Can my husband be taken off child support?

Please post anonymously. My husband has been on child support for a while now; the mother put him on child support just to make him mad(she has told me). We were fine seeing him as usual; then, out of nowhere, she said we were not going to see him anymore and pretty much blocked us on everything. We haven’t seen his kids for over two years, so my question is, can he go to the courthouse or child support office if he doesn’t want to pay child support anymore? And what does he have to do if he can? And I know don’t if some states you can or can’t, but we live in Texas.


Yes, when HIS KIDS turn eighteen.


Why isn’t he fighting to see the kid instead??? If he’s paying child support what is he worried about???


She cant bar him from his kids. That’s so incredibly wrong and he should have taken her to court 2 years ago when she stopped following visitation. As for stopping payment on child support that’s a big fat no.


Laws vary from state to state. Asking here opens up more confusion.

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Are you freaking serious?!!! NO. They are still HIS kids and half of HIS responsibility whether he sees them or not. She can’t legally bar him from seeing them. So rather than trying to focus on the money, focus on taking her to court for a custody arrangement! I can’t believe that even needed to be said. :roll_eyes:🤦

Almost certain that he can NOT quit paying child support. He helped create those kids, he is financially responsible to help raise the kids. He CAN though petition the court for court ordered visitation, and force her to allow him to see the kids, unless she can prove seeing him would be detrimental to the children…but that still won’t get him out of paying child support.


Wow he helped make the kids, he has a responsibility to help financially provide for them. Kids are not cheap.


He will keep having to pay child support until his kids are 18. The only way he won’t have to pay is if he signs away his rights. If you guys want to see the kids go to court to enforce visitation.


There is not a single person who will keep me from seeing my child. Your husband isn’t trying hard enough. If he wanted to see his children then he would. He should be paying child support. He’s still their dad even if he doesn’t make sure he sees them

a parent that is ordered to pay child cant stop paying, no court will allow that no matter the state, as far as visitation he should get her back in court


He has kids !? Then he should pay support whether he is active in their lives or not! I find it sad that you’re asking if he can go to court to not pay support but are not asking if he can go to court to get visits with his children! He cannot stop support until the children are 18 years of age but he can request visits. Whether she stated that support was just to piss him off or not he should pay for his children period.

Yeah when kid/ kids turn 18,and only then if they don’t continue with their education.


Check your state website about law on child support and parent rights…

She can’t keep the kids from him. That’s a violation of court order if there is one. Since he is paying child support I assume there is a court order. Until the kids are 18 he has to pay support.


And that I am almost positive is in every state.

Go to court for visitation & no he will have to pay child support until the child or children are 18 if they are still in school after they turn 28 he still has to pay child support until they graduate. If any of them quit school before 18 I believe then child support will be discontinued. BUT that is the law in the state I live in anyway

No… he can go to court for visitation.

Child support is a complete must. It’s not those kids fault he made them, they deserve to be supported. Shes in the wrong for taking his kids BUT he needed to fight to get visitation years ago. This is his battle. He should have got visitation enforced years ago instead of wanting to stop helping support them.


okay think about it people she put him on child support and then ran so he doesn’t get to see his child doesn’t know where the child is but paying child support on him. So I’m sorry he should be going to court stating he needs visitation or he’s not paying child support I’m sorry if you took my child away and I couldn’t see the child but yet you want me to pay for it I don’t think so

Some state the noncustodial parent pays until 25. Be thankful. But theres way more to this story. Any man not concerned with seeing his child but wanting to quit support is not much of a man. That child eats, need clothes regardless if the father sees them or not. Pay the damn support!


Child Support is not a option it is a father’s obligation!!! Also if he hasn’t seen his kids in more than two years any good father would have already gotten an attorney and took her to court for visitation!!! You should be telling him… Man up and get an attorney so you can see your kids!!! I wouldn’t be helping to get out of paying to support his kids!!!


You need to go to court. If he’s paying, he gets visits.

Oh you’re paying. Or you go to jail


Nah nah that child support ain’t going anywhere until that kid is 18 sadly


Depends on the state with legality. I do know if he has visitation given by the court and she denies that then she is in contempt and she can actually b put in jail for it. U need to get a lawyer so u know ur rights in this area

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Instead of opting out of child support, take the mother back to court for custody rights. If there is no court order he cant see his kids, then you guys need to get a lawyer. Its already in your favor, she verbally told you this out of malice and hes paid his child support throughout the whole two years of no visits. The courts have no reason to take any parenting away from him. Compared to the pieces of shit that dont pay their child support hes paying and still paying while not seeing. In ohio if you’re divorced and the mother doesn’t allow you to see your kids she can actually brought up on charges. There has to be some type of court order involved here for his case. Kind of disappointing that hed rather give up then explore his parental rights. Even if you never get to see your children in any divorce case you should still want to support your children. You aren’t punishing your ex, you’re punishing the kids. Not fair.


Child support and visitation are 2 separate court issues


Child support and visitation are two completely different issues. Just because the parents want to be immature with visitation rights doesnt mean the child doesn’t eat or need clothing. Don’t combine both issues.


You can’t stop child support.


No matter what until the kid is18 he will have to pay child support.


No he can not
Child support & visitation are 2 different things.
Why hasn’t he petitioned the courts for visitation to see his children. What kinda man is he that he’ll go that long without seeing his children?
Sounds like a man that has no interest in seeing them or being a father to them.
What kinda wife are you to not encourage him to do something about not being able to see his children?
Yet you pose this question about some damn child support.
He helped make them regardless of the fact of their mother not allowing him to see them they still have to eat, have a roof over their head & everything else.
You should be ashamed to even let anyone know that your husband is a trifling father & you’re a trifling wife for sitting back watching this mess without urging hubby to step up & be a got damn father
Girl bye!!!


Love how nasty people are getting. No need for that. The mother is keeping the kids according to the info being given. Thank you to everyone that understands this.

If she wants to raise the kids alone she should pay for them alone. HOWEVER it doesnt work that way. Take her to court for the visits. If she doesnt straighten up hold her accountable. Sometimes the mother can slip up bad enough while trying to be a control freak they lose the right to be custodial. It takes a lot of money and proof. But it can be done. Then fight that she pay you. Always let her see the kids

I’m a little concerned that the priority is the support and not the visitation…I could care less about having to pay support but come hell or high water I’m going to see my kids.

Your husband can request visitation thru the courthouse. It is sad to hear that men that actually want to be part of their kid’s life are not being allowed by the mother.

Can you just stop paying your bills? Definitely get yourself on birth control you shouldn’t be able procreate :woman_facepalming:


So instead of fighting to see his kid, he just wants to stop paying support and forget the kid exists ?? Wow, you sure picked a winner. :flushed: Like seriously ?? He’s a dead beat dad. How does that turn you on ??


Child support has nothing to do with visitations. Why has he not gone to court to get his visits back?


Only thing he can do is to take her to court, unfortunately people who don’t deserve child support get it. Good luck! It won’t be pretty.


Child support is not contingent on visitation. He should be fighting for his visitation rights. Odds are, if there is a child support order, there is also a visitation order.


Child support and visitation are two different things. He “doesn’t feel like paying child support?” The child is his, correct? You can’t just magically say he’s not the father and no longer needs to support his child. He can certainly take her to court for visitation but that is not going to change the fact that he is obligated to support a child he helped to create. I try very hard to never be rude or condescending to posters on this page but are you kidding me right now? You really think it is ok for him to want to stop paying for his child? It really doesn’t speak well for his character or yours for that matter.

He needs to get court ordered child visits. A n.v d he needs to pay for his kids whether he sees them or not. If she is being abusive ,?he can ask the court for full custody. Either way he has to support his children.

I bet he don’t make the effort to see them. If ge really wanted to see them he can go to court & get visitation. Sounds like they don’t care & that’s bullshit they just don’t want to be bothered. I raised 5 boys on my own no child support. While dad & his girlfriend. Laugh because I struggle. Working 2 jobs. It’s not funny.

Instead of going to court to stop CS. Take her to court for visitation. Regardless of the situation that money isnt for his ex…its for his child. If he allows her to get away with no visitation that’s on him.

He’s gonna pay child support regardless if he sees the kids or not. He can go to family court and enforce his visitation rights as a father. But you’re talking 2 different cases. Child support does not equal visitation rights. Take the mother to court and demand he gets visitation.


He can pay what he owes and then he’ll be off.


So he dont wanna support the kids he helped make? Just take her to court for visitation…why make the kids suffer? God I hate men sometimes


I live in kentucky and only have a childsupport order I would have to go back to court and set up visitation bc it two separate orders now and days they set all that when u get a divorce

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You can’t put someone on child support just to make them mad. It’s a court decision. It is his child. He’s responsible. He has not seen his kid in 2 years and has done nothing about it? He needed to go back to court a long time ago so he could see his son. He can’t just up and decide he doesn’t want to pay child support. Like I said it’s court-ordered. None of this is the child’s fault. Everything that they are doing is punishing the child and not the adults that they are aiming it at. Great way to be parents.


If he pays child support he has visitation rights and can go to court and charge her with contempt of a court order


No he can’t be taken off. You can take her back to court to enforce the visitation. He will be held responsible for all child support.


He is financially obligated to financially support his child whether the mom is “trying to make him mad” or not! He doesn’t have a choice in whether he wants to or not. Grow up. It isn’t about you or the mother, it’s about the child. YOU have no say in the business of his child. The mother and him parenting.


He would have to hire a lawyer and the lawyer would have to file for 2 things. 1- Visitation enforcement/contempt of court on the mother (assuming there is already a court order for his visitation, if not the lawyer will file for one). And 2- a change in child support AMOUNT due to changed circumstances. The lawyer can urge the court to LOWER the amount, but it will never go away entirely as he is the father therefore legally responsible. The problem is, asking for a change in child support amount is gamble… it can go up or down based on whatever the court determines.


He can go to court to try to get the court ordered support amended. He hasn’t seen his children in over 2 years and he hadn’t been motivated to go to back court for visitation or custody?


If your payn support y’all can go to court and get visitation no matter what the mother says. She will be court ordered to let y’all see the child. Been through this same and we still hve to pay rather we seen them or not but we decided not to keep going bk n forth to court after we kept dealing with the same thing. She just wanted us to spend $$$ ooon lawyers and court fees. The kids are grown now they came around for a mth r so and did nothing but cause drama sooo we no longer speak to them.

No but he can go petition for visitation


No he is responsible to pay for that child until he is 18. If he wants to see his child take the ex back to court. I also feel sorry for your man’s kid. My sons father was also more concerned about child support instead of his son. My son was always an after thought to his dad. Needless to say my son knows this and thinks his dad’s an ass. This child will grow up to have not very good feelings about his dad. He needs to be a dad now before its too late!!

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He cant get out of paying but he can fight for visitation. In most cases if one parent still refuses to let the other parent see the child after it’s court ordered, they can lose custody.


He shouldn’t be trying to get out of paying child support. HE should be fighting to get visitation!!!


Um, that’s his child, his business, his responsibility. Nah. If he wants visitation rights, he needs to file it with the courts. You don’t withhold taking care of your child just because things aren’t going great between the parents. That’s ridiculous.


Fact. You cant put someone on child support because your mad. It takes 2 to tango. He helped produce, he can help support.
Fact. Child support and visitation are 2 different entities. One has nothing to do with the other
Fact. Your husband should if went to court a long time ago to get visitation rights via court order. Unless he doesnt want to see him.
I understand you are wife defending your husband. But come on! You want to take monetary support away from his babies and not help fight to see them. Get your priorities straight.


As it’s already been stated, child support has no bearing on visitation. You’re on here posting about the mother doing this and that. My question is why aren’t you on your husband’s ass asking him why he’s not doing more to see his child? He needs to take the ex back to court and ensure he has court ordered visitation. She will be held in contempt if she doesn’t comply. Yall all need to step up and do what’s right for this innocent child and get your egos and nonsense out of the way. :unamused:

He can see his kid wether he pays or not. He’s on the hook until the child is 18 or on some occasions longer

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Sounds like you are trying to get out of support. “You were fine seeing the kid?” Also sounds like it doesn’t matter whether you do or don’t. Maybe the kid felt that they were unwanted. And yes if that’s the case he deserves to pay child support.


If he wanted to be in his child’s life he would have taken her to court for visitation as soon as she said he wasn’t going to see said child. Also most states have a law where they wont “basterdise” a child without someone willing to step up and adopt said child. I would question the “man” I am with if he decided the child he helped make he didn’t want to be responsible for. Also legally speaking no one can put someone on child support “just because they’re mad”. The courts don’t give a damn who is mad at who. He helped create that life, he can help be responsible for that life. The fact that you are trying to bud in, not to help him be responsible and see his kids but to take what little responsibility he has left to those kids is wrong on your end. Yes, he is your current husband, but let’s be real. He laid down and did the deed to have that child here. Help him go back to court and see his child. Help him be a good father, not this person who ignores what little is left of his responsibility, get your shit straight. No, you didn’t make those babies but the “man” you married sure did.

No! You need to pay your child support!! You have child support because you DONT take care of the kid regardless of the reasons “why” she filed. Wtf? If you wanted to see the kid, you would fight for them.


Does he not want to see his kids anymore. I would go to court and fight for visitation and custody

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Just pay for the child you created. If he hasnt gone to court for visitation in TWO YEARS and instead yall want to stop paying…i dont think the mom is the issue…he is and maybe you.


He can’t be taken off till the kid is 18 and not in school😂 my husband hasn’t seen his kids in over 7yrs but still has to pay and if he doesn’t they take your income tax…

Well that’s ass backwards thinking. Shouldn’t you be going to court to fight to see his kids not get out of the responsibilities of the kids?


Wow…even if the mother filed for child support to get even with him…who cares? He should be paying anyway. Without being made to. His child isnt on this earth free of charge and he helped make him. All I hear is he doesnt see him so we want to stop support. Sounds more like he doesnt care if he sees him he just doesnt want to pay. Bc heres the deal. He hasn’t seen him in 2 years. In those 2 years I bet the father has had a free hour of time to go to the court house to file the neccessary paperwork to start the process to have a custody order made where he regularly gets him. If he wants to see him, it’s really, really simple to do…smh.

The child is his child and his responsibility…
He should get his visitation rights set straight in family court…some where down the line there will be many hurt feelings and regrets…but at least your husband should be able to say I did right financially by my son…it’s a shame to have the child suffer…
For the mistakes of the parents

Why would he choose to fight to stop child support rather than fight for visitation of his kids? Is there a reason he doesn’t just go visit them?

I have two kids and both have different dad’s. I do not take support from the first sperm donor as he wants nothing to do with child. If he truly doesn’t want access to kids than find a lawyer and go from there, there have been cases where support was cancelled due to certain issues. He may be able to stop hard to say. As for the women being so stuck in the 50s. Single moms can support kids without child support, heck some women purposely get pregnant just because it gets them more money.

He is responsible for supporting his child no matter what . He is the father .


So your issue is she dosnt let you see your kid and your first thought is to stop supporting your child financially instead of just filing for visitation to see them?..:thinking:…he been on child support for a while? yes depending on the state he’ll be paying until the kid is 18-21 yrs old…and no you cannot terminate child support because you dont see the kid its still your kid :woman_facepalming:t2:


It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t see them he will still have to pay. What he can do is petition for visitation rights. All three of you need to grow up. Just because he hasn’t seen his kid doesn’t mean he has to stop supporting them.


In Texas he pays till their 18…

Child support has nothing to do with visitation . Instead of trying to figure out away to stop paying he needs to figure out away to see his kids :rage:


Doesn’t want to?? How about the moral obligation of…its his child!!! Good Lord, grow a set act like a man and take care of your children. My God this is just pathetic.

Why is that your first reaction instead of fighting for the father to see his kid?


If he has to pay anyway why not go and make her give him visitation smdh. She’s wrong but 2 years without seeing your kids that’s wrong too! Always fight for your babies!!! Can he just go to the court and say I don’t want to pay anymore?! Uh NO! Pay and get visitation ugh :frowning:


This is a joke right ? No he can’t get out of paying for his children … he could go and petition the courts for visitation … if I were the kids mother I’d stipulate that you couldn’t see them … you’re seriously expecting the father not to support his kids … best of luck lmao he will be paying until they turn 18 unless they go to college and he will pay for a few years longer


Only she can get him off of child support. He can’t do anything.

My husband pays child support every week and the mother hasnt allowed him to see his son since he was 6mths old and guess wat we still paying child support for some ppl its hard to get a lawyer so lets get that out of the way cause where i live its 5000 down thats just to obtain a lawyer all together u gonna pay about 10,000 and yes child support can be dropped if the mother asks the court to have it dropped…i know in our situation the mother has 3 kids 3 different baby daddies and lives off her kids child support not taking sides cause no man should ever wanna give up on his kids i would leave my husband he ever made that comment and ive told him so

What in the actual fuck is up with this shit? He made the kid, didn’t he? If he’s not getting time he can file to enforce parenting time but the kid has financial needs no matter what and they are independent obligations. What deadbeat doesn’t want to support his kids, and what deadbeat-lover wants to excuse her partner from providing for his kids? How the hell are there this many enabling women out there encouraging men to be deadbeats?


Weve been to court idk how many times because he got behind a week maybe two and she got mad and drug him into court financially we cant afford a lawyer but we still pay every week

Hes not paying for visitation hes paying because thats what decent resposible men do.


You sound like a bitter wife that wants her husband to stop paying for child support so both of you have more money. :joy::joy::joy: Grow up lady and it’s none of your business you aren’t the mom. As for your husband he sounds like a deadbeat in the making. What actual father goes 2 years without seeing his kid?! He can’t get off child support, so deal with it.

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Wait till you have a baby with this man and he chooses to not support your kid :rofl::rofl::rofl:


His new girl could also have him sign rights over then she wouldn’t be concerned that his new children are without. In her mind his previous children don’t live with him. They are none of her concern previously made kids in my personal experience are a problem

He can go and get her ass in trouble for contempt.of court. If there is support he is entitled to visitation.

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No you can’t. He’s can go to court to fight for visitation rights.

Child support and visitation are two separate things and no he cant take himself off. Take her court if he wants to see his kids…

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2 options

  1. take her to court and get visitation 2. sign off on the kid :woman_shrugging:

Court for visitation its real simple

He still has to pay…


I just want to know why ole boy is more worried about not paying for kids he made,rather than actually fighting FOR them. Sounds like a winner :ok_hand:.
There’s far more to this story.
He will have to pay. As he should.


First she can’t just decide you don’t get to see the kid and no its the law you have to pay.

:flushed::woman_facepalming: plz don’t have children!