I'm paying for all our dates, is this weird?

It’s ok to pay your own way. But this guy sounds like he’s testing the water to see if he found his next meal ticket. Tell him you’re broke too see what he says.

What a leech :bangbang:DUMP HIM SISTER

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Hes a tight arse sack him off!

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If he invites you on a date, tell him you don’t have the money. If he offers to pay…ya better order the most expensive thing on the menu to make up for the rest of your shitty dates!

Sack him right off

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Hey girl you have already paid too many times, if he’s got the nerve to let you treat him over and over again you have every right to know ask him why, And he’s too old for you!


He’s having his cake and eating it too.


He never has cash on hand…I’m sure these stores use debit card. Stop spending your money on this bum.

He’s how old acting like a he’s using you yet he supports his family? But can’t even afford 5 dallar coffee… I would def question this with jim, question our relation and the age difference thank there two much of age gap…
Outside the age he should offfer and pay once in while to should be fair so I would talk with him and then fine your excit and fine maybe guy little more at your age and working for the same things and chips on once in while to …

He won’t use a debit/credit card because his wife will bust his ass. Can you really be this oblivious??

You’re his sugar mama


Your his suger momma

I’m a little curious as to if you’ve been to his house and if he is really not living with his wife still?


Get rid of him immediately, he’s a leach :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I don’t advise… But you seem to believe there’s an issue?

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He’s using you. Get rid of him.


I think you know the answers and that is why you wrote this. Stop before it is too late. At least wait till he is divorced and can pay his half of the date. Your perfect match is out there to treat you like a queen.

Stop paying. He’s not a man but a mooch

Drop the deadweight and move on


Kick his ass to the curb … he’s just using you and if still married but separated … No No No !!! He’s still married and there’s. Reason he’s separated maybe she got tired of being the only one paying the bills !!! Dump him

Dump him now he’s taking advantage of u and he’s still legally married. You can get a much better guy

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He’s taking the piss, get rid! I hope you’re not giving him sex too!!!

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What you should do is not date a married man, idiot.

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Stop being taken advantage of.

Start telling him you don’t have cash on hand. He doesn’t carry any cards?

Run far away. So many red flags

Yea girl run. I’m all for female independence but damm. You don’t want that

He’s using you honey, drop him!


Next time you go out, before you leave, tell him You are short this week and have no money to spend. see what he says, then you can break it off & RUN. RED Flag!!! Paying for stuff once in awhile (depending on his financial , or go dutch (even better, no obligations), or even every other time is ok, but not all the time.

bet money he’s not getting a divorce, he’s cheating. I would be sure his divorce story checks out and I personally wouldn’t see him until his divorce is final.

F that!!! He needs to start paying for something! Ugh!

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:sweat_smile: I mean technically he’s still married also but the money thing is a definite no

Every bodys dreaming of that perfect love connection …with baggage , hes got issues you haven’t seen …

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Oh dear lol wish I could say more… just run


Sandra,Handzlik here. He is playing you. Dump him. Too much baggage and if you marry him his baggage continues.


I’m going to play devil’s advocate: same type of situation happened to me. Because I was paying so much in child support and having to start from scratch, I was barely able to keep my head above water, let alone go out all the time. Not saying he’s not taking advantage of you or anything but what I am saying is that no matter how much you may hate the guy in these types of situations, they also have struggles that may not be as easily seen. Best case scenario, talk to the guy and see if you can get an understanding on why he doesn’t ever have any money available. The least we can do is be fair about it all and hear him out.

Yeah you need to cut ties with him he’s just using you my ex was the same way I’d have to pay everytime but she could afford cigs miraculously every other day

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If he is showing traits like this now, he will always be like this. You are only important for the free ride. Imagine life 10yrs from now,… YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN THAT!

Leave while u can that’s is just a no I learned from expense doesn’t ever change.

What’s the best way to cheat on your wife? Oh yeah don’t buy anything for your mistress so there’s no money trail. And fake being separated from your wife with your side piece. Sounds suspicious :face_with_monocle:

It won’t ever change.

You don’t want that. Find someone who can be independent without you. You’re clearly fine on your own but find someone willing to share the cost and take care of you.

To old to be unstable stop now

You’re 23 and he’s 37 so I would like to say your his sugar baby lol he’s filling up his pockets…

Omg. You are being hustled…bet he’ll be back with that wife soon😒


I would get out of that relationship before you become anymore invested with your time and energy sweet girl.

Run,Run and Run faster and bolt. Using your own kindness. Get rid.

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He’s a cheap ass sponger run away

Girl You shouldn’t be paying every time! Once in a while might be ok to treat. You’re creating bad habits just in case this goes further he will always expect that from you. I’m dating a man who won’t let me pay for anything.

