Would you be worried about a boy in the bathroom with his dad?

I don't think it is normal. I know a 11 year old boy who's dad has went to bathroom with him to help him with a issue involving chapped inner thighs, another occasion the boy thought he had pubic hair & didn't know what it was. Supposedly the dad was helping the child. Seems to old for dad to be in bathroom with him. What do y'all think ?

Nothing wrong with a parent helping or explaining anything to their child. Doesnt matter what the sex of the parent or child is. Seriously, who else can they talk to about personal information and feel comfortable. My god…. One of my boys zipped his penis in his zipper and created a cut/ abrasion on it that got very inflamed and red. Obviously painful. When i see him adjusting himself every five minutes and ask “is something wrong” and he kinda laughed and was like “well… yeah.” And proceeds to tell me whats going on… and my response is “ ok, let me take a look and see. You’re not the first kid to zip themselves up like that “ It could be nothing, could be staph infection, could be cellulitis. Who knows… wont know till i see it if it warrants a trip to the doctor. Seriously, isnt that what parents are for?!? Stop sexualizing children. My kids tell me everything, even stuff I dont want to hear.
A parent looking at a kids rash on their thighs… geesh. That could have been soooo many things. And some rashes need serious treatment. Staphylococcus, bartonella, scabies, MRSA, streptococcus and fyi…. Kids can get strep infections anywhere, hell so can adults.
I had a strep infection in my breast and was hospitalized for a week on iv antibiotics. My daughter saw a red bump on my breast when in was changing and told me. It spread quickly and had already tunneled into the tissue inside.

Absolutely NOTHING wrong with a kid going to their parents with questions and concerns about anything. More parents should talk to their kids enough so that they are comfortable asking embarrassing questions. Id rather have my kid ask me than a buddy at school or have them ignore something that could be serious bc they are too embarrassed.
I wish people would stop sexualizing everything. A parents job, protect the welfare of their child, educate, communicate, and be there when they need you.


Nothing wrong with a parent going into a public bathroom with their child. Would you rather them go in by themselves? Why is this an issue?

It is weird to me that someone would be trying to insinuate something nefarious from a parent helping their child with perfectly normal issues. I think the issue lies with the OP. Who vilifies parenting like this?!

I mean most likely it’s perfectly fine, unless there are implications, signs that something is going on like if the dad is the one taking the boy in with him and the boy doesn’t want to, or if the boy is uncomfortable around his father. You’re missing too much context for it to be clear such as if the man is a single dad etc

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be worried about a boy in the bathroom with his dad? - Mamas Uncut

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Who else can look and inform the kid if his parents can’t?!


So the kid needed help and his dad helped? I’m confused at what problem you’re trying to start here


I don’t understand how this is weird at all, would it be better he shows the neighbour :roll_eyes:


Sounds like a dad doing what he’s supposed to do :woman_shrugging:t2:


If the 11 year old boy is comfortable asking his dad about these things and asks him to sort it out in the bathroom, I see no problems— he sure isn’t going to ask his mom - it’s a boy thing


Uhh, your putting sexual thoughts on innocent behaviors. He’s his dad. Chill out.


No different then a mother going to the bathroom with her daughter to help her with her first period…


I dont think its weird at all .
I had my mother help me a times as a young child /adult.
What difference is it?
How can the young lad learn???
What do u say to ur child ?
No go away ?!?!?!?!


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: soooo is he just suppose to figure it out on his own?..if it was his mother would it be any different to you?
:roll_eyes: jeeze these questions.


Seriously? That’s ridiculous! I really wouldn’t be concerned over the boys concerns about whatever is going on down there especially if he needs help with something he doesn’t understand. That’s like if my daughter asked me, then I’m going to be right there. No difference at all! Don’t make it more than what it is!


So who would you rather hv look at the child?a next door neighbour?:thinking:


I’m 31 and I still ask my mom questions or to look at stuff :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


Not really, the child depends on his dad to tell him what’s what and help with issues (chapped legs) not all kids know what to do.

I was still going in the bathroom with my son until he hit puberty then he no longer wanted me to see him naked.

It’s just being a parent, I don’t get this thing of making everything weird or sexual :woman_shrugging:t2:


I fail to see what’s wrong here. Because all your saying is the father helping his child


This is all perfectly fine I mean is it ok for a mom to go in the bathroom with her 11 year old daughter? Why should it be any different?


Why would you be worried about that? He’s the dad. Who else is gonna help him? Would you be worried if mom was in the bathroom with an 11 yr old girl whos having her 1st period? Come on people WTF!!!


Uhhh, no not weird at all. Girls go in the bathroom with their moms. No difference.


WOW. Just wow, who else would you suggest go look at chapped inner thighs…jeeezus. You need help.


Think it’s none of your business.


He’s having issues with his bits and your worried about the dad who has knowledge in it is helping him? Is the kid supposed to just know everything?! I’d be happy he has a guy who wants to help him out. I’m Very confused by this question.


Some children are more fearful than others. I had to have an escort to bathroom til i was over 10 years old because I was scared to go alone, even in our own house. Some kids need more parent time and different types of parenting.

