How to handle cabin fever?

Take her on a walk! Shes more likely to get sick from the germs he brings home than you going on a walk! Also cold air does not make you get a cold! He sounds super controlling!


Take the child out lol

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Throw the husband away and take your kiddo outside.


Um go on a walk far away from that psycho and don’t go back!


To controlling way out there you leave for a bit let him babysit his baby if he don’t like it do it anyway you need to get a griping your life take it back your not his slave

A cold is caused by a virus not by being outside… there’s no real reason u can’t take her for a walk…


Fresh air, sunlight and a little bit of germs is good for her. My spouse is a germaphobe so when he isnt around I tried to expose my son to a decent amount of germs as possible, it will help in the long run. U cant protect them from everything. Maybe get him something to read. Might help

Nope. Go for a damn walk. Seriously! This guy is losing his mind. I find that odd af!

He sounds nutty. I took my baby out right after having her in January :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Advice is stop asking for permission to do normal things


Her immune system will be so weak if she doesn’t go outside or anywhere at all. My eldest went to the store with me at 3 days old and my youngest was 4 days when we went to the store. Your husband is controlling you with these “excuses” and your daughter will be so much worse if you don’t let her outside. If she gets a cold she will be okay, if she gets a little warm that’s fine, it she gets dirty she will get cleaned. That immune system needs yo be strengthened big time.


He sounds like an ass. Go outside. You don’t need his say on every damn thing, especially when you are staying at home and it sounds like he isn’t. This just sounds like he is incredibly controlling and abusive.

Um, just go out. You don’t need his permission.

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Being outside is very healthy for child of any age! Take that baby outside!!! The more your baby is exposed to germs the better her immune system will be.


I would take the baby outside anyway. His opiniom matters but so does yours. The baby cant catch a cold from cold temperatures because the common cold is a virus. Also youre highly unlikely to catch the flu just going outside for a walk. Either of you are much more likely to bring it home from the store or work and pass it to the baby that way.


Controlling behavior. Don’t stand for it!


Is he keeping you from taking the child outside? Something aint right.


He’s controlling you.


Babies need fresh air and sunshine they are good for them.


Why are you asking permission? This is emotional abuse. Go outside.


Sounds like a controlling man you are the babys parent too take that baby and yourself for that much needed walk


I would just take her. Or leave her with him and go out by yourself one night


Why are you even asking for permission? This is your child too and you are the one who would have to take care of a sick baby not him so… what was your question?


I’ve got 5 kids and everyone of them thrived and I took them out everyday as long as it wasn’t pouring rain

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The child needs vitamin D, …source sunshine! More and more children are presenting with vitamin D deficiency due to staying indoors playing video games…


Go for a walk! Fresh air is great for the LO. Plus, being outside with all the new sights and sounds will help LO sleep just a little bit better.
Besides, it is good to get baby exposed to germs. Maybe not the flu, but as long as hands are clean and strangers stay out of her face there is no worry about her getting sick.
Yes, sick babies suck, but having an immune system that can fight off bugs when she starts going to daycare or a babysitter? Not a bad thing at all.


You’re ok with being controlled and needing permission?


I’ve taken my baby on stroller walks every morning and night since he was 2 months old. He’s 4 months now and never ever had a cold or virus (knock on wood) but seriously… take a walk mama! It’s good for your nerves


Sweets, that’s not your daddy and he doesn’t own you nor does he get to tell you where you can and can’t walk with your child. Tell him to piss up a tree and go get some fresh air. If your child is going to get sick, she will. Even cooped up inside. Trust me.

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Ummm your her parent to so why do you need permission from your husband? Take her out and let her have some sun and fresh air.

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My biggest question is why do you have to have permission to leave your house with baby. I’d just go. It does babies good to be in the fresh air. I understand not taking her to area’s crowded with people but for a walk? A little controlling?


Wow. My babies always just went. I did a lot of baby wearing. DS4 went to an outdoor high school football game in Maryland at 10 days old/ Oct 30th He was in a carrier I actually zipped up my coat ahe was warm and had a hat on. All 4 of my boys were born “in flu season” we were out side we were at the grocery store we went to the mall. Sorry but your husband is nuts.

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That’s not normal. It’s unhealthy for you a baby to be in constantly. She’s going to need vitamin d and you know, just living. I’d be calling the police… he’s basically keeping you in.


