those passwords😂 y’all have been together 8 years you love eachother talk to him & tell him you need some reassurance sometimes you’ll be okay💖


We have intuition for a reason …


Yeah… he’s definitely cheating. Or gambling? :thinking:

Bank info should be openly available for your spouse…


You better than me . If he wanna act like that i would find out his bank info and drain his account if I can’t do that then I’ll pull out money as much as I can then report his card as fraud where the card gets canceled and new one gets sent to my house i make sure everything happens before the weekend then I would go to the state he’s at on the weekend and go over where he stays then follow him where he goes without him seeing me and watch him get his card decline :joy::joy::joy::joy:


So in my experience we they act like that usually something is going on.

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If he’s working out of state he’s probably still adjusting. Maybe he can’t be on the phone at certain times? I’m not going to jump to conclusions since I don’t have all the information I need. Maybe he’s tired and needs to shower? Lol. My husband has worked out of state before. Times he wasn’t answering my calls or he had to quickly hang up. But because the job he had he couldn’t always be on the phone. His hours were crazy. He was exhausted. He was trying to figure out his new job. He had things that needed to be tended to for the next day. He’s given me no reason not to trust him. If you’re feeling a certain way, have a conversation with him about it first and go from there.

You so know something is up.

If Something change … its probably something big… He becomes defensive and disorriented so trust yout instinct

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Follow your feelings.

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We have “gut feelings” for a reason. Their called instincts, follow them


Something is :walking_man: on. Get a private detective and have a divorce lawyer on hand just in case

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Trust your gut , but also do a surprise visit lol do research first . I know u could get on Verizon and look up #s and call and text list . Also if u know his google account info it also shows u all his info . I would say trust your gut especially if it’s been 8 years . Don’t let that man fool you, .


Trust your intuition

if you have access to his bank, than you can see what & where he’s spending money at. A restaurant ? Hotel ? Bought anything out of the ordinary?

If there’s one thing I DO know and that’s a woman’s intuition! Honey you basically answered your own question. You already know the answers but doubting your intuition. Listen to your intuition.


Definitely trust your instincts! My husband was like this as soon as he started working away and not only was he messing around which he still won’t admit to this day but came home with a woman’s shirt but also turned out he was using cocaine for a year without me knowing. He is now an active addict, lost his job, family, and barely sees our daughter. I am happy to say we can finally file for divorce in April and I am counting the days down.


I suggest you pray
The devil will do ANYTHING to try and destroy a marriage. Don’t let evil do that to your marriage


People who are guilty act guilty and become defensive. Follow your instincts! Don’t jump to conclusions until you know for a fact something is happening. In my experience however, your intuition is never wrong!


You already know the truth. Are you going to let it set you free???

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Never underestimate or question yourself. These thoughts are there for a reason the red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: are there. Wether he’s doing something wrong or not you owe it to yourself to investigate and get to the bottom of it.

He’s cheating. Stand your ground.


Guys are naturally weird. If your really worried go visit him and see for yourself.


Oh honey… he’s no good. Walk away now!

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Best way to find out is make a trip to where he is without telling him. You will definitely find out and have peace of mind. A woman’s intuition it usually pretty good so pay attention and follow your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, then there’s a reason you feel that way.


I can’t say if you’re overreacting or not. Only your intuition can tell you that. But as someone who gets high anxiety over the silent treatment I’d like to beg you to pick up the phone.

Either cheating, gambling or substance abuse. All three will change people’s behavior and finances


He’s cheating that was my ex


Could you one day just go to where he is working and follow him for a day or two …?
I mean, ask your mom or somebody to stay with your kids (if you have kids) and observe what he does.
Just saying.

Follow your instinct.
Don’t accuse him of anything until you have proof.


My husband works out of state and he never acts like that nor does he ever hang up on me during FaceTime. Also we’ve been married going on 4 we’ve been together for 5 years. We share both bank accounts :woman_facepalming:t2:

Go with your gut, you’ve been with him long enough to know when he is not acting right. The best thing is to try not to get to emotional, (I know that’s insane). But he can use that against you, if you stay calm and state your facts, he can never accuse you of being overly emotional, and try to twist what you are saying. I hope everything works out for you beautiful!


