Tips on helping a one year old fall asleep and stay asleep?

She could still need to be burped or is hungry. Around 4 to 5 weeks old babies start to be awake more often also. I always first check the diaper, then depending when they last ate either burp them or feed them. If they’re still fussing, they may just want to be held. They’re only babies for so long, the chores can wait.

Sometimes it’s ok to let them cry a little. If they are fed and dry, just let her cry a bit. Not to the point of screaming, but it’s ok if they cry. And like others have said, wear a sling and do your work carrying her. My niece did that.

She’s still new to this world and everything in it. Hold her momma she just knows ur heart beat and ur smell ex before u know it she will be 7 years old n not care about u

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Chores will wait! Baby is so young - it will get better!

4th trimester is a thing, seaddling a baby is good or lay her on one of your used tshirts as a under sheet for the cott etc, if she can smell you she will be happy

Let her cry her lungs are developing. Put on some soft instrumental music and she will stay asleep. I used Mozart when I worked in daycare I had to wake my babies up.

Hahaha good luck with that one

I had the same problem… Make sure she is warm enough & swaddled that should work like a charm!


I have 2 kids and I’ve swaddled both. Remember she was in your stomach for 9 months where it was nice and warm. There could be a lot going on…is she hot ? Cold? If shes not swaddled, I would try and swaddle her bc it would remind her of being in your stomach. I’m going to be completely honest, I have a 1 year old and a 3 yr old and I always have dirty dishes every night in my sink bc we go through so much through the day, I have to literally vaccum every day because my kiddos leave crumbs all over the living room, I always have laundry, toys all over…its a never ending battle. Enjoy the times and chores can always come later because she will be big before you know it


Get a, sling and put her in the sling… Check position for breathing etc… which frees up your hands to do stuff. Some babies don’t just go to sleep or stay asleep (ever, sorry), despite routine etc…get a good sling and enjoy the cuddles


She was in your tummy for 9 months . She heard your heart beat, your voice , she feels secure with you now . All my babies were just like this . You can never get this time back . You can use a front carrier or sling. You can do laundry, load dishwasher and even run the vacuum, if necessary. You need rest too . Enjoy every minute with this baby. Sing to her, let her hear your voice and heartbeat . You are so loved Moma.

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  1. Calm down, it’s only been a month,get help if you can with chores. Babies can sense if mom’s are anxious
  2. Some babies need to be “swaddled” in a lite receiving blanket.
    Try putting her to bed same time every day,get a routine going
    Savor this time with her…it won’t last forever,you will wish for this time 🧑‍🍼
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Been there, done that!
We let our baby girl sleep with us for the first year because every single time we put her in her crib, she’d wake up and start crying.
My pediatrician told us to just make a plan and stick to it.
We put her in her crib, in her room….
walked out & expected her to cry for an hour.
To our surprise, she only cried a few minutes and fell asleep.
If she woke up during the night, we would either let her just cry till she went back to sleep, or we would open the door, tell her it’s ok and go back to sleep, then close the door…she would cry a little more and go to sleep.
It’s hard to be strict about it but you’ll be so glad you did it when you get to regularly put her down for her naps and for night time.

Swaddling may help if you aren’t already doing that. Are you putting her in a crib or a bassinet? She may feel like she has too much space in a crib since she’s used to tight quarters. My girls slept best on their Rock and Play (yes, I know they’re now recalled…) and as they got older and used to taking up more space, they slept in the crib. If you need to get some things done, you may want to try baby wearing. That way she’ll be close to you, but you’ll have your hands free.

Get a snuggle cloth or toy, pop inside your bra for a day… it’ll take on your scent. Always put her to sleep with it. Baby grow bags are a great help. Try and play a soft tune at bedtime, every time you put her to sleep. She’ll equate the tune with sleep time.
Babies often don’t like total quiet…it was never quiet in the womb or hospital. So don’t tip toe…just no sudden loud noises.
If you are desperate for a rest…push her around in a pram.
It takes time, but she will develop a sleep pattern. As long as she’s fed and has a clean nappy on, is warm (not hot) no baby should wear a hat inside…unless it’s cold and they’re premature.
Then she’ll be ok…a few years is ok…just as long as she’s not howling.
Enjoy her x

Do you wrap her bundled up with arms down under the blanket? They feel more secure and comfortable, put something UNDER the head of her crib mattress to raise her head up higher. But not under her little body though.lay her on her side. A rolled up blanket put behind her back will keep her on her side.

This old great-grandma will gladly hold her while you clean house! I love babies and we currently have none in the family.

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Play music low wap her in a blanket make sure clean and fed she might cry for while but you can’t pick up every time she’ll get use to it if after a Little while ask doctor

My son did not sleep through he night till he was 2 yrs old. I finally decided to let him cry it out. Timed him. He cried for 4 min and then went to sleep. Next night only 3 min. Then slept through the night do wish I had tried letting him cry it out sooner.

I just had this problem with my 5 week old. He loves to be held so I discovered that he needs to be swaddled when going to sleep. Maybe clean tush, fully belly, a swaddle, lights down with tv back ground noise? That’s how I do it and he stays down for a from about 10pm-4am. But every baby is different, you just need to find out what works best for her. You got this mama hopefully someone’s tip helps you find something that works well for her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Meh… My kids are 23 and 13…enjoy the cuddles…the messy house will always be there. Your baby wanting mommy snuggles will not.

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Put a little clock under the mattress one that ticks sounds like your heart beat worked for my first child :heartpulse:

Sounds like she is being held to much. Can make them real fussy when they are not being held.

I had a colicky baby, I laid a heating pad in crib to warm up the mattress. Took it out and laid him on the warmed up mattress. Worked for the most part

I had twins many years ago, and one of them was like that…had to be held. So I strapped her to my back, or front and went about my daily business.

