I'm paying for all our dates, is this weird?

A girl his own age would have ran by now or never looked at him to begin with…


Look at how many people are telling you the same thing. He’s using you. He’s a “ player”. Find a single. Guy. No kids , has money to treat you. No way to start your life.

Your first date should have been your last when he didn’t pay. I always pay on a date.


He’s still married and playing the field likely can’t spend money out the wife would notice and figure out he’s cheating

Kick him to the CURB!!
He probably is seeing other girls and his wife !!
Cut your loss and move ON!!


Take your breaks and walk home in another direction ,run while you can 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️


Sounds like that’s why they’re separated

Girl, tell his ass BYE

I’m sorry I got only the first part my brain couldn’t keep reading it’s not OK for you to pay all the time it’s just not OK​:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:At this point you already told him by your actions that you will be the one paying all the time and it’s not OK


Has a kid and broke AF, get out now.

Uh who wants a man like that? Is that even a date? Sound like just a free meal for him. To me this sounds like friends. I think the next time he says he doesn’t have cash you should then say oh maybe next time….I mean how does this guy pay for his lunch? Most people don’t have cash but they still have debit cards and if he doesn’t have that…giiiirl just keep going. He may be 37 but he has the mind of a 12 year old.

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U too young to be overspending on a married man. Put ur money into something more useful . Save it further ur education something but not him

Ditto to all comments :-1:

Run away as fast as you can


Fimd someone else preferably younger

He’s still with the wife and not spending any money so she doesn’t find out

Ewwww!! Can his ass !

He’s still with his wife, she watches his spending, he doesn’t want the drama.

If you think YOU still want to see him, everything Dutch, pay for your own and nothing more.

But you need a man not a lil boy


Dumb him! Don’t date scrubs!! Not worth your time and energy.

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Have u spoken to him about it … how it feels … may be he has a reason! + u can never trust married man who are not divorced … they play very well for some spark in life and in the end go back to the wife and kid

Why are you paying for the dates? Where were you when I was dating? SMH

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Kick him to the curb!


Run far far away !!! Don’t date married men


You know he will never leave you. Well until you stop wasting your own money he will start acting weird. Don’t waste your time there you deserve better.

Sounds like a loser to me!! Get out now!

You are being used…scammed…he is a user…RUN!


Definitely overspending bye felicia

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Ditch the Bitch!:-1:t3: Run as fast as you can :running_woman:t3:

No girl. He’s probably still with his wife and must be lying that supposedly aren’t together. Run Forrest run!!!

RUN. Don’t look Back. RUN :running_woman:

He’s not spending cos his wife will notice! Pocket money???

The married part isn’t even what’s odd to me tbh. I got with my current boyfriend when I was still married. It’s the not spending any money that’s weird to me. The only thing I can think is either he doesn’t want his wife to see him spending the money or she’s taking all of his money because she’s mad they split.

Get Rid of HIM, HE’S PLAYIN U…HOODLUM​:flushed::flushed:

His wife probably controls the credit card… She will know if hes spending and most likely kick him out. Then hell be homeless. Yea dont screw that up cuz then Ud have to probably put him up in ur house and pay all the bills too… Sounds like he needs a chichi

Of course he isn’t paying for anything.
It’s a certainty that he’s still with his wife and they have joint accounts.
He certainly couldn’t explain that away to her, now could he?
Has he ever invited you to his place?
Introduce you to any of his friends?
Have you met the child?

Look at all the red flags just flapping in they breeze.
Cut your losses before it gets ugly.
Because, his wife will find out.

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Lol he’s still with his wife and they have a joint account :joy:


RUN LIKE HELL!!! he’s not worth your time!! Been there done that!!!

Run as fast as you can from that mine field. There are a million red flags with that one.


If he’s not divorced, your boyfriend is a married man. If he’s playing you…oh well🤷‍♀️


If you’re questioning it you already know the answer.


He’s a scrub. What a tool. Run for the hills!


Run girl run like the wind. Your getting played. He has a wife still. Married is married till the divorce is final.

It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Do u feel u r being taken advantage of? Simple yes or no. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: all over this dude.


The relationship is between 2.
I was separated with 2 kids for 12 years.
Started dating after 6 years of been apart.
I was always upfront.
Now divorced.
When it comes to spending money, I am always upfront too.
His money and my money, is gain by working hard and we both have bills.
Again stop. He is using you baby girl.

He doesn’t need cash, there are so many ways he could pay…. Unless he is worried someone might see where he has been and question it….

Personally I’d ditch him…!!!

You crazy or you just silly for dick ion get it excuse my language but wtf


You’re his sugar momma


Forget him a d move on!!! He is a loser!!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm paying for all our dates, is this weird? - Mamas Uncut

Sounds like he isn’t that detached from his wife and is just looking for someone to take care of him for now. He should be at minimum paying for half the dates.


Girl…imagine a life with such a person. Would u want to bpaying for all house exoenditure bills grocery gifts everythg
Also why is he separating from his wife. Did m9ney have a role in that too
Today u pay for gifts n coffees.tomorrow u pay for everythg


Sounds like he’s just playing you are using you. He’s not divorced yet they’re separated red flag right there he might just be a rebound to him. And he should be paying for things not you always.


Also…y would u daTe someone who isnt even divorced yet.


Stop offering him out places that require payments, stop offering, he’s lit telling you he hasn’t got the money and you’re like “that’s fine I got it” it’s on you lmao

Girl he is straight up mooching off of you! Just cut him loose now!!!


