Should I be concerned about my daughters imaginary friend?

I had many imaginary friends when I was little. My mom says I would go into her room at night and tell her that a man was here or whom ever was there at the time. She said it freaked her out at first. She never made a big deal out of it. She never freaked. Apparently it’s a family thing. I eventually grew out of “seeing.” Now I just “feel” a presence. If it doesn’t frighten your daughter and it’s not causing issues like nightmares and bed wetting I’d just let it run it’s course. She may grow out of it. If she doesn’t there are people that can help her with that. Don’t panic. Many young children “see” because of their innocence. Perfectly normal


Something similar happened to me with my imaginary friend where “she turned bad and mean and ugly” so my mom told me to directly tell her to go away and leave me alone
Then she was gone

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Get a child o
Psychologist involved.

Ask her more about her

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probably harmless. if she starts up doing naughty things saying Sally told her to I’d seek help or talk to her yourself

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Watch the show Psychic Kids. If it resonates with you & your child, reach out to them.
Not everything can be verified thru Google, but you might be able to find info on this family in the local library archives or county courthouse by looking up info on your home.

Don’t just put it off to imagination, as it could be a gift that is with her thru her whole life.


And maybe not ask questions just be there to allow her to tell you about her

Honestly people let their kids watch scary movies are creepy tv shows unsupervised youtube it’s no surprise when kids come up with creepy things. It’s All the tech.


My daughter had an imaginary friend, she hadn’t mentioned him in awhile but when she was 6 or 7 just out of the blue she told me he said he was going to heaven, but if she ever needed him he would come back, gave me chills.


My son had an imaginary friend named Bob who lived in his pocket :joy:


I always play along with them with the imaginary friends they always have names (I have 4 girls ) my boy didn’t do this

Perfectly normal. The three of mine had “friends”. One was Pauly and he had one leg. Nothing frightening about it. It didn’t damage them in any way. They loved their friends and hearing them have conversations with said friends was beautiful.
2 girls, 1 son

Elizabeth Villalpando

Don’t worry unless things start happening to her that are unexpected and unexplained

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Might be able to find something you can’t

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Always check your resources first. What movies or shows has she seen around friends and family. Make sure it’s not from tv and then just support the girl. By asking questions and make sure she is ok with sally being around. If not I think her and the toddler should ask for sally to go away. Kids are so much closer to the spiritual realm because of the innocence. So I would take her word for the truth if all other resources to where she can get this info has been exhausted.


Definitely creep. Probably a ghost. We have one called father. My daughter said father had a hat and mustache and he sits and watches TV with her. It’s very creepy

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Wait. Yours wouldnt play with you??? :rofl::rofl::rofl: this is also creepy but i think its just made up. What person named Tally would name their kids Callie and Sally??? Seems strange lol

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So, I’ve had some creepy experiences myself, but my daughter when she was a baby, used to stare intently and smile at the corner of our room at the ceiling… was the creepiest thing, always the same spot and made the oddest faces. (I believe that spirits exist and can be good or bad so decided not to push that further or achnowledge it)

Unrelated, my grandmother died last year, she just turned 3, she has mentioned a few times that “grandma told her this” and " she was playing with grandma"

I believe that children have a period where they are so innocent and “undisturbed” just in general that they can see things we just can’t. I’ve also heard some interesting stories about children talking about their past lives… my favorite was the mother who said she had multiple miscarriages and her boy that she finally had told her he stuck by her and tried many times to come to her but couldn’t stay and was soo happy he finally got to meet her. She had apparently never told him about the miscarriages.

My advice would be to monitor the situation, it could be harmless but I’d totally be a bit nervous too. Also be careful who you contact about this because there are legitimate people that want to help and then obviously people who are scammers and will just take you around in circles.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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Sally Talley and Callie lmfao :rofl:


Over thinking much???

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She could have psychic abilities.

My grandson had a friend at the age of 4 and her name was Sarah, anything my grandson would her she would answer him back plus one day my daughter says my grandson introduced her to Sarah and she saw her , my grandson had his friend for two years until she went to heaven

I’d write the story like a journal. She’ll likely outgrow it. As long as it doesn’t become dangerous, enjoy it. You’ll miss these little things.


I had an imaginary friend, didn’t you

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You have seen the shining right? Tommy? Or drop dead Fred? LOL it’s normal, till its not.

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My daughter says lots of weird creepy stuff & most of it can be traced back to what she watches. She has an imaginary friend names Alien Mom & that came from a YouTube video, she will come off with some crazy stuff but its mostly from something shes seen or heard.

I believe in spirits. We used to live in a house and our neighbors sister lived there before us. Her husband jack had died in our house. Sometimes our microwave or tv would randomly turn on, our door would randomly open and other minor stuff would happen. My husband and our roommate at the time started talking crap about jack one day, I looked up and all of a sudden our livingroom ceiling was COVERED with flies. It freaked me out and my husband and our roommate. They learned real quick not to talk crap about jack anymore and spend over an hour killing flies off our ceiling. But jack never did anything like that ever again and we know he was still there because of the small random things he would turn on in our house

It took Tracy about 3 yrs to dissappear from our lives. That was 43 years ago. Have not seen hide nor hair of her in all that time.

Watch supernatural the winchesters can give u some advice :flushed: