Would you be worried about a boy in the bathroom with his dad?

So at 11 when a child could be starting puberty its to old for said boy to go to their father with questions? Wtf. Is it your child? Is the child showing signs of withdrawal or distress? No? Then stay in your lane and mind your own crotch fruit.


I think you need to go ahead and have kids and find tf out!!! Fan question pfft get your head out them clouds and stop smoking crack.


My 10 year old son refuses to shower or bath on his own and he struggles to dry himself properly. He chooses which 1, me or his dad, he wants to help him that night. We have to stay in the bathroom with him

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But if it was a mother in the bathroom with her daughter it’s not issue we really need to normalize fathers being fathers yes this world is fucking crazy but not everyone is a disgusting pig :woman_shrugging:

If your worried about a boy in the bathroom with his Dad then you shouldn’t have had kids with him.


This is what is wrong with the world. A caring father is so much different from an abusive one. You say you know what’s going on. Have you noticed a change in child behaviour? Has he become withdrawn because of this? Is he playing with father outside/ inside. Are they a close family. My kids will still come to me no matter how personal their issue because we taught them we are approachable, care and love them. They are 27 and 24. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


When I was 20 I was covered head to toe in chicken pox, my mum had to put the lotion on my back for me twice a day while I stood there butt naked lol! Absolutely nothing wrong with this at all, my son’s 6 and when he’s 11 Il be glad to see him ask his dad about his body changes, he knows he can come to any of us about anything at all, hiding your body from your parents at a young age can cause so many body issues, yes teach them about body safety and all that but also teach them to ask the correct people for help and advice when needed.

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So what? Hes his dad , he would maybe go to his dad more than his mum! I’d certainly go to my mum more than My dad and I’m 25 with 2 kids of my own :rofl:


Parenting doesn’t stop at 11. :roll_eyes:


I hope if my 11 yr old son ever has questions or issues he’s concerned about with his body he’ll ask his father about it, whether that means having to show him what he’s talking about or just describing it. Either way, the boy needs to be educated about something and it’s part of his dad’s duty as a father to teach his son what he needs to know. The fact that you’re thinking about it as inappropriate is your issue, not theirs.


THAT’S HIS FATHER, FOR GOD’S SAKE! I can’t believe your mind even WENT there. That’s sick!


Worry about YOUR OWN SELF!!!

Is this a serious question? Has your child mentioned anything to warrant you feeling like this?

Maybe because he’s a boy he would rather ask his dad…


Why sexualising a normal aspect of son/father relationship? You are their caregiver and should have the ability to help your child with sensitive issues especially their body, there is no shame in the natural human body.


I think you’re a fuckwit… next!

Get a grip, my boys are 20 and 23 and still ask dad to have a look if somethings not right, they always have and always will. I’d rather them ask instead of hiding away ffs x


Not even worth a response


Hope this “fan” isn’t some bitter women trying to fish for ways to ruin someone’s life after a relationship went bad…


My mom was in the bathroom with me at that age when I started my period…


I have a 19 year old daughter. Any issue she has I’m fully aware of, I check if she’s worried. If she called me into the bathroom to check something she was concerned about, I’m there. I’m unsure why anyone would think it was weird.


Would you be worried if it was a mum and daughter? I doubt it. Get a grip.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be worried about a boy in the bathroom with his dad? - Mamas Uncut

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Have you heard of children with hidden disabilities? Also Don’t judge off of what you cant see. My 11 year old daughter comes to me about EVERYTHING… its called trust, my daughter knows she can come to me and tell or ask me anything.


Oh please - making a mountain out of an molehill…. People need to calm down, realise that every family differs when it comes to privacy, what they teach their children, what is expectable and right for THEIR family… how they help their kids… even in a bathroom! and not every father or mother might be “bad” and have bad intentions for their children!


