I am annoyed that my partners "number 2" stinks so bad: Advice?

You could go for a walk when he poops, not sure what other solution you expect? He can’t run out the house every time he needs to take a dump. Guess your shit don’t stink :rofl:

I say make him turn on the air vents use the pre pop stuff and then spray afterwards. I know folks think you are over dramatic but my hubby’s poo/farts stink too (like way more than normal ) so I understand

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  1. ignore everyone telling you to stop being dramatic and get over yourself.
    You’re growing a HUMAN, and that causes A LOT of changes in your body, including how your nose and brain process smells.
  2. I do suggest the poo-pouri spray. You spray it in the toilet before you go, and in some cases spray again after flushing.
    3)go for a walk or something to help get your out of the apartment for a while. Walks are great for your maternal health.

Perhaps make him a doctors appointment…sometimes the foul smell can be a medical problem

Try the poop spray they sell at Wal-Mart

Yeah. You’re kinda an asshole lol.

Sounds like a shitty situation.

Your poop doesn’t stink ?

Poo pouri is great at getting rid of the smell. I sometimes spray a little in the litter box after the cat has a particularly stinky poop. LOL


Also he should get checked by a dr if its that much worse than a regular person’s

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My daughter would keep book matches in her bathroom ,(out of children’s reach)
, She said it helped get the smell out

Girl you can’t be that upset with him. You can go buy candles and sprays too help I’m sure they make stuff for it but we aren’t exactly pooping skittles either. They go thru alot. They watch us puke for over 9 months, bleed every month when we aren’t prego, push little humans out our hoo hahs with blood and placenta everywhere and still love us. Your allowed too feel whatever way you want and your not wrong for being bothered your human. But you can control the way you react and you aren’t being realistic. He can’t just not poop so what exactly do I expect him too do.


Shut door after leave fan on and spray…

Put 1 drop of essential oil on your mask. You’ll probably have Keep it on most of the day. I do this for myself & kids. It works and makes wearing masks easier.

Poopourri. It totally works.


This post is a joke right ? I’m sure your shit doesn’t smell like flowers either .

I’m sorry but this is hilarious


Lmao sounds like me and my husband. His ass is RANCID. No one ever believes me until they visit and smell first hand. He even went to the Dr and has a colonoscopy and some other stuff (for other reasons not his stank ass), but nothing was wrong. He just smells. Also poopouri just makes it smell like slightly shit scented flowers :woman_shrugging:. He cleares houses not rooms. He tries to fart outside when he knows it’s gonna be bad :joy::joy::joy:.

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Make him go use the bathroom at the gas station down the road. Lol really tho poop stinks, sorry you’re nauseous but I mean
… your poop stinks too

Yes you are the asshole! Like I get it your pregnant and it makes you sick, but he can’t help it. That is completely ridiculous and uncalled for to be yelling at him for going poop or telling him he needs to figure something else out. How would you feel if you had that poop problem or severe BO during pregnancy but can’t do anything to prevent it and he came up and said, “you need to figure something out cause you’re disgusting for being natural”. I’m sorry but get over it.

As hilarious as people think this post is…yes you’re being an asshole. He’s having a shit ffs. It’s not like he’s cup caking you an doing it on purpose. He could literally be hospitalised if he stops going to the toilet. You’re making him feel guilty about something he can’t control. Maybe he should ask you to stop being a dick about a natural thing :woman_shrugging:

It’s shit, of course it stinks…lol you can try to mask it all you want but if you use apple cinnamon its going to be more like shitty apple cinnamon

Awhhhhh leave him alone he cat help it lol :laughing: light a mach candles get him to blow them out once finished

Get him some poopori spray. Maybe that will help?? I hope you feel better soon.


husband throw the whole lady away :joy: WTF


What are you guys eating? Maybe go plant based both of you.

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I totally understand your pain I’m going through the same thing you probably have HG. I’ve had it with both pregnancies but he cannot control when he has to go to the bathroom.:rofl: He’ll be so uncomfortable having to hold it until you nap. I get it though seriously every little smell makes me so sick rn and it was even worse with my daughter. Look it up online I was gonna say that poo pouring stuff too but I bet you pinterest has some good ideas. Also kind of unrelated but try using a nettypot for you and those acupuncture bracelets I’ve been using both and I didn’t use either one last time and they really help me with the constant throwing up issue. Sorry you’re so sick. I know it’s the worst I can literally smell if someone has a cavity and they’re talking to me rn but I don’t say anything because I don’t want to hurt their feelings I just cover up my face and move away. I read something online about smelling a certain kind of essential oil when you smell a bad smell and it’s supposed to help so keep your face in a candle or use some vicks when he uses the bathroom lol.

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Pooporri. And he cant control it, and if he acted this way towards you, if the rolls where reversed I bet you wouldn’t like it.


I’m sure your shit stinks up the place too but he is too nice to say anything. Wait til you have a baby…let me tell you…baby poop stinks too.

Tell him to burn wood matches after…

Strike a match, it burns up the methane.

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Absolutely, I’m sure you don’t exactly smell like Rose’s. Wth


Your lucky if your main issue right now is being upset that you can smell your partners poo :joy:


Have you tried burning insence? The good kind from either a smoke shop or a witchy shop? My favorites are at the witchy shops like Ancient Ways. He has no control over this other than his diet. Poor guy.

Ummmm … poop stinks :woman_shrugging: you should figure it out


Put a diffuser in there, possibly multiple plug in air frangrances, get a few scented candles and keep doing the fan/window thing as well.

Is this a joke? If not, yes you’re an asshole :joy:

Yes. You’re an asshole. :woman_shrugging: Sorry but you asked. It’s a normal function and that’s his home too. How would you like if he demanded you go to a public restroom to poop instead of doing it in your home? It’s not something he can help or change. Dont poop because you’re napping? Seriously?! That’s pretty selfish and childish. Just sayin. Suck it up.

Put cups of vinegar everywhere.

Light a match, open windows and flush like he does… you need to figure out something for you. Put a little toothpaste under your nose or chapstick when he shits. Tricks of the trade working in nursing field emptying colostomy bags.

How can you stand to change a stinky diaper then? But I’m sure you smell like roses!

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It’s poop.
What’ch’ya expect? Lol

Oh my effing gosh. Light a candle and get over it.

Yes you’re an asshole …what do you expect him to do ?

Try Poopourri ,spray before he goes, it does work

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Yeah it’ll stink but this is all normal lol. Only solution for you , besides leaving the windows open, is to clean the toilet bowl immediately after use. I do this in my house, gets rid of the smell within minutes.

Don’t you have vent fan in your bathroom??? People can put the craziest thing on this post…

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I think there is a pet medicine out there for stinky pets. You might want to look at the active ingredient and find out if it works for humans.

Seriously…I have no words :woozy_face:

Her face when her newborn has a blow out for the first time


This!! Spray in toilet before you go! It definitely helps!


Back the fuck off him and let him take a shit in peace! Why the fuck are you smelling his shit anyway? Wtf

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It’s a natural bodily function🤦‍♀️ shit stinks. Move on.

Or look at your diets and what he is eating.

Good luck with changing nappies🤷‍♀️

I literally have no words except WTF is wrong with you?


Put a small bowl of coffee grounds. It’s help absorbe the oder. Change it it ever few days or as needed. I did housekeeping at a hospital and the nurses would do this for patients that had colostomy bags


Have you tried poopouri?


It’s not him lol

It’s you. Your senses are more sensitive when you’re pregnant. So, of course his poop probably smells 10x worse than usual because you’re pregnant. Dude has exhausted all options of clearing the smell. Wear nose plugs!


This is really happening…

Is this a joke? Because I am dying of laughter right now


Um… So if you’re trying to be “funny”; congrats. If you’re serious then I have some advice… Stop being a whiney twat. You’re pregnant and have an enhanced sense of smell, good for you. We’ve all been there. Buck up and deal with it, kiddo. You’re about to have a stinking, pooping, puking, disgusting little bundle of joy. Better develop a firmer constitution before they arrive or you’re going to be completely screwed.

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Poor guy can’t even poop in peace, what if someone made you feel bad and weird about having to poop?! Get a grip!!!


I’m in stitches this is ridiculous


Jeffrey Bancroft you need to read this!! :joy: #deadoverhere

You are totally the asshole

Wow I would never talk about my partner’s problems on the internet. If my partner would do that to me I would probably divorce him. Totally childish


Hilary, here is your morning dose of laughter.

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just here for poop memes/gifs

sorry you’re going through that


Sounds like he should see a doctor tbh


Poo that smells that bad is not normal- take him to the doctor and tell them everything.

Yes what a bitch the phyicalogical you have done my solution I would move

it’s your hormones and your pregnancy not him everyone shits and it stinks .it’s something you need to learn to control. I mean your shit stinks when you go

This is ridiculous. I understand being pregnant with miserable morning sickness but there are some things that you can’t pull the pregnant card on. Normal bodily functions are one of them. That’s like him telling you to stop being nauseous. So… Yes, you’re being an asshole.

I think you need to take him to a specialist. A poop smells worst than the usual if there’s colon problem or just with the food that one consumes. If all the people in the house are also complaining about smelling it even from afar, there has to be a problem otherwise, it’s just your preggo senses and you will just have to deal with it. Have you tried putting charcoal humidifier in the bathroom or maybe have some essential oils near you when he goes? :sweat_smile::roll_eyes:

Poopori! It really helps


lol wait is there a new strain of poop that’s supposed to smell literally like roses? :joy::joy: last time I checked shit doesn’t smell good.

Try getting some books of matches. A friend of mine would use matches and you never smelled poop. Worth a try

Have him light a match after flushing the movement. It’ll help a lot more than you think.

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Seriously??? Have you just thought maybe being pregnant your hormones are playing a big part on this?
Everyone poops and he can’t control that and if you gotta go you gotta go…I mean he could get a potty and do it outside :rofl: im sorry for laughing I just found it quite funny! sounds like you have quite a shitty dilemma on your hands :see_no_evil:

But on a serious note preganacy can heighten your sense of smell I hated the smell of almost everything during pregnacy even coffee I would he running to the bathroom 10-15 times a day as soon as I had my son It calmed down…

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Your being unreasonable he cant help it my partner has really bad ibs and stinks out our house but i deal with it i open windows light candles etc it cant be helped

A healthy digestive system is not that smelly. Look up remedies that will help him on the inside. Goldenseal is a good herb for digestion, as is ginger.

Of all the things to worry about in this day and age…there is that “pooh” they advised for awhile. Other than that, and everything else hes trying to do to appease you…you need to either talk to your doctor, or learn to live with it. It’s a normal bodily function…


I would say that warrants a dr visit🤔

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What about those toilet beads, or toilet spray…

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There are toilet drops u can put in toilet when you go but your definitely over board

I’d leave you. You’re pshycotic.


Umm, be nice we all poop and I am sure yours does not smell like roses.


If he gets checked out by the Dr and nothing wrong, i don’t know what you expect him to do. It’s not like he can stop pooping for you. I’ve been pregnant. For me it was the smell of eggs. Instantly sick. Puking my guts out. Besides things to try to cover or neutralize the smell, try thinking about all the nice things your partner does for you. Focus on your baby. This will all be worth it when you hold your baby in your arms. Then you can laugh and tell baby stories about stinky butt. Hang in there.


Your the one with the problem you need to find the solution you can’t stop him from being human. I had a sensitive sense of smell during my second pregnancy I had to deal with it till it just stopped around 4 months or so in my pregnancy.


Tell him to get a colonoscopy. Poop shouldn’t stink out the entire apartment. Something is wrong


He needs to see a GI dr, there could be a reason such as colon infection/bacteria. I knew someone with that issue, he had colon cancer. Once it was removed, he was back to normal.


It’s not like he can help it… sounds like he is doing everything he knows to do to help the situation. So your kind of being jerk about it… try to help him find a solution since it’s your problem sounds like he willing to do anything to help.


Poopouri does a very good job and can buy this most anywhere now. Just pay in toilet before using. Sure is better than being upset.


I understand being pregnant with a super sensitive sence of smell to the point of getting physically ill. Get the poo spray


Wow… sounds like he needs to leave if he’s not allowed to be human with bodily functions. I feel bad for HIM. YTA for sure. If it offends you that much, buy a $1 bottle of scented spray and get over yourself.


Super smelly poo is not normal. He should get checked to see if he has an underlying health issue. Also, try probiotics. They will balance his gut bacteria and cut down on his odiferous emissions.


There is a product…I think you spray it in the toilet water before you go…google it.


Poopouri spray in bowl before pooping and it traps the stink but yes you’re being ridiculous.


Not healthy if it smells that much.


Use VIPoo. Or Poopouri. Spray on the water in the toilet before you go. It keeps the smell down


Poopouri is a spray used before going…friends swear by it