And if its not okay for a man to be in the bathroom with his child, WHY WERE CHANGING TABLES DEMANDED TO BE PUT IT ALL PUBLIC BATHROOMS.


It’s great that they have a relationship whereby the child feels comfortable getting help from his Dad.


Yeah… I see nothing wrong here… Its a father being a parent to his child. Period. This is an issue if yours that you need to deal with. You’re sexualizing it.


It’s no different than a mom helping her child! You think so perverted…


Sorry, not sorry…but you seem like an out right fool… honestly


Omg there is nothing wrong with a parent of either sex helping or explaining biological stuff to their child. Who else can they go to and say “look at this! Is it normal?” One of my girls had an inflamed labia at 14. She showed me. One of my boys zipped up his penis in his zipper and caused an abrasion/cut on it. It got VERY swollen and red. “Hey ma, come look at this! How do i fix this?”
Completely NORMAL. People need to stop sexualizing children!!

They’re father and son. Perfectly acceptable. If the son didn’t want his dad there, he wouldn’t have told him the issue… it’s actually great that he is comfortable with his dad and sharing his concerns!!
You’re making a big deal out of nothing!


Why are you trying to sexualize something that is normal. The kid had questions he felt comfortable asking his dad.


I don’t find that weird. He’s comfortable enough asking his father, the appropriate parent in this situation, for help. BTW, since you know them, please relay deodorant works amazing for chapped thighs. I learned that in the military. Don’t ruck march without it!


This question is question me why some parents are parents
You kids will ask you for everything and anything not matter how old they are!
Better than ask somebody else :woman_facepalming:t4: you got a sick mind if you think that way on a innocent kid with his dad
So question yourself why you think that way before you ask this DUMB thing!

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I’m tired of the world generalization of there children and them urinating at the same time . Like let it hang out an show ur kids what to do . The only time I would be concerned is when over attention would be involved

What kind of traumatic drama have you gone through to think this is an issue? :woman_facepalming:t2:


Umm I see nothing wrong with a dad helping his son with personal issues involving his body.


What the heck…. He is his dad, who else is he ment to show?


I am 20 and I still will call my mom in the bathroom if I have any questions no matter the situation honestly. I don’t see a difference in a boy that young asking for his fathers help or opinion on something. Totally normal in my eyes.

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Who else should an 11 year old boy ask for help with these sorts of things. Not all men are perverts!


this is so wrong… kids only need their parents in the bathroom maybe till their 4 or school age. After that its inappropriate. I would be getting authorities involved immediately. do these kids not know what youtube is


ALSO its acceptable for a girl to go to her mother when she gets pubic hair and her period. WHY should boys have to do it alone???

Sounds like you need to mind your business. I didn’t know that a dad helping his son was a problem? Just like moms help their daughters learn about periods and stuff. It’s normal parenting thing. What I do find weird is your way of thinking sexualizing a child and their father which could ruin someone’s life!


What are you even talking about? Why make this weird and uncomfortable? Dad loves and cares for his kid. That deserves praise. Wtf.


My 27 year old ex had his mom run his balls for chapped legs that’s inappropriate as for this ur overthinking it :woman_facepalming:

Thats why they teach sexed in school


Seems to me like you’re the one with the real issue.


Yes please saves me from having to explain. Oh hell yes no issues unless he is doing more than usual care. Any red flags

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You are the pedo thinking that way weirdo


No issue here other than your imagination.


And seriously? I still have my mama look and check out things that I’m concerned about and I am 32 :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: its like your trying to create a problem out of it and have others justify its a problem when it isn’t


AND if you’re SO concerned about the situation, why don’t you ask the boy? He’s 11 right?? More than old enough to answer for himself!


Them boys in the military has no problems with community showers. Anything about family relations is none of your business, especially a father and son situation.


Your being annoying. It’s father and son. Don’t try to sexualize it. Unless the boy is actually being touched


Would you have a problem if it were mother and daughter?


Outta all the time I’ve seen

“I wish his father was here to help”
Or " dead beat don’t even care is he a dad" or
" in a single mom, the dad don’t care, how do I help my 11 year old boy with these questions"

Unless you’re directly involved and not just over looking someone else’s life… you should really really think before speaking and seriously … what you say and how you say can really make a difference. I understand if you’re just a curious onlooker, then it shouldn’t be a problem for you to ask the individuals instead of a bunch of strangers you’re not giving the full story to…


Seriously. Girl you
Need to calm down. Good on dad and son for having an amazing relationship that kid can ask dad stuff. My 12 yr old daughter still ask me stuff and same as my 24 yr old daughter :woman_shrugging:t3:. Stop sexualising kids :woman_facepalming:t3:


Wowwwwww making an issue out of anything and everything these days! :roll_eyes:


It just makes me so sad that we are at this point in society today that this is actual thoughts! What a great dad to be there for his son durning these adolescent moments


Let me guess…You are also one of the Karens who think it is wrong for a dad to cuddle w/ his daughter. Go sit down.


If it was the other way round and a mum and 11 year old daughter were in the bathroom because she’d started her period…would that be weird?