I think it’s bizarre that a parent helping with chafing and questions about puberty is being questioned suspiciously these are two examples of reasons why a parent would be needed and that it’s being demonized bc it’s a dad/son is truly sad. Moms and daughters have to answer questions and help care in many scenarios at this age and there is a lot changing at this age. Chafing is a painful and big issue especially with summer, swimsuits etc….I applaud that dad for being a good parent and think you might need some help if you think that’s inappropriate


The situations you mentioned don’t merit accusations of suspicious behavior, to the contrary, the child trusts his dad to help him. Things deserving more attention would be the child expressing fear, contempt towards the dad, withdrawal, etc…if and when you witness any signs of distress from the child around the dad, then you may have something to be concerned about, in the meantime butt out.


Is it weird for a 11 year old girl to be in the bathroom with her mom? No? Well same thing, nothing wrong with it at all.


This question should be removed. It is the ultimate stupidity and just outright ridiculous! People complain Fathers don’t step up and tbh this ain’t stepping up this is a Father helping his Son. Would it be weird if a girl started menstruating and called her Mum in.


The post doesn’t identify your relationship to the child. But I am sure that there must be a red flag somewhere or these things wouldn’t stand out to you. In reading the other comments I know this might not be a popular notion. But you should always follow your gut.Maybe if these are the only things don’t act on them but keep a close eye


Wow. Why do people feel the need to sexualize a father son relationship? Sounds like he trusts his dad. You wouldn’t question it if it were a mother and daughter.


Umm, parenting. Most boys that age don’t want mom helping in those situations. Most girls that age don’t want dad helping them in those situations. Don’t make it awkward. As long as the child is comfortable and is asking for the help it doesn’t matter. Sometimes parents NEED to intervene in specific situations for health reasons. And if dad is who the child is comfortable with then mind your own.


Boys bond especially at the most difficult stages and looks upto him as he may feel embarrassed by showing you nothing wrong with this perfectly normal

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There are a lot of different stages boys go through growing up at different ages where they need their dad in there helping them. I found out all kinds of things that boys go through from being with my man and helping raise his boy. I’m a girl mom so I had no idea.


What role do you play in this? Step mom, mom, relative. Anyway as a parent my husband and I have experienced a tick on one of the boys well ball sack, chaffing from sports and football, infected hairs. All totally normal


It’s weird for someone to think a FATHER helping his SON is weird. A lot of young boys would rather go to their father for help and advice with that area rather than their mother. The fact that you are making a stink about it is a :triangular_flag_on_post: for me.


Girls learn from their mothers, boys from their Dads, or substitute parent. Get your mind out of the gutter.

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I think I’m more worried about your reaction to it. But not enough information to actually know why you would find it upsetting.


That’s called being a good parent. My husband goes in with my 7 year old when he needs something I don’t ever question it because he is his father and helping him with boy stuff . And if he don’t I do . And some kids have disabilities and need extra help and don’t want the extra attention .


Be no different to a mum helping a son out he is lucky his dad cares for him enough to care and not just brush it off.


My son is almost 13… and he has asked me to go in the washroom with him a few different times because he had a question… or something wasnt right or something was red… etc… its apart of parenting… Everything now a days is being sexualized and it shouldnt be… Be glad he has his dad to go to with things as my son doesnt… my son comes to me…


I’m going to assume whoever asked this doesn’t have children. Who else should the child be asking? My daughter is almost 11 and when she questions if something is normal or OK I help her. I would rather her ask me than to let a potential problem go or ask someone else. My husband helps our boys. Just bc a child reaches a certain age doesn’t mean you stop being their parent


I’d say what a great dad, being so comfortable and willing to help his son whenever he needed and no matter the situation!


This is like saying a mum shouldn’t go to the bathroom with her daughter to help with a period! It’s his dad! Not everyone is a creep in this world. Simply just a father helping his son.


He’s helping his son with his skin issue, an 11 Yr old wouldn’t know how to treat it, plus with the hair thing it’s time for the father to have birds n bee’s talk. It’s called parenting! What… a father can’t parent?! :roll_eyes: Maybe if he’s was a step dad I would kind of understand but still… Come on.


