I just had a c-section and my husband doesn't help me with anything: Advice?

but you r being hurt now anyway so just leave and things will get better


sounds like you are already hurt, i’m sorry this happened to you, take care of you,! congratulations on your baby,

You’re a week postpartum. Your hormones are all over the place. Dont make any big decisions for a little while


Prayers for u to make the right decision and Pray for your husband,if not get better, go to a woman shelter and they will help u start a new Life!


Leave it won’t change


The best advice I saw in all this, was to stay, and make him leave. There’s no reason for you to have to figure out what to do and where to go, in your condition. He’s the one with the problem, tell him to get out. Let your dr. know the situation. And get legal advice. It will be hard to look at him with any kind of love or feelings, you will always wonder about how he could hurt you like this. But I wouldn’t leave, tell him to leave. And if he doesn’t help you financially, the law will make him. The judges always are on the woman’s side. Bless you, and your baby. And damn that husband to hell!


You deserve better. Also, if you or anyone else is interested there’s a channel on YouTube called the little shaman who talks about toxic relationships and narcissists. Not saying that is what you are dealing with, just giving you some info if you’re interested to know more.

Do what you have yo with the,baby and leave,the,rest alone. I has 2 c-sections. I was,grateful to have,a,husband help me even though he,was,going through chemo at the,time.


If your asking this then you’ve answered your own question. I would not put up with it. It’s not normal and it’s rude


Sounds like you already are and now its not just about you. Go file papers. It wont get better if he doesn’t want it to and he just told you he doesn’t.


Tell him bye and don’t look back. You don’t know why things happen but they do. He doesn’t think you’re attractive anymore?? Babydoll, I promise you there are a bunch out there that does!! And don’t worry about being a mom!! Guys don’t mind kids now in days. Ask my husband! He’s been my oldest daughters dad for half her life :heart:


Some men get really freaked out and overwhelmed after the birth of a baby. Even more so when they just watched their wife have major abdominal surgery. Sit down and talk to him. Give him time, you take time and just do the minimum for yourself and the baby. It will work itself out.


I’d leave. Take the baby and go somewhere else. He’s already left you and the child. He probably has another woman on the side. Check his phone for proof.


A real man would never say such hurtful things to the person he vowed to love and cherish for all the days of his life. A real man would tell you how beautiful you are, even with bags under your eyes and spit up on your shirt. Remember children learn what they live and you and your partner are the map that shows them the way. Love them enough to set a good example and love yourself enough not to settle for anything but the very best, after all isn’t that what you want for your kids! Good luck pretty lady and congratulations on the new addition!

Wow you guys are way to quick to tell a new mother to just throw in the towel. A marriage has ups nd down. Good times and bad. Sickness and in health! It not easy and it takes effort if you want it to work


Don’t over it. I’ve had 3 sections & you get burned out fast. Do your best to cook, wash clothes, clean up for you & baby & forget the rest. Don’t wash his clothes or cook him food. This is major surgery . Talk to him & find out why he feels that way. Be very forward. Ask if he’s cheating. Ask if he’s mentally ok (if this is out of ordinary). He should be helping & not nagging.

Leave. Now. Or soon. He doesn’t love you and isn’t capable of giving you what you need because a man like that can’t grasp the concepts of how to be that kind of good man

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Give him a Second Chance and Have a Talk with Him find out why he Is telling you that you attractive any longer it takes time for your body to go down and exercise your baby phat off and if he doesn’t want to help you with his Child then he has a Serious issue but sit him down and ask him Why !!!

Biggest thing is do what’s best for you and that baby. If your husband isn’t supportive/ helping, I would leave honestly. Im going on my third C-section and if you need to talk I will be here. It’s difficult to leave someone you love. But think about you and that amazing baby. :heart:

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You need to draw some serious boundaries with the hubby. Tell him to shut up with the insults, get off his butt and clean up. You need to rest and heal.

