We were told our unborn baby has a life threatening birth defect: What would you do?

22weeks pregnant I was told my baby had 3 different heart defects and they also wouldn’t know the full extent of them until he was born. 32 weeks one of the major defects corrected itself but he still an enlarged heart, and what they described as a freckle on the right top chamber that they didn’t know the extent of. At our 14 week ultrasound we were told our son was very low risk for Down syndrome, at his 22 week ultrasound we were told it’s possible our son actually had it.

Our precious little boy was born on the 12th of December very healthy with no serious heart defects and his he doesn’t have Down syndrome.

Termination was never an option for us but please get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and even 6th opinion on your child’s condition before you make your decision


Get a sec opinion. Trust ur intuition. Dr’s hv been wrong sometimes . Good luck and I will pray for u and ur baby boy :boy: .

When my mom had my brother they told her this about him. When he was born he had a small hole in his stomach that they stitched closed and he has no issues at all from it.

Get a second opinion

Your baby is now being healed from that disease in Jesus name Amene

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You do what you think is the right decision for you regardless of anyone’s opinion the one you make will be the right one :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would definitely get a second opinion! Contact a specialist at a children’s hospital or along those lines first before making a decision

My daughter was in the hospital for a heart defect and tons of kids the one you are describing. It depends what else is wrong with the child though. 2 or more things wrong… usually means a syndrome. I’d take my chances and have the baby. If you can’t handle it, you can always give up to adopt. But I don’t know your life and what you’ve been through, so it’s hard for me to say.

Find a doctor that does know. I have seen where babies do recover from this. It may be a long road but it will be worth it in the long run to watch your baby grow. Don’t count him out yet. Google drs that specialize in it. Find a peds Dr that can be there as soon as he is born to take care of him. You need to have answers before you make a decision like that. If it was me I would get as many options as I could.

Hi everyone I am the C.O.O. For Avery’s Angels Gastroschisis Foundation and as this is a fan post, I ask that the admin of this page please let the person know that we are here to help answer any and all questions. My own son was born with Gastroschisis 11 years ago and is thriving, please have your fan register though our website for support and we will respond. Thanks Lacey Hatten for tagging me :kissing_heart:


I personally would hold on in there, as they said ‘it could be fine’. Praying all will be well x

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Get a specialists.Ive heard of taking s baby out and performing life saving procedures,and putting the baby back in the womb.dont give up easy.praying for your son

My cousins son was born with his intestines completely outside. They pushed them back in slowly and he was in the NICU for at least 15 days. He’s 7 now and is completely perfect


Please don’t terminate. I understand it’s a difficult decision but get a second opinion, and research more. From what other comments have said, the baby can possibly God willing come out perfectly healthy. Give the baby a chance. Praying for baby and for you

Please give your baby a chance. Be prepared for him not to live long once born but do your best to let him live as long as possible. I’d feel better knowing I gave the wee one a chance rather then terminating & constantly wondering what if…

Definitely not uncommon. Omphalocele is the medical term, and my son also had it. Unfortunately, he also had Edwards syndrome and we did not find that out until I had a amniocentesis done. My high risk doctor recommended getting one due to his omphalocele being very large and his heart being in his lower abdomen which caused him to have club feet as well. My high risk doctor begged me to have a medical abortion to terminate due to the high risks of his being so large and the Edwards syndrome fighting against each other. I decided to be induced so I could hold my son and have him cremated so we could bring him home with us. “Medical terminating” means they take the body to a facility for testing. Breathe and pray, and stay strong. We got picked to be mommies to the most special babies. Every situation is different. Talk to different doctors and get their opinions and weigh them out first.


Never terminate if has a chance. Seek for a 2nd opinion if that doctor doesn’t know, this could be a very expensive procedure but what’s more important is the life of your baby. My heart breaks reading about this. I’m praying for you. God is with you and your baby. :heart:

2nd and 3rd opinion. Even if it’s in another county or state with a very RECOMMENDED doctor.

