We were told our unborn baby has a life threatening birth defect: What would you do?

If you keep this baby be prepared for a special needs baby.

I would have the baby regardless. Love him while you have him, and if you have to let him go, you know you did everything you could. Ooxx

My nephew had it and another boy in my town had it, my nephew only needed one surgery and is completely fine. A normal healthy boy. The other boy needed I think two surgeries but recovered well and is completely normal. Get 2nd opinion or ask a referral to see a specialist

I dont personally know of this but I do know it’s possible to survive this yes it’s a lot of surgeries but … you can have a baby who will eventually live a normal life… I have a friend who was born this way… It’s not a common situation but there is doctor’s around with information on it for you… don’t give up just yet… :heart:

My friends baby had that…her son is fine…he had to have his guts put in a bag at birth. They had to stretch the hole in his abdomen to fit everything in. About a week after birth he had surgery to correct it and is 14 now and fine. That was the only surgery he needed…good luck to you.

Second opinion. You need more info… But honestly I’d continue with the pregnancy. Just my personal opinion… Everyone has a right to life. But definitely get more info on what’s going on. It might not be as bad as you think.

There is no way I would terminate. God gave you this child for a reason, pray and put it all on his hands. Please read all of the comments from parents of babies who have this same thing.

What the specific defect?

In this instance I wouldn’t terminate, medical science has come so far and there are chances your baby will live a normal life–even if normal might be a tad different. I mean I don’t think a colostomy bag is a deal breaker for me. I would get a 2nd and 3rd opinion… You need a specialist

Get a second opinion, maybe even a third. My daughter had gastrostesis, although hers was the worst case seen she was 1 in 8 born with less the 10% of her intestines. They thought on the ultrasounds they saw just a little but they actually saw all of her intestines we didnt know that til she was born… we were told she would just need to have a small surgery to put them back in but after I gave birth they saw she actually had Vanishing Gut Syndrome. Now hers was completely rare!! Most gastrostesis cases are a simple surgery to correct the problem. I would 1000x over continue my pregnancy just because I’m so thankful for the time I had with her. Now i dont want to scare you with my comment but i personally didnt know this would have happened.


I would probably keep the baby

In your decision making, find out if this has happened in your family before.,or in dad’s family. Genetics or just a freak whim may cast the odds in baby’s favor or not. Prayers for you and your baby.

My god daughter had this when my cousin was pregnant. My cousin delivered at children’s hospital in Milwaukee Wisconsin and she was placed in the nicu where they did the surgery right away after birth and she is now a normal 8 year old.

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Something similar happened here in my town. He was born with them on the outside. He survived for a year, but he never left the hospital. I don’t know if he had more complications from it or what, but it was terribly sad.

if it is Gastroschisis it is rare but I know children who did wonderfully

Stop with the god crap. As a parent of a special need kid it gets really old really fast. Like your god is so loving and caring but made my kid sick because??? Yeah it is sick to say to parents I think


They can do surgery but no one will know the outcome til the baby is born

get a second opinion cuz that’s not that rare but personally for me I know I don’t have the mentality to be able to take care of a special needs child in any way.

My niece is 12 years old and was born with her digestive system outside her body. Doctors told my sister to terminate for the same reasons but she refused. I believe my niece has had 3 surgeries all together and her only issues are certain foods upset her stomach easier and she doesn’t have a bellybutton. Lol Other than that she is just as normal as anyone else. She is in middle school has honor roll and perfect attendance and is on the track team. I’d say the surgeries are worth it in my opinion. Hope this helps. :heart:


My 1st daughter was born at 6 months due to placenta previa. She died 24 hrs. later & if she had lived I would have gone to any & all lengths to keep her healthy & loved. Please don’t miss out on this beautiful miracle, I’ve been heartbroken for so many years. Sending many prayers your way.

It’s called gastroischisis and is pretty common - I’m a previous nicu dietitian
Typically the prognosis is good

Childerens hospital. Ask them.

I would get a second opinion but if it’s the same case if it was my situation if I knew he could be happy and healthy after surgury I would keep the baby if I knew he would be in pain his whole life I would let him go I dont think I could watch my children be in pain like that for his whole life I love my kids but I wouldn’t let them be in pain

My brother was born with his intestines outside of his body and a peemie. He has lived an entirely normal life. This was in 1982. Prayers to you and your family!

My bosses daughter was pregnant with her son and he had the same thing. He had surgery after birth and is now a happy and healthy 2 year old.
It’s not very common, and he had a “25% chance of living” but, he beat all odds.