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I would sit down and have a serious conversation about his words and actions I’m not saying it is an excuse but maybe there is something else triggering his attitude and if he does truly feel that way and it wasn’t something rude said out of anger or other issue then you my love already have your answer there is no reason to stay in that marriage it will just cause more damage then good

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I just saw a post the other day that said unless a male will never change unless he is getting his diaper changed!
Sad thing is… It’s true 95% of the time. None of us can truly tell you what to do or help make the choice any easier and I know this because I’ve been there done that just a different situation. I tried talking to him over and over and he would always promise to change yet never did. So for my happiness and my children’s happiness we left. You have a lot of hormones going crazy right now so you need to really think before you act. Make sure it’s 100% what you want. If you truly love him and you want to work things out then you need to talk to him. If he won’t sit there and talk that’s his loss. But at least then you know that you tried. He should 100% be helping you especially after having a C-section! He should be doing everything he can for you and the baby! No questions asked! If he is at home daily right now you shouldn’t have to cook a meal, do any housework or even change a diaper unless you want to! I recently had to have a hysterectomy and my husband made it a point to help me out of bed just to go to the bathroom and I got in trouble if I didn’t ask for help! (I’m a very stubborn person, we own a handyman business so I’m strong and it’s like I was trying to prove to myself and the world that even surgery couldn’t stop me :joy:). He made every meal, took our daughter to school and back and made sure she was 100% taken care of. That’s exactly the type of treatment you should be getting! If he doesn’t want to treat you like the queen you are then put him out like the dog he is!

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  1. Get advice from a professional, not dozens of people who would encourage you to end your marriage based on so little information. 2. There is no 2.

Does he work full time ? Sometimes guys get overwhelmed at work and take it out on there spouse, no means he should do but he is probably frustrated to bills a new baby a Bekering wife , you don’t help me with this and this. I been there it’s hard on both sides. The very first thing to do is get on your knees and pray because God hates divorce. I would say God I’m sorry for any wrong I have done. I repent for having bitterness in my heart for my husband. Lord if there is anyway to save my marriage please do so. Thank you father. We all fall short in our marriages no ones is perfect, communication is the first thing that hurts a relationship, and I’m not talking about talking from the mind , talk from the heart that’s where you will receive the most beautiful communications from. Start today to forgive each other , make a fresh start. Take you a hot bubble bath put you on some soft music fix yourself up like you did when you first met . Cook him a nice dinner put the baby to bed have some alone time. Never give up hope. Read the Bible ask God to talk to you through his word he will build your faith. But for today you put a stop to all the fighting , just agree be soft with your answers build your husband up tell him how proud of him you are , for working and taking care of his family. When you build your man up instead of tearing him down you will see a big difference. Keep you a journal of all the things that you want to say without hurting him wright them down. Pray about theses things ask God to help you . Blessings and love to you both may God see you though it . Amen :pray:

I would definitely tell him what you think and give him a chance to explain himself for the child’s sake. Then leave if it’s not satisfactory

Pack up and leave. If my husband was like that, I wouldn’t have stayed. Thankfully, he isn’t- he’s been through enough health wise, he knows how it is

Pack his stuff and tell him to hit the road then file for child support. If he doesn’t want to help you and he tells you he is not attracted to you, you need to let him go because if he really loved you he would do anything for you and love you. He’s a bum

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If your husband is putting you down and telling you your not attractive and doesn’t want to kiss you. There is something wrong. He doesn’t want to help you. You need to sit and talk. If he isn’t willing to work it out for both of you then you may need to leave before it could get worse. You need to heal for you and the baby. It takes two not one to be in a marriage. Good luck and praying

Omg you are already hurt by the way he is acting otherwise you wouldn’t be asking this question. He sounds inconsiderate uncaring and emotionally abusive. I would kick him out. You just had a baby via c section which is hard enough let alone be emotionally put down by the person who is supposed to love and support you in sickness and health.

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Some men have a problem and get turned off once a woman has a child. See if he will go to counseling with you. If not. . .you may have to kick his butt out.

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Good bye and good riddance. That’s crap and I’d take his phone and dump it in a glass of water and give him a choice to either man up or ship out and see you in court. Takes 2 to make baby

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i have had 3c-sections…not Fathered by my husband!! My stomach is all fucked up…BUT, HE loves me for my body!! Corrections…my Kids are HIS KIDS!:heart:

Prayers for you and your marriage. Ask him why? You can always leave with the baby.

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First of all take a long breath you just had major surgery I’ve been through 2 don’t over do anything for now sit his butt down and have a long talk with him and if he doesn’t want to work with you he’s not worth it your healing physically and emotionally right now he needs to be careful with you or you may have to go back to the hospital if you strain to much I hope you find the happiness for you and the baby praying for you all

I don’t understand how anyone could tell her to stay and not make hasty decisions bc of hormones. Dude flat out told her he’s not attracted to her and won’t even kiss her after she just had his kid cut from her body. On top of that he’s making her do everything for herself and the baby and for him while she is trying to heal. He sounds like a mental terrorist to me… You don’t have to put your hands on someone to be abusive

Wth is with u all telling her to leave? I’d make him get out!


Go go go fast go far and never look back


Run don’t walk get the hell away from that mess


Run and never look back.


You already are hurt. Time to cut your losses.

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You’re already hurt. Leave.

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all he will ever do is hurt you. Get out now.

Get rid of the husband.

Kick his ass to the curb and move on.

He’s already hurting you

Don’t settle for that pos!

Do yourself a favor and learn how to walk away. When a connection starts to fade, learn how to let it go. When a person starts to mistreat you, learn how to move on to something and someone better. Don’t waste your energy trying to force something that isn’t meant to be, because the truth is…for every one person who doesn’t value you – there are tons more waiting to love you better!

Tell the dipshit asshole to get out get a lawyer a.nd take the prick for everything you can. Beat him to pulp on child support. And take the kids.

Hell no. Leave. He’s just going to walk all over you. If his phone is more important than the fact that you carried his baby for nine months and them gave birth, then he was always an asshole. He’s not going to care for your baby the way he should, and then your baby is going to grow up thinking that this is what ‘love’ means.

Leave immediately. What a piece of fucking trash for a husband.

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You’re already hurt. Leave him.

He should be helping you you’ve just had mager surgery to have a bundle of joy
Nd you not Supost to moven or lifting anything at least untill 6 weeks after opp

Gosh id be asking family member to come. Nd stay nd help you nd kick him out while you rest up nd get better

This stress dont help belive me
Iv been there nd i got rid of

Honestly, my relationship is not perfect. But if this was something he said/did to me after just having a child with him! I’d be gone in a heartbeat. Fuck him, you just did the single most amazing thing in the world. You should be treated like a goddess right now! Xoxxo I hope you make the right choice.

Same thing happened with my son’s dad
I waited to leave and the situation went from bad to worse turning physical
Leaving him was the best thing I’ve ever done
Please leave
Know your worth mama
You are smart,strong and beautiful and you can handle anything


My ex dis this to me. I gained weight after my boys and he would look at me like i was the most nastiest thing. I loved my new body. He also didnt wana help in any way. Why should I do XYZ your breastfeeding so you already have the baby just do it yourself. Well its just a baby you do all the housework. I did this for years thinking it was best for my kids. Its not. Happy mom = happy baby

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My wife said the same thing to me after I had our son…so I left when he was three months and we are doing just fine. Do what you need to do for you and your little one. It’ll be tough for a little bit but it does get better.

I am so sorry you’re going through this. But you should definitely leave. You and your precious baby deserve better than that :heart:


Have you told him how you feel about what he said? I would not advise leaving a husband who is not abusive, either physically or emotionally. Marriage is a big deal. I would find a way to work it out if possible. If anything, ask if he wants to leave. If he knows you’re thinking about separation he might change his tune

Girl it’s going to hurt either way let your love for your child over power the pain that jack ass caused you

Leave girl. You need to rest a C section is a major surgery. Do you have any family nearby that can help and support you until you’ve healed ? Also what he’s said to you is incredibly toxic and cruel you deserve the world you just made a tiny human, your body went through a lot during pregnancy and now to heal he’s being a fool .