It’s normal for fathers and even mothers to help with personal issues, grooming etc. Our job is to teach. Within appropriate boundaries.


I really hope this wasn’t a serious question :expressionless:


Based off them 2 things then I would say no I don’t see an issue . An 11 year old is still a child and if they are worried about something with their body who else would you suppose they ask ?


Remind me why that’s a problem? I’m waiting. …

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Definitely don’t see the issue with it… he’s his parent, he’s supposed to help his child…


I wish Facebook would come out with a “:roll_eyes:” reaction so I didn’t have to type stuff out to give my input. But seriously, are you serious? Who better than to teach the boy about things that he doesn’t know or is new to him than his father? That’s an age where a lot of things start changing and of course he’s going to feel more comfortable going to his dad for help and advice. Come on…it’s not weird for a mother to help her 11yr old daughter, don’t make it weird for boys to get help from their dad.


What is your problem! Weird …you …are the weird one.

That’s insane. It is a dad helping a son. Don’t make it sexual.


How sad :disappointed: seems to me that you don’t trust men at all I trust my husband with my boys and I thank God that they have a very close relationship they tell each other everything I think it’s you that has the problem


I would rather my son ask his Dad to help him with those sorts of things than me honestly, just like a Mom helping her daughter with personal issues.


Why?? Moms help kids all the time. Dads are parents too


My child’s a girl so does that mean I shouldn’t help her on the bathroom if she needed me???

Or my husband help our sons

I really hope you have no children because they don’t stand a chance of help if they need it, or is just other peoples life you mess with


Um guys shower together in the same rugby teams don’t they lol Its father and son. Nothing wrong with it.

Whoever asked this sounds like a boomer
#sorrynotsorry #mindyobusinesskaren


My daughter is 10 and if I have to help her with an issue in the bathroom, I help her.

You’re the one with the wrong mindset. A child is asking their parent for help and thankfully the parent is there to help.

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Are you for real ??? You can’t be serious there’s no way??? What’s wrong with a father helping his son??? Not to sound mean but you have issues


Chapped inner thighs and pubic hair are all medical things. Of course its appropriate. “Hey dad my thighs are chapped they hurt really bad could you help me” or “hey dad I think I may be starting puberty can you help me figure this out”
You need to learn to mind your business. I would hope my kid would tell me when they started puberty its kind of important to keep up on your child’s development. And chapped thighs could lead to cellulitis and not to mention uhm pain that they may not be able to manage? You’re a weirdo please get some help

Guess it’s a crime to be a dad now

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Who should the young man ask about personal issues as his body starts to change. Great that father and son can communicate on a personal level.


Wow! I have 5 boys aged 14,13,9,8 & 7.
Anything to do with there private areas are dealt with by my husband! It’s a male thing! And he understands what they are going through not me!
Absolutely disgusting to just presume anything!


Parents are supposed to help kids with issues…11 is my son’s age and if he happens to have a question or an issue, i will do what I have to do as a parent. Doesn’t matter mom or dad, if they’re taking care of their child there’s no issue!


Maybe you should ask yourself why your first thought is that it’s inappropriate of a dad to be acting in a normal way with his son? That’s the strange part :thinking:


Would you feel the same way if it was his mother? Probably not. :roll_eyes:

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Wait wait wait, did a mother post this? My questions are how do you know those were the problems? Why was you in the mens room? If not then why was you overhearing someone’s private conversation? I would be mad if someone was overhearing mine and my child’s conversation and then blast it over Facebook. It’s none of your business.


Girls ask about puberty related questions to their mothers and its applauded for the bond but turn the tables around because pubescent boys have questions and its inappropriate ?


If YOU date Rapist and pedos just say that. Don’t you or wouldn’t you assist your daughter no matter her age? You’re weird. How don’t you trust a father with his own son just because of that? You gotta tell us more in that case cause nah.


Well this just won the internet today for the stupidest asked question!


It depends on the situation. If anyone insists on being in the bathroom with a child 100% of the time, that would trigger a red flag for me. However, kids of all ages have questions about/personal issues with their bodies and how they work. I would hope that any child would be comfortable asking at least one parent for assistance. If not a parent, who DO they ask? My children are 17, 14, and 6…they know they can ask me anything about anything and I will do my best to help them and give them as straight forward an answer as I can.

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I have three sons between the ages of 12 and five and yes they come to me but I send them to their father to deal with their male reproductive organs. Maybe you should be seeking some professional help for yourself.


My mom helped bathe me until I was like 10 lol

Lady u are getting a new arsehole ripped​:rofl::rofl:

It’s not bad that you asked . How do people know what’s right and wrong and bag for asking only stops people asking real questions.

What has this fucking day and age come to…. :woman_facepalming:t3:

I think if the child is comfortable with his dad thats awesome my kids are going into puberty blind cause they are embarrassed my 10 yr old calls me in for rashes all the time i think the children need to be comfortable with a parent im actually happy for this child hes comfortable thats awesome


This whole post gives me pedo vibes… on your part​:woozy_face::pleading_face:


Ummm… what??? I help my 11 year old when she has issues… why is it a problem for a dad to do it???