Don’t terminate based on a guess. If I had a dollar for each time I heard about a fetus having a grim diagnosis and later being just fine, I’d be rich. Get another opinion.

Idc how many 2nd, 3rd, or 50 doctor opinions you get. Every life has value the moment of conception. By reading some other comments it’s something that looks to be corrected.

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Some things correct themselves during pregnancy. 100% up to you, but just cause it’s there now doesnt mean it cant correct. Most babies born with it are completely fine after the surgery(s)

My cousin waa born like that. They put his intestines in and hes a totally healthy 15 year old boy now. Only needed the one surgery.

Hunny this is you and your significant others decision only. Do not listen to any of these people on here. You two have to decide. There is not a wrong answer love. Good luck to you


How about u don’t play God and not murder your child. The fact that even crosses your mind as a valid option, proves you don’t deserve the beautiful child growing inside you. I hope for your child’s sake you don’t choose to murder him. You’re supposed to be his voice, and he wouldn’t choose death. Act like youre a mother.


I will not judge you. You and your SO do what you want to do, what your heart says. I am Catholic but I am not going spew bible verses and God this and God that. Follow your heart.

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Jessie Jacobs ain’t this what Hailey had???

Nope. Don’t abort. I grew up with someone whose intestines where forming on her outside. She’s in her 30s.

My granddaughter was born like that. Plus had a form of down syndrome. Normal people have 48 chromosome. Down syndrome has 47. She has 49 shes 22 years old and has been working 4 years doing great

I would definitely wait. My cousins daughter had a little girl with the same thing. Her intestines grew on the outside of her body. They did surgery after she was born and fixed everything. She is now a happy, healthy little girl.

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My niece was born with her intestines outside her body, she is perfectly healthy teenager now.

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My niece had this when she was born, she is perfectly healthy now

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I’m so confused that your doctor is saying that don’t really know anything about this condition because it’s not that rare. Sounds like you need a new doctor.


I’d get another doctors opinion. See if through the internet you can talk to others who have experienced it. May be rare but I’m sure someone’s been through it… then I’d make the choice… it’s not fair to be brought to a world to hurt and hurt and then not make it… but if there is hope, it is up to you momma.

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Please protect your baby. Don’t hurt him please. He’ll be born a little different, but he deserves a chance. A woman in my birth group had this and after surgery her 6 month old is doing great now.

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Do your own research, you said the Drs don’t know much so speak to the surgeons and find out the real figures and risks for yourself so you can make a fully informed and educated disision.

If you had a healthy child, that later on you found out had a disease; would you say … i don’t want to put you through surgery, so i will choose to kill you instead. No. Of course not. So why would you kill your baby. Give him a chance.


I personally would get a 2nd opinion before I worry and make decisions.


Go for it, i think. What if its jst fine? At least youll know you tried. Sorry for your struggle

I would research the disorder, seek other doctors opinions & try to find other moms who have dealt with this (which you have found some here). It’s a hugely personal & difficult decision which you will have to live with either way. Don’t let anyone guilt you into keeping your baby if you feel he’s going to live a life of suffering. I’m very sorry you’re going through this. I can’t imagine facing a decision like this. Whichever you choose will be the right 1.


My baby cousin was born with the same defect in 2001 and he is perfect now! He did have to undergo some surgeries but he is a very healthy young man today! Keep your precious gift from GOD!


Please reach out to Avery Angels before you make any decision. My nephew was born with gastroschisis and he’s almost 9, now. Every case is so different, but he hasn’t had complications since he was born.
Averys Angels will be able to give you all of the information and support you need, right now :purple_heart:


I would definitely wait and pray for a good outcome hun.

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These 2 are 5 weeks apart. One was born with NO abdominal wall a d intestines on the outside and other organs exposed. Can you guess which one? They are both perfectly healthy, happy and silly.


My nephew had this exact same thing happen to him. He had a few surgeries and is fine now. He is so healthy. My advice is to find a doctor that knows what he is doing bc this is more common than he says.


