Can my husband be taken off child support?

Maybe you guys should petition the court about it. Research the laws in your area. I’m pretty sure he cant be taken off child support but if you guys want to see them then you should do something about joint custody instead of just straight up giving up on those kids.

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Also some of y’all are being just as nasty as you’re accusing this mom of being, just saying maybe y’all should check yourselves and get off your high horses. We don’t know the full situation. We just know it’s probably hard emotionally and mentally paying for a child that you aren’t allowed to see. I’d be upset about that and I can promise almost all of you would as well. When giving criticism maybe try being constructive not down right rude and just ugh​:woman_facepalming:t2::grimacing:


I hope you have that same energy if he ever leaves you :clap:t2: no child support for you


Geezus I’m gonna say it point blank
If you’ve not seen the child for 2 years and HAVENT FAUGHT TO SEE child… wow. WOW what priorities.
He won’t be removed, he has to go to court and I’d bet the judge will ask the same thing
Why didn’t you take her to court the DAY she said you were not to see the child anymore. Give your head a shake. Wow.


If the child is taken care of and the mother clearly wants to do it on her own, i think you should be able to. But the courts don’t see it that way. Crazy baby mamas will always be able to take whatever they can from the father regardless because that’s how it’s designed .

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He should pay until they are of age. This coming from a mom who has NEVER received child support for my girls!!!


The fuck… are you serious?


Contact the courts in which child support was ordered. With all child support cases, there should have been visitation ordered as well.
File for contempt of court. The courts know where she lives. If she doesn’t live at the same address she filed under, then she is also in contempt for not notifying you and/or the courts of her new address. This isn’t that difficult. Unless you are just trying to allow him to use this as an excuse to be a dead beat dad…
which I’m sorry, but any good dad who would fight for their kids would NEVER go two years without seeing their kids. If you ask me there is more to this story.


So you don’t care about seeing the kid but don’t want him to pay to support the child either?


What kind of woman wants to be with a man who doesn’t want to take care of his child? Sounds like you are selfish and he’s a POS!! Y’all both need to grow up.


Child support and parenting time are separate issues, at least in CO they are


I’ll be the odd one out here, and won’t judge, but from what I know the only way for him to be “taken off child support” is usually if the mother is married to someone else (and depending on your state it may have to be for a certain amount of time) and the mothers husband wants to adopt the child/ren. The reason for this is because if the mother for whatever the reason needed to go on government assistance they want to make sure that someone else is financially responsible for these children as well so if the mother is married and the husband adopt the children then the father your husband would have to sign over his rights and they would stop child support they would also issue a new birth certificates to the children to have the husband’s last name and your husband would have zero rights no matter what happens ever to the mother. If the mother passes away or whatever the case your husband would not be able to see those children if the mother and the new husband if there is one were to get divorced it would be the same situation as it was with your husband the new husband would be financially responsible for the children. Other than that I don’t believe there’s any other way for any man to get off of child support otherwise every man who has a child or children that they don’t wanna pay for would do the same thing

I hope y’all try this and they increase it. Heck, double it. Give them kids a good life. Hopefully they won’t take after their father!


I’d be more concerned about fighting for my visitation than dropping child support.


I hope you aren’t the one pushing him to do it. How do you choose to be with someone who doesn’t visit his child, parents his child, or tries to be the best father he can be to his child. And you support him in trying to stop being responsible for a child he created. He had two years to go and visit his child. Yeah, he needs to keep paying child support, it’s his responsibility for the life he created and brought into this world. In most states the laws are changing, regardless if he signs his rights away, he will still be required to pay child support. Washington and Utah hold you to that. But wow, ugly. Just ugly.


Maybe focus on helping him see his kid instead of taking away the child support… he helped make the kid… He should help support the kid…


You go to court and fight to see the child. You fight for being able to create memories and strong bonds. You do not go to take money away from a child that needs it. I know your a step momma and it can be hard pill to swallow seeing her get money every month from your partner but you need to realize that it does truly benefit his child. Whether you see the child or not. The children come first. No matter the issues or adult problems you all are facing.


I just looked again… You’re in Texas. He better stay on top of payments and make sure ALL MONEYALWAYSgoes to the AG first or it’s nothing more than a gift… Otherwise he can relinquish all rights or go to the pen.


That is his responsibility


I’d be less worried about the child support and be more focused on taking her to custody court to see.his kid


You sound so ridiculous right now. Why did you not follow up if a custody order was broken? Because you were hoping to save some money. Child support isn’t to make an ex mad, ITS TO SUPPORT CHILDREN THAT WERE MADE BETWEEN THE 2 OF THEM. Grow up.


