What can I do for a toothache while pregnant?



Go get it looked at. You can have a good amount of dental work done while pregnant and even if you’re on state insurance, while pregnant, dental is covered. At least it is in my state because dental infections can cause serious problems.


Dental hygienist here going on 10 years. Go to your dentist. Alot of pregnant women have work done especially if you have a toothache or infection. We usually try to wait until after the first trimester if its not an emergency but then you are fine to have fillings extractions etc they just might use a different form of anesthetic (same as when women are breastfeeding). If you think about an infection in your tooth/mouth realize this all goes into your blood stream and if left untreated can affect other parts of your body and health so its important to get it looked at right away! It could be something simple like a filling or getting antibiotic for an infection until you can get the tooth pulled. Calling somewhere and giving them your symptoms and telling them you’re pregnant and need to be seen soon is the best place to start! If you are in a pinch if you go to the ER or doctor they vaguely prescribe antibiotics due to not knowing the mouth very well and being unsure of the exact problem but this will also only help temporarily. If its an abscess or infection you may need a tooth extracted or a root canal which means it might help for a few weeks or months then flare up again so don’t ignore it! Best of luck to you !


I had all my teeth done while pregnant didn’t hurt baby go get checked teeth pain is the worst best of luck

Whole cloves. Put them between your cheek and your gum of the painful tooth and let it sit there until they go mushy ( an hour or so ) you can also get a fair bit of dental work done while pregnant :black_heart:

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Idk what your needs are but I had a wisdom tooth pulled while pregnant :tired_face: I couldn’t take the pain anymore :woozy_face:

Clove oil, vanilla extract both gross but if you can tolerate it they both help. Dollar tree sells oral gel.

Don’t just try and treat the pain at home, go see a dentist right away. It sounds like you may have an abscessed tooth. Left untreated it can quickly spread, cause serious complications and can even become life threatening to both the baby and yourself. Emergency departments at hospitals usually are also able to assess and treat a tooth abscess if you can’t get to a dentist quickly.

You can have dental work done while pregnant. I just had to have a note from the OB with a list of approved painkillers.

I had dental work while pregnant. Take some hydrogen peroxide and rub it around the tooth on a Qtip every few hours. Don’t swallow it.
Warm saltwater rinses too!

My daughter had work done while pregnant…they did require w note from obgyn

Pierce a liquid Advil and put on the spot. Tastes yucky but try to hold the juices in as long as u can

Hurricane gel, it’s really good for tooth aches and for teething babies.

Clove oil, hot salt water rinses
And depends but ice or heat compress

Ice pack with lots of pressure

Go to a dentist right away, most dentist office will perform dental procedures while pregnant, you will need a clearance letter from OB/GYN.

You have an infection and it’s getting worse you need to see a dentist now

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Clove oil and garlic on tooth hot rag in cheek

Clove essential oil. Put a few drops on a trip and shove it in there :sob:

id go get it looked at. i had one like that. made my headaches last over a week too. ended up going SEPTIC from a tooth infection … pain wise i took showers to let the water pressure wash out my mouth (food/ect stuck), mix peroxide and mouthwash to clean it out. brush literally every 2 hours. apply ice packs to your chin area that hurts