Should I not buy my daughter so many Christmas gifts due to COVID?

Why not buy some extra presents and explain to her that they were left at your house by Santa (or whomever) and you are going to go with her to bring the presents to some other children. Get boys presents so that she doesn’t want to keep them. Explain to her that it will make some other children very happy Tell her what a wonderful thing she is doing. Perhaps it will start a tradition…

Not sure why you care what others think :woman_shrugging:t2: covid or not, many families can not afford a lot of gifts for their children to begin with. I see similar posts in my feed on fb around the holidays. If you really feel that bad about the privilege your daughter has maybe you can buy and donate to programs who help needy families :woman_shrugging:t2:

No worries, your doing a Great Job, mom, just so what you can, & don’t worry about what others are saying to you! They are only little once & believe me it goes very quickly!!! Enjoy & Merry Christmas!!!

I will be buying the same for my children and grandkids as I always do? It is my business and no one else’s. I will continue to spoil them as I always do. It is your business and no else what you buy your daughter. I buy all year.

Dont feel bad, a lot of parents do this for their kids and family, you know what you can do and your the only one that knows your finances, so if this is something you have done in times past, then keep doing it, if it works for you don’t stop, its no ones concerns but yours!!!:blush:

Why do you listen to what other people have to say? If they want to wait until December 24th—go for it. But if you want to go and buy a gift every single day for her—DO IT!! Your child your money.

In the end all of these people who are giving you grief have no place in making choices for you and yours. Good for you for planning ahead. Is that your fault? Heck no. It sounds as though they haven’t and will feel guilty if their children don’t have alot bc they didn’t plan accordingly. That being said, we have always spoiled our kids at Christmas. As such, presents have taken over the holidays and clouds the point of the season. Which I regret personally in my own home. Make sure to keep in mind what is most important to you surrounding holidays and make sure gifts don’t shadow it too badly. Good luck and congratulations on being prepared during crazy times.

If you can afford it…who cares
My son is an only child but I never went crazy with toys. He leaned the difference between need and want. He was never spoiled for material things.

Its no ones business what you spend money on but if you want to teach her about helping others in hard times pick an angel or two from the tree. Im part of a sprinkle group for my area that works like secret santa year round you could join or start one and have her help put together gifts to leave on peoples doorstep.

No but you shouldn’t spoil her she will be one of those children to expect everything be given to her. Have her help you pick out somethings to purchase for kids that want have much of a christmas. Go to the family and children services they can give you names. Show her how good it feels to help others

Tell them to mind their own business. Your the one paying the bills and spending the money. You are the one that has to deal with clean up or broken/missing pieces not them if you want to get her a 5ft stuffed unicorn do it your kid your money

Do what you are going to do for your child and pay no attention to anyone else.
Christmas 2020 is going to be hard on alot of familys this year. Buying ahead is good and if you can .
Since December 27th 2019 I’ve have been buying toys on closeout. Im so glad I did because many familys are going to be needing help this year. If you can buy extra for charity its a good feeling knowing you put a smile on a child’s face.

So many people are receiving extra food stamps, free child care and extra on unemployment. Most families are doing much better than before Covid.

I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping. Last year I got sick in December and was so glad I had done it early

It’s the childhood dream give them the best You can and if we as neighbours know of some kids who won’t get as much let’s buy for them too
It is Christmas after all

Go get those kids all they toys and gifts you want. They don’t know your situation or where you live. Whoever was giving you a hard time about it may feel guilty. They may not be able to buy much for their kids. So they want to blame someone to make themselves feel better.

I think the point that people were making was not to limit what you give but to make them from you not Santa to try to foster some sort of equality. I’m not saying wether that right or wrong but I’m pretty sure that was the point. Do you boo boo, cause doin me is what I’m doin lol

If that’s their opinion let them buy their own kids less gifts! I’m with you, I start early every year and that included this year, I have a closet full for my 4 and I’m still shopping, you do you and let them do them!!!

I start every year in august. And if people doesn’t like it well that’s just to bad. You do what’s best for you and your child.

SOO many people have opposite views… As a grandparent, I greatly appreciate hearing about those that buy gifts for the less fortunate. I’ve had a tradition of’adopting’ a family from my diocese’ Christmas Basket’ program that has a child that’s same gender and age as my oldest grandchild. We go shopping together and buy things for the family. My grandchild picks out the toy. His mom and I explain that there are families that aren’t as fortunate as he is and won’t have a Christmas if we don’t do this. I try to explain"How would you feel if you couldn’t get gifts because Mommy and Daddy didn’t have a way to do Christmas?" We’ve been doing this for a few years now. Since he was 4 1/2…

She’s YOUR kid, so YOU make the decisions. Don’t let anyone try to sway your decision. I agree with the sentiment that perhaps buying a gift to give to charity be a nice example for your daughter to see, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what I think because its not my kid, not my life

Yes do it. I only have one grandson and I already been buying him gifts . As long as u can afford them go for it.

She can only play with one toy at the time, she is only 4 what are you going to do when she is a teeanager? She will expect that, so you really raising a entitled young lady

You didn’t ask about Santa but many have brought it up. My kids have had one major present from Santa, either something they asked for or something too big to wrap and the Santa gifts are not wrapped, just waiting for the under the tree on Christmas morning. The wrapped gifts are from me, and out of town relatives. I also do stockings which were also filled by Santa but now we fill each other’s as they are older. As the parent of 18 and 23 year olds another word of advice. Try to keep away from mass quantities of things now because the gifts they want by about 10 are really expensive, electronics and phones. I thoroughly enjoyed those early Years when Christmas was magic.

I think if it’s because of a Santa thing then maybe one gift should be from Santa and the rest from you. That way kids aren’t feeling bad they didn’t get as many from Santa

It isnt up to anyone else what you do!! Maybe get her most of the number of gifts you get her and buy a couple for a child in need.

What we do and many that we know, buy 1 or 2 reasonable things from Santa (we keep it around $20-$30). The rest from you. That way other kids don’t feel jipped from Santa, and kids can understand that parents can buy different amounts but Santa is pretty fair between kids.

People need to mind their own business she’s your child not theirs I would buy what I wanted to and how much I wanted too it’s Christmas for Pete’s sake Christmas is for children anyway

Mine are older but I am buying ahead to if you plan and can afford it it’s ok. I though set a limit when my kids were little the expense items were from parent and Santa had to buy for everyone so he brought the games and thing. Due to there are kids in school who can’t afford it as adults they said they appreciate how I did it.

You do you, boo! As for me, I have always done the usual pj’s and a blanket, for Christmas eve. Then I get 1 thing they want, 1 thing they wear, 1 thing they read, and 1 thing they need. My kids have never asked or wanted for more. They are just as happy with that as when I used to have 20 presents under the tree. But again, its you and yours.

You need to do what is best for your child. As bad as this year’s been I think having a good Christmas is a must. If anything kids should get extra this year. It might make up, at least a little, for the year being so bad.

My rule of thumb is
Buy something they need, buy something they can read, buy something they want, then something for fun, but I have 2 boys at home, 3 grandkids with another on the way, this way it is fair for all, but since she is your only and all basic covered it is you choice.

I don’t think that is a problem but you could cut back a gift or two and donate to toys for toys or something along that line if you don’t already. There will be more need this year. Just know you will put a smile on more than one kids face.

She’s your kid people need to stay in their lane it’s a hard year for the kids too! If you can do it and have the money to be okay then f*@k everyone else.

Buy your daughter what you normally do. She is your child and if you can afford it then no one besides her father should dictate how you raise her

They want us to help the economy and that’s what you are doing. Why should your daughter suffer when you can afford to give her a wonderful Christmas :christmas_tree:.

People need to mind their own lives. You may have saved that money like I do. Gotten it as a bonus for hard work. If not, well honestly; I don’t care. Your finances. Your child. Your business.

I think you should buy her some Christmas, but first I would consider finding a child that would get nothing for Christmas and spend some money on them. That way you daughter will have a good Christmas and so would another child. We do this every year

You do what you think is best! I know for me as a grandma I’m planning on doing what I usually do!

It is nice to help the less fortunate. But what you do is your business, no one else matters.

You do what you feel is best…and if you find a bargain girl jump on it …i do the same thing…i have 3 kids though and now they are much older…i still do it.

