My MIL bought Christmas presents for my kids that I was supposed to buy: Advice?

I wouldn’t skip it, It doesn’t sound like it was intentional just seems like she wanted to be nice …there are always plenty of things you can get your kids for Christmas if it’s that serious but if your truly excited for your kids to get the presents the where and from who shouldn’t Matter only their happiness

Let her give them. Take the money you saved and spend it on a vacation with your husband and kids…skiing, water park, camping, Hawaii, cruise…that is what they will remember. Be thankful they could afford it as well as yours. You are kind of petty when you think of families that are just having a meal and no gifts or the kids in war torn areas of the world

My MIL used to ask what I was getting my husband for Christmas and then get him the same thing or better, one upping me. I was devastated the first year she did this to me. I started lying, telling her I wasn’t sure yet. Just be glad she saved you money. Buy the kids something else and learn to keep it quiet next time now that you know what type of person she is.

I mean - it fully depends on her intentions behind buying them tbh…. Everyone is assuming mil did a nice thing… how do we know it wasn’t to be spiteful and out do the mum etc? If I had my heart set on something I wanted to buy my children - and mil then brought it - knowing i wanted to get it, and have that moment with my child, she would be told to return hers… that my children would be receiving them from me Christmas morning. I wouldn’t not go to hers though.

She asked your husband and your husband told her. I think you are just taking it too personally. When I was 10 my aunt got me a Gameboy Color. Anyone who was a kid in 1998 knows that’s a big deal and to this day I don’t care who got it for me, just the fact that I got it and it was awesome. It sounds like you’re looking for a reason to be annoyed with your MIL. Sounds like she’s just trying to help. Let it go and enjoy your Christmas.

And people wonder what’s wrong with the world mil wanted to help out and now you wanna cancel Xmas with her because you’re mad at the fact that she saved you money.


My best friend and her kids are celebrating Christmas at our house this year since her husband is deployed. I noticed that the gifts only say who it’s to, not who it’s from. When I asked her about it, she had the perfect response and we will be carrying this as tradition in the future. She said, “They know who loves them and who are there for them. Does it really matter who bought which gift?” She is 100% correct.

You’re mad at your MIL but not YOUR HUSBAND?:thinking: He’s the one who told her.:woman_facepalming:t4: Believe me your husband KNEW that his mom was going to buy those gifts. Me personally, I would be HAPPY to save the money.:woman_shrugging:t4: But since you feel some type of way, have your husband to talk to his mom.

Use your savings to do something memorable with your kids. That is what makes memories. Take a day trip, all go ice skating, have a unique meal out and movies…give them your time and they will never forget it! Go to her house. Let them enjoy it and try yourself to come to peace with it. Consider this a great opportunity!

If she bought the presents to steal your thunder kinda thing, I could see why you would be upset. But honestly she is being nice and like a lot of people are saying, SHE S SAVING YOU MONEY. Maybe you need to look inward and figure out the real meaning of Christmas cause it’s not supposed to be about presents anyways. How about the cash you don’t have to spend on your kids you can donate to a shelter for people who don’t have anything and sure in the heck don’t have some petty ass mom fighting with a grandma about who loves them more.

People are to relaxed with crossing the line. Grandma needs to stay in her lane. I send pictures and ask if it’s ok to buy big ticket items for my grandson before I buy them. I’ve never been denied, but it’s appreciated that I ask before hand.

Be grateful that she wanted to help you out by getting the “ big” items for you and relax a bit. Go to her house & be happy. Most grandparents only get joy from giving. Use the $ you are saving to set aside for a family activity and here’s an idea, include grandma! She obviously loves her grandchildren.

You’re an ungrateful :honeybee: there are so many women who would give anything for this, who struggle every Christmas & you’re complaining bc the expensive gifts have been bought?! Your own kids are going to be just like you if you’re not careful, gross

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Idk where you’re from but where I’m from that question generally means that that person is trying to buy stuff on your kids Christmas list. If you didn’t want her to buy it you(your husband) should have said so or just not mentioned it at all. :roll_eyes:

Rich people problems!! :yawning_face: Girl… do you realize how foolish this sounds?? You’re trying to cut her out of Christmas because she purchased toys for your children. :thinking: Just be happy that YOU are blessed and YOUR kids will be having fun with their toys on Christmas day… who cares who physically purchased them!! I mean there are kids who have nothing… clearly y’all have money or you wouldn’t be asking this asinine question… (cuz 90% of the population would be jumping for joy that their MIL got the toys and leaving that cash in the bank) but since you feel so compelled to BUY toys, buy them and donate them… the joy you receive from knowing you have made some child’s Christmas will be immeasurable. And it’s a win for everyone!!

If you couldn’t afford those gifts she would be a wonderful MIL. You would be extremely grateful. Because you can afford to give your kids everything and she got them she is a bad person to be completely cut off at Christmas.
Will you please stop and think? What if this is the last Christmas for anyone involved, how would you want everyone to remember Christmas that was left ? Christmas isn’t about who got the biggest or the best. It’s about the love and happiness

I don’t get why you could be upset that someone else would love your child enough to not see money as an obsticle in buying them something. Also, if your husband failed to stress that YOU wanted to purchase them because of the surprise factor, be mad at him, not his mom, for thinking she was doing a favor. And, you really gonna be petty to someone else trying to shower your kids with love? Use that money to go on a trip with the kids.

Same thing happened here, I was like “oh well”, and moved on. You should too, just be happy your kids have family that cares so much about them!