This post makes my head hurt :face_with_head_bandage: thumbs up to the father for helping his son. And sorry for you feeling this was awkward .

Tell me you don’t know of a healthy father/son relationship without telling me…
Normalize dads being active fathers without being judged by others…

Um, my 14 and 11 year old sons BOTH come to me and their father about issues. I would be more concerned if my child chose to hide things!

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Don’t be so worried

If it was a stranger then there’s a problem


Maybe he is too embarrassed to ask mum, and just maybe is more comfortable discussing those things with dad.


I really feel like society is slowly pushing good dads out of children’s lives.Pretty sad.


Oh my god people! Not everyone is a perv! Thats his father! I washed my little girl hair when she was little cause i was the only one she said that did it right. She is MY CHILD! Does that make me a pervert!!?


Stop sexualizing everything or assuming the worst that shit can cause serious problems for a good parent…people assuming or pointing fingers when you don’t know what is actually going on, is what’s wrong with this world. If you don’t know then ask questions, otherwise mind your own business. Obviously if you were that worried you would not have been on social media asking or talking about it, you would have been taking some sort of action to see if it’s true or to make sure that kid was ok… Just saying. A parent cant breath, look at their child, talk to them or discipline them anymore hell even fart by them without it being abuse, malestation or other shit. Smh the world we live in has become a wimp


the real question is why are you sexualizing this​:thinking::thinking::thinking:


At 11, I think he is too old to be in the rest room with his father! I think it’s ok for his Mom to be!
They often come to Mom with those kind of problems…


Oh lordy, making drama where there isn’t any!


Why us it weird for a parent to help their child?

Is it better they go to a stranger you don’t know or trust?
It not as though the father is in there bathing the child every night washing his genital or anything.

It’s actually sad because fathers get bagged for not stepping up and it sound like this dad had stepped up to be shot down…

So a boy cannot ask his father for help?!? As a girl I felt more comfortable asking my mom questions so why wouldn’t a boy feel more comfortable asking his dad? This question should have been thrown in the trash pile/deleted by whoever posts on this page. I can’t believe it was actually posted. What is wrong with you?!?

I say it is none of your business and am shocked that you would waste everyone’s time asking this.

No its no different to a mother being in there to a father!

I think it’s just good when anybody has someone to go with him into a public restroom anything can happen these days

If my boys need advice that I can’t explain and I can’t answer it I tell them to ask their dad because I’m a female and idk about certain male problems

The creeps that are out there in the world today I think it’s a wonderful when a parent takes her to the bathroom when they’re under the age of 18 I think that there’s too many f***** up things that happen in this world

Nothing wrong if the boy is asking for advise or help from his FATHER that is trust and who else is he supposed to ask ??

How else are they supposed to learn or feel safe with their changing bodies. If there is concern then he shouldn’t have kids.

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I see nothing wrong with a father helping his son. Who else is better equipped to do so? Stop sexualizing a situation that isn’t sexual.

For real?? Pretty sad world when a father can’t help his own son…


Its just sad how the enemy has made the world worser than in the times of adam and eve.Maybe you may need to assess your spouse and also just try to have a talk with your son about sexual abuse.

Do your kids not come to you when they have questions about their health/body?

You don’t think it’s normal and I don’t think it’s any of your business, Karen.

Just a question would it be weird to you if a mum was in there helping her son ?

This post is very disturbing. What’s wrong with a dad helping his young son?

i think it was a parent helpin his son innocently​:thinking::thinking:


Be great full he has a relationship like that and can/trust rely on his father at those times. Why does everyone have to make out somethings bigger than it is all the time… :woman_facepalming:t2:


Would you feel the same for mom and daughter?

He is his DAD get a grip

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What if it was a mom taking her daughter with her to the restroom??? Would you even be having the same issue with this??? Be honest now.


