What are the side effects of Mirena?

I use the Paraguard IUD. They warn it could cause heavier periods, but I haven’t met another women who can confirm this is true.
I needed a non-hormonal option.
No regrets.
Not sure what your needs are, but I’d suggest researching the Paraguard as well :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

I looooved my Mirena! No pain. No cravings. No headaches. No periods. I kept it for 3 years until I decided I was ready to have another baby, and it didn’t mess up any of my previous set cycle so I was able to get pregnant within the first month of having it out

I’ve had my Mirena for over 3 years, and I have not had a period, minimal cramping once every few months, I say my weight gain is because I’m getting older, but it might be the Mirena. I haven’t had a period since then, no problems at all, I am very pleased with it.

I do not recommend. I had it in for a few years, it moved from its original location. I went to three different doctors before I had one who could find it and I had to have it removed. Where it was anchored in, I have a permanent pinching feeling when I cough or sneeze hard. It’s your choice but this was my honest experience and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone the stress and pain it caused me.

I loved it, no hormone, no pills. I had no issues

I had the mirena for 6 months bleed from the day it was placed and after it was removed I had 2 cyst grow on my ovaries as a cause from the iud

Well it hasn’t caused me any pain or discomfort but my ob said my periods would stop after 6 months but I still havey period after 2 years and sometimes they are a week long instead of 3 days.

I LOVE my mirena! Nothing bad to say about it. I don’t have a period either.

Was the best for me years ago
No side affects
Very very good

I have had it off and on for 21 yrs and never had any issues.