You cant just turn child support off…


Where we live child support and visitation are two entirely separate things. You cant withhold support if you dont see them and you cant withhold visitation without payment.


First he needs to focus on the custody part (that is if he wants anything to do with the child). Secondly you can’t just tell the court you don’t want to pay child support because you don’t see the child. There’s WAY more to it than that. I’m seriously concerned at the fact he hasn’t seen the child in two years and doesn’t seem to care to otherwise he would have taken the mother to court. He helped create the child therefore he should help financially end of story.

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No matter whether he sees them or not he still has to pay

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If you could wouldn’t everyone do that? not trying to be smart,was just sons dad claimed obesity. So,he didn’t have to pay.

Are you crazy?
You 100% cannot be taken off child support just because you don’t want to pay it to support the child that you created :joy::joy:


Sounds like you suck and maybe the reason she won’t let him see his kid?


Lmao. Go to court over visitation and custody rights. Y’all are really more worried about having to pay to help raise the children HE helped make than actually seeing the kids??? And I wonder why she quit letting y’all have contact :roll_eyes:


He needs to be more concerned with fighting to see his child! No real man would be more concerned about child support than seeing his kid! Sounds like you are married to a loser. And if you arnt encouraging him to try and see his kid are are just as big of a POS as he is.


He doesn’t want to support his children? Why would you want to be with someone like that?

That answer is simple

NO, he has to support his children financially til they are 18, wether he sees them or not. Visitation has nothing to do with support


Parenting time and child support are not lumped together. So those are two separate issues. He has to pay regardless if he sees the children or not. And he can’t give up his rights or stop paying unless she agrees to that. And most states won’t allow that unless someone else adopts the child. So probably not. Unless she is remarried wants to give up the child support and her husband is willing to adopt the children. He needs to be held financially responsible. She didn’t make babies on her own. So he has to pay.

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I use to reside in TX. When I filed for CS, a custody agreement was also done. For me, it wasnt two different things like most states. More than likely he has an agreement with his order. I would review it.

As far as not paying, not cool. They’re his children whether he wants to see them or not.


Yes. He can be taken off child support if SHE writes a letter saying she either feels collecting the child support puts her and her child in danger or SHE calls the child support enforcement agent and says she wants to drop the case. Your husband, instead of not paying, should go to the courts and ask to amend the Parenting Plan so that he gets visitation or joint/equal custody which may alleviate the child support. He definitely shouldn’t give up on his children, if he loves them. My ex husband asked me to take him off child support and I went through the same thing. I refused to take him off because he pays such a low amount that it doesn’t even come close to supporting our two teenage boys. They also consider if your husband is having a hardship and is unable to pay. My ex had a stroke and became legally blind, he owed $65k in back child support, they looked at his medical evidence and wrote off the back pay and he got a clean slate.

In Texas, child support and visitation are two different things. Yes, when you go to court for child support, they can set up a visitation schedule. But they’ll even tell you, and state in the paperwork, that they don’t enforce it or have anything to do with it. It is a courtesy service they provide l. As for child support, unless circumstances have changed with his job or something like that, 9/10 they will not take him off of child support just because he doesn’t want to pay it. My advice would be to take the mother to court for visitation, but I don’t know how that particular stuff works

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He needs to go to court and get visitation rights, imo.

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i’d try to have the mother charged with parental alienation. don’t stop paying or the consequences will bite him in the ass


Well I wonder why he hasn’t tried to see them in 2 years like hire a lawyer take her to court for visitation??? That’s what I would do instead of just abandoning the kids and not paying child support :blush: So look into hiring a lawyer and let him get visitation


I love how your concern is too stop paying child support instead of finding a way too see the child more


Hun, he needs to take her to court.
Either to get visitation or to sign his rights away.
Texas is hard on this and they may not grant the petition to sign rights away.

I know a a “ father” who has committed several felonies , and is an addict and beat the mother before they divorced
And the judge denied him the right to sign his rights over
Doubled his child support and told him to get his life together.

Needless to say those are his options and both options cost money and time.


Why post anonymous :thinking: I’m sure she knew what response she was going to get…


All I gotta say is glad your not my kids step moms. And I’m a step mom. And I know it’s my boyfriend responsibility too pay for his children just like I hold my kids dad accountable. That’s actually quit disgusting


You need to join a child support group may be more helpful!!! But in short NO no matter if he sees the kid or not he still has to pay! It’s two separate issues

Y’all are some money hungry Animals. If the mom is doing everything she can to keep him out of the child life then no he shouldn’t have to Pay. You don’t know the situation. Mothers use their children’s in power plays all the time. All of you women are THOSE POWER ABUSING MOMS. The courts aren’t always pro dad which they should be. But if she is refusing two years then she should be 100 percent responsible for the child well being and that includes income.