A friend of mine had a baby born with this condition years ago, surgery was successful and he is fine now.


Go to one of the larger hospital where they treat new borns and it will be ok.


Please message me. I was born with this. It is called gastroschisis. Please message me


Meet my cousin Tacy Irene Schlicht-Johnson She was born like this and is perfectly fine now she’s and adult with children of her own


Look up Oliver Eli’s story on Facebook he was born with a giant omphacele cuz his mother was prescribed a medication that causes it… it’s a group/page made by his grandma that tells you exactly what they went threw… not saying that’s the case for you and your baby but it may help you understand more… praying for you and yours

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Get a second opinion. That birth defect isn’t that uncommon and even I know it’s a thing. So unless something else is going on, it’s surgically repairable. Please get a second opinion. Maybe a third. Can’t put a price on life! Then make your decision as an informed family. Good luck and positive thoughts for you all!


Hey get a second opinion… And if they say the same thing then medically you have until 23 weeks… I unfortunately had 5 different doctors opinions and still had the hardest time deciding… but in the end I did not want my daughter dying immediately after birth, which is what would have been the probable outcome since every child that had her defect had done the same; but I medically terminated and it was a haunting choice. Even now I always think about whether or not I made the right choice. Just do your research and do what feels right for you love… Don’t feel guilty or guilted for your choice


Get another opinion. I’ve heard of this before so cant be too uncommon. :heartpulse::heartpulse:


I would get a second opinion first and if they say the same thing I would have a serious sit down with ur partner about what u all feel is the best decision for you to. None of us can tell u what u should or shouldn’t do nor should we do so. But if I were in that scenario I would get a second opinion and if the same thing is said then I’d probably look into what kind of surgeries and such the baby would need done and if it would be worth having them live a life such as that. Not saying that it cant be done but it would be very hard on all of u.

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I’ve heard of this defect. It can be surgically corrected. The baby will be in the NICU. Have you seen maternal fetal medicine? Please, please seek specialists regarding this. It can be surgically corrected.


You dont listen to what hundreds of random strangers are telling you and you what is best for you and your family. You need to think about the possible worst case scenario and decide whether or not you can manage emotionally, financially, and physically. No one on this page knows your situation, but you and your partner. I pray that you find peace in your decision.


My cousins son had that. He had surgery to put the intestines back in…
The baby will be just fine…

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My son was born with this. Please message me.

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Wait. I was told at 19 weeks to terminate my baby was 90% guaranteed to die with in hours if I managed to carry here to birth. I don’t remember the exact things they listed but they said she had no chance. That I was putting my life in danger to try… The gist was something was wrong with her and she would never live a long or normal life… Because they couldn’t actually say they knew for a fact I chose to wait.
She was born at 27&3 with zero birth defects and I going to be nine years old in May. So take what they say with a grain of salt and listen to your instincts.


That is called Gastroschisis and my daughter was born with it. Go to Avery Angels there are parents on there. You can get a lot of your questions answered.


After 10 years of trying and almost 7 with fertility drugs I finally was pregnant. At 20 weeks at the 3d ultrasound I was told the baby wouldnt be healthy, probably wouldnt have a live birth. I was to schedule for termination. I felt her move and I walked out …she is 19 now and was born healthy, beautiful, no learning or developmental issues.


I actually had this happen to me with my daughter. I was told literally the exact same thing around 21 weeks and was closely monitored. By 28 weeks everything had returned where it should be! I’ve also known other mothers who had the same thing happen. Only one had to have a surgery to place everything where it should be but that is the only surgery he ever had to have and he’s a healthy little 6 year old now! And my daughter has never had a problem and she’s 2 now. Hang in there mama, it’s stressful but I promise you’ll get through it! Also, get a second and even 3rd opinion because it’s really not that uncommon. And I know it’s entirely your choice but please don’t terminate! At 19 weeks I’m sure you’ve heard their heartbeat, know the gender and may have even felt movement. Give your baby a fighting chance! :purple_heart:


When my best friend was pregnant 8 years ago they found out her son had a birth defect and a medical professional told her she should terminate the pregnancy. She chose not to and now has an amazing 8 year old son (who is also my godchild) with spina bifida who will be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life along with other medical problems. Ultimately it’s your decision and a tough decision at that. I’m not against terminating pregnancies for any reason. I wish you luck with your decision and whatever decision you make is the right one for you. :heart:

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Go to a different doctor. My advice is to get as MUCH information as you possibly can.
Because doctors are WRONG alot.
Personally, if I was you, I wouldnt terminate. But that’s me.

I would not terminate at 19 weeks especially if they themselves are saying they don’t know.

That is refered to as gastroschisis. It is not that uncommon. Many babies have had repairs and live long, healthy lives. Get second Dr. Specialist opinion and find a specialty pediatrician that will work with OB and be right there at delivery and all along way.


Omphalocele (organs are in a sac) or gastroschisis (no sac and organs are freefloating)? My son was born with an omphalocele 4months ago and we didn’t really know too much about how it would go either. Doctors always give u worst case scenario because they don’t want you to be unprepared for a negative outcome. They did this with my husband and I and it scared us to death but my son was born healthy, had only 1 surgery to close his abdomen and is now thriving. Idk your situation, every baby is different, but it would be a shame to terminate if the baby could ultimately survive, and thrive


My daughter didn’t make it, but I’m glad I carried her and I didn’t go threw with an abortion I know I’m my heart I typed everything possible to keep her going and healthy and I know it wasn’t my actions that cause her to pass :sob::pleading_face: but it’s a very personal choice I was alone and had no support during this time and it was my first child I was a poor college student and the dad wanted nothing to do with her so need less to say I had a lot of reason to give up but I never did


If it were me, I would do as much research as I could. Talk to more doctors, find research online etc. Best of luck, I support your decision either way.

If there is a possibility that he will be fine you should give him a chance! Let him show you how much of a fighter he can be!
Once you see him you will know you have done the right thing. If you do terminate you will probably always wonder what could have been.


Give this baby a chance at life. Don’t terminate.

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My brother son was born with his intestines outside also the just cut him open alittle and put it back in he’s never had any problems he’s now 12 yrs old. I would get a second opinion


My son has the same the from trisomy 18. My heart aches without him.

This isn’t extremely uncommon. I would get a second opinion.


My cousin was born with her small intestine in the outside of her body. She had a pancreas small intestine colon and liver transplant at a year n half old. I couldn’t imagine life without her now! She’s 16 and thriving!

Please do as much medical research as you possibly can. Find the best dr in your area/state that you can talk to. Prayers

I worked at a daycare with a mom who’s kid I helped take care of was there as well he seemed fine to me his mom told me about how he was born with his organs outside his body and they put them back in and sealed his skin up like a bellybutton so it would look the most normal they could

My daughter was born with that. It’s called gastroschisis. She’s almost 8 now. Get a second opinion.


My personal opinion, doctors don’t ever know 100% what’s going on. My daughter had a defect as-well and they just didn’t know much about it and they prepared me for the worst and she went full term and is healthy as can be! If it were me I would keep the baby and see how it goes. All you can do is try and hope for the best.

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Surgery, always. I wouldn’t terminate this is your child I promise you wouldn’t regret it x

Get a second opinion, it’s not that uncommon.

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First, it doesn’t mean baby will have said defect. I’ve heard of women who were told baby had abc wrong and were pressured by drs to terminate but they chose not to and baby was fine. Second, you can use this to do your own research. YOUR dr may not know much about it. Request to see a specialist and do your own research. When it comes to medicine and drs you have to be your own advocate.
Third, you’re asking of what others would do. Personally I wouldn’t terminate no matter what. I would use the knowledge I can get and prepare myself, my family, and life for my child.

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Jesus Christ can heal! Pray!