Time for him to pay. Fair is fair. Kinda sounds like a red flag too. If he doesn’t have cash on hand, he has to have a credit card I’m sure. But he’s afraid that when his bill comes, the wife may find out, which he could still be with. Don’t be played. He needs to pay up, or ship out.

Forget him,he use you just

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Dump him! You deserve more and better. He’s closer to 50 than you, he should be taking care of you.


Stop spending your money on a man!!!

No cash on hand, and guess he can’t use that card cause that “wife” going to be checking that card haha so yeah I’d drop him you deserve better an obviously some money spent on you

You’re being used. Get rid of him. What are you getting out of this relationship?


He’s using you sweetheart! Doesn’t he have a debit card if he never had “cash”? Try telling him next time that YOU have no “cash” & see what happens. I don’t mean to be harsh but men like that are scum! I wouldn’t want my daughter dating him. Good luck! :heart:

He’s a loser & a user! Stop!!!


:stop_sign:Girl he’s a USER!!!
pay attention to the :triangular_flag_on_post:RED FLAGS!!!.. probably why he’s getting divorced… she’s sick of supporting him.🤷


Red flags. Get out now


You are dating a married man. Repent and stay away from him. :pray::pray::pray:


Yes as everyone else has stated let him go. He sounds like a loser and he’s using u.


Don’t be dating a married man evev tho separated

No cash ? Who doesn’t have a card nowadays even a prepaid if you don’t have a bank account
Sounds like he isn’t divorced yet I’d be surprised if yhe woman didn’t kick him out
He is a grown ass man
You are super young
You don’t need this kind of messy relationship let that go ASAP

Giiiiirl hell no watch Dirty John and it’s pretty much all the red flags it’s a no no but hopefully you do listen to all these comments


You are young and inexperienced. Learn from this and never let it happen to you again. You are being used, used, used. And he is not much of a man other than having the body.


Say goodbye you can’t afford to go out with him :grin: or go out with him with ‘no cash ‘ Look for someone nearer your own age

Seems obvious sugar mama lol and he’s a child!:astonished:


Oh darling, he’s using you. Unless he can produce those divorce papers you really shouldn’t be involved. Stop paying for stuff and see how quick he disappears.


Please leave before it’s too late there is a reason the wife ran…don’t be reluctant and all because you will find that you are already pregnant for him …I know such men…they will drag you down with them…

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Yes, you deserve better than this. People only treat us how we let them :two_hearts::heart::pray:x

No debit card? The dude is playing you! Probably still with the wife and doesnt want her seeing receipts.


Run You are better than that .

He already has his pot luck. You and the wife. He gets his cake and eat it too. Leave him at the buffet table girl.


Get rid of him hun xx

You’re not dating, you’re sponsoring a grown man.


Heed my advice… do not ever date a recently separated man … he is not over his marriage ending and you will be the rebound… also know your worth and stop paying …there are ways to pay these days, card on phone he can transfer you $$ sounds like a cheap skate…

The odd thing is OK but it’s just taking advantage knowing you’ll pay his not even attempting to pay by sounds of it my partner and me are more less equals on most things unless we’re buying gifts for each other, stop cause it will only get worse and you’ll find your self with no extra money left and his bank account untouched

You are way too young to get caught up in that mess run as fast as you can


I read the first sentence and that was enough for me. Dude… run.

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Red flags all over the place

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My guess is that he hasn’t separated and doesn’t want his partner to see any unusual expenses on his bank account.

I’d leave. His cheap or broke. It’s should be 50/50.

He’s using you, taking advantage of you. Kick him to the curb. You have ur :poop: together, he doesn’t why make it serious. Also I never date a dude that isn’t officially divorced and hasnt had time to heal, grow from that.


That piece of ass can’t be that good! Grow up!

He thinks you’re young and dumb. No offense.

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No pos wow!!! If you don’t get it then idk… Duhhh is obviously using you!!!

He has to go he is using you, any man with any conscience would not be able to live with himself, he wants to be a kept man. So kick it to the kerb for your own sake. Trust me.

Stop paying now.surly he’s got a bank card.? Next time you go out say you havnt got cash.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If u don’t stop… Geesh you know aready

He needs to grow up and pay half :rage:

Talk to him.
Without discussing this you can’t jump to conclusions. If you like him, you should be able to discuss this with him.
His reaction will tell you all you need to know if he loses his temper or gets angry you know that’s a red light!
However maybe he’s short right now? Maybe he’s paying medical stuff for his kid or helping support his family still? Those aren’t bad things. There might be a reason. If you like him you’ll talk to him.
I hate all this talk about “o if he’s not well off don’t go near him” etc.
Not everyone can be rich or well off.
Doesn’t mean they can’t be a fantastic partner or husband or father.
Talk to him.


Please stop dating this man. There is no way you should be paying for everything, while this grown married man with a child is sitting up having you take care of him. You may have found the reason he’s getting divorced and just don’t recognize it for the red flag it it. Open them eyes, wake up and move along.


Why are you doing this? And honestly, if you’re asking this question, the answer has to be yes… He’s using you. Seek balance

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Why don’t you say to him “can you pay this time please because I’ve paid the last couple of times” that’s what I would do. And if he says no or has an excuse, just tell him that it isn’t fair because you pay for everything bla bla bla and see what his response is. Judge from his response what you should do. He might say sorry and start paying. If not I’d be thinking is he taking the piss or what :rofl: