I am annoyed that my partners "number 2" stinks so bad: Advice?

He may have intestinal fungus, can be treated but takes a while


Seriously?? What’s the poor guy to do. Maybe try burning a match when he goes. Keep a candle lit in the bathroom. Has he tried poopourri! I think that’s what it is called. It’s supposed to work great at eliminating poo odor.


My mother has Crones disease, her poop really, really really stinks. His diet could be the problem. Maybe he needs less hot and spicy foods.


He needs to get checked out but also preggo hormones are rough


Have him light a match. I swear it takes the stinky smell away immediately


Oh you poor thing. My sense of smell went into overdrive when I was pregnant also. I couldn’t cook meat—the smell of pork chops or venison cooking made me so sick. I had to go for a drive if anyone was pooping. It was awful.


My husband used to smell up our whole house and it would linger for hours. I finally convinced him to try taking Lactaid when he ate dairy because I suspected he needed it based on a family history and other symptoms. Now his stink is totally normal as long as he takes the Lactaid or avoids dairy. So it definitely could be something wrong with your husbands digestive system.


You’re just crabby and feeling miserable because your pregnant. I was horribly unreasonable when I was pregnant. I realized it after I had my son. I knew how miserable I was looking back but at the time it seemed ok to me! Honestly, talk to your dr about how upset these silly things are making you. I had to go on meds for it and it made a huge difference.


Oh wow! That’s just flat out mean. Hey I have an idea call a sanitation company and pay to have a Porta potty delivered to your front yard and pay the weekly or monthly costs to have it cleaned. That should clear up your problem in no time. Of course your neighbors may not be happy but hey when you simply explain your boyfriend stinks I’m sure they will absolutely understand


I wish we could trade noses. Due to sinus surgeries I haven’t smelled anything for thirty years. You could put yours on pause and I could once again enjoy the good smells.


You sound like…fun…I would hate to be around you right now. He can’t stop his body from working because YOU can’t handle it.


Ask him to try charcoal capsules they won’t hurt his digestion and they do have a sort of deodorizing effect


Poobegone or Pooh Be Gone! Poo Pouree, spray on the toilet bowl water before you go and no odor. Drug Stores or Wal-Mart etc


If the smell was a problem before she was pregnant maybe he could see a Gastroenterologist to rule out malabsorption. The most common cause of foul-smelling stool is when nutrients aren’t being absorbed from the gut as they should be. Causes of malabsorption include gluten intolerance, food allergies, lactose intolerance, IBD, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or pancreatic insufficiency. Also bacterial overgrowth just to name a few causes…


Keep matches in bathroom before he opens door have him light one match. Works !!!


He could have something going on like C-diff which would cause abnormally foul bowel movements. It’s embarrassing but worth a call to the doctor and probably a stool check


Buy poopouri! Its amazing at stopping the smell


When I fast I follow a vegan all natural diet and my poop doesn’t smell at all :slightly_smiling_face: woohoo now when I eat meat it’s totally gross :joy:


Just buy Poopouri. They sell it everywhere. You spray it in the toilet before you go and it doesn’t let the odor escape.


You sound exhausted and sick. And any little thing amplifies it. Been there…I agree with Ellen Simon .


Try Poo-pourii toilet spray. Have him spray into the toilet bowl before he uses it…also buy a candle he can light. Good luck.

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If you don’t go to Walmart and get the poop spray. He just needs to spray the inside of the tolit before he goes. Amozon has it too

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Try Poopourri…it seriously works, spray on the water before he goes. Spraying air freshener the same way works too, but isn’t environmentally friendly.

I can’t stand air fresheners or candles, perfumes, potpourri or any of that stuff. Strong smells give me headaches and take my breath (asthmatic). My suggestion: Buy a box of wooden kitchen matches to keep in the bathroom. While he’s doing his business have him strike a match then blow the flame out. The Sulphur in the match head leaves a quickly dissipating scent (burnt match smell) and it instantly neutralizes the stinky smell. Sounds crazy, but it works. I
$h!+ you not. :wink: Learned this trick from growing up in the south with no indoor plumbing, before the era of scent covering sprays and such. Our outhouse had a real toilet seat, an overhead light, bathroom rugs, magazines, and artwork hanging on the walls. We were envied by the neighbors. :wink::joy: Try the match trick though. Sulphur (in tiny amounts) smells better than :poop: any day. Lol.

i understand the nausea over a smell. mine was eggs and hamburger meat. i could smell eggs in the morning on dishes that had been washed! i put a clothespin upside down on my nose to cook hamburger meat- as I gagged. if this wasn’t bothering you before you got pregnant, then hopefully it will go away after the baby is born

There is spray that you can buy. You spray it into the toilet before you go. Does help.

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He should see a doctor and have his stool tested. He could have a bowel disorder, infection c diff or other, and an enzyme issue. It could be fixed…

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Yall should lighten up on her. I deal with the same thing with my husband. The kids and grandkids can all tell when they come in house. Unbelievable sickening.


We use poopouri you spray a few drops in the toilet before going and when you flush has a very fresh smell in comes in all different scents


Have him take a box of matches after he’s done strike one or two, the suffer from the matches covers the stinky poop smell, but he should see a dr., have colon checked out just to be safe

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It may be you have a heightened sense of smell due to pregnancy. When I was pregnant, I couldn’t stand the smell of the meat department in stores. Twice I left a full grocery cart and left it because I was so nauseated. But people need to poop!

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I think you should get him to see a doctor. It’s not normal to stink up an entire apartment but I’m wondering if that’s actually true or you’re exaggerating the smell because of being moody and having a heightened sense of smell from pregnancy. I think the way you are coming off it’s kind of mean. You have explained what he does to try to mask the smell and nothing he does is working for you but instead of trying to figure out things to fix it, you want him to figure it alone. It’s human waste, it smells and everyone does it. Going to the Dr to make sure he doesn’t have any stomach issues is a good start but I also think you need to go to the Dr to figure out ways to help calm you down.

Tell him to give it a courtesy flush, and not let that steamy pile sit there and ferment. That’s my advice.

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I have stomach issues and my poop smell is awful. I swear by and have poo purri everywhere. At work both bathrooms at home and some in my purse. I would be so embarrassed if someone else had to smell it. They have all kinds of scents. I get mine auto delivered from QVC so I never run out

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He needs to see a doctor asap. In the meantime, rent an outhouse for him. :woman_shrugging::rofl:


There is a liquid available you put a drop or 2 on the toilet water BEFORE he goes and it’s supposed to eliminate odors. I’ve seen it in catalogs so I don’t know how it works. For me I use air freshner as soon as I stand up and that works every time. I can’t imagine all those things you mentioned not working.

My husband has awful smelling poop too. He also goes every day. I think that many men are like this because their diet tends to have more meat than women’s and less healthy fruit and veggies. There probably isn’t anything wrong with him, and they’re having fights over a body function he can’t control. It really isn’t fair to tell someone not to poop while you nap. :woman_facepalming: I think the pregnancy hormones are your biggest problem here. The poop smell wasn’t unbearable until she was pregnant. And now there’s a baby coming, a happy time for a couple, and she’s screaming at him because he poops? Time to talk to your doctor to get that under control. If it isn’t possible, then you’re going to have to understand that these are biological functions for both of you and can’t be controlled by anyone. :woman_shrugging: It may be hard for him to excited with you about this baby if the discord continues. I understand how hard it is right now, but everything will be fine once the baby is born.


There are products that he can spray into toilet to neutralize the odor…
Check Amazon…
“Poo-Pourri” is one product. Never used myself, but worth a try.
Check Walgreens and/or grocery store, also.

Check his diet…Maybe changing his diet would help. In the meantime, back off a bit. He’s probably embarrassed as hell after discussing it on the internet. He’s only doing what comes naturally, n we all gotta go, honey???


I always keep Clorox spray in my bathroom, it’s cheap enough, spray couple sprays in toleit and couple sprays in sink, even a spray in tub, works foe me

This is ridiculous, get an air cleaner for 200 bucks and have it plugged in in the bathroom… get a good one that is for a large house , we got one due to Covid and has the ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and it cleans all the air… even if I’m cooking something that is normally very pungent u can barely smell it with that running. You are gonna give the guy a complex though

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Definitely he should make a doctors appointment. He could need need medication. I’m sure the doctor has come across this kind of problem before.

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Is he allergic to milk or milk byproducts? It can be quite smelly.

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You can get some oil that you put in the stool before he uses it. It helps to keep the smell under the water. Check Bed and Beyond they may carry it. It does work

For yourself: put a few drops of lavendar oil under your nose, or some vicks vaporub rub in your nostrils. Will help you. AND , get poo poutine that you spray into the toilet before a pop. AND, change his diet…does he drink beer? Or eat food that causes a bigger stink?

Needs to turn the fan on BEFORE and shut the door when he comes out.


Put dux cleaner in toilet after the flush or any other brand that has a strong perfume . It works I can smell everything it is awful but that fixes it.

He could try taking activated charcoal supplements. He shouldn’t take them near times he takes medicine because they absorb and contain what they contact, including odors.

If it’s that bad maybe you can go for a walk when he has to poop, it’s not something he can control. Living with 3 boys I understand.

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You kinda sound like an a$$hole. I mean imagine being a human being who cannot deficate comfortably bc their significant other just cant stand the smell. Eww. What are you going to do when you’re changing your child’s diapers??? Send your kid to the 7/11 to poop too?


Get a defuser! They are amazing, and they have all different oil scents too! But I also agree, he needs to see a GI dr. Praying for good results
Congratulations on your new little one🎊

My husband had this issue for years we went on a Keto diet he stopped eating bread and it all went away, he might have some kind of gluten intolerance!

I remember when I was pregnant and wanted to chock my husband because of the sound he makes when he drinks lol. I always have a super sensitive nose and have gotten in big arguments if he poops in our restroom while I’m asleep. With that being said its only been a few times and he was sick and my side of the best is next to the restroom. I was always taught to light a match and blow it out. That smell masks alot. You could also use poopery its really good expensive but its worth it. Also maybe before he goes light some candles around the apartment to help. Its so hard to be in this position its a total ass hole move to be mad about something others can’t control but believe me I get it. Could you imagine is someone got mad because you blinked its absurd but its hard to help. Good luck.

And no I have never found sprays to be any help just added to the nauseatingly strong oder

Bacteria causes most things to smell bad. Instead of using standard air freshener sprays. Use a disinfectant spray that kills bacteria, like Lysol. It may help the smell dissipate faster.

Buy Poo-Pourri Spray. You spray in the toilet before going. It traps the smell. It works great! Google it

There is a thing at drugstore it is called poo b gone u can also buy at dollar store just spray in toiletbowl before u go it works

Get some POOPOURRI! But really…CDiff has a terrible odor. He probably needs to see the doctor. He could have CDiff and you wouldn’t want him to have that when your baby is born. Be sure your and his hand hygiene is immaculate and that the bathroom is kept really clean.

Try poopourrie! It is a spray that you spray in the toilet before you poop and it makes it so that the smell is not released. It really works

Put air freshener in there and when he goes tell him to spray every time

LOL…FLASH BACK!! OH how I remember the days of being pregnant with heightened smell sensitivity!

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Sweet heart, I feel for you. All three of my pregnancies I had severe nausea all day. So things that worked. Lemon spray helped alot, like bath and body works Lemoncello. Ginger or peppermint essential oils on a handkerchief.

Best advice: burn 2-3 matches in bathroom. Smoke removes the stink. AND, as I said before, put lavendar oil under your nose!!


Lol wow I have literally never hear anything like that …everyone poops ma’am …poop stinks that’s all there is to it it’s not pleasant anytime poop is involved and I’m sure yours doesn’t smell like a bed of roses so try to be kind to your partner cuz he can’t control his poop stinking hahaha :rofl::rofl:


I have a husband that leaves that unpleasant smell. I buy VIP POO. It works very well. Shake ,spray twice in the bowl and there is no nasty odor.

Look into Poo Poree? I buy it at Costco but other places carry the same thing. It is a scented spray you spray on the water in the toilet bowl. Poo goes through but stink stays under it. Another suggestion is to use that metal looking handle. Flush it away a couple times during his business time on the throne

Does he take a lot of vitamins, or medicines, that may be the cause of the strong smell

I’m not sure what you expect? You want him to poop outside? If you’re pregnant then you should probably just become accustomed to bad smells. Kids don’t smell like roses and I guarantee you’ll walk around with poop on your shirt at some point :joy::joy::joy:

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There is a chemical you can get in the store that you spray in toilet before going and it keeps the smell down. It’s a spray bottle can’t think of the name but a lady said she buys it at dollar general in their $ isle and it really works.

VIP poop spray works wonders. I have i child that uses this because if not he kills everyone in our apartment.

Yes you are !! It’s a Natural thing he’s not in charge of the smell smfh … I’ve had 12 and had to deal with MRE poops :poop: not once did I ever do this to my husband.

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Possibly your partner has C-diff which is extremely bad smelling. Should have a check up at the Dr. oh, and C-diff is very bad if you’re pregnant, so be cautious.

if you can’t handle that how are you going to change diapers? I think you’ve worked yourself up to this and have convinced yourself it’s worse then it really is because opening a window, spraying, flushing etc there’s no way that doesn’t help yet you say it doesn’t.

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They have an oil you spray before you go and it hides the smell. QVC has one, home shopping channel.

Ok hear me out, but they make sprays to conceal the smell of marijuana…those might be strong enough!

Has he tried that poopouri stuff? I mean idk how well it works for other people but I kept it in my purse when I was still working because I took medicine that hurt my stomach and it was embarrassing but that seemed to mask the smell pretty well.:woman_shrugging:

Dollar tree has a version of poopouri for a dollar that works wonderfully! Someone in my house has a similar smell lol when I was pregnant it would fill the house and make me throw up. I had a really hard time keeping anything down anyway and it made it so much worse! The poopouri spray was a life saver.

Try striking matches and let them burn out. That’s what we did before we had potpourri and it really worked to help get the smell out. Now, I use Febreze Mediterranean Lavender. It really helps get the bad smell out all over the house. Hope this helps!!! Cherie

I heard the poo-pouring works great and lighting a match does too as long as the smell of matches doesn’t bother you.

There is a product called Poopourri. You spray it on the water before you go and it supposedly completely covers the smell. Beyond that maybe you can do like people that deal with dead cadavers and rub some Vicks Vaporub on your nose when he goes. However yeah your attitude to coin a phrase stinks. I have been in your position and yes its miserable and exhausting but I tried not to load my misery on those around me.Sounds like he is doing everything he can to help now you need to try from your side.

There are aerosols for that. Also thru the years I’ve realized certain foods do that. It could be a certain meat, like turkey. It could be a vegetable, like broccoli, even a fruit. Try eliminating something for a time.it could work. It’s not going to be forever.

If this is the worst of your problems it sounds like you have it pretty easy. Sounds like he’s trying to help the situation and You’re probably just making him feel bad at this point. A grown man probably afraid to have to go in his own home cause his grown wife might get upset. If its bothering YOU that much… Go outside for a few mins when he goes or open more windows… Spray all through the house… don’t make him feel bad for something we all do.

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Buy some poop sprayer that you spray in the toilet before someone goes poop. They have it at walmart

When I run out of pooppourie, I just spray any air freshener in the toilet before I use it and the flush sends it into the air. Also train your partner to flush often while he is sitting there. Lots of people (especially men) like to read or play games on their phones while doing their business so it sits there longer, flush it down the minute it hits the bowl

There is a product called Poo-pourri. It is drops that you put in the water before you go and it kills the smell.

Get some citrus OdoBan spray in the aerosol can! Spray in the toilet before going and then use as an air freshener - it helps!

It’s called poo-pourri. It comes in many different scents and it works amazingly well. It’s the only original duct I’ve ever found that really does work!

You can get a spray that you spray into the loo before you / he has a poo…it holds the pong under the water…xxx

Poopurri works but you have to train everyone in the house to use it! Spray in toliet before you go!

When I was pregnant with my kiddos, I was also very sensitive to smells, idk what is up with that, I couldn’t even get near my husband because the smell of his body wash, deodorant and after shave made me, literally, puke. This will pass, you aren’t being ridiculous per se, however, you do need to have a conversation with your partner acknowledging that you know this is a problem right now. Investigate the pooporie, there is also a product called vipoo, these may help to make the smell a little less intense.

Maybe he could change some things in his diet? Something obviously not agreeing with his system. Ask him crack a window in bathroom or adjoining room to bathroom.

Fresh coffee in paper, we use it in the hospital for horrible smelling gi bleed. Coffee for brewing

Feel sorry for the partner to have to deal with that then you posting about it. How messed up is that

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Try poo porie. Spelling not sure. You spray it in the water before you poo. You can get it at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

1/4 cup of chlorine bleach in toilet bowl prior to each occasion, provided you’re not using anything else in toilet bowl that would adversely interact, such as ammonia.

Pooppouri( however you spell it) works great, I was the only women, living with 3 men and I bathroom, for years, life saver, you can even make your own.

Light a match and let burn a few seconds. The sulfer disapates the odor almost immediately. Try it, it really works.

I light incense in the bathroom while pooping LOL or there is a spray you put in the toilet before using it netreualize

I would love to meet a human that excretes bath cubes and pees oude cologne.

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Light some matches. Sulphur takes the smell away.