No. He has to pay unless he wants to terminate parental rights. Period


How old are the kids

Um, no. He can’t just stop paying child support because he doesn’t want to lol. I can’t even believe this is even a question or consideration. If he wants to see his kids then he needs to take her to court, or look through the original paperwork for cs. When I put my child’s father on cs in TX it was in the paperwork.

If your going to have all the rights to your child that you popped out then u as the mother should pay for the child if ur not letting the dad in the picture. Stop hating on this girl


Women pay child support to

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Shouldn’t the real question be how he can see his kids? Wtf


Give up his rights and he don’t have to


I love how this post wasn’t “My husband misses the kids who he supports financially and has no problem doing so. Please tell me what steps HE can take to force visitation.” I guess that wasn’t an option. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Why question if he can stop paying? Go to court for visitation not CS!!


He needs to man up and fight for his kids.


I think it’s bullshit that he hasn’t gotten to see his kids that he is paying for for real. Like if a MF is more than willing to pay for his own then he should be allowed to see his own regardless of the circumstances between him and her for real. She ain’t no real mamma keeping them babes away from their daddy that ain’t fair to them


It’s odd that you are asking can you go to the courthouse to stop him from having to pay maintenance but not to the court house to have access to see the child.
He fathered this child yes? Therefore financially he has responsibility, unless he has harmed the child then the mother of that child should not be stopping access and if you can pay to go to court to stop paying maintenance you can go to court to gain parental access.


She may be in contempt of court if they said he has visitation rights. But as far as him not wanting to pay child support why he helped make the kids he needs to help take care of it

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As long as this child is not with the father he will have to pay child support not an option! And why are you supporting this decision! Don’t you realize that one day you can be her! If he wanted to see his child all he has to do is go to court and file for visitation rights! If he really wanted to see his child! You are being childish and petty by letting him throw a tantrum!!! He isn’t a kindergarten who kiss a girl! He didn’t put a condom on and made a baby! I would suggest you used a condom because you will be next!!! By your thinking!


He needs to pay child support but may be able to take her to court for custody.


His children, his responsibility. If he wants to see them he needs to get his ass to court.


But it literally says he had rights to see his kid, and then the baby momma just cut them out of his kids life, there has to be more to this, honestly kids sometimes change their mind about who they want to live with, and depending on how the other parent is they can react like that

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Um no legally he has to pay and legally he gets to see his kids so you need to go file a complaint that he’s not being allowed to see his kids he will need proof.

You can definitely go to the court house… to fight to see the child. :roll_eyes: But just because you haven’t chosen to do this yet, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have to support his child. Grow up.


This is his kid. He needs to pay child support. We do not rent kids. The fact that you all are more worried about paying child support instead of seeing his son is disturbing.

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He needs to pay child support. When my ex and i was togrther I would call everyone to tell them he was working. Yes it took from us and our kids together but still he needs to pay for kids he made. I fight for visition

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ALSO, I’m not sure if you have kids, with this fine specimen of a man, but I’d tread lightly here. There’s a good chance you’ll be his next ex (seeking child support) and he’ll be well versed in ALL the ways to neglect his parental responsibilities.


He needs to be more worried about trying to see his kids then spending money for them

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The question itself kinda lets the reader get a small glimpse as to why he probably isn’t seeing the kids… sorry, still gotta pay. Two separate issues. it would take the same amount of effort to go to court to start seeing the kids regularly so that’s very telling.

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There has to be more to this story!!!


We separated and worked it out. My husband and I went to child to stop the support…no go and up until this past month…we and I say we paid child support that came back to us …in the end messed up…%%$#$$ up…

2 fucking years??? Why haven’t y’all taken her to court yet ??? He sounds like a deadbeat and so are you for going along with it. I hope you don’t have any kids by him.


Why wouldn’t he fight to see his child?


you hungry hippos legit disgust me. If it was the other way around you would all be beating and whining. Get ur own paycheck :raised_hands:t3:


Usually The court will say you have a legal obligation to support the children but in some cases they will have the other parent held in contempt or stop support payment to the party with physical custody( held in trust account for children) other parent still has to make payments


He needs to fight for his kids however…I wouldn’t expect anyone to pay for kids without seeing them. Unless there is a safety concern. Too many parents use their kids against one another and then expect the cash to still flow. If she wants rights removed then take him off everything. Including the support. Man or woman…taking kids away from their parent for no reason and still expecting $, so wrong! You want to be a boss, then be one without the help. Providing for kids is much more than just $. Being there and if she won’t allow it, shame on her too. Got to be more to the story.


He can terminate his rights if that’s something he wants to do.