Dude my daughter had Necrotizing Enterocolitis and shes just fine she had 2 surgeries and shes perfect

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Good luck to you momma

I was told my son was going to have brain defects and I have a chance to abort Him. After prayer, we opted to LOVE him through any issues. He was born early… he was 28 weeks. He had to stay in NICU for 6 weeks. He had to go through speech and physical therapy. He is now 8 and has ZERO issues… he is also the smartest boy in the 3rd Grade. He’s bright and happy and so funny! I could not imagine my life without him.


I would get more opinions. It seems like this isnt as uncommon as your doc is thinking. Maybe they just havent seen it? But only you can decide what’s best for you & your family. It’s your choice no matter what anyone believes.

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I would say doctors dont know everything. They oftern make mistakes. I would get a second opinion and research the condition as much as possible. Knowledge is power.
If it were me, i would keep the baby regardless.


Definitely need a second opinion! As many others have posted there are way too many outcomes to predict what will happen. Also, many many, children have survived (and thrived) similar situations!

I’ve heard of quite a few cases of that and it turning out ok. It’s up to you ultimately.

Please do not get an abortion. No judgement if you do, As a momma I wouldnt want you to feel the life long guilt of wondering what would have happened if you kept fighting for your child. That guilt is forever, speaking on first hand experience But PRAY, prayers will come a very long way, only GOD knows whats right. No doctor, no person has the final say on your little baby boys life❤️ I will be keeping you in my prayers for clarification and guidance !


I am pro choice 100% but if you’re asking for opinions, I would keep this baby. ((Hugs)) I’m sorry you are going thru this

I think i can help on this one. At 20 weeks we discovered my kid had a genetic issue, would have a very different body and they weren’t sure if it would be “just a lump of flesh”. They told us to terminate as they had no idea what would happen. He is also missing quite a bit of genetic information (that can happen). Get yourself a second opinion at the best children’s Hospital U can go to. We did and they did good research. Today I have a happy healthy boy. Yes he is special and at nearly 3 only has a hand full of words but he is catching up. Get yourself a second opinion. But do understand that it is harder then U think to sit thru children’s operations. I have had to sit thru 2 14 hour ones alone.

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I’ve seen and read stories about how they are told things and they decide to go through with the pregnancy and everything turned out fine, definitely worth getting a second opinion

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I believe in the great healer. I’ll be praying for you!

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I cant believe they give the option to terminate because of this. There is a high chance the baby will be fine. A few surgeries and a lifetime with your child… I couldnt imagine not wanting to give that chance to my child. I’m sorry you all have to go through this and honestly it’s up to you as a family but you are asking for advice/ opinions and my opinion is to be a parent and fight for your child. Good luck

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Get a second opinion i know plenty of parents with kids who had this happen and they are completely fine and healthy all they needed was surgery right after being born i know this can be a very scary thing but please get another opinion before making a major decision like this i hope this helps hun and ill keep yall in my prayers and please keep us updated on the baby

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I have heard of this often actually. I would get a second opinion. My sister was told her baby had a deformity of her sons spine. She went to see another doctor and found out it was how the baby was angled at the time of the original ultrasound. Her blood work also came back positive for trisomy 18… her son doesn’t have either. However, while I am personally pro life and wouldn’t terminate a pregnancy, this is your body, your life, your decisions. Please be kind to yourself no mater what you decide to do. Good luck momma. :heart:


Dont terminate the pregnancy. Babies grow into happy healthy children despite any birth defect

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do tors repair the ever day. pay to God and let him give your answer.i am praying for you Ann yours

I was told at 19 weeks that my unborn son was microcephalic( tiny brain.tiny head) and severely deformed. STRONGLY suggested I have abortion. He is now 42. Normal size 6’1" blond .blue eyes. Left handed. Smart as anyone we know. To sum it up…trust your heart,love your baby. I day .1 week or a whole lifetime of holding and loving your child is better than the heartbreak of not knowing what might have beeb


I know a young woman who was born with this. She had a few surgeries early on and is now a healthy young adult so get a second opinion.