My kids don't feel welcome around the guy I am dating: Advice?

Kick his ass to the curb

I’m not in your situation but I know if push ever came to shove it’ll be my babies before anything or anyone. However, sounds like he just needs a reality check. Tell him it’s going to be a hard no on the way he’s been treating your other two. Thanks for caring and hating what happened to you on your behalf but it is toxic and can and will destroy your family if not addressed. Kids, regardless of who and what their parents have done do not deserved to be treated different. You push all that to the side and treat them like human beings. I don’t get what changed? Explain he knew who and what he was getting into before your babies came along. I’m sorry you have to be put in that position. You are your childrens voice and advocate. Don’t choose a man over your children. Try. Talk. Communicate.

This really pissed me off that you stayed with him after he started making remarks about your children while you were pregnant. But your asking advice on what to do? Think of your children!!! You should have awhile ago. SMH. Disgusting and they are telling you they don’t feel welcome and he is still making remarks! Why are you putting your children through this it’s not you it’s hurting it is them.


Men are replaceable. Your kids aren’t. :+1:


Why is this even a question? Your kids come first and are way more important then a guy. If you are with someone who doesn’t like your kids them you dump him!


Wow! Run!!! Leave him! Put him on child support, work your ass off and take care of your babies without him! You can’t let your children be around such a toxic person :cry:

Listen to your kids … they should come before ANYONE


Which is more important to you, your kids or your man? Hopefully you pick the right direction


He is giving you excuses. He just doesn’t want the older kids. You need to let him know that they are your kids and they were already there when he he came in to your life. But if you do have to go it alone your 14 and 12 year old could be a great help. It will teach them responsibility, just don’t over whelm them.


Personally I’d get away. Your kids come first and they don’t deserve to not feel wanted. Neither do you. I’d make a run for it. This guy sounds like trouble.


You need to choose your kids and leave his pathetic ass just goes to show what a horrible human been he truly is taking a dislike to innocent children becoz he doesn’t like there father!! If you done leave you will regret it and your poor kids depend on you to keep them feeling safe and loved and wanted, don’t ever choose a man over your children,

He’s just as abusive as the older kids father. Take ALL ur kids and get TF outta there. You’re kids ALWAYS come 1st. How dare he treat the older ones like that and how dare u allow it.


You would pick a man over your kids? Just leave him.

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It’s an excuse now that you are having his babies…
A real man would never hold the sins of a parent against the child. A boy would.

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Your children will grow up to hate you if you do t stand up for them . They were there before him . Dont let him do that to them Tf wrong with people man

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What are you doing girl?! You’re allowing this man to be racist towards your kids! It’s your job to protect your kids! Not put some racist loser above them :rage:!


Bitch slap that Ahole!

I am sorry to say this but its not worth to you or your children (all of them) to keep that poor excuse of a man around.

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It will probably only get worse.

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CHILD SUPPORT. Financially he can still provide for them

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Listen to your kids. Please just listen to them


You should have already left him. The MOMENT he started talking shit about your kids. Great job protecting your kids. :roll_eyes:

Ummmm dont ever let someone treat ur kids like that. Pregnant or not fucking leave that jurk

I would kick his arse to the kerb. Your kids come before anyone else its your job as a mother to make them feel loved and safe they depend on YOU for everything

This makes me sad that you are choosing his man over your children no child should feel like that in their own home or by someone their mother brought into their life leave him that’s considered emotion abuse which can really destroy a kid chose your kids and move on

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What your ex did to you is not yours or your children’s fault and has absolutely nothing to do with their race. They cannot change the colour of their skin and should be proud of who they are. Your partner is a douche.


That’s bullshit you are making excuses of why his miss treats your oldest already… get your self together and protect them kids MOM UP

Always chose your children over anything and everyone!

At this point you’re already allowing him to do whatever he wants so the question really is when are you going to put a stop to it?


