My boyfriend wants me to delete every photo of my ex: Thoughts?

My first wife wanted me to I just took them to my mother’s and brought them back when we parted for ever.

Tell him to get a life that’s your sons father!

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Definitely needs to be a man.

Nope that’s your sons dad I’d get rid of the guy asking me to do that! That’s terrible my sons dad will always be in my sons life and will always be in our family together or not any guy who has a problem with pictures is just being petty




Your child has the right to have his childhood memories with his parents…

Dont destroy his innocence for someone’s insecurity.

Your past is what made you the person who are today… your child will be part of you and your ex husband and no one can change it or replace it.

Insecurity is not greater than the love


You already know the answer or you wouldn’t be questioning it. First, you have children together. You owe it to your child to keep them. Secondly, he doesn’t get to choose the bits and pieces of you he likes and rearrange your feelings and call that love. That’s not love. And third, a man who loves you would express his feelings not make demands of you. I promise you there are men out there who will love you the right way. You don’t have to settle for this now or ever.

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When my partner and I got together I made it very clear that pictures of my sons father and I were being deleted but I would not be removing pictures of him and our son because at the end of the day he’s still his father

I put all mine onto a usb so my twins can have them when they r older. I dnt want to c my partners ex so it’s only fair i took mine down out of respect.


That’s not the type of person you want to share a life with. You’re right for not wanting to remove all memories. Your child will need pictures of his bio-father later in life.

No dont.
Thats a part of your life whether he likes it or not.
Save them becsuse someday your kiddo is gonna wanna know he was made out of love and see pictures of his parents when they were in love with each other.
That and fuck that.
Id delete him lol

You might need a new boyfriend or no boyfriend.


No save them all if something where to happen your son would love to have them …go to Wal-Mart put them on a CD and let your son keep it .

That would be like getting rid of a friend or someone you knew who moved away just because he wasn’t part of the memories you made before him doesn’t give him the right to ask you to remove him. Maybe his family or your child will want to see them. If he can’t deal with this situation this can be a major red flag - what’s next? That is a ridiculous and inappropriate request.

Both my husband and I have children with our ex partners! We BOTH kept all the photos for our children, the thought never crossed our minds to get rid of them.

Memories for me equal pictures. Those are things I need. My husband still has pics of his ex (he tried to burn them) but I said no. That’s a part of your life. Don’t let others choose for you.

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That’s completely over reacting and immature. If he’s “demanding you” I suggest you drop him and run now. Your ex, YOUR child’s father will ALWAYS be in your life. If your boyfriend’s acting like this now it’s only going to get worse.

My not with kids dad’s but I never took down any pictures of them together. As new relationship have no business Telling you what to do.

Keep them. Boyfriend needs to get over his insecurities.

Nope keep them up…if hes that insecure get out now cause things could get real ugly real fast

He is insecure. It doesn’t mean he’s “bad”. He just has trust issues. You shouldn’t delete the pics of your son and his dad. But you have to find a way to get your BF to trust that the dad is the past and your BF is the only man that matters to you (aside from your son of course). If he can’t do that and still “demands” crap like that, you should consider leaving. There are very few things couples should demand of one another. Fidelity is the only one that comes to mind at the moment.

Delete the boyfriend.

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Sounds like there are one of two situations happening here:

  1. he’s very insecure.
    Maybe he’s been cheated on in the past?
  2. he’s narcissistic.

How he’s approached it will tell you which one.
If he’s been demanding and demeaning about it then he’s narcissistic and I’d leave the relationship while it’s still early.

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I deleted all pictures of my ex except one: my firstborn 1st bday pic, because it was the only one I had of his 1st bday. My husband wanted me to delete all, and I had no problem with it because every time a Facebook memory would pop up with his dumbass drug addict face not reminded me of all the times he beat me or put other women first before me. I took a pic of him on the way to the hospital in labor to give birth and he put it aa his dating profile pic while we were still together. I deleted all pics except the one because my husband wanted me to. And I never regret it.