Pack the baby into stroller dress her appropriately and go. Who made him king of the house hold. You should be enjoying your baby. You should be smart enough to know if weather is appropriate. Take baby and go


Ok I’m going to play devil’s advocate for the father and say that maybe he’s not trying to be controlling, but perhaps he’s dealing with anxiety? I struggled with PPA a lot with my firstborn, granted she had a lot of health issues which made things worse, but I had so much anxiety taking her anywhere. If they catch a nasty bug at that age it could lead to hospitalization, since they’re still so small and frail. Now I’m not saying feed into his fears, you should definitely start small by taking her for walks around the neighborhood etc. But perhaps your husband needs to see a psychiatrist to address all this fear and anxiety he’s dealing with


I took mine out and about frequently when she was 3 weeks or so. Yes, she got sick, however, those little colds and such also helped to build her immune system. Go for the walk. You’re a grown woman, you don’t need permission from someone else to take your child on a walk or to the store. If you do, please speak with a women’s group about emotional abuse. This is unhealthy on so many levels. Hugs to you mama.

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He needs to compromise. I disagree with many of the comments, that child is just as much his as she is yours so undermining him without coming to a compromise and communicating isn’t healthy either. There is a way to work it out, but you must both be willing to give a little. Not just you, he has to loosen up too.

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Take her outside anyway. Whats he gonna do? Complain to his fanily or Facebook status? Its insane. And by the way… you cant get a cold from it being cold out. Pediatricians have been telling me this for 10 years and its an outdated claim. You get a runny nose thats it. Go for a walk when he aint there. Dont gotta keep it a secret but while hes a work he cant control what you do, and since hes controlling you so much right now, id suggest really tallying up the rest of his behavior, because i can almost guarantee this is not the only thing.

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my baby was 1 week old (january) when I began taking her on walks. not only was I supposed to be walking because of my c section, but she cried ALL THE TIME except (imagine this) when we were walking! lol we eventually were able to dance and get thru the crying… butttt girl. you have to do what’s best for you. fresh air is good for baby. i love that dad is being protective and trying his best, but when he goes to doc appmt next with you- have him ask this specific question about this- your doctor will be shocked i’m sure lol. flu season hasn’t even started this year, it’s not too cold or hot at the right time of the day right now… and again fresh air is so important. you can argue that the air quality in the house isn’t good enough for your babes lungs LOL; honestly it’s sweet but that’s insane to hinder you from your wellness right now especially. we even took my girl to the store for a few things within the first few weeks (i was not happy about it but my guy was trying to make sure i wasn’t too cooped up) … i think it’s great you’re so respectful but this is an inappropriate boundary he is making for your child and it’s not healthy… there’s a book called “13 things mentally strong parents don’t do” and one of the chapters discusses healthy parents NOT putting their fears on their children… we don’t want your kiddo afraid of germs or to go play outside, right? so this needs to be addressed- while there are plenty of things to be worried about as parents, his concerns aren’t warranted for 30 minute walks a few times a day with no germ interaction etc. even at 3 months, babies are already building their immune system! as far as too hot- you can use an ergo baby 360 mesh carrier, or even her stroller and an attachable fan… during summer i wrap an ice pack in muslin and put it under my girls butt to keep her cool and give her a cold milk (for you guys obviously formula or breastmilk)… try to gently remind him you need to be taken care of first in order to care for her and this is important for YOUR well being… as are mommy play dates. try to get into a music play class or something and share with him all the studies show how much music helps babies develop socially, emotionally and physically- it’ll give you some mom friends and that is SO nice when we’re at home 24/7

Let you? Wtf take the baby outside he sounds controlling af.


Have him watch her and go for walk alone

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Wow… Are you very young? Why do you have to ask him. Do you have any saying. Is he bossing you around? Don’t let it happen!! The baby is going to get more sick been inside than going outside. Ask the pediatrician. Marriage is between two people … not one. Love each other, respect each other, may God Bless the three of you.:pray::heart::pray::heart::baby:

My baby was on the beach at one month, but thats just me. I believe in fresh air is good for the soul


I was out with my baby in the buggy when he was three days old.

Fresh air will do baby wonders. You too. Sounds like hubby is a worrier. You can’t let his anxiety become yours.

Baby needs that air to the lungs. So do you. Surely you also want to do the proud parent walk where people you know ask to have a peek and tell you how beautiful they are and how well you’re looking.