She is your daughter, no one else’s. You do what you think is best for HER. Santa can bring her as many gifts as you like

The way I see it this year is my kids have been cooped up all year why not spoil them a little more on the money we didn’t have to spend on vacations like we usually do I buy my kids what I want and tell everyone else to mind their business bc they are MY kids not theirs

Your child, your business! If your budget includes several items, that is wonderful. As long as you are teaching your child to share, not to brag, etc, and I bet you are… Go for it…we encourage ours to donate allowances to our purchases of Angel tree items and explain why we do it…I also budget each month for Christmas, birthdays and a vacation…no one should tell me how or when I should spend my money…

You do you. Nothing wrong with buying what you want for your little one. Good mama.

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People do need to mind their own business. You know your financial situation. Do you have a saving account for emergencies? You do as you want. Remember, she is only 4 and equated the number f gifts to how much you love her. Have a very Merry Christmas.

Go for it! I have 2 kids one is 11 the other 24 and I am doing the same thing. If your other needs are met it’s nobody’s business but your own. When my oldest was very young we had some really tough times but my son never knew it at Christmas. His gifts were not huge or expensive. Just the things a 4 year old wants. My husband and I went through boxes in the basement, closets, and cabinets and we wrapped up items we found to put under the tree for us.
May God Bless You this Christmas!

You know what is best for your family! Don’t let others who haven’t planned well ruin it for you!

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You buy what you want. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. Personally we usually keep ours small. But we have to budget for Christmas. Our kids don’t have electronics and such. Ours are the play in the dirt and ride bikes and stuff kind of kids. You do what you want.

What you buy for your child is no one’s business. If you are comfortable buying her loads of gifts, go for it. Those that complain are the ones who do not plan ahead.

ha you go mama…do what you want and don’t worry about those that are too noisy to be up all in your business. smh lol hope your holidays will be great/healthy/happy!

It is no ones business but yours. If you can afford to give your child gifts do so. If you work hard to provide enjoy the blessings God gives you. Teach her to give back in some way.

If you have the means to do it get her the presents and screw what everyone else says.

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Christmas is going on as usual for mine. Idgaf! I dont care if it takes every last dime they re getting a good Christmas :woman_shrugging: tell whoever’s said that to shove it where the sun dont shine!

As long as your bills are paid and there’s food to eat there’s nothing wrong with you buying what you for your child. Children are little only once.

Do what you want no one should tell you what to do when it comes to this, if you planned ahead and have extra get an Angel Tree child.

Why do you care what others think? She is your child and it’s your money. Like you I have 1 child he’s 21yrs old now. Bday and Christmas was huge for him still is. From an early age he volunteered at local missions for holiday’s, donated too little clothes, collected can goods etc etc. I made sure he understood what HUMBLE means how. A child only acts entitled if the parent fails to teach them. Now at 21 senior in college in he continues doing everything I instilled in him. his passion is community service he volunteers all the time.

Isn’t this what is happening all over right now??? Some people have more, some have less!!! No one needs to tell you how much to buy or not and its not your job to make things even for all her classmates. This is just part of life ! Some years we had great years and our kids received more, some years were really tight, and they received less but they always understood the difference ( after they were old enough to understand) Do not let anyone tell you how much to spend or that others having less needs to effect your christmas!! Being charitable is always wonderful, but thats your private business!!

I get gifts throughout the year and usually get Christmas related items like pjs and a few toys and books bedding and household items also get health care items for the stocking

God gave her to you, not the public. You raise her, buy for her, care for her the way God leads you to do. Don’t let other people tell you how to raise your child. Let them raise their own.

Uhmm who cares? People shouldn’t dictate what you do with your money. You have every right to buy your child as many gifts as you like! It’s not your fault that you budget and but stuff throughout the year to give her more.

What??? People are really saying this??? Unbelievable! Do what you want and think is best. Don’t go by other people’s opinions. My gosh!!! People are something else!

Your business,do what you want to do,just buy her what she’ll really play with,when you buy to many they get overwhelmed

Your child your way to raise her get her what you want to if you are raising her with love and she knows gifts are not taking any thing from your relation ship enjoy they grow up to fast and the precious time is now

You do what feels comfortable for you. Don’t worry about anyone else. You seem to be a very good Mama.