Absolutely 100% no you aren’t in the wrong! Your son deserves to know he came from love, whether you’re together now or not for a start. Secondly, you shouldn’t be made to do anything you don’t want to do, everyone has a past but you don’t judge or use that against someone you love.

Forget how the “boyfriend” feels how would you explain that to your child once that “boyfriend” is no longer in your life?

That’s not right or fair to your child. You both need to grow up.

He’s overreacting and that’s not very mature either. It’s photos of your child with he’s parents.

Hez over reacting. Tomorrow he will demand to erase it from your head too.

Tell him its ur past and u can have no photos but still have memories

When me and sons father broke up for a bit I made an album of us with happy photos so my son could see that he was a blessing . I would not delete those photos for anyone they belong to your child

Tell new boyfriend to hit the road l have up my family picture of me and my ex with our children if my new partner wanted it down he can hit the road it is not in a place everyone can see and it is not in my room tell him to grow up

I can understand pics of y’all as a couple but not pics of him with your kid. Those aren’t for us, they’re for the kid(s)

No offense. Sounds like new bf is insecure. Especially if ex is ur child father and is a good parent to the child. They should b kept. Ur kid may want those pics later in life.

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He’s over reacting . This is your child’s father and he deserves to see photos Of his dad anytime !

I think it depends on the amount, who they are off and where. To explain if I met a man and he had a photos of the ex displayed not specific to the child’s room I’d think it was weird, I’d think perhaps they weren’t over the ex. I think don’t under estimate his communication about this. Dad or not I don’t want pics of my partner ex or my ex around the house. It’s like there’s no room for the new person to come in. Just my thoughts x

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That’s controlling. He was, is and will always be a huge part of your life. Deleting pictures from your life is not fair. He created your child with you. He is the reason you are a mom. Big huge no!

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Forget this new guy. Break up with him now. This is your (maybe not first) sign that he’s insecure and controlling. This verges on abuse.


Huge Red Flag. I’ve been in a very similar situation, put myself through hell for 5 long unhappy years. My advice. Run.

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Blow him up n quit showing or bring put them picture s. He don’t have no business, seeing them

That’s just stupid my husband still has pictures of his ex with his kids. That’s an unreasonable request. He needs to grow up. Wow…

The pictures aren’t for you. They’re for your child. When said child grows up they’re going to want to see them. Don’t get rid of them.

Because when people leave, all you have are the photos and memories. Please keep them photos. Just the two of you, all three of you, who cares. Your child will eventually cherish them pictures.

If they aren’t displayed around your house in frames, why is it a big deal?

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Don’t do it. It seems like he wants to be controlling. Show him the door :door:.

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Why do you NEED them on your phone though?..get the pictures off yòur phone n save them in a flash drive so you can have them for your son’s viewing when he gets older…just a suggestion…lol

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Be careful. My ex husband started acting like that and I got rid of pics I had of my sons dad, but my son had some. I didnt want to tell my son he had to get rid of pics with his dad, it was his dad. My ex went through my sons room and found the pics and the result was me getting punched in the face and my nose being shattered. He told me he would kill my son in his sleep if I told anyone. I was stuck foe 2 years after that in complete fear. Dont let anyone control you like that. Cute couple pics I can understand as you aren’t with him. Bit pics with your child and his father? Those are for your child’s memories

My bf used to have pics on his FB of his ex and their sons. My bf wasn’t in these pics just the boys and their mom. So out of curiosity I just asked him if he would ever take them down if I wanted him too. And he took them all down.

Throw the whole boyfriend away. 10/10 I recommend


No way. Don’t delete those MEMORIES girl

Taking him off social media is enough

Sorry but if my fiance asked me to get rid of all of my photos of my kids dad he would be using the door. That’s all my kids got now as he passed when the kids were young


Another type of bullying. He can grow up and not worry about them or GO ON DOWN THE ROAD.