Keeping a baby in and not allowing baby any fresh air is potentially more detrimental. They can’t build up any sort of immune system without it.

Baby needs stimulation. You need to burn off some energy and hubby needs to talk to someone. X

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This whole post is ridiculous. Unless the child has an immune disorder there is absolutely no reason to keep her secluded from other people. I dont care how hot it is it is not too hot for a baby to be outside for 20-30 minutes for some fresh air. You do NOT catch a cold from weather, you get sick from bacteria and viruses so even if it’s snowing she CANNOT get sick from being outside in the cold. Your husband obviously has no clue how illnesses work and the fact that you let him tell you what to do is concerning…


Why and what? Never could be me… like 3 months and you havent taken her places? He has control issues like a mf


It’s good for newborns to have time outside and be in the sunlight for short amount of time. And 3 months is plenty old enough. Baby doesn’t need to be couped up inside she needs fresh air and she isn’t going to get sick as long as you don’t let people touch her and be around her on your walks. Use a car seat/stroller cover


Um go out. Don’t need his permission. Taking them out is good. Build immune system.


Why are you asking his permission? He sounds controlling. You don’t need to ask permission to take YOUR child for a walk. He needs to learn your decision matters just as much as his and he needs to compromise. Don’t let him have that much control now or you will be even more miserable


I take my 2 month old on walks at least 3 times a week in his stroller. He loves it and it helps me greatly. My 3 year old and husband join us as well. Wait til the early evening when it cools off a bit but its still light enough out. There is nothing wrong about going for walks. He needs to chill out a bit.

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:Pack that baby up and go on a walk! TAKE A STAND, Mama!!!


You’re not a child and he’s not your daddy. You don’t need his permission to take your child for a walk or anywhere else for that matter. You carried that baby and birthed her, you have just as much say so in where she can go as he does. You shouldn’t have to compromise in order to take your child for a walk, that’s just ridiculous. Tell him he can like it or love it, you’re taking YOUR baby for a walk.


You and baby need fresh air and sunshine :sun_with_face:

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My baby was in the NICU for two weeks and a week after he came home he went to church… I’m not sure why he’s saying no. And I get consulting with your husband on some things, but when you’re the one home with him, it’s your choice on what you’re doing with baby. It’s not like you’re going out spending a lot of money. It’s a walk.


Does he do all the shopping? Damn. This seems a bit weird you haven’t been outside in 3 months? Has she gone to Dr appointments? Does he realize those places are full of sick babies and kids.

Sounds controlling. Tell him you understand his concern but you’re still going out. He will be fine, you will feel better and she will be fine


Mine was a few weeks old is special needs with oxygen etc. Get out go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Both of you.


Have him watch the oxygen network when snapped is running a marathon
And then explain that will happen to him if he doesn’t chill tf out

Newborns need vitamin D also it’s not health for a child to stay inside all the time and it’s horrible for your brain as well. New mothers already face issues while balancing their hormones, depriving the body of the sun can cause depression.


You are the mother. My family learned, according to law, mom rules where children are concerned. Looks like he needs to get a second job. Maybe has too much time on his hands. This from great grand mother. Take that baby outside in the fresh air!


Do it anyways. Dont let him control you. Also it’s your baby to so you wouldnt risk doing something knowing baby would get sick.
Put it this way my son is inside all day except once a week to go to the store and he has an upper respiratory infection right now. It happens kids get sick. Even when they are older so he needs to relax alittle

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You’ll have a sick child in the long run if she’s not allowed to go outside,the baby needs fresh air dose’nt he knows that.Very bossy if you ask me.He must be running your life altogether.Feel sorry for you and your child.


My son was outside and going places as soon as he was born and that was in December, middle of winter!! My husband knows not to tell me what I can and can’t do with my child. Girl put that baby in the stroller and go for a walk, he will see she is going to be just fine.


Colds are viruses spread my people, colds are not feeling cold air!!! Tell him to grow up and stop letting him control you!!

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I do not understand why you need his permission or feel you need to ask, show him what a real person you are, you have just given birth something no nan can do! He cannot control you any way it’s just not right xxx


My daughter was 5 days old when I took her out for the first time. Inwas stir crazy so I loaded her up and took her to where I worked at the time which happened to be at the mall. It was in October and she was fine. Tell your husband to quit overreacting.

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When hes at work go for a walk

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You really need his permission ?


I think your man needs to chill a little. Aye as said up above sunshine and fresh air mama.

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it’s very simple you hand him the baby looking dead in the eye and say I’m going for a walk and take an hour or two go somewhere and stop in for a snack or just go to the park and sit on the bench and relax don’t answer your phone if he wants you stuck at home with the baby in the house all the time then he should have a taste of his own medicine because he gets up to go to work but he doesn’t want you to leave the house with the baby and you can’t leave the baby alone so when he’s home you hand him the baby your time to go out


The fact you are saying he “won’t let you” is a big red flag.

You are the mom you can decide what is best for your baby as well.

A walk outside in the fresh air is not going to harm your child at all :woman_shrugging:


It’s bad for her health keeping her inside all the time. She needs vitamin d which she can only get from the sun. She also needs to be exposed to the weather and other people so her immune system has a chance to grow. If he is gonna be this overprotective all through her childhood, you may as well not send her to school in 5 years time cos she’s gonna get sick every time she walks through the gates.


Grow some balls and take the kid for a walk!!

You know what is best for you and your kids.

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Oh honey. Take your baby for a walk down the street. It’s good for you and for her.


He is at least emotionally abusive. Get a backbone and do what you think is best for you and the baby. If the claws come out-GET OUT NOW! It will only get worse with time and your child will be raised in a terrible atmosphere and suffer psychological damage.


WTF. I was at Wal-Mart next day. LoL no way would a man or a child stop my life. We just do out thing together. I also don’t nor will I ever need a man’s permission to take our child for a walk. Sounds like your problem ia more needing a new man then fresh air. Tell him to sit home all day and night with baby and you go out. See how he likes it.

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Get rid of your husband lol


Sounds like hubby is a controlling jerk.


Take the baby out… Holy smokes seriously you have to have baby get immune system up, having her stay inside it’s not going to work. Your the mom, he shouldn’t tell you what to do!


Take YOUR baby outside…ask your hubby to see a therapist.


Put baby in stroller dressed for the weather and go out.

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Will not let you? Assuming you are an adult woman you can do what you want. Don’t let any man control you. Grow a set and get away from that.


Go yourself WTH… but Carry some mace or something scary world today!! He shouldn’t control that you have to stay inside!!

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It is a ploy to be in control. Why are you asking his permission about every little thing? You are just playing into his hands.


He needs to relax it’s good for both of you… Just go


Just walking outside cannot give you a cold or the flu. Why do you need his permission to go for a walk? That’s his way of controlling you. You need to nip this real quick


I don’t have a car and have to walk my son to school (10 minute walk) my youngest was 3 months old when he started pre-primary and we live in Australia so it gets freaking hot here, go out for a walk hun you need to clear your head your mental health is just as important as your physical and a walk will take care of both


Wow! I’m sorry but I’d say, I’m going for a walk with the baby whether you like it or not.

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My boys doctor always said take them outside everyday rain or shine. They need the fresh sir.

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Tell him that it’s actually better for the baby to be outside and get some fresh air and for her immune system to start working. She’s gonna get sick a whole lot easier if she’s stays in the same place forever. Ask her doctor in front of your husband and get the doctor to tell him.


Jeeez get him sectioned and take the baby out xxx

Young lady, your husband doesn’t own you.


Our pediatrician taught me years ago, you can not get sick from being outside. You have to come in contact with the germ. Going walking will be good for you and the baby. Don’t ask him. Just go. You’re the mama. You know what’s best.


You r inside 24/7 because you are listening 2 a damned man.lwtting him tell u what to do .wrap baby up put baby n stroller and go 4 that walk!! Everyday it will do u both good.ahh the fresh air

You need to stand up for yourself…Shouldnt have to
AsK his permission for anything…

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Wtaf?! Uhh, then go for a fucking walk. If you feel you need his approval to even do that; you’re screwed…

Why do you need your husbands permission to take your daughter for a walk? Just do it !!


You’re going to create a very unhealthy child if you never leave the house


OMG you haven’t left the house? Tell him that the more time you spend isolated from society, the higher risk you are for PPD, which also would affect your baby. He is either a paranoid first time dad, or trying to control you. Take matters into your own hands, YOU are the momma. YOU know what’s best for your baby AND you. Take care of you!

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Dump him. Sounds like control freak. Baby need exposure to things. Pediatricians will tell you to let them eat odd floor or play in dirt to build up immune system.

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