You are with a man who dislikes your children. If he’s making comments like this in front of you I can only imagine what he’s doing behind your back. It’s not the children’s fault who their father is! Your man needs to realize that your children come first, and needs to start treating all children equally. It’s only going to get worse. Personally I wouldn’t put up with it. My child comes before any man, especially if he clearly doesn’t care for them.


Trust your children!!!
Really think about what kinda man you laid with hes obviously another loser.

When ANYONE puts down your children its time to let go. You have two amazing children and two more on the way… Your older ones are old enough to help you, you are never alone when you have kids. You left an abusive relationship for a new one. Just because its not you being abused doesnt mean its not abuse. As parents we do what it takes to protect our kids! CHILDREN COME FIRST! Thats your answer!


PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN NOW! you are all those kids have to protect them and with all do respect you are failing majorly at that ATM… Get out, seek counseling as a family and move very slow. If this is a “stand up GREAT guy” this will help in many ways. Wish you the best but for now its time you pack up and go or he does! YOUR KIDS COME 1ST NO MATTER WHAT!


Why even ask the wuestion bit bye; s all you need to say and do be out. Always kids over anyone


Sounds like you’re in another abusive relationship. This sounds harsh but dont take it wrong as i was In your shoes before. Your kids have already paid the price for your romantic selection. It’s not fair to make.them pay again for this one. If he doesnt make your kids feel welcome then he shouldn’t be welcome there. Your kids should always come first no matter what. They need you. If you dont put them first then you are going to regret it. If he loved you he would never have you in this position. That’s not love. That’s abuse


He can’t stop you an your older children from holding the baby’s tbh hun I would leave him he doesn’t seem like he liked your kid’s I would pick them over a man any day :100:

Pick your kids. Don’t let anyone treat them like that or you’re no better. Tell him he can straighten up or leave.


I’d just like to add that you are allowing your children to be abused may not be physical but it is child abuse


The first sentence says everything. Listen to your kids


My kids come before anyman


Your kids deserve better than that. And shame on you for picking a man who you’ve been dating for God knows how long over kids you’ve known their whole life.


Your kids should always come first. Always. He’s gotta go.


Leave his ass. You have done it before and you will do it again. Don’t doubt yourself. You got this momma :muscle:t2::heart:

He’s damaging your older kids. Kick him to the curb and apply for emergency custody of the younger ones. He’s not a good man. He’s another shitty man. Sorry it will be hard but you gotta protect the older babies.

I’d leave honestly he’s toxic and when the babies are born there’s gonna be a lot of favoritism when the twins are born. Using their father as an excuse as to why he says those things and does those things are shitty excuses. He just doesn’t care for your kids. Your kids come first.

You already know the answer, if he is saying that about your kids, you will be next. Do you want you older kids not to have or know your two new ones? If they can’t hold them I mean , what kind of man would even say that??? Get out now, if you don’t you will pay dearly!!!

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And you havent put your foot down yet, why? His first “remark” would have been his last in the sense that I would have set him straight or send him packing. Dont use your younger kids as an excuse to stay with him of he wont respect your older kids. You are a package deal.


Once you have the babies your children will get abused by this man. Then the children will resent the babies and also you because your allowing this situation to go on.

Omg! Leave him! Why be with someone who’s literally pushing your kids away from you?? He seriously sounds like racist trash, and shouldn’t be around them or you! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


“Doing it alone” is understandably scary for you but imagine how SCARY it is for your older children to not feel welcome in their own home or with their siblings. I know it’s scary but I am offering words of encouragement that you, and more importantly your children, deserve better.

And his excuse on why he feels that way is BULL. Every single blended family probably has these feelings; but to take that out on the kids is BULLSHIT, sis. I am a step mom and I would NEVER hold what bm did against my sd and I’m sure her step-dad would say the same about my husband. Just being a real ass person right now.

What he is doing is not okay, it’s abuse, and you should not feel the least bit sad about telling him to kick rocks.

The “guy” in this situation is irrelevant other than he is the father of two of your children. This is a you problem, not a him problem. You don’t want to be a single mom. I get it. I don’t want to be a single mom either. I can’t think of many women who do. But the question CAN you be a single mom? Yes… you can. You’re teaching two of your children that your wants and needs come above their overall happiness and well being and all 4 of your children that it’s ok to accept poor treatment because of finances and ease of life? Are these lessons you want to be driving home? Pull up your bootstraps and dig in Mama. Your kids need you. Show them what they’re worth to you. Make better choices, because you CAN.

In my eyes my child comes before anyone, a man ever said something disrespectful like that to mine and he would be gone.


Are you serious? Your kids first!!! runnnnn now , you going to put your kids through the whole shit again smh

I pick my child’s comfort, stability, and peace of mind every time. I can’t imagine your kids having to endure that kind of behavior/treatment until they grow up and move away. It’s affecting your peace of mind as well.

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Eeewww. His behavior is disgusting. I would give him ONE chance to fix his attitude/issue…after that I would be done.


You really shouldn’t need advice!! These are YOUR babies and mothers are supposed to protect them. GTFO of that relationship NOW!


Pick your kids . Why is that even a question ?


This should even be a question, pregnant or not…kids before any man :100:

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Wow. I feel sorry for those kids all around. You should be ashamed.


And to expose your children to intentionall racism is fucked up!

If u will feel happier leaving but scared To
Put your damn foot down and tell him to get some damn respect or leave. If he leaves he leaves if be doesn’t and that helps him change great

Always pick your kids over a guy. It shouldn’t even be a question tbh. It’s your right as a mother to make your kids feel comfortable. Get rid of the guy


He does not talk the truth! He can’t stand the kids because they remind him of their father? These innocent children? They deserve better ! Talk to him and tell him you are not happy with whatever he is doing to your children. . You had your children long before you knew him. If you were to choose between your kids and him whom would you choose?

All I got say is, your kids come first! It just upsets me when someone actually has to ask

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Always choose your kids first!! Leave that guy, and just focus on you and your kids rather a relationship

He’s racist and verbally abusive. Leave now before he harms your kids! You cannot change him. Listen to your kids


I was in the same boat but thankfully I was not pregnant. I just got out of an abusive relationship with my children’s father. And the guy I was dating did not like my son. He even went and said my son should have been aborted. But he loved my daughter. Thankfully I left him and I found a guy who loves my kids and treats them as his own.

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Your kids come first and formost in other words he has to go!


He aint shit. No adult that picks on a child like a punk ass bitch is worth a penny. Dump him, your kids come FIRST.

He is making your kids feel unwanted and let me tell you there is nothing more awful then feeling unwanted as a child. He doesn’t like your kids because of what their father did to them but what he is doing to them is awful also. It sounds like your all would be better off without him. As you know with abusive relationships, physical or mental if never gets better.


Leave him and I’m sure your older kids will help out with the new babies! You won’t be alone


This is bull those kids are innocent. If he cant manage to get along with your older 2 children. An makes comments towards them that is you wake up to het out. Kids come first ALWAYS

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Leave it’s not right he didn’t do this to your kids before you got pregnant by the sounds of it but now he is it won’t be easy but your older kids can help with the twins and can do alot for their self

Sounds like he needs to go, no brainier here


Parenting priorities:

  1. KIDS
  2. sheltering and feeding kids
  3. everything else
  4. partners/significant others

He sounds like a real jerk. No way in hell would i subject my kids to a “man” like that. Ditch him and rebuild the relationship you have with your kids before its too late and they grow to resent you. Please choose your kids…this is abusive to them and youre the one that they have to protect them.


You need to leave he will teach your younger ones to ack the same way he does towards your older kids who are there siblings maybe you leaving will make him wake up

He has gotta go. He is emotionally and verbally abusing your kids. Not ok. And yes it’s just as bad as physically abusing them. Standing by and letting it go on is sending them the message that you condone it and feel the same way about them. Pick your kids and run.