And always play music so you dont have to tip toe around the house. Plus music stimulates the brain. No one ever dies and says i wish i would have kept a cleaner house

Skip her last nap and play with her… Give her a bath then put her to bed. She shouldn’t fuss much, then she should be tired enough to fall asleep

Hold your babies as long as they let you❤️ they grow up so fast! Dust balls will always be there. My two are grown now, I miss those beautiful moments. I have 2 grands now and try to be as close as I can….

Put the radio in her room and let her have a cry it’s good for their lungs. Feed her in the bedroom at night otherwise she’ll get used to waking up and being taken to the sitting room

In 20 years no one will care if you did your chores, the only one that matters is your baby keep her close one day she might not want you to hold her.

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I read an article back when my second baby was born that saved my life, in terms of sleep scheduling, these are the tips that I learned from that article. One thing to know is when the baby is in your tummy, they are doing the majority of their activity when you are doing little to no activity, so when you sleep is when they have the most extra energy to move and grow, so they are already on a more active at night schedule because they sleep more in your tummy during the day. To switch them to your schedule you need to train them to know the difference between sleep time and awake time, so to do that you decide say eight o’clock is bed time and 7am is morning, now when it comes to feeding and changing diapers during night time hours, you want to keep everything simple, having a night light that has adjustable settings (I liked the type where you just tap the base to adjust, Mom’s don’t always have extra hands) so you can keep it dark for the most part while doing feedings and diapers, no TV., no music, no talking to the baby, absolute minimum extra sensory stimulation throughout the evening feedings, now when the baby wakes you up for the feeding close to morning time, that’s when you lay on the stimulation. I would put my little guy in a bouncer on the floor in the kitchen after his bottle, and turn on some music and all the lights in the house, and talk him up all about our plans for the day, the baby of course will still be taking his next nap in two hours like usual because that’s what they do, but instead of putting him in his crib in his room in the dark all quiet to sleep for his day naps leave him in the living area when other people will be talking and noises from the TV might wake him, and if they do its okay, that’s how they learn that day time is for being up and running, and dark is quiet for sleep time. It can be a little difficult to keep putting them back in their crib at night in the dark if they are still crying, but assuming you have gotten at least one good burp out of them, they will be fine, and you should go in touch them so they know you are there but don’t say anything, don’t pick them up, and leave again. This was only complicated for the first few days and my little ones caught on pretty quickly, and for all of them I used these techniques, and my babies would go to bed every night eight o’clock like clock work, I am eternally grateful for that article because I have seen it done so many ways, and some children have tvs playing movies in their rooms all night long because that’s how their parents put them to sleep. Sorry it’s long, I knew it would be, but if I help even one mother train there baby to sleep at nights then it was worth IT. I also found this training is best done at as youngest age as possible to be most effective.

Put your t-shirt next to her one that you have worn with your body scent on it she will sleep longer if they can’t smell mommy or daddy near them they will cry until they do

Swaddle her. Wrap a receiving blanket around her. A small hat on her head. Babies dislike being cold. They are used to being inside you. Warm. Warm. Warm.

My mother in law made a comment one time that I was going to spoil my son by holding him all the time I told her I will hold my child for as long as I can and when he tells me to stop I will hold him tighter and because of this all three of my children are extremely close and loving to me and others thay are all independent and went through early separation and they are in bed by 9 and easy to get up at 6:30am . Listen she is only a month still fresh out of course it hard to sleep without your warmth she grew in you for almost 10 months give it some time enjoy that baby smell

It will get better! May take several months though! Sorry to distress you. This too will pass!

Stuff one of your night gowns or tee shirt and gently put the baby down in the arms of something that is Mommies.I also heard of filling a glove with rice and put on babies back while it sleeps I baby sit and my secret is my favorite throw I keep on my rocker…as soon as baby goes to sleep put her down.I like to cuddle lol

We used to put ours in the car seat and set it on the running dryer slept great

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Maybe it the sound of her mattress that she dont like mine little one was like that she didnt like the sound of the mattree

I used to wear my babies in the front pack

I don’t know a one month old baby rhat sleeps all night. They usually need to be fed every 4 hours

Welcome to parenthood…bet you can’t wait for the teen years!

Soft soothing music helps calm a baby it worked wonders with mine

Maybe needs more swaddling?

Enjoy it…soon she will be in school and time gets away from you, there will always be chores. New babies don’t last. :cry:

Sooooo true! Enjoy each moment and taking it slow!

She has you trained. Crying is good for her. Let her cry

Super nanni has some great idea you can look her up on YouTube

Swaddling helps, ocean sounds may help also.

swaddle her. Hold her as much as you can, she will not want to be held one day. Try a wearable baby carrier.

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If she’s ok.let her cry a little

I used a baby carrier for months.

Forget the chores. Let your husband or significant other to help with them.

Sounds like you have spoiled her. She wants to be held.

You take advantage of every minute holding the child. Chores can wait!

Does she sleep alot in the daytime. Might have it mixed up.

No 1 months old stay asleep… They eat about every 4 hours. She should be nursing/eating 7-9 times a day! That’s a 1 month old🤷your first part says 1 year old then you say she’s 1 month old? Which is it?

Take for a ride or turn the vacuum on.

Keep wireless shit away from her, turn wifi off at night, cell phones on aeroplanes mode, switch it off when not in use…smart anything I’m reading is hazardous to our health

Forget the chores. Hold your baby.

That’s part of being a mother

a little. crying is ok

Welcome to motherhood.

After another month or 2 it will improve

Use a swaddler like a pappoose I used them on mine