I feel like this is a decision you need to make alone for you and your child. If you want to but her 1000 Christmas presents that’s your business.

If you can buy it, get it… it might very well be the last thing you do (I dont mean to be smart when I say that, but live each day as if it’s your last) no one else’s business…

Maybe do less gifts and more diy crafts making ornaments, baking make memories and save money but if course they still need a little something

I think you should do and buy what you want for your child! Dont listen to other people, be led by the Lord, not people! :heart:

I would make them from you not Santa since some parents can’t afford a lot from “Santa” and kids talk and compare

Buy whatever you want, just remember that children get bored quickly with their toys. Perhaps get her clothes she will need.

Enjoy buying your child gifts. If you can afford it buy all you want. Life is short. No one else business.

but then again, she is not too young to realize that this year has been different in so many ways. to explain in terms that she is able to understand, that not having “as many” as other years is over her head, but to say that because so much is different we are doing Christmas different, she’ll take it at that. She is too young to understand a number of more, or less., And considering the times we are in, it wouldn’t hurt to save some of that money for a rainy day. Things could change drastically in the next couple of months and her gifts will do no good in a corner and no food on the table.

You are her mama— you decide. The retail merchants have had a bad year as well. Feel better by buying from local merchants that have suffered more than big chain stores

Why is Christmas about how many gifts a child receives

My parents used the formula a toy, a book, a piece of clothing. We also got a stocking of little things and gifts from grandparents and aunts. It always seemed like we got a ton.

Its nobody’s business but yours they are only little for a little while

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You should buy your child the amount of gifts you choose to buy her. It isn’t anyone else’s business.

Don’t ever let others make you feel bad about what you do with your child. If you aren’t abusing or neglecting your child, it is none of their business.

If you are working and paying your bills, use your money the way you want, you made it and you seem to know what you can spend so buy the Christmas presents you want, good luck

I am getting my granddaughters one big thing and then some small items, Clothes. I am cutting back this year. Material things aren’t as important.

I can’t believe that anyone would tell you what you should buy or not buy your child! It’s none of their business!

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Do not let anyone or anything control when you buy and what you buy for your daughter. If you can afford it go go it.

Buy as you usually do for Christmas. Don’t let people tell you what to do. That is called control.

Does she know what CHRISTmas is truly about? That’s the real gift what what’s in the boxes.

Heres a better question… Why are you letting other people’s opinions dictate what you do for your child? Why are you relying on strangers to decide what kind of christmas your child should have?

Help her to buy something for others, or give something of theirs, so they understand that some children don’t get a Christmas.

While it is nobody’s business what you do for your child maybe realize 4 yr olds don’t count their number of gifts. :woman_shrugging:

I always got my two three things. I still do. My husband and I don’t exchange gifts. My daughter’s birthday is Christmas Eve.

You do you, mom! It’s no one else’s business what and how much you spend on your daughter!
Some people are just jealous…

As long as, in my opinion, the expensive and nice gifts are labeled as from you and not Santa. If you do Santa gifts, make them common/necessities.

I will get my son whatever I want. Same should apply to everyone.

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Just my opinion, but if you have it try putting money into trips to theme parks or aquariums, or activities that can be done around Covid precautions. A lot of places have things available. As far as the gifts to open don’t stress it. If it bothers you as far as what others think donate or pick up an Angel tree or pay on a layaway for someone. There are plenty of ways to do things if you want.

You buy what you want .if you can afford it and she s well fed and has a roof over her head.this is keeping it normal for her. Don t feel bad and don t listen to the naysayers. If it would make you feel better buy something to give at church or a charity

It’s nobody’s business what you do for your daughter. Do what feels right for you.

What you buy your child is none of their business buy what you want

It is no one’s business how much you spend on your child hell why make her Christmas less, you be you momma don’t let anyone else spoil it for you

Get you want you want don’t worry about it. I went crazy at Christmas and my kids turned out great. Now I go crazy buying for my grandkids.

Girl screw what other people think! Do whatever you want! She’s your child. I’m so sick of hearing this nonsense about only getting your kid one or 2 things.

Its No body’s business what you do for your child at Xmas or any other time! If you can afford it… you do it! Its ur money & thats ur child! You are a smart shopper to start now! I say go for it! :innocent: