How to handle cabin fever?

First of all…that’s ridiculous! what an uninformed and uneducated ass you married…you do not have to follow his orders and I recommend that you don’t.
Secondly…Wtf? I took my babies out (and so did everyone I know) when they were a few days old.
On walks, to the park, the mall, to restaurants and to visit people. If they are never exposed to anything, you will have a very sickly toddler.
If you have another one day, are you going to keep a toddler in for months on end?
Tell him to fuck himself, get yourself and baby dressed and GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE!

Why do you think you should have to ask your husband if you can take yourself and your baby out for a walk? Especially if your pediatrician said it was ok?


Why do you need to have his permission to go outside? Fresh air is good for not only you but your LO as well. Have you not left the house at all since giving birth? That’s not healthy for you to be so isolated. PPD is no joke.


Way do you ask if you can take your own baby for a walk , sounds like he’s not worried about the baby but he’s worried about you . Go for a walk go shopping DONT let him control you … Enjoy your baby . You have the right .


I started walking every day as soon as I could. I had a c-section so it was a bit. I baby wore. When it was hot we stayed in the shade.

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Why are you asking to go outside???


Please comment on our comments , so we know if your taking our advice .

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They should be taken out everyday at least 10 minutes no matter weather


Why do you need his permission? You’re a grown ass woman who is a mother. Dress that baby according to the weather and go for a walk!

You do what you feel, you & your baby need fresh air.


Why do you have to ask permission? Is she not your child too. I mean come on now. Seems you’ve got common sense use it girl!


girl just go outside. keeping her inside is just gonna make her sheltered and more likely to get sick easier when she gets older. :weary::weary:
by the way: flu season and cold season is really all year, just not as likely, but still very possible.
that being said, i took my son out all the time during flu season as a nb last year. 🤷🏼


Being inside all of the time can cause her to get sick ofter. She may get sick going out but thats okay. She needs to build up her immune system response.


Ummm aint that also Your baby…go while hes at work…


Just take her out , he is trying to control you , you have a brain :brain: use it


Go on a walk! Just go. Go!

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9/10 at that age she will fall asleep in the stroller just do it nothing will happen to her she’ll enjoy it and he’s probably just being over protective

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Sorry agreed he’s either crazy or very controlling walks are fine!!! They are good for them and YOU

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Omg you are an adult. Go outside in the fresh air. If he is such a control freak just dont tell him or better yet kick his arse to the curb until he grows up.

Take your baby for a walk it will do you both good

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Listen to these woman as we are all mothers who have had children & have been fine to take out their babies outside for a walk it’s good for baby & mum bonding time he mustn’t understand what it’s like for you & that is selfish on his parteven as a husband


Stuff him
Just go for a walk :black_heart:

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Amen get her out of the house a bit if she is covered up what’s it gonna hurt.

Start taking walks by yourself, he’ll be uncomfortable with it and get upset, u just gotta stay calm and unbothered by his opinion and express u want to demonstrate a healthy lifestyle for the child

Just go lol how would he know

I was going to say that,doesn’t this men go to work sometimes? ,if he isn’t there he can’t tell you what to do. Just take the baby out,anytime you feel like,without asking permission

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: girl take that baby for a walk and tell him to shut up! We’ve gone nightly since she was three weeks old. His opinion matters but there’s a point he’s being ridiculous

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You can not protect your daughter like that, kids need fresh air and sunshine, keeping her inside will make her sick.


My babys father was like that as well but there was no way I was staying cooped up in the house, no I didn’t go out wen it was 35 degrees outside but when it was nice I would go. It will hurt your baby more keeping them isolated like that they need to be exposed to some sort of germs so their body gets used to fighting off bacteria n germs and stuff I’m not saying take her where a bunch of people are sick but taking her for a walk will probably do her good and you need to get out as well !!! GO FOR THAT WALK!

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Um you’re an adult and the mother… he’s not your daddy or your boss. Take that child on a walk!! Go for a drive! Go to the store! Do what you gotta do for your mental health! And the longer you keep babe away from “germs” the more likely she is to get sick when she is around them. Gotta build that immune system up!

Your child needs fresh air daily to grow healthy and thrive. This is madness on his end

Megan Flack is asking a really important question. Why on earth do you have to ask him to go for a walk?
Have you ever has restrictions put on you before you had your baby?

Why are you asking his permission :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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So do it when he is gone if you are adult enough to raise a child you are able to think for yourself


Ours is 8 days old and we took him to the shop right after getting home from the hospital. Bubs needs fresh air and sunshine.

Jesus Christ, I would die before I let a man tell me what I can or can’t do, especially when it comes to my kids!! Grow some balls

First off you shouldn’t need permission to take a walk with your child. Second maybe you need to explain to him that building her immune system up is important for when school age comes. If she isn’t exposed to anything, she is going to be sicker then ever when school age comes.
I think you need to put your foot down on this subject and put his opinion to the side.


Take her out. He sounds very controlling. First sign not letting you go out. Next not letting you see family or friends. Get out while you can! Things will only get worse! Protect yourself and your precious Baby. Good luck.


Google all the reasons that a child needs fresh air and to be a part of the beauty of nature and present him with the actual evidence.

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Hey, I give you props for trying to accommodate your husband’s wishes. It’s hard to make a marriage work, and it’s nice to see that you respect him even when you disagree. Maybe you should have him talk to your pediatrician so the Dr can tell him that it’s not healthy to keep your baby away from everything. And it’s impossible to keep germs away forever. Maybe that will help him. He’s a new dad and it’s hard to know what is right and wrong. And you hang in there momma. If he won’t let her go, maybe you could go by yourself just so you can get out of the house and breathe. Good luck Momma!

Babies benefit from fresh air too! Plus the extreme sheltering is probably going to hinder her immune system more than it will protect it. She needs to be exposed to the surrounding environments. A walk down the street is a great way to get that introduction going. And your sanity matters! Just go for the walk :heart: I assure you it will be ok. I brought both my newborns for walks in the fall/winter and even entered a busy germ filled school daily :scream: (had to pick up the older siblings). They were fine.

Why ask ? Just go walk your baby. Theres more too this its not normal

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I’m on baby number four currently and and she is going on 7 weeks old we have literally been out and about to the stores and ECT since she was 2 days old my husband works night and I’m a stay at home so while he sleep during the day I have to take her every where I go she has not been sick or nothing but that’s just us every one is different

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I was like that with my first wouldn’t take him anywhere for months. But like you said you get stir crazy and need out! Just take your baby for a walk. It will be ok. Just tell people not to touch your baby

Could you please inform your husband you dont catch a cold from going out in cool air


Really? Why do you need permission? Tell him to get over himself, babies need fresh air


Happy wife happy life!! Just wondering why the hell you need his permission to do anything at all? why don’t you suggest that you to trade places and he sit at home all day everyday with a brand new baby and you go out and do what you want to do. This is the craziest thing I’ve ever read. Not to mention taking baby outside is not going to hurt them in any way. Babies need to be around germs in order to build immunities in their bodies because guaranteed the first time you take that kid out of the house since it’s never been outside of the house they’re going to get sick. All kids get sick all people get sick your husband sounds like a lunatic


Yep just go. Your baby isn’t going to get her immune system but up if you over protect her. And your dr gave you the green light if dad doesn’t like it then tell him to watch her while you go by yourself and take your time so he gets a tiny piece of what it’s like for you all day every day.

I don’t ask my husband for permission. I just do. Our little one is 9 months old and I had her at church at like 4 days old


Oh for crying out loud grow some balls and take her outside

… Take her anyways… Lol

Just go and don’t tell him. Your the mom, you know what’s best. I have four and a few walks a week with the baby is not going to kill it. Plus the sunshine is good for the baby!

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Umm she’s perfectly fine being outside! That’s crazy! Need to build her immune system 1st of all. And 2nd need to show her more things than the 4 walls at home! Babies love looking around

Go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air get out of the house befor you end up in a depressed state of mind you need to be out enjoying life and your baby

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Why are you ASKING permission to the baby for a walk. If it’s just his opinion, go with your opinion and go for a walk. Fresh air way out ways all of his objections, I mean opinion.

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Something else is going on here. He’s obviously controlling. She’s three months old not 3 days. It’s not like you’d be having strangers hold her. You being kept in with her is not ok for either one of you.


It’s good for both you and the baby to get little vitamin c. Fresh air is a good thing lol
I’m not bashing just wondering why you can’t leave the house with a 3 month old?
I can see 3 days old but your youngin will be ok and not to mention you. Get out and do something. They make “mommy and me” classes, parks, family, friends. Make some memories!!


Take that baby outside and get some fresh air.

My baby will be 6 weeks on Friday… he’s already been outside in the early coolish evenings and honestly we do “late night” Walmart trips to Walmart when we have to with him when no one else is there (I live in a super small town and we have one of the only Walmart’s that actually closes nightly and everyone around here is home by 930)

Fresh air is a good thing!

Keeping her in a bubble will do more harm than good

Uh… put your baby in a stroller and take a walk… seriously


You are his wife not his child. He doesnt get to make rules for you like that. I can not stand when people try to be so controlling over what a stay at home parent is “allowed” to do. There is NOTHING wrong with taking your baby outside. She could use the vitamin D from the sun and fresh air.


Take her when hes not home…the baby’s to youn6to tell on you :shushing_face:
Fresh air is great for you all…

Why do you need his permission to go for a walk?


You don’t need permission! Go for that walk with bubba, it’s good for you both. Is it cold? Wear a jacket. Hot? Buy a clip on pram fan and wear sunscreen. The flu going round? Babies come down with dozens of viruses their first year of life and these build their immune system. Husband just being a controlling dick? He knows where the door is.

Tell the idiot it’s your child to you do not need his permission to take your child for a walk, all living beings need sunshine


Tell him to kiss your ass

Mama you gotta start exposing her to stuff so her body will start producing those antibodies to fight stuff off im not saying dont be cautious but her immune system needs to be tested and put to work plus sunshine and fresh air is so good for not only you but baby i understand the fears but its doing all of you more harm being cooped up then going out in the world every now and again

Ok well she can only get sick from a virus, cant get sick from it being cold… :joy: if she can go outside take her for walks, she will get sick eventually and ita better for her to build up her immunities…

babies need to go outside… they need to build up their immune system… thats like moms who never let their kid get dirty… then wonder why their kid is always sick when they are older… if need be have the doctor talk to him and explain… or grow a pair and take your baby out for a walk without his permission… your momma… momma knows best…

Ya know, y’all would freak out if it were the reverse and he took baby out without her approval…

Just see a therapist. Its normal for new parents to go through this. Dont be an ass over it, cause itll just cause kore issues later.

Besides, I know the feelings; there’s shootings and measles going around, so its scary.

So…is he never going to allow your child to play outside…EVER!!! It is not going to hurt baby to be outside! Go for that walk! Sit on the patio and read her a story. You can’t stay indoors for the rest of your lives. Hubby will chill when he realizes baby is still fine after being outside.

You need to take her out, build her immune system or she will always b sick when she starts school. Also she needs to be able to experience things and see the world around her

his heart is in the right place, but fresh air, shaded sun and a happy mama is very important,
The fact that her health is so important to him is great.

He is controlling you every move NOT Good foe any of you. Your child needs fresh air and sunshine and so of you. Get out go do what ever you want. You are an adult you do not need his aproval

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Uhm idk ehy your even letting him control you like that with your child…dont get me wrong now, its his child too but you cant use every excuse in the book to avoid taking your baby outside because of germs and weather and etc… First, how is your child suppose to develop a healthy immune system to everything outside… And its noo good for you to be stuck at the house all day considering its going to drive you nuts as well as create arguements because you sit inside all day doing the samething everyday…it gets kinda old… So i would definitely be telling him that he can take every excuse he has of you taking the baby outside and keep it to himself, and take your walks around the block or whatever… Dont let anyone control you in any way!

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I was paranoid about keeping my son germ free and as healthy as possible when he was little but it turns out there is a possible benefit in getting sick in that first year

Who knew :woman_shrugging:t2:.

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Make a doctor appt with pediatrician & tell the other half doc says he has to come as well, then you bring up the issue with doc infront of the other half, go from there. If he’s not a stay at home dad, you take your behind & that baby and go on your walks while he’s gone. Seriously rediculous having to ASK PERMISSION!!!

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This has nothing to do with keeping her healthy and everything to do with him being controlling. Tell him that he has no right to control where you take the baby when the doctor says it’s safe and if he throws a fit, you have your answer. First it’s controlling where you go, then it’s abuse and you need to get yourself and your baby out of there before it escalates.

I would probe further into why he doesn’t want you to take walks with the baby? Does he feel like it would be unsafe, is he scared baby will get sick, does he feel like there will be an accident? It seems like he is fearing something. He may not even realize it himself. But once y’all talk about it, it may become clear. Then y’all can compromise together. Maybe you can wait until he gets home and y’all can walk together as a family. Once he goes with y’all a few times he may feel more comfortable letting y’all go when he’s not there. If he is concerned about high traffic, maybe decide to go at the time of day when there is the least amount of traffic. If it’s the weather, pick the time of day that is most reasonable temperature. My point is it shouldn’t just be a “no, it’s not happening at all”, but more of a problem solving situation that y’all can talk about and solve. Hope this helps.

It’s a little abnormal. He’s clearly a very controlling person. It’s not normal for you or your baby to be in the house 24/7. First of all, you both need fresh air. Second, how is your baby supposed to build up his immune system? Third, it is absolutely 100% a normal thing for parents to go on walks with their babies. It sounds like he’s a bit of a narcissist with a touch of OCD. I’m sure you saw these personally characteristics before you married him. And while I’m all for respecting your partner, is he respecting you though? Why is it his call and his call only? Didn’t YOU just give birth? Girl it’s time you stand up and do what you want to do with your baby. You got this!

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Sounds like he is trying to control you

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He may be overly nervous about illness or you being very attractive. Once you meet otherMoms he would feel better. Can you join a Moms group throughchurch or community. Vaccinations build immune system. Colds are also . You all need to socialize! Sounds like first baby nerves. GO out!

My ex-husband was like that. He even gave his car to his sister and took my car (that I had bought and paid for before the relationship) so I couldn’t go anywhere if he wasn’t there. I held on as long as I could but I could not deal with the controlling behavior. I found if I just did things he wouldn’t freak out too much, but the controlling never ended and I was always stressed out. So, after a year of couple’s therapy where he still couldn’t see what he was doing, I left him. Control isn’t about love. It’s about possession and possession isn’t love. I never looked back and I’m so much happier now. Good luck. And I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

Wait you can’t even take your kid shopping, let alone for a walk? Did I read that right?

Does he gaslight you too? Because that sounds like a bad situation.

Please stand up for yourself and your child and go for a walk!!

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Tell the husband to take a walk and don’t come back.

Does he let you take the baby with you to go shopping? Is he afraid you will and the baby will be trafficked or he he just a controller of everything you do?