It’s a dad. Quit making a mountain out of a molehill

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Why must people sexualize everything?! You can’t even breastfeed your newborn because someone might think your tits were made for your husband instead of the thing with which that they were actually intended for: your baby… you can’t go into the bathroom with your 11 year old because OBVIOUSLY that seems off like they’re in there doing something they shouldn’t instead of the 11 year old calling his doctor on the phone to ask. Like what!?! My 17 year old daughter has shown me issues on her breasts and vagina. If she cant come to me who can she go to?! What the heck is wrong with people?!


Wow, what do you think single father’s do !!! Smdh :roll_eyes:

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I think unless it’s your child you should mind your own business. There’s lots of reasons a parent would go into a bathroom with an 11 year old. And if he were doing something shady I don’t think anyone would do it right out in the open in front of you. Just my thoughts

No,its not weird who is the kid supposed to ask? If he can’t get help from dad God help him in life.

I think you should mind your business in this case if this is all the info around it! We want Fathers more involved and when they do these accusations? Please.

If the boy is asking dad for help. Then no o would not be worried. It’s just good parenting it seems to me. The boy trust his dad if you ask me.

How could you even ask such a question? Who are you? Jealous, insecure step mom? Ever had a son?

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The only one making it weird is you. Dad is being a dad and helping his son.


How ugly of you to sexualize a child like this. I’m an adult and still confide in my mother when it comes to my body she watched as I birthed my child cleaned me up after birth, showered me took care of me. You going to sexualize her for helping her child? No you wouldn’t because it’s a mother and daughter but a father helping his son with his body parts raises suspicion? Weird. Dads deserve so much more respect than they are given. I’m thankful my husband is the hands on father that he is! Next your going to say dads shouldn’t change their daughters diapers cause it’s “sexual” :roll_eyes:


You don’t know if this poster has been sexually assaulted or abused as a child so can y’all stfu, when that has happened to you you tend to be hyper vigilant and always are looking out for predators in every person even the people you don’t want to that’s where your mind goes. As to the poster if he is actually just having those questions I think it sounds fine that he is asking his dad about it privately to be sure but if you’re concerned just keep an eye out just try not to let your mind go straight for the bad even though it’s easy to do but you know how you feel and what vibe you get so just keep a close eye and ear out for anything out of the way good luck to you :two_hearts:

If my 11 year old boys had to pee in a public bathroom I’d still tell Dad to go with them. If they have questions about their body parts that I don’t have they’ll probably ask their Dad and not me. Why would any of that be weird? Stop sexualizing Dad/son relationships. I’d be questioning you as a person if I found out you thought my relationship with my child was weird because we are “too close” for you :nauseated_face::nauseated_face:


I’d say keep ya damn nose out of others business. 11 years old being helped with his chapped THIGHS by his own loving and caring parent. A dad who is clearly concerned and helping his son. A dad who his son is so comfortable with, he goes to him and asks about pubic hair. I bet you don’t agree with parents kissing kids on the mouth too? GTFO

Y’all are disgustingly rude I hope all the asshats stub their toes everyday for the rest of their lives

This post needs removing

Who else would he ask to help him?

Could be hidden disabilities.
Plus, the child is male. An Adult MALE and a younger MALE are in there together. Not a female and male.


It’s his fathes for Christ sake .

Bodies aren’t inherently sexual and kids are going to have questions and concerns about their body that need to be addressed in a comfortable and honest way without turning the child into a sex object.

Stop sexualizing parenting


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be worried about a boy in the bathroom with his dad? - Mamas Uncut

Boys learn from their dad’s just as much as mum. I think these reasons are valid.


Stop making this dad out to be a villain. It’s parenting. If it were a daughter and mother, there would be no issue. I’m almost 30 and I would still ask my mum to check if something didn’t seem right or I needed help with something.
If you have a genuine concern, then of course address it, but to me, this is not an issue.


Yet wouldn’t be a problem if it was a woman? Really?
The dads being a parent and keeping the privacy of his child protected while being supportive. Nothing wrong with it.

This kind of questioning is part of the reason dad’s are afraid to actually parent their children when it comes to teaching them about their bodies and being what a parent should be.

People need to stop assuming men are all predators.