Trust ur gut instinct it never lies

Somethings not right that’s forsure and you know it. Try to get evidence fly to his state and be an FBI for a day or 2 I’m sure if he’s messing around it won’t take longer than that to catch him.

No , trust your gut!!.. get the phone records, if you are on the acct … call them get a phone tracking and a list of calls in n out…some companies will give your text numbers but not always. The next thing he’ll say his phone was dead or not in a good reception area. No he’s cheating… I learned the hard way…I didn’t want to believe it either… if he has social media accts go in his posts see who likes them n you’ll figure it out too… I narrowed it down by help of social networks too… put his phone number into Google and his email you’ll be surprised what social accts n stuff comes up and what he’s commented on

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No usually if you feel like something is off it’s off!

I don’t play games. Sus as fuck


Buy a ticket and catch him in the act. Take photos :camera_flash:… then take 1/2 $.


Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: I’d be getting a private detective and finding out with what is going on


Sounds like your instincts are on point to me


He could of lost his job and maybe got. Caught being there how about we don’t jump. To conclusions xxx

If your female intuition telling you something is going on with him then 100% of the time it’s true.


Go with your gut! Acting brand new for sure!

What is your gut tell you?

He’s definitely messing around

8 out of 10 times IF YOU THINK SOMETHING’S GOING ON…IT IS!! AND why do you have to ask for his info? YOU SHOULD HAVE HAD IT 8 YEARS AGO!! GOOD LUCK!!


Definitely a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

Trust your instincts


If you don’t trust him then you need to be honest and have the conversation.

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He’s hiding something. My gut would say he’s having an affair and she is pushing for more or him to leave you. If this is the case then that person could even be threatening to tell you. You have a right to know and I most certainly would be accusing. You are his wife there should be no secrets between you. He doesn’t want you to see the bank statements because then you can see all the places he has been with her, restaurants, hotels maybe, all the times she has had money spent on her, cash withdrawn and things he may have bought her from places/shops that you would know are for a woman but things you never got ie clothes shops, jewellery, underwear or locations he lied about being in you can find out a lot about a person from a Bank Statement. Just meals paid for alone says a lot. If there’s transactions on there for restaurants and the bill is high that would tell me he didn’t eat alone


Yeet that fu**er out the window


If the account is in joint names you can ask the bank yourself for a copy if he won’t give you one


A job out of state? Sounds like you guys aren’t married anymore but your in denial. You better know what’s going on in any or all the bank accounts ! You are his spouse you should know what’s getting spent on what.


Men aren’t good liars.

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Usually what the wife is feeling is always :100:% yes… but just to be sure, check first. If its true, then start collecting evidence for future reference :sunglasses:


Sounds like a gut feeling. Im sorry

Go with your gut, 8yrs married you should have free access to anything you want.


Your gut never lies … start investigating!


He doing something he aint suppose too 8 years and he acting strange yep sit down have a talk with him cause there is definitely something there


Yes you are being a nut case


Umm my first question would be why do you have separate bank accounts? He could deposit his check into a joint bank account. And not allowing you access to his account definitely is a red flag


Trust your instincts and try to stay calm until you have proof to not be calm anymore. I’d start checking credit card statements and phone records as well. Good luck, I know first hand what a horrible feeling it is.


If you have a joint bank account but he still has an account at the same bank you do call your Banks 800 number and use the automated system if you have a joint account together and he has his own account on the side but they’re at the same bank all you have to do is when prompted enter his social security number and it will bring up all the accounts associated to that social security number and then you can find out the deposit and places he has spent money


Chances are if you think it’s happening it is.

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Surprise visit! See for yourself what’s up.


If were just dating, hell engaged, and you ask to go thru ANY of my shit, for ANY reason, like phone, bank acct, I’m ditching your ass, if I still like ya, definitely signing a PRENUP!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband is acting weird, what is going on? - Mamas Uncut

A woman’s intuition is typically spot on, trust your gut.


Try to give benefit of the doubt. :heart:

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Go with your instinct. Maybe you should try popping in to visit him


Everyone saying he is guilty, WOW! I have rushed my wife on conversations when I have been planning a surprise for her or us. Because I just get bored of talking sometimes. Jump to conclusions will only leave you with yourself.