Separated is not divorced. You need to stay out of their marriage. Maybe they will work things out.

Are s free meal ticket :ticket:

He’s a hustler. Kick his married ass to the curb girl! Run!!!

Run and don’t look back…he a user…

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Dont date men with kids he probably has to give it all for child support.

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So what’s in it for you???

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Lost me at “hasn’t divorced his wife”.

Run, and fast. He is using you as long he can. He is 37 and financially sucks.
Don’t waste your young years for this loser :woman_facepalming:


Dump Him…He is Using You, & Probably Others!


girl jus go, dont ask questions GOOOOO

Lots of Fish in the sea…go find another one, that will make you First


Run. He’s using you!


You need to bounce. You’re most likely just a rebound.
Oof. Poor girl.

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Girl wat r u doing there u r so young to do that he still with his wife thats why he probably cant spend money on credit card

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Runnnnnnn!!! No fr leave

Maybe tell him you need to do 50-50 you have to think if he has more expenses than you it’s not fair to always want to go out to dinner if he doesn’t have the money you might need to find someone to date that you can actually afford to date

If you actually like this guy, don’t assume…have an honest conversation and ask him whatever is on your mind. That way you can make an informed decision. Otherwise you may always wonder “what if”. Good luck :wink:

Cash on hand what’s wrong with his debit card no way would I do that every time say bye bye not worth your time, more men today want a woman to support them and take care of them

You are being used!! RUN!!!

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You are not being sensitive.
How does he never take cash or a credit card with him when he goes out?

He is a no good man ne is using you run and never go back don’t be stupid lady sorry

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Rachael Carter sounds like green teeth :joy:

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Overspending!! Run girl run!

Girl you are sooo getting played :joy::joy::joy:

Sounds like he takeing u for a ride hes npt wprth it

Girl tell that man child bye :wave:t2:


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:On to the next… these are all signs of things to come should you stay…

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He’s using you and probably won’t get a divorce either because of child support he probably can’t pay anyway.


Dump him. He’s a loser

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Hi find someone with a little money or quit going places with him

I’d be very cautious about spending any more money.
Being broke is fine…
Plan a few “Bring to share” picnics as dates. If he still can’t… Then I’d be bailing.

You’re his ATM in more ways than one, you’re his “Automated Teller Machine” & his “At The Moment” girl. Sorry girl but RUN🏃‍♀️


3 things
*he must be very handsome
*you must be very desperate
*you’re both in “deception”.

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Ctfuuuuu he the scrub hanging out the window of his best friends ride…that tlc warned us about. Ooheee you snagged a busta

Don’t invite him where you have to spend Money!:rage::angry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::clown_face:

What you do is tell him ok you don’t have cash they will accept your card

You are obviously independent which is great. He’s 37 and with only one kid and saying he has no money. Think of it this way what kind of partnership are you setting yourself up for? Key word partnership

Put him to the curb!!!

No no no!!! I’ve been used before and never again. So he doesn’t have a debit card!!! You know 100% he has one and doesn’t want to use it bc he’s probably still married - not separated at all- cheating on his wife and doesn’t want her knowing he’s spending extra money bc she will start questioning him.

Do you like him? Maybe he just doesn’t have it in his budget to go out for food and coffee. Try talking to him. Ask him if he is okay financially. Maybe you guys can find things to do without money if you really like him. If not find someone to pay your way if that is a deal breaker.

I believe when you start dating someone that dates should be paid half & half. My bf is in the same situation. In the beginning he would pay half & half. Now after a year he pays most if not all the time because he wants to. But you paying for everything is a no regardless of the situation. Not all the time. Maybe once you and the other time him but not always. That’s being inconsiderate.

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You are being taken advantage of. Drop it like it’s hot and cut your losses.

You got a bank card don’t you

Girl. If u don’t leave this grown ass kid alone. And I bet he’s telling everyone how he got u paying for everything too

If he’s not divorced separated or not he’s Still Married you are dating a married man. Maybe he was asked to leave because he didn’t support them.


He has you pay so he dont have to explain to his wife that he is not leaving where the money went.

Taking advantage of you


You’re hella over spending. He’s always counting on you to support him. Do stuff that doesn’t require money and see how he reacts. Eat before you meet up and don’t invite him to any more potlucks. See if the relationship changes. Also, honey you’re paying for a married man to eat with you. Doesn’t that sound a little off to you?

Also says he doesn’t have cash on hand… he doesn’t have a debit card? Or is that his way of saying he doesn’t want to spend his own money?

Run!! Don’t look back don’t turn ur neck just run!!


He sounds like a bum.

What a loser but I would go out again and made sure he pays or walk out. Use the same excuse he gave you. Yeah sorry RED flag.