From all the angry reaction emoji’s, I think we know who the new bitter wife is… :thinking::unamused:


The children were created by 2 people not 1. They need the same support as children living in a 2 parent household. He should be paying support for his children regardless of how often he sees them. Period.
That said if he has court ordered joint or shared custody of his children then he should be picking up his children at the scheduled times he is supposed to be spending time with them. If she is purposely not allowing him access per their agreement then she should be hauled into court as non compliant with a court agreement with the custody of their children. This is an example of contempt of court. He needs to go to court and request enforcement of his agreement with respect to the custody issue.


So because the mom isn’t let him see the kids you wanna take it out on the kids by taking the support away… Go fix visiting not support


Not only should u want that money to go to ur kids, but he should as well!


If the question is more about the support than the fact he hasn’t seen his kid in two years… I think the issue is quite clear. I am very confused by the inept concern for the cash flow… But no one is worried about the lack of interaction with a person’s child. THIS IS A HUMAN. BE CONCERNED ABOUT HIS WELL BEING AND GROWTH AS OPPOSED TO YOUR POCKET BOOK.


Child support and visitation are two completely separate issues. What kind of person doesn’t support their children? What kind of woman wants a man that doesn’t support his other child(ren)?! Smh. Sounds like a real winner. This Poor child.


Crystal Hart why are you angry reacting to everything that calls out the OP above for wanting her husband to drop his kids like a hot potato? He’s an absolute fucking useless father if he’s just NOT going to see his kids for two years then decide he doesn’t wanna pay. If he was worth anything he would have started court proceedings as soon as he was told he won’t see his kid anymore then got blocked.
If you’re the OP, Instead of getting angry at people for calling you out get angry at your dumbass husband for abandoning children that didn’t ask to be brought into this world. I said what I fuckin said :speaking_head:


He can take her to court to get visitation if shes being complicated… they’ll make her cooperate or she’ll get put in jail… as for child support the only way for that to stop is for him n his ex to be living together or the child to turn 18… if he didnt want to pay for kids he shouldn’t of had them… and what kind of man stops fighting to see his kids just because their mom is throwing a temper tantrum smfh🤦‍♀️


If he signs over his parental rights he will no longer be required to pay

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You all are over here judging but you have no damn clue what this back story is and hate to inform everyone but some mother of children are bitches and do shit just because so before everyone judge this women on here get the whole picture not just a damn question

It’s not as easy as most people think to just “give up your parental rights” Voluntary termination of your parental rights is only given if there is “good cause.” “Good cause” varies from case to case. Both parties must consent. Avoiding financial responsibility or trying to rid yourself of the other parent is never “good cause.”

Voluntary termination of parental rights is difficult except under certain circumstances. This is because children are generally seen to have a right to a parental relationship and, particularly, a right to receive financial support and care from both parents.

Interesting fact is that voluntary termination of parental rights tends to be even more difficult to accomplish than involuntary termination


Wow how sad a child has to go through adults fighting about money. Legally he is responsible to financially support his kid no matter how much you like/hate the other parent it is part of being a parent. Also he will have to go to family court and get a lawyer child support and family matters like that are two separate issues.


Ring child support U may be able to apply for a exemption

He pays regardless he helped create them he helps support them now too regardless to anything going on.


It doesnt matter WHY she did it…that money isnt for her it’s for the child…you know, that HE HELPED CREATE :roll_eyes: oh, but now he doesnt want the financial burden. You and your husband both sound vile and fuck no he cant get off it.


Omg come on now go to the court house to stop paying for the children he helped make but cant go to the courthouse to fight for his rights?? Lol :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: think yalls priorities are up the whuuk


Soooo 2 yrs and why havent u gone to court? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: he made the kid. Hes responsible for paying for that kid AND as much as ur his wife. U dont have a say in regards to a child he has with another women


sounds like there’s more to the story and like you guys just don’t really care about seeing or supporting the kids lol


Honestly he should be going to the court house to see what he can do about seeing his kids.


I couldn’t imagine ever being with someone who didn’t want to fulfill their obligations for their child. Should make you wonder how he will treat you if your relationship ever becomes inconvenient. :woman_facepalming:


Why arent you fighting to see them…?


They absolutely will not take him off support.
Hes still responsible for the lives he created.

If he wants to see them, he has every legal right to since he pays support.

Not seeing the kids for two years falls on him, not her.

Fight for your damn kids, people.


He should go to the court house and fight to see his kid. He can’t stop paying child support without terminating his rights. Both of you need to sit down and talk and realise wether he or you like it or not he has a child and is responsible for that child.

I’m glad me and my hubby dont have kids from other relationships. It’s a nightmare for lots of people it seems