It’s a blessing that she has the money and the desire to do this for her grandchildren. I don’t think she was trying to show you up or take credit for the “good gifts”
I really think she was trying to help ya’ll. And honestly look back on your own childhood Christmases, do remember the people who gave the “good gifts” each year, or just have the memories of Christmases and presents and the tree and family.
Their grandma and your MIL isn’t going to be around forever, appreciate the blessing you have in her wanting to ease ya’lls financial burden at Christmas and give to your kids. I’m sure she got ya’ll something nice also. Don’t let this be about YOUR feelings and your ego, she asked your husband what all was left to buy so she could help, he told her, gave her the list. She’s was trying to help, not one up you. If there are things you wanted to be from you and hubby alone, you should have told him that BEFORE his mom asked him what all was left to get.
I just don’t understand why people can’t appreciate family and have to make things all about themselves and pick fights over blessings. My opinion, you need to grow up and be thankful and grateful for a MIL that wants to help ya’ll out at Christmas, rather than sulking and ruining Christmas for her, your husband, and your kids. SMH

Yeah you’re over reacting… you should definitely have a talk with her and explain that you wanted these items to be from you and tell her why you’re upset… but do not skip Christmas with her and not let her give the kids the stuff she got them just because you feel the need to claim the recognition of buying the better gifts. In the end she saved you money and got the kids exactly what you wanted…

Wow she saves y’all money talk about an awesome mother in law to think about hey let call them and see what they actually want the kids to have or need.

Your husband told her. Are you mad at him? Skipping Christmas with him since he told her?
Cause he’s to blame here first!

That was not good! I’m so sorry

I get it. I would be a little upset too. Not sure what I would do it being my mil but if it was my mom I would tell her to take them back and not to seal our thunder.

Since grandma bought the gifts she can put your name s on them as the giver takes some of the sting away but also tells kids who actually wanted to.give you the gifts

So your MNL helped by purchasing gifts …?

Did she get a thank you ?

Wow …does it matter who purchased as long as the kids are happy ?

Maybe you don’t like Santa …he brings gifts …

Are you mad at Santa too?

Meanwhile there are kids getting nothing and families having Christmas without grandparents that are gone. Yep. Overreacting.

I feel like she probably didn’t realize that because she asked him and he told her. Unless he specifically told her you wanted to get them, I this is more on him than her.

Yes you are. Be actually grateful she is doing this and come up with something else to give your kids.

Please….just stop getting angry at the MIL. You will be one someday and find out it’s hard to be perfect. “Let it go”. “Love not war”. “In a world where you can be anything, be kind”.

I would buy them still and give them to my kids before “grandma”

Honestly you know how many kids would Kill for A GMA like that ? If you don’t want her buying things send her my way :joy::joy::joy: that’s a blessing girl save your money

I would be happy about being to use the money for an experience. Go to Disney!

Ppl should be greatful to actually have a tribe behind them seriously just losing my job is a lot of pressure and that must be nice like deff third world probs for sure :grin::sob::joy:

Saves you $ and your kids are still getting it. Buy them something else

You shouldn’t feel bad at all. Now you can by them unexpected gifts

Yes, you certainly are overreacting. But next year, don’t tell her what’s on your list.

Be great full ur mother inlaw bought the big items for Xmas what’s ur problem

Really :smirk::woman_facepalming:t4:
How about how thankful you should be instead & go pick them something else out…

Your husband should not have told her about the items that you wanted to buy

I have run into this issue we just stopped telling those people what we were getting.

Buy other items or save the money for something nice. The question of who the presents come from usually doesn’t come up so :man_shrugging: lol.

Tell grandma. s he was Santa for her children not yours.

Yes! Is it really that big of a deal? Go buy them something else big with THE MONEY YOU SAVED :crazy_face:

Lol that’s great can I have her number :joy:

I hate when people save me money

Yes be thankful she wanted to help

As a grandma hunny she didn’t do this to hurt you. It was probably to save you money so you can get other things for the kids

It’s about the kids not you :woman_shrugging:t2:

Well your husband should have kept his mouth shut

At least you have a MIL that cares some don’t.

This if anything is on your husband.

Don’t do that. Just know now don’t tell her. Just say get them whatever you want.

Chezzz I’ll be excited about it. Save my money and time :woozy_face:

Blame your husband. I’m sure when he shared that info, he didn’t say that those were your big special gifts…he should have not said anything to her

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He knew she was going to get them for the kids when he told her. And I know everybody does things differently, but the big gifts are usually bought first to make sure they’re in stock and the kids definitely get them.

I’d be pissed. You choose to let it eat u up or turn it around somehow that the message gets across to her when u get there. Like “now we can go on Vacation!”
Sometimes they help us in weird ways, but level up. Lol Merry Christmas!

She called for ideas, your husband told her, she purchased them. Just stop, don’t let pettiness cause a family riff.

Sounds like it isn’t her fault? Your husband told her the items?

Why did your husband tell her that’s what y’all needed though… she asked and then bought what she was told… :woman_shrugging:t3:

Can I give her my sons list? Damn. What a blessing. Haha

I would be appreciative. Now take your money and take your kids on an adventure. Amusement park, zoo, museum, the beach etc…

Did she know she wasn’t supposed too? I’d be glad since now you can buy other presents or save your money.

Your husband is a total idiot.
Why did he divulge that info to your MIL?!

Just means you get to save money :woman_shrugging:t2:

Buy it and give it to them first. That’s what I would do. She needs to be more respectful

You sound petty

If you want to give them something they will remember more than gifts, use that money you were going to spend and buy stuff for kids without and let you kids donate them.

If you didnt want her to buy them dont tell her what you need still :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: I always tell people different things from what I’m getting so they know I wont have got them those

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