Nope, I wouldn’t erase all evidence of a part of my life’s history just to appease a man. Plus your child will probably want to see those pictures one day.

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Seems like he has to many insecurities to be in a relationship.


Get rid of the new boyfriend
What a control freak

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Get rid of boyfriend.

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I’d leave him now. Those are your photos and he seems very jealous

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i would never do this!! im with my childs father. but if we split. not a chance would i delete every photo! there my childs memories and id be keeping them for her! x


My partners never asked but I did go through and delete certain ones (kisses and hugs) just because they didn’t seem relevant. I wouldn’t want my daughter to think I didn’t love her daddy once and he wasn’t there the first few months. Although she might not care its her history too xx

Screw him them photos are memories for you to show your little man… no one should ever tell you to remove them.

This is a big red flag! I would show him the door


I think you need to find a new boyfriend. Things will only get worse.

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You shouldn’t have to do that. It sounds like your boyfriend is insecure


Keep them he was and is part of your son’s life and your boyfriend should not be demanding anything he will remain in your son’s life and your boyfriend needs to be aware of that

If you didn’t have any kids i would say yes delete them but since you do have a son and he is the father of your son, keep for your son to have.

Same. Same. Same. Except I married the new guy. My son is 7 now and he loves my husband but CLEARLY wants me and his dad back together. :weary:

He is your sons father reguardless… so no

Control freak get rid

I would never delete pictures of my sons father. Those are for my son.

He sounds very controlling and insecure.Your son needs to know that his father is still important in his life.get rid of boyfriend this is only the start.


Have my wedding album on Facebook & the actual album on my shelf. My ex & I have been divorced for yrs now & I’ve since remarried but my ex still remains the father of my only two children & someday the boys will have the memories of their parents together to have. Do not get rid of those memories for you kids sake :two_hearts: then when their older, they can do what they wish with them & your free LOL

If it bothers your boyfriend that much, keep pictures with your son and his father up in your sons room, assuming a good relationship between father and son. Keep pics. in photo album so the boy can see and possibly remember those family times. Do not delete/destroy pictures in the baby album, or sons room.


Uh no. My husband has pictures of his ex wife and son on his social media. It doesn’t bother me. We have some in our home too. The way I see it is that is your child’s father he doesn’t like it he can hit the road.


Run! Focus on being the best mother you can be to your son. Your social life can wait. Your son has one childhood, and should not have to deal with a man who will never love him unconditionally. Sounds harsh, but I have 45 years of experience in this field.


Apparently you didn’t make it clear to this guy that your sons Father is “FAMILY.”

Family isn’t optional. Dad is in your son’s life, permanently!

You should have laid that foundation from day ONE. And … that he is NEVER to be disrespected.

Always bring a “United front.” That is your child together.

I hate to tell you what the statistics are on child abuse and molestation, when a child isn’t biologically someone’s child.

So it always works for your child’s benefit, if mom & dad … can unify for the benefit of the child. If you can’t get along otherwise … agree too, for that reason alone!

Btw; Your guy is out of line. Personally, it’s grounds for termination. He is an outsider, trying to set boundaries on your sons father.
He is testing the water.

If you have conceded, you will have opened up Pandora’s box. And it will in the end, cause contention between you & your son. And your son will be justified in his feelings towards you … if you let this man, cause strife, contention, or any malice or distance of any kind.

You gotta look down the road on this one. There are NO possible good intentions, for wanting to remove every sign of your son’s dad.


Hes the one that’s in the wrong and being insensitive. You can’t erase your past. The fact that he wants you to erase every picture of him, even if they have your son in it just shows how insecure he truly is. Its not fair that your new boyfriend wants you to delete his existence even though hes the father of your child. Your son maintaining his sense of family is 1000x more important than your boyfriend’s feelings and insecurities. Regardless of how your boyfriend feels, your son’s father will always be apart of your life.