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Leave. Make him see that you don’t need him. It will hurt but you need to be strong for you and your child. Self love is more important. Good luck.


Honestly go, better and healthier for the Bubba xx

What do you mean you don’t want to be hurt? Aren’t you already? Him saying you aren’t attractive and not touching you is hurtful… staying with a man that doesn’t love you is toxic. Of course we’re gonna tell you to leave. He isn’t even helping you with his own child. Girrrrl come on!

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Leave. Being a single mom is hard but staying where you’re not loved and appreciated is worse.


Leave!!! I’ve had many c-sections!! U have to rest!!! U cannot do the same until you are 100% healed!!! U have to take care of yourself!!! And your kids!!! Get out b/f it gets any worse! You do not deserve that from anyone!!! I’m so sorry! Ppl don’t change he sounds like a real winner! It’s his loss not yours!! He should be taking care of you & baby now !! This is from someone who is due with a baby anytime & having a c- section my partner never not helped me ! He does everything especially when I’m on bed rest

You’re already hurt aren’t you? You can’t heal in a toxic environment.

You could try counseling but if he isn’t open to it not much you can do.

With the information given sounds like it’s time to move on. Otherwise you’re going to be hurting even more in the end.


How about communication… with him, NOT FACEBOOK! Every relationship is different and all these people saying to leave are not involved in that relationship! Dont listen to others about YOUR relationship. Dont make decisions based upon the advice of people who dont have to live with the outcome! Not all men grow up soon after a baby and some dont grow up EVER but you can make your own choices after a conversation WITH HIM!


Leave obvious he’s the problem not you so do yourself a favor and let him go your in a toxic relationship married or not you deserve better hugs :heart::cry: and lots of luck

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Leave. If a man tells you you’re not attractive and won’t even kiss you, that’s not love. You deserve better. Your baby deserves to have a role model to show how a man should love and how a women should be treated. Look at your child and ask yourself if he/she turned out or ended up with someone like that, would you be ok. If the answer is no, then don’t accept less for yourself! If you don’t want to be hurt then get out before it gets worse!!

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It seems you’re already being hurt over and over again. No time to heal since it’s just constantly happening in the home. If you left that toxic place, you’d have time to heal and it wouldn’t hurt as bad as time went on.

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Take it from a woman who’s been there. Leave right now… I had the same stuff happen when I came home after my csection… 1 year later and things are worse. No matter the promises… just leave and find your peace in life. You deserve alot better than how hes treating u and talking to you

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I would leave take that baby and leave how disrespectful of him you just had a fricking baby omg. And he definitely needs to help you have stitches in your stomach. Just remember you are beautiful no matter what and you also brought life to this world and he should be proud of you for that.

sounds like a real winner. Save urself a million tears n yrs if heartache n leave asap. He’s a real A&&hole nist likely will only get worse…we all have our limits so good luck reaching urs soon. not to mention all the misery ur child will b dragged thru. …so u want that as a role model for ur baby to b treats same ?? Life is so hard but u no what’s right. Good luck. Call ur mom… :love_letter:

My ex husband did this to me. And it’s not normal in any way! It’s abusive, phychotic and emotionally unstable and childish. My fiance and I just had a baby two months ago, and they screwed up my spinal block, so I got spinal headaches, and then screwed up my blood patch so I have nerve damage. I couldn’t lift my head, walk, sit up, eat and all I did was leave bed to pee. Not once did he tell me anything except he was proud of me. He laid my youngest on my chest so I could still bond with her. And for almost two weeks, until I got to the point I could sit up for half an hour, so a month in total, he watched both kids, and worked, while donating plasma when he couldn’t work because of our newborn. That right there told me, that shit I went through before wasn’t normal. He tells me daily how beautiful I am, and he knows I’m unhappy with myself and is even dieting with me because I wanted to. That’s love. That’s a man. That’s a father’s love. You have a child who wants attention and his personal Barbie dream house life. Choose now, it gets worse the longer you stay.


Well even if you stay you’ll be hurt. A c section is no joke so I really hope you’re not up and down doing things. If you’re already basically doing it alone then you dont need to stay. Nobody NEEDS anyone in their life.

Leave him, create a peaceful and loving, stress free environment for you and your baby’s sake. All the best🌸


Your child and you deserve so much better!!! How dare he say that you aren’t attractive!!!You were just cut in half to give him a child! He can’t kiss you? He doesn’t have time for you? He is not a man. He is a child himself and he should be ashamed.

I know you want answers that give you the strength to stay with him. I know your hormones are knocking you around and you want him to wake up and love you. I know you are scared and hurting and you want your husband to make it better.

He isn’t going to, and you need to get out now. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. Take him for alimony and for child support. I was where you are…it doesn’t get better. I waited for it to get better… I thought if I only loved him harder then he would love me to.

Life doesn’t work that way…

Before he puts hands on you or your child you need to leave. Before he says something worse to you or your child… something so horrible it wakes you up in the night years later… you need to go.

Someone is waiting for you and your child… you are the reason that their life is amazing. They love you, need you, they will never ever get tired of kissing you. They just haven’t found you yet.

So for your child… for yourself… and for your future man… leave as soon as you can.

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Leave. Think about you and ur baby. If he is always on his phone not kissing u or not helping you telling you he loves you. His ass needs to leave. He is just using you. That’s not right

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Could try therapy if u think hed be willing to change in order to not lose his wife?

You should get out, he knows you’re still healing and this is what you get??He should be ashamed

Just leave now before things get worse, and they will. I wouldn’t even try to fix it or work it out…just remember your better then that. :orange_heart:

Leave. Ive had 3 kids, 3 c sections in 3 yrs… Its painful and draining if you dont have help. And if hes being this childish…run!! He cant even help with his child reguardless of whats going on between you two?? Ive dealt with this and my bd was on drugs as well and not wanting to help… Leaving him might also make him realize what he wants in life and make him grow up. A good portion of men dont grow up immediately after their baby is born… It unfortunately takes awhile for them to realize what they have and that they want to be part of that. You need to be with people that can help you at this time… You need to recover. My last c section was a month ago and im still in some pain so make sure you get help and take advantage of that!! Maybe you 2 can try to work it out later?? But at this moment, you getting better and baby being taken care of are the first priorities…

Throw him out get help from the band office or health centre

sorry but it appears you are his slave so he thinks you are broken. I have had 4 c sections you dont need to be abused while you recoup. If he cant step up and be a Daddy why did he step up and produce the child with you? Yes I had an eye opener when my husband said I was not a woman because of a c section. He is not my husband anymore but my children are my life.

That would be a go for me. If he didnt find me attractive…well i can get a roommate that cleans up after themselves and have sex/kiss with someone who does find me attractive.

You and u baby need leave him he dont want help you with the baby and on phone dont want kiss u or look at you go it well hurt but it better then staying with someone who dont care

You should leave you and your children deserve more than that he’s not a true husband if he acts like that

You know what you need to do. Its in your heart, ask him if he still loves you talk to him. After that you will know what to do

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Just leave seriously… no point being with a little boy, phone your family and get the support you deserve

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Here’s what you should do…


only you can make that call


Girl I’ve been hurt. I left 6 years ago. Shit in one hand and the other which one weighs more ya know. :confused: Sad but true.

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Now is the best time to go be around family.

Go he doesn’t deserve you or the baby. Leave. Now.

I think u know the answer

Leave… You’re doing it on your own anyway… Stay stong mama. You got this… :heart:

Pfft. If u even have to ask then it’s too late.

Throw the whole man away

F… him, you just had just had a baby he should treat you like a queen.

Leave before it gets worse.