I am annoyed that my partners "number 2" stinks so bad: Advice?

My husband said get your own apartment then. As you stated he can’t help the smell. Do you think poop smells like Roses? If you look in some drug stores I think they might have something he can take to cut down on the smell. Usually broccoli, cabbage, beans, certain cereals such as bran or like wheaties etc. Will give this smell along with eggs. So if he eats these things it could contribute to the bad smell. Hope you have a healthy pregancy.


The poopouri is a very good suggestion but maybe you should leave a candle in the bathroom for him to light. The flame burns the oxygen in the room therefore the smell as well.

Try straight orange spray, its 100% straight citrus orange, very strong, haven’t found anything thats works as it does.NOTHING

If you own your own home, there are odorless toilets. Might be worth the investment.

Have you ever suffered from chronic vomiting? I didn’t think so. How would you like to be sick as a dog and someone cooks something that goes against your stomach, it’s the same with other odors, I’ve been there. You need to apologies.

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All I had to do was read a few sentences and realise this is what I’m going through 2!!! Have him turn the fan on(my husband wasnt) and flush repeatedly! I have Yankee candles in every room of the house! Good luck it only gets WORSE!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Dear Lord, i wished that was all i had to worry about. Girl have you ever smelled any that smells good.:roll_eyes:


Ask your doctor to prescribe a type of chlorophyll pill they give to people with a colostomy. They are in public and need to control odor. That should help you dramatically if the man will cooperate and take the pills. It will not harm him in any way.
Parsley might be effective too. Of course
that would require him eating it. Good luck. Sorry this is happening to you.

I found a secret and it cost nothing. Just leave a boo of matches in the bathroom. Tell him to strike one whenever he goes. The sulphur in lit matches removes the odor immediately No spray needed but if you wish. Poo be gone is amazing

I am not pregnant. My husband has very odiferous poop. His is because his body doesn’t break down fats and certain things because of liver, pancreas and digestive issues. He is pretty much banned from using our downstairs bathrooms. I would try Pooporrei and see if it helps. If it continues it might be worth having him tested for gallbladder disease one of the first signs is super stinky poop. If gallbladder is not working right they don’t break things down and the poop stinks super bad along with farts.

Light a match , the sulfur takes smell away

They have drops you put in the toilet before you go and no smell They sell them at sprouts

Have him courtesy flush and light some matches or burn incense when he’s in there, works wonders

Maybe he needs probiotics or yogurt in his diet, might help

It’s called “Poopouri” and it works marvelously. Spray in toilet before (or after) you poop!!

Tell him to spray the toilet with bleach before he has a bowel movement that should help with the smell!

Yes. You are being selfish. Put vapo vicks on nose and upper lip. Though in your defense its not your fault or his. You are pregnant and you are more sensitve to them. Wait till you start changing diapers, babies poop is 10 times worse. Goodluck.

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Light a match, better than any air freshener cover up

Get yourself a box of matches and light one in the bathroom. The sulphuric from the match will defy they smell. Being doing it for years. It does work, better than any aerosol.

Really?? If that is all you have to worry about with your ',partner’s smelly poop , count yourself lucky.

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Have your tried poo pourri? Spray in toilet, no smell.

Have him checked out by a doctor, my sister has the same problem her husband stinks to high heaven with :fuelpump: issues needs probotic

Lol no, you’re pregnant with the hormones going crazy! Hang in there! Or stay with a friend until you poop it out!! Lol good luck and I’m just kidding about the kid thing.

YTA. It’s a normal body function. If it bothers you so badly, you should step out. Go for a walk.

If he’s running the fan, opening windows, and generally going out of his way to make it better for you, what more do you expect? He lives there too. You’re the one with the issue.

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Get some poo porrie, sp? It really works. Or have him light a match and blow it out right away.

One Christmas my man let some that made your eyes water and sting and the tears ran. Culprit = onion rings from Big Boy.

Use poo pourri. A few drops in the toilet before pooping and smell is gone

Poopouri!! We use the Dollar Store variety in the busy ladies room at my elem school. It’s very effective and just about the only thing that doesn’t “walk off”.

Bath and body works lemonchello bathroom spray is a life saver it wipes out the smell

Send him to Walmart to get a bottle of acidophilus pills and have him to take them as directed everyday.

In Canada they sell one drop you put in it in toilet before you pop and no smell at all

Why do people have to be so evil? This lady didn’t say it was her husband, called nobody’s name,she just asked a question, and seemed serious about it, instead of some trying to help her, she was criticized.I don’t think prayer would help some people, it was nothing to get angry about, she wasn’t talking about you, just saying!!

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Have him light a match or two and blow them out and have the smoke linger for a min before throwing away. It neutralizes the smell

As a lab tech, i suggest he get his poop checked if it smells worse than the normal poop smell. Serious.

Ask him to flush often. And to spray and shut the door until the smell is gone

You know, I heard that police use Vick’s Vaporub in their noses if they have to investigate a body that has been around too long. I wondered if it would work for skunks as that can wake me from a sound sleep and keep me awake for hours. It does work. If that’s not a smell that affects you adversely you might try it.

I was the same when I was pregnant. I walked around with vaporub under my nose. It helps.

There is an spray you get and spray into the toilet before you go. Stops smell before it begins. Get that
It works

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Wait until you have the baby diapers to deal with​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: its amazing how a tiny human can make such a big smell.

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Have him flush as soon as :poop: comes out (again each time it comes out) and burn matches. The sulfer smell of the match stick masks the poop smell. ( we use wooded match sticks)

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Flush several time during pooping. Maybe the faster you flush the better the smell.

Tell him to take acidophilus/probiotics to drink pure water & eat more raw parsley :v:

Get some poopary… not sure how to spell it… a liquid you squirter in the potty bowl first… then poop…

We have stick matches from the dollar store in the bathroom, strike a match after the deed. It helps so much!!!

What a stupid question , just buy some bloody toilet spray. Some people , if they had brains they would be dangerous.

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They make stuff now you spray in the toilet before you go. It helps. I buy it for my husband.

Hmmm! Number 2 happens! Hard to avoid. Have ya tried leaving the apt during his bathroom time? VIPoo works pretty well

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Could be an infection like c diff, or his diet?

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Deal with it. He is trying everything to keep you happy. Go outside when he uses the bathroom if it bothers you so much. What do you expect? There’s nothing left to try here.

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That’s a bit childish…be a grown up and find a way to handle it. This is a YOU problem

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Lady, you’re pregnant. I went through vomiting at all kinds of smells it will pass once you have the baby.

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OMG!!! U really do think that your “#2” doesn’t stink??? Seriously u need to consider living alone for the rest of your life… u need to let him raise the child your carrying, because believe it or not, his/her #2 will also stink!

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Try florets gum it has

I got ILL when I smelled coffee brewing when I was pregnant…

Is he taking any meds? Sometimes the medications can do this.

What if he flushes after every poop he drops. Or you can get that poop spray.

Might need to see a GI Dr. Also, use ozium spray. It’ll kill the smell. Well…it should!

Half of a pool chlorine tablets in the tank should work.

Light a kitchen match that removes bathroom stink. You don’t have to spray.

Light a match in the room. Smell of sulfer from match gets rid of the odor.

Buy some popurarri , kohl’s or boutique. You spray in toilet before you ho

They have this spray…you spray into toilet BEFORE you poo…have him try that?

Seriously? Everyone poops and I’m sure yours aren’t roses either…

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They make drops to put in toilet before you poop. Try that

Usually that stink is because he has no enzymes in his food to break it up so he’s getting rid of the rest that he’s not using

Light matches afterwards , the sulfer from the match almost instantly get rid of the Oder. May need to light 2 . But this really works.

Has he seen a doctor? There may be help from a doctor?ask your doctor, obgyn I don’t believe you are alone in this and no not a ahole just in survival mode ask your doc if there is a doctor that either your husband can see or if you can be helped

Medical issue mayb. Mayb need a new toilet if its old also…

Light a match. The sulfur helps. Has to be a match

Y our complaining about this now but just think. If you love him and I mean really love him how would you feel if something unexpected happened to him… You would have all these guilty feelings about how you complained about this or something else that bothered you and you wished you could take it all back. I usually don’t comment on things especially about people I don’t know but you will definitely think on it if you lose them. I think of all kinds of things that I wish I could have changed if I knew my husband was dying. He passed on 10/16/2020 and not from Covid just by unexpected

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He may have a medical issue. A detox and colon cleansing can help. I was the same way when I was pregnant. Can he go to a gas station when he feels the urge?


I guess yours doesn’t have a smell.what a childish thing to fight over

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It’s not fair for her to leave but it is fair to him? Sounds 1 sided

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Well if you live in California, particularly San Francisco, just tell him to go do it outside.

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Take probiotics and lactaid too much cheese or meat he is eating

Is there a vent fan in the bathroom? Could one be installed?

No joke check out a product called “poo pourri” it wrks!! QVC watch the video it will explain how

Is it really necessary to bring this up on facebook…ish!!

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maybe he should see a doctor. there could be underlying issues.

My suggestions: 1) striking some matches afterwards helps get rid of the smell 2) Talk to your dr. There may be an underlying medical issue going on.

I would divorce anyone for bitching about about a bodily function I couldn’t help

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Amazon there’s an air purifier spray…
“Ozium” air sanitizer…
Just a suggestion.

Lighting a match or two, waving them around while burning and after they’re out helps a lot. Also leave the fan on and the door shut.

Get him some of that poo pourri I saw advertised that you put in bowl and it traps the order when you poop

There’s stuff you spray in the water that hides the smell…

The mask you wear for Covid-19…
Wear it when he poops!!

Oh you guys. My fathers poop can clear a stadium!! His farts are just as bad. The doctor told him he is healthy and told his wife to get over it. He closes the door and leaves the fan on for a while

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Do what cadaver recovery people do. Jolly ranchers up the nose.

Omg it’s just poop! We all do it and yours smells too!! :roll_eyes: Maybe get your nose fixed, since he has fix something too?

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Do like morticians
Put vicks under your nose

You want him to find another solution? Like what, a porta potty?

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Do you have a window or exhaust fan ?

Chlorophyll mint flavor could help. He is probably backed up and milk of magnesia is gentle but effective also mint flavor.

Poor guy. This is sad. Its one thing to discuss this problem with a friend, but the whole world. Sorry man


I can’t even believe someone would write this . Poop smells !!


I feel so bad for this man, he must be a saint to tolerate her.

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He needs to drink lots of water, his diet is off


Light matches when the bathroom is being used. Light a scented candle when you are home. Talk to His doctor about this.

Maybe put a candle in the bathroom?

Light some matches it really does help