Men come and go. Your children are for life. He needs a reality check. He knew you were a packaged deal when he met you. Stay strong and walk away. He has shown you his true colours aready. You don’t need another abusive man in your kid’s lives

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If you don’t leave him you will later find out that you have failed your children. Be a mother first!!!


Your kids comes first he’s making them feel unwanted

Um heck no he is not worthy of being around your kids ever .

But how is this guy even still alive? He would be 6ft under if he ever treated and talked to my kids this way… I mean, you know you need to leave but we all know you won’t leave, so find someone else to raise your two older kids so they can have a decent shot at life without being too fckd up in their head. Oh and I don’t believe for one second that this guy was perfect up until you got pregnant. The signs were there, you just chose to ignore them.

I don’t understand why this is even a question. all you’re doing is creating and continuing a vicious cycle which more than likely your children will follow if they don’t have any better example. you were in one abusive relationship and created children and now you are taking those children into yet another abusive relationship and have created two more! you need to set your standards higher for yourself as well as become a better role model for your children because they will go down this same road if you do not stop them from seeing this ridiculous behavior


Wow, this shouldn’t be a question. If he CAN’T accept your 2 first born children, this relationship will NEVER work. I definitely would chose my KIDS over and DICK any day!! Wtf is up his ass, your 2 older children can’t hold their siblings. Sounds like if you stay in this relationship, you’ll have 5 children to take care of because this so called man isn’t an MAN at all!! I definitely would leave, if yoU stay. It’ll be NOTHING but STRESS!

Leave its not fair to your children to go through that. You still have a chance to repair your relationship with your older kids and you wont be going it alone have your older kids help with the younger ones


Shame on you!! What kind of mother are you?!


remind him your kids did not abuse you in that previous relationship, in fact they were victims too. tell him point blank treat your kids good, don’t bad mouth their father, stop the B.S. or you will pick them over him every time. I don’t get why any person puts up with this shit. put your foot down, grow a pair.

I would not let anyone make my children feel unwanted. These children did not ask to be born nor did they pick who there parents where. I would leave the situation will it be hard yes but you will have the help of your two older children. The decision is totally up to you. Have you told him about his comments and how it makes the children feel. If he can not except the children that are a part of you then what does that mean .

This is pathetic. Put on your big girl panties and leave his ass!!! Children come first! If you can’t handle single motherhood again let him share custody. Your kids are going to end up hating you.

Nope, needs to go asap.

I wouldn’t let no man make my child feel unwanted or uncomfortable just because he is insecure. I would leave him. My baby will always come before any man.

Seems like the truth is coming out of him and he is showing ownership of the babies and hatred for the older kids. Your kids are a package deal and if he doesn’t respect them it is time for you to go before his kids are born.

That’s abuse, honey. Get a lawyer and get rid of the new schmuck.
Personal experience, if he hasn’t hit them yet, he will.

I had a 7 year old girl & a 4 year old girl when my twins, boy/girl, were born. My husband traveled for work at that time. Even at that age my older girls were a tremendous amount of help with the twins. Please don’t subject your older children to a man who is so unkind & probably mean to them. Put your children first over any man! Good luck dear.

Sry girl but leave him! No one comes before my kids!!! He ain’t shit .

Why is this even a question needing advice?? :woman_facepalming:. He would have been gone the first comment especially about their race. Bye Felicia!!!


honestly that sounds like you’re getting back into the same boat that you just got out of maybe you guys should take a little time for yourselves and see if it gets better and just let him know that you don’t tolerate him treating your children like that

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It really just sounds like you need to cut ties but that’s up to you

Get your kids away from him. When you have kids THEIR feelings and needs should be put first. Don’t punish your two older kids because you chose another piece of crap as a partner.