My boyfriend wants me to delete every photo of my ex: Thoughts?

If he is that controlling about this. How bad is he going to get. Control over you is what he wants. That is not a relationship. I would be out the door!

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What’s his reason for this … your ex is your child’s dad this cannot be deleted …


The bottom line is this. If you make your new guy feel important and your truly over your sons father. Then you have another issue. Run, run now!

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He sounds like an abuser. Be careful. He doesn’t like your friends something’s wrong with your family and it continues.

Keep all of them for your son when he is older. Keep them in your sons room

You don’t have to delete them . Just put in separate folder and save for your son… you can set up a separate email just for your son … send all pictures from then and now a good way to look back and remember

Pics of you with your ex is one thing but removing photos of your son and his dad is another… Hes over reacting


hes the one being insensitive…get rid of most…keep all with baby…and good times…its not his business…

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That’s immature, that’s is ur sons father and nothing can change that

He’s acting like a 2 year old. Move on to a grown up.


Tell him to shove it especially if the pictures are of the kids and the ex

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I would move them to a secret file and when your son misses his dad you can show him pics when the bf isn’t around.

Keep the ones that have your son in them. That’s the father of your child with yours and his son. He seems insecure.

Sounds like you should run as fast as you can. Control freek and manipulator.

How long has he been your boyfriend and does he work

Do not delete those photo because once you delete them you will never get them back, plus if he is demanding about a picture get out of the relationship now before it gets worse

Make a album for your son with those of him and his dad…

A suggestion that might be a compromise would be yo make them private. That way you can still see them and have them but no one else will see them.

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Why would you want pictures of your ex on social media? Exes belong in the past, even if you have children together. Co-parenting doesn’t require pictures on social media.

You should at least keep the ones with your son and his father.

Wow so selfish…you can’t erase history…and besides it’s only photos…I would never…so wrong on every level

I think your son will appreciate pics of his dad someday. What would you tell him if they’re aren’t any?

Sounds like the new guy is a controller. Beware!

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It isn’t any of his business for one. This are of the father. New bf can Fuck off

No don’t thats his insecurities &his control


Trust your gut feeling, if you knew he was right you wouldn’t post this message here.

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No, way…to controlling.


Big red flags, get out!


Agreed. I’m not erasing my past or going through one by one.

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You don’t need him as a boyfriend.

Keep them. He needs to respect you having them.

If hes that insecure this early,
Take the red light and go.


Keep them for your son as memories

He is over reacting. Keep the pics for your child.

Find a new guy this looks a bit to controlling

Take them down but save for your son!!

Sounds like your boyfriend has some issues

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They aren’t yours they’re for your son

He sounds insecure and controlling. Get rid of him now before it escalates to something worse (and it will). If someone demanded I remove pictures that had my son in them just because my ex was also in the picture, that someone would become no one. Period.

Keep all pix. That’s what you do for your son.

Run as fast as you can… this is not grown up behavior.

If it bothers him you don’t need the hassle it will get worse, fact!!!

Controlling, be careful, then comes abuse.i lived it.

Sounds like he needs to be less insecure.

#1 sign, he’s trying to control you. Run for the hills

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Give him the flick now!

The new guy is insecure.

Is there a RED FLAG button…

Erasing pictures won’t erase the past.

Tell him to watch his own Bobber…its your page

Don’t delete pix, delete him.


Better run :running_woman: from this like your head is on fire :fire: and your back side is catching.

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They’re YOUR CHILDS memories of HIS parents. No.

This guy has triggers. He’s jealous & insecure. These are not great qualities to have in a new boyfriend. You need to watch the movies on Lifetime about Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson & the one about the guy that killed his pregnant wife & 2 daughters. Then ask yourself if having a picture of your son’s father on your phone is really worth being killed over

He’s a ass!!! I had same situation and I realized he was horrible.If he respects you he has to respect all of you past and all.Dont get rid of anything it will be a deep regret of yours.Maybe keep a few pics in kids room.And make sure to stand your ground and standards.

Dump that insecure asshole right now! Your son needs all and any evidence of things in his past.

He sounds controlling and toxic…

Kick him to the curb

Tell him to get lost !

He’s that insecure :flushed:

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Love demands nothing.

he can suck a dick. he’s childish.

Pictures of your child with his biological father are keepsake no matter how your relationship ended one day he’ll want those pictures. As for your new boyfriend you need to put him in his place and remind him that your child will know his father through pictures or in person and if he can’t handle that then he knows where the door is.’


Girl RUN!! As fast as you can! If he isn’t accepting of your sons father then he’s a no go. The father will be a part of your life whether you’re in a relationship or not because he’s the father of your child. Any man you are with has to be accepting of that or it makes things hard on your son.


Yup, red flag. I know someone that had a boyfriend like that, she married him and later divorced. Insecure and controlling IMO


Time to break up with him. Move on and find someone better. That’s a red flag! He’s obviously controlling and a jealous person. That’s your sons father. I deleted all pictures of my ex and I together however there are still pictures of my daughter and her dad on my social media and my husband hasn’t ever said anything about it.


As long as non romantic photos I don’t see an issue and if he’s that upset about it talk to him figure out why. Maybe he just wants reassurance? Either way that’s your kids dad can’t just delete him out of your life. If you want to make a compromise wait til you have all pictures printed and in photo album and usb just incase. There ya go.


I have kept all of my pictures on facebook of me and my ex FOR my son but I have marked the album so that only I can see it out of respect for future relationships.


Beware sounds like he has issues.You have to protect your son.You might want to put the brakes on this relationship.You already know this you just need backup.


That’s a huge red flag. You had a past before. That’s the father of your child. Your boyfriend is insecure. That’s very controlling.


Run! Dude is a control freak and there is no reason to wipe your child’s dad’s pictures out…no matter what he will and ways be your child’s dad…this new dude is scarily jealous and that is NEVER A good thing…Run far and fast.


Holy red flag!! I would tell him in the most clear and concise way to fuck off in every single aspect. My son has a different dad than my husband. His step dad has never once given a single shit about that aspect of my life. My son needs to see that we have a respectful relationship all the way around. Making it seem like his dad doesn’t exist is the exact opposite. His step mom and I have that exact same relationship, not friends but respectful. Girl you need to either stand your ground or run. There is no in between.


He is overreacting. Whether he was the father of your son or not, you have every right to your memories. This is a huge a red flag.


Get out! I was in a relationship like this. It caused animosity between my oldest and I. It caused coparenting to be a nightmare. Now that I am happily single my ex husband and I coparent beautifully with his wife cheering us on! They have two kids together and when we are at activities for our kids I help with their kids! If another relationship I would ever have can’t understand this there’s the damn door. All that should matter is my children’s happiness with both of their parents!

In addition…I will always remember what my mom used to tell me about tattoos…never put your spouses name on your body…only your mother, father, siblings, and children as they will always be permanent! It’s kind of the same thought in this situation


When me and the father of my kids broke up I just made a whole new Facebook, That way I had one for my past life and one for my new life, it made things a lot easier for me. (I only use the new one but I still have access to the old one for pics, ect.)


Not wrong, he needs to get over it. You can delete pictures all day long but your son has a father, that’s reality. I would be careful of that one. Very controlling and insecure, it will only get worse I promise you

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Yea that’s a NO for me. How is he that bold to tell you too remove photos of your sons father in your home ? He sounds like he has that man thing where they wanna control and slowly separate your life from your commitment to him. Just don’t do it. Maybe he’ll be mad enough to walk right out the door and save you the trouble

Don’t do it. He will be gone before long and the children will have no photos and memories of their father. Happened to me so I know of what I speak.


No that’s your sons father and it will never change! If he can’t handle a picture of your child and his father how is going to handle the coparenting situation ? I don’t think he will be able to.

If you speak to him and explain your side and he still isn’t understanding it’s time to go. It’s hard enough coparenting without having a significant other making things difficult !

I’m a stepmother and I could never nor would I ever be like this. We got family pictures done a few years ago and bio mom was in some of them with us!


My husband and I both deleted photos of our exes once we were official. What we didn’t delete and didn’t really need to discuss either, were the photos our kids were in with either my ex or his. Those are their other parent. We understand they’ll continue to be in their life no matter what.
If your boyfriend can’t comprehend and respect that, it shows a level of immaturity, insecurity, and disrespect on his part.


Delete him. It’s not ok to erase a childs memories. If hes jealous of memories, hes bad news. I say all this as a single mother who left a toxic relationship but have saved pictures for my children. What he’s asking you to do is just seemingly a tiny thing, but controlling manipulative relationships always start small.


When you are in a new relationship of course you have to remove all the photos of your ex from social media. Just take the pictures of your ex with your son and keep them private or keep them in a hard drive for your son, sometimes you gotta have respect for your new relationship or if is hard for you to remove them then that means you still have some feelings about your sons dad. Just my opinion…


My fiance and I are having a baby together and he still has photos with his ex-wife if their son is in the photo. It doesn’t mean anything, in my opinion.


Wow I’m a stepmom and I will tell you if he cant accept this move on my husband wanted to delete everything & I told him stop what if he asks when he gets older you have something to show him


Nope. I have very few pics of my ex husband, only because my babies are in them AND one day I ll have them for my babies when they ask. But their father is a real p.o.s you’re not alone. This does seem to be a red flag! If he cared about your feelings, he would not do that. Good luck :heart:

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He is overreacting and that is a huge red flag. That is just your boyfriend, but the other man will always be your son’s father. Your son deserves to see and cherish that relationship and it is good for his developing sense of worth to see images of love and affection with him.


It’s not his place to ask you you to delete them. He might be in your life right now but sadly none of us know if our relationships will last, the relationship with your son will last. Your son deserves pictures of him with his father and in later years they will become very important. I have very few pictures of me or my ex husband with my daughters when they were little as it was before mobile phones! Wish I had more to remember the happy times before life got complicated . Keep them… 100% xx

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Delete him… your son’s father will be part of your life forever. He is jealous and controlling. It is only going to get worse!


Umm nope i just put any photos of my ex in the boys rooms, as no one qill replace their dad, i don’t want them in my main living space, but the kids rooms is different, I’d tell him nope, and if he doesn’t like it, there’s the fucking door


Girl! Get rid of that baggage! And by baggage- I mean the current boyfriend. A real man would understand, trust and respect your co-parenting relationship. So wait for someone like that. And yes-they do exist. Take care of you and your little man, God will send the right man when you’re ready.

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No no no
There your sons memories of you together
I get pop them in an album and keep them safe buy now to delete
No no no
This is not a normal request froM someone that care about you x x x


I have recently been through a separation and have a daughter with my ex. Never would I never delete pictures of the two of them and the special ones of us as a family. She will need those when she grows up, and it’s not about us.

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I agree, red flag and it’s ridiculous, petty, and immature. That level of immaturity in someone doesn’t seem like he will be able to be mature enough to help you have a healthy coparenting relationship, let alone be a healthy second man for your son to look up to. RUN

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That’s way too controlling. He seems very insecure. I would not take any photos down. Your son needs to see that his parents are still a united front even if they are no longer together.

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What you can do if you want is just make a album for your child keep them put up until he’s older than what I did for my girls not because I was told to but because I didn’t want to see the pic myself :smiley: but don’t delete them that’s your past he will always be apart of your life if he.cant except that girl listen to everyone else and get out… those are things your child will want to see that can’t be replaced!

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Don’t do it. That’s your sons Dad. Boy friend needs to grow up. Take note hes controlling.


Put them in an album/flash drive/ something else for your son. You’re in a new relationship unless you can’t let go. Then if that’s the case your not ready for a new man.


I wouldn’t get rid of photos with my childrens father and them together. He is their dad no matter what happens. Someone who doesn’t understand that its not just about them, its for the kids… Has some maturing to do.


He’s over reacting. That’s your child’s father. Just because things didn’t work out, your child still deserves to have photos with BOTH parents. Sounds like you need a new boyfriend, this ones to ‘controlling’.

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