Seems like he’s feeling insecure. Not your problem. Maybe he needs counseling. You can’t erase your past. Even if you did erase the pictures it won’t erase the memories. Kinda scary.


DONT DO IT! My husband and I did that when we were younger and there was a lot pain, tension, and jealousy. Now that our kids are in high school we both regret it. They are memories that happened and one day your child will enjoy the pictures.
Its best to take them all and put them on a flash drive that is kept safe for your child when they are grown or you have healed. Then delete them off of Facebook, your computer and out of picture frames ect.

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Hes over reacting. Your son needs to see pictures of his father and that you both still love him even if you cant be together. This new man can and should never replace the father

I deleted a good majority of mine however I put them on a memory stick for my daughter. She can have them when she wants them. It was a messy break up.

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Have them printed and save for your son. It’s unfair of your new boyfriend to think you can just delete his existence being he’s the father of your child. But I’d probably no have him on my social media.


Honestly boyfriend needs to get over petty jealousy and understand that’s your son’s father. Expecting you to delete your child’s dad out of his life is wrong.

Keep your pictures that is your childs father. Your new boyfriend should want your child to have pictures of his father even if they include you in them and if it is a problem I would not stay with him it shows a lot of immaturity on his behalf and I would worry about the safety of my child.

Your son’s maintaining his sense of family even though his parents aren’t together is much more important than your current boyfriend’s insecurity. If he can’t respect that you’re trying to maintain a level of normalcy for your son, then that speaks volumes about his ability to understand what your priorities as a mother should be.


Your son should be able to see pictures of his dad and you should be able to talk about his dad to him. I think what you have done is enough and hopefully you will find someone secure enough that they are not jealous of your history.


Do what feels right to u.but u have a kid he will always be there bf need to man u

You can never replace your sons father! Those are memories for your son. He is overreacting

Sorry, but control freak shouts out here. Every one has a past. The most important person in your life now and should be number one is your own son. How do you wipe out his history? Is he the next to get rid of?

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He shouldn’t be mad if the pictures are of you ex and his child. One day your child will want to see those pictures. His insecurities shouldn’t take that away from your son.

He was a major part of your life, that no matter what, you can’t erase. I don’t see the need too just because he might be a little insecure. No matter what, your always gonna have a special place in your life for your ex simply because he is the father of your child.

he cant be deleted…period…you have a child together…
he may be bad, or nothing you want now, or just a learning experience…but one day your kid will want yo see pics to compare to their own child…I know…I’ve got 3 kids that have done this…regardless how crappy he was

He sounds like a bit of a control freak And I would not take them down Since he is your child’s father

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He is your childs father
He needs to pull his head in and except this as he will be apart of this childs life no matter what as he is the dad
It’s not for you it’s for the child it’s his family and he needs to respect this
I would be telling him that if he doesn’t like he needs to get over it and except or walk out that door
As it’s a picture and memories for your child

Ok let’s cut it the chase if it’s a new relationship and it wants that…hun you need to run for the hills he is going to be so demanding and overreacting and make every move you make a living hell…you have a son with your ex… your child is going to want to look back at those pictures one day. …food for thought

You already have your answer, you wrote he is demanding, you. Better run forest, run,. As fast as you can.


Sounds like a pretty jealous guy to me. If pictures are bothering him how does he act when you talk to the Ex and how does he treat your Son.

Not good… time to leave! I went through the same, it only gets worse. Those are for your son btw, none of his business!

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keep them, if it was not for your past you wouldn’t be who you are today

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No leave his pictures alone ur kids need them I keep all my kids dad and us together and gave the
The photo book

Get rid of the bf, immediately! Nothing you can do to appease this kind of insecurity, has nothing to do with your ex. Will only get worse, don’t waste your time.


No. Your pics, your memories. If he’s that jealous and untrusting, then he can find somebody else

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