Why wouldn’t you already have his bank account user name and password? You’re married, right? :thinking:


If you have the impression your husband is acting weird, you will only find out what’s going on if you find a way to sit with him and have a talk. Nobody on Facebook will be able to answer this for you, especially with so little information.
All you get is a lot of speculations that doesn’t help you. If this is affecting your marriage, ask your husband. He is the only person who can get you the answer you are looking for.


All of the advice here is jaded af …


There seems to be a lot of red flags. Be aware!


He’s obviously hiding something

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Although I agree that it seems suspicious, you’re going to hate yourself if you listen to a bunch of women on Facebook and spy on him and it blows up in your face because he loses trust in you and he wasn’t in the wrong.

I’m not saying he’s not. I just think there are better ways to go about this.
Such as having an adult conversation. NOT using Spyware. Etc…

Some of these suggestions on here are just as unhealthy as cheating… trust is trust…

I suggest trying to talk to him about why he’s acting weird first. See where that gets you… if he keeps avoiding it and/or lying, then maybe a surprise visit.

But don’t be sneaky.


If he is acting out of character then your gut feeling is proberbly right…


Lawyer up! Has he been financially controlling also? If so he is making plans without you and the money thing is a huge indication he wants out so ensure you have access to other money. Sorry! I work in divorce and see this behaviour all the time.


I’ve been married for 8 years too and a couple months ago, he started losing weight and said it was bc of his recent teeth extractions. He started acting secretive and started criticizing me and saying mean things. Two nights ago, he didn’t come home. He refused to say where he was but I know he wouldn’t stay out with men. I called a number on our itemized phone records a “she” answered. I heard him in the background. Gut feelings are normally true!


Maybe he had to poop.


Nope most definitely red flags!


Been through the same thing. That is exactly how my husband acted. The phone calls got shorter until he stopped calling, then he would only come home every other weekend and the weekends he did come home he would only be home for about 24 hours then leave Saturday night claiming it was because he didn’t want to mess with Sunday traffic. Every thing became my fault, he would say very mean and hurtful to me. It’s because he felt guilty. I did have access to the bank account, he spent over $700 on himself in 1 week, then had the nerve to tell me I was spending to much money paying the bills. Listen to your gut. If things feel off they probably are. I never in a million years thought he would cheat on on me, ever. But here I am 6 years later, divorced.

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If I had suspicions, I’d tell him that I notice how his behavior has changed and listen to his response. Being married for that long, you know him well enough to read his sincerity. If he fumbles and things still fell off I’d let him know what’s unacceptable and prepare myself for what my next steps would be. If he’s cheating, does that mean the end of the marriage for you? How will that change your lives? He will need to hear this from you. Don’t bother telling him he hurt you if he’s cheating. He knew that before he did it.
I’d also make sure he was well aware that monogamy takes two people that are committed to one another.


Ask him straight out…

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Wow its crazy how many people have jumped on the cheater band wagon with such little information, you did say he works away ever think he got called away for a work emergency? Maybe his new boss had messaged him, maybe he actually doesnt know his password considering everything these days is finger print login or a 4 digit pin not the actual password (fyi i dont know my passwords either!) If he was cheating i highly doubt hea keep ringing and ringing you if he is cheating it means he doesnt care for you so why both ringing so many times?

Seriously just fricken ask him instead of a bunch of randoms that dont know shit!


Woman’s intuition. We weren’t givin that for nothin!! Trust it. Believe in it.


Small little changes such as this is no reason to assume he’s cheating and could cause trust issues which in the end could cause marriage issues. I’d say let it be until you have more to go on


He’s lien lol, no business man forgets his PW! I’d just make him go to bank to get statements and then take it from there😊

My husband has all my PW and I have all his, in case of emergency. We have nothing to hide from each other. A woman’s instinct is never wrong. If u had to ask the question, u have your answer. It is time to have a conversation with him.

It definitely sounds weird. I’d say there’s probably SOMETHING you don’t know about going on… But we don’t know WHAT. Not enough info to make an accusation.

Nope differently have a reason to check things out.

Girl, get you a tracking device for his phone and vehicle. Best money you’ll ever spend. I hope the best for you. Gut instinct is always right.

Usually the one who is cheating is the money questioning things.

And if you’re on the account- you don’t need the password- make a profile and log on.