My thoughts…if it doesn’t put you at risk…get more input before making such an important decision. Find specialty surgeons…how many have they treated…how many did ok or not. You need time to process all this. My daughter had to lose her child or she would die…the guilt eats at her every day…the grief is so deep.

I saw a post about a baby who was born that way and it was fixed. Never give up before trying. Id find a new dr…

Alex NinjaRockz Patterson

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I have a friend who went through this. Her baby went through one surgery and is now a healthy 9 year old. Find another doctor, it’s not common but it’s not rare either.

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I know two ppl that were told the same and yes were born with intestines out both also preemie. One is 10 and perfectly healthy now and the other is 7 and perfectly healthy now.

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My daughters baby had a life threatening liver disease…like she has, but much worse. We lost our son just years before she lost her own baby.

Life is a gift, rather it’s for 1 min or 60 years, it’s a blessing and a gift. At the end of the day only you can make the choice on what to do going forward. Miracles happen every day and doctors aren’t always right. Pray about it and make the best decision for your child and your self. Either choice will last a lifetime. I’ll pray for you and your sweet baby💜

Definitely see a specialist. Just because the doctor you are seeing isnt very familiar with it doesnt mean another doctor isnt. I would reach out to a women’s hospital that works with high risk pregnancies.

Pray pray pray! Op message me I have testimony

Please get a second opinion. Sicence has come a long way, I had a coworker who’s baby was born with a similar condition, she delivered the baby and had the surgeries.
Either way it is yours and your husband choice to make, I’ll keep your family in my prayers for a positive outcome.

If you terminate this pregnancy you will never know if your baby will be fine. God is the master healer and all babies are a gift. Give your precious baby the gift of life. Prayers for you


The fact that this is a not a completely uncommon thing and your doctor has no clue about it says you should probably find a new doctor. Most babies get a surgery and are fine.

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My friend in high school had this happen to her… They got her intestines back inside and the only thing she has is no belly button and a scar.

Such a hard decision thank you for having the guys to openly talk about it. What I can say is this… I understand how you feel, if the baby’s quality of life is diminished or is this one of those stories where it was not as serious… So hard I pray you find the right answer for you and your family :pray:

A former coworker’s daughter was born this way. She was sick in the beginning but they surgically fixed it she is now a happy healthy almost 2 year old. I’d go see some different docs. They are not being honest with you it seems to me. Yes there probably could be long term effects but with the medical technology they have now I feel pretty confident in saying that his chances are pretty good for a full recovery. Unless there are other issues that you didn’t disclose or they have failed to disclose to you.

Please Get a second or third opinion.

Don’t do it they said my baby was going to have Down syndrome and he doesn’t and that he had a small stomach witch he doesn’t

I have seen this a bunch of times and the Doctors saying this & that is wrong and give the options to terminate and some did but, every one I know that this happened to that had their babys they all came out perfectly normal. ( except one had a heart issue) and had surgery at about 2 or 3 months old & she is a Happy Healthy Beautiful Vibrant little girl living a full life. I say your child is worth fighting for and not giving up on. I had a scare with my last child and Dr saying defects but, I loved my child regardless & decided I wouldn’t terminate regardless then later on I found out there was not one single problem wrong with her. Best gift ever… If your a Christian then have Faith, Pray, Search, Believe, Research, Get 2nd, 3rd , opinions and Stand firm on your beliefs.

I’m glad I didnt listen to my doctors and abort my 6yr old born with Gastroschisis and Short Bowel Syndrome.


Praying for you. This is a decision no parent wants to ever make.

I know several people who’s babies had the same prognosis! One family’s child was born with no defects whatsoever and the other two families I know had to have two surgeries after birth that fixed it. Some can even be fixed in utero. I would definitely get a second opinion on this if the doctors don’t know much about it.

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keep your baby! my son had the same defect hes now almost 2 years old and as healthy as any other baby :two_hearts: he has no life long issues, though I know some who do but they are other wise healthy besides shot bowl syndrome. my son had 1 surgery after a week of putting his small and large intestine back in. He just has a special belly button :grin:


Follow through my nephew had same issue and is perfectly fine with one surgery

It’s ultimately up to you, but I will say this. When you birth that baby and lay eyes on it for the first time you will feel a love like no other, no matter what his defects are. I say, If it’s not life threatening to you to continue the pregnancy, then keep doing what you’re doing.

I was told with my youngest daughter during multiple blood tests and ultrasounds that she would never make it due to a severe case of spina bifida. They told me they wanted me to do a amnio and abort. Even though I almost went Into premature labor way early and still had her two months early on my living room floor and with her weighing not even 3 lbs they were wrong. I had complications due to the placenta moving away from her and she does have autism but high functioning. She will be 13 this year and very healthy!
My middle daughter they told me she was going to be born with downs and wanted me to abort after blood work and ultrasounds, and she will be 14 this year!

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My friend has a baby that this happened to. Lots of surgeries, and the poor kid gets sick a lot but hes 3 now and almost to what we would consider normal, being able to eat every day things and such. It’s a long road but it’s worth it :green_heart:

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I found out at 22 weeks that my son had a congenital heart defect (several actually). They gave me the option to terminate or keep the pregnancy.
I kept him, and at 6 months old he had open heart surgery. Now he’s a 14 (almost 15) month old crazy kid lol. He runs and plays, he’s beyond perfect!
Being his mom hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it. He is my everything!


Research what you do know and get another opinion and research some more

Definitely get a second opinion. But if it were me and the fetus definitely had a severe defect, I would terminate. Much love and light to you, no matter what you choose :heart:.


My oldest I was told to get a late term abortion because he wouldn’t make it I was 29 weeks pregnant. I told the dr to walk out of the room and fuck off before i put her in a chokehold. My son was born with a genetic issue that’s so rare he’s the only person in medical history to have it so far (I’m sure there’s someone with the exact same but it was documented). It’s been a rough life I won’t lie he’s disabled and partially paralyzed due to other unforeseen circumstances. If I had to go back and do it all over again I would have done the same and kept going on with him. He has taught me so much in his 8 years. Get a second opinion and go from there.

No matter what decision you make, BE CONFIDENT IN IT! Do not allow judgement to affect your lives either way. I will pray and send good vibes your way. Regardless of what you choose


I have a friend that was born with this and now she’s healthy, happy, and a mommy.

If your dr’s don’t know anything. Get a second opinion. And honestly. I’d give this baby a life no matter how long or short. Make it a happy life show him love and kindness and let him show the dr’s the odds.

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Please don’t murder your baby just because he has a Birth defect. Seeing your baby have to go through a surgery or two is hard but seeing them in a casket is even harder. Let that sweet baby live for as long as he possibly can. After he is born give him lots of love.


Going through surgery is better than being killed :cry:


My nephew was born like this at 27 weeks, and he is now 13 years old, his full body function, no problem whatsoever, and plays basketball in his school. He’ll be fine hun, promise.

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I wouldn’t terminate based on what they say. They don’t even know anything about it so they could even be wrong about what they’re seeing, imo. Plenty of babies are born with birth defects who go on to live awesome lives. Please don’t give up on your baby. Good luck in whatever you decide!


Its actually not super uncommon. I know a handful of moms thru my various baby groups whos baby was born with this. Some only had one surgery to replace the organs back in the abdomen. Some had 2. If your current dr isnt familiar with it, then look for one who is! It can be very treatable.

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My niece was born with her intestines outside her body and everything went fine when she was born. She is six now with no problems whatsoever no disabilities no nothing do not let them scare you. Surgeries are tough and the amount of the time we spent in the hospital with her was hard but worth it.

Doctors don’t know much about this birth defect…
I’d get a second opinion…but I’d rather terminate a pregnancy than have a baby born in pain…and only know pain and suffering while alive for a short time…


It’s called gastroskesis. My now 21 year old was born 12 week early . She did go through a lot . But she normal happy and healthy now


My friend from teenage years was born with here insides on out side they fixed her and she lived a normal life …just had no belly button n a scar but otherwise healthy …prayers for u and ur little one

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If you had a perfectly born baby and that baby later was in a serious accident that would mean many hours of care, many surgeries would you kill it because of the surgeries and many hours of care needed for that child or would you sit by it’s side and care for it for hours and hours and love it unconditionally. A young neighbor found the baby she was carrying was found to have it’s intestines outside too. She said NO to abortion. That beautiful baby boy Thomas is home today after 9 months in the hospital and numerous surgeries. will be a year old in March and is healthy, beautiful, active and walking too. I wish I could post his beautiful picture,


I know if it was me, I would go through with it, but when it comes right down to it, only you can make this choice momma. Either choice you make, you have my prayers. Be strong momma!


My cousins son us in his 20s now he was born with this please give your baby a chance at life and go see a specialist ob for a second opinion


My best friends daughter had this exact same thing it’s called Gastroschisis. I just spoke with her and asked if she would mind messaging with you and she said not a problem. Can you dm me how to get a hold of you.


I know someone with same thing as a baby. Perfectly healthy now


i wouldn’t terminate just because your doctor doesn’t know much about the problem. i see moms all the time with amazing testimonies! healthy babies that have lived for years & the dr said they wouldn’t make it one day!


Years ago I seen a documentary on a baby born with his inner coming out a hole in it’s belly. They put the inners in a bag that held them right above the baby and they slowly laid back inside the baby. They stitched the baby up once they were back inside and in place and the baby was fine… That was so many many years ago… I’m sure doctors have come a long way since in recovery and your baby will be OK…


My ex’s nephew had this and he is perfectly fine now he has surgeries of course but he live a perfectly normal life… but it is all up to you

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The specialist told us my son had a like a 70+% chance of being born with Downs syndrome…fast forward 6 years…I have a perfectly healthy child with no special needs at all. Even with all the testing we have today…they can still be wrong. Prayers for your little family​:heart::heart:


It’s not common at all, but a lot of doctors know a lot about it. I’d start with going to a whole new hospital if possible. Just find someone that knows more and can actually give you and educated opinion on likely outcomes for this particular case


This is such a hard situation to be in. I don’t know what I’d do. It’s easy to say I’d terminate but idk. I wish you the best. I pray for a healthy baby if that’s the route you choose. :sparkling_heart:

Keep your baby, hes a blessing!!


My friend was born with his intestines outside of his body and he’s completely fine now, just doesn’t have a belly button.

I WAS BORN WITH THIS! Chaotic Alchemy please comment on this

My baby was born with the defect gastrochisis in 2014 born at the royal Brisbane
born early 33 weeks
surgery at 1 week old for closure
9 week hospital stay all up in NICU
is a healthy boy smaller weight wise and height against peers but I was same situation found out around same gestation and was told won’t no until born
There warriors and if you do some research the outcomes with hospital care outweigh the negative
All the best!!
Averys angels is an amazing support site too with other success stories :green_heart:

It says the survival rate is 90 % to 95% ,and surgery can correct it so I say keep that baby and ask your obgyn about a referral for a high risk doctor .

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A friend of mine baby was born like that, only had one surgery and he’s a healthy 19yr old now


Where are you from Children’s hospital in Pittsburgh we were there with my granddaughter and there were a few babies down there with this one surgery and they were fine

I know a boy who lived with his and only had two surgeries and he is as happy as can be and is a dad of two beautiful baby girls

Pray to your god every minute of everyday. Love your child for the blessing he is. Please get homicide out of your thoughts your son will be great.


Happened to a friend of mine when she was a baby. They were able to place everything back inside shortly after birth. Shes 26 now with 3 kids so I wouldnt even worry

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I’m sorry but I honestly don’t know why that why that would even be an option… you either love the baby no matter what, or you don’t. You don’t give up on the baby because something “might” be wrong. It honestly brought tears to my eyes reading this. Please get a second opinion on this.


My husband was born with his organs outside his body. He is fine now and we have a one year old son now. Im sorry your in this situation .

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Very common, very fixable! Find A DIFFERENT DOCTOR!


Gastroschisis. My friend’s daughter was born with this. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, but she’s a healthy 24 year old, now. Good luck to you, whatever you decide :heart::pray:

My nephew had this. Was delivered via c-section and had surgery as soon as he was born. He’s nearly 11 now and a perfectly healthy kid. No problems since the first surgery was complete. I would not terminate for gastroschisis.

I don’t think anyone can make up your mind for you, I think you need to do a lot of research on the matter and see how common illnesses are and if you think you’ll be able to look after your baby if there is a life long illness and not everyone can and there is nothing wrong with that, don’t let anyone pressure you into making a choice you may regret tho! Make sure your sure it’s what you want and look after yourself mumma :heart:

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I would follow through. Poor mama, I wish you good luck . No body wants to have anything wrong with their baby. Sending prayers! :heart::heart::heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

Creator works in mysterious ways. He gave you a son he will guide you and your husband. :pray: for you and your family!

I know someone who was told her baby had defects and would not survive the pregnancy. That child was misdiagnosed. And while she did still have health problems, she lived for 3 years. Her life was not long, but her time was cherished. Her family has never regretted her birth and were insulted by those offering abortion as a solution.

My daughter was born with heart defects. She has had to have open heart surgery and will see a cardiologist for life. I cannot imagine life without her. She loves life and brings so much joy. For the most part, she’s a completely normal 3 year old.

My daughter and the other little girl mentioned would have been prime candidates for abortion. Abortion is permanent and once your child’s life has been ended, there are no options. Doctors have said there is a chance your child may be fine. Fear is a liar. Hold onto hope and the love you have for your child.


I’d continue…and leave it to GOD


Surgery. Hands down. You never know. You could regret never knowing, and having that child live.

And to be quite honest. Is facebook really the place to ask wether or not you should terminate your pregnancy with your son? That’s something you decide. Asking advice for surgeries and outcomes is fair but not termination.