My kids destroy everything they touch: Help!

Karate worked for my son

I think it’s quite simple.
Teach them cause and effect and consequences of their actions.
For example treat your belongings with care and respect and you will always have something because it’s not broken and has been taken care of.
Otherwise, if it gets broken, they just won’t get another one eventually all the toys will get broken and then they will have nothing.
Along with some good old-fashioned discipline, you may get some good results.


You are the parent ,my nephews were the same as youngest now they are out of control.I think he got away with to much,sounds the same as your kids…Kids are smart they know how to push buttons.I am sure they will calm down in time,if you keep them in line.


Discipline. Either conscious discipline or a little thing called punishment. Time out. Make them clean and fix what they destroyed. They need to have responsibility for behavior. Could be ADD/ADHD seek help with Dr.

I always thought a lot of toys are junk and break easy. Most of the toys I bought my children I bought from garage sales and thrift stores and I let my children destroy their own toys. I would buy clothes, sheets, socks, pillows and pillow cases from garage sales for the purpose of my children cutting them up and making other things out of it. Give them things they can destroy and challenge them to put it back together buy dolls from thrift stores and let them paint it, to make Halloween decorations. I think the best thing you can do is redirect their energy to use it more for arts, crafts, sewing, and painting or they might be interested in tinkering. Buy old toys from garage sales and let them break them challenge them to put the toys back together, buy them play dough. Try to encourage creativity. For all you know, you might have little artist, or mechanics on your hand. As far as destroying the house, they need to be corrected for that and their needs to be consequences for that. Redirect them, buy old things cheep from thrift shops that they are allowed to destroy. Buy them old dolls who’s faces they can paint and hair their can cut. Buy a bunch of old socks from a garage sale an give them a scissors and tell them to make Barbie doll clothes with the socks. When they first start it will all just look like a mess, but as long as you allow them to exercise their creativity they will start off with messes but by 15 years old you might have one making their own clothes, altering their own clothes and even making their own sewing patterns. I have 5 children, 3 of them are grown already and I have one in the oven. This is how I raised my children who destroyed everything they touched and let me tell you what they are doing now. My eldest is a painter, who paints houses and is learning his 3rd language, my 4 daughters are all artist, my eldest daughter is actually supporting herself as a artist, I have a daughter who is a seamstress, she can alter and make her own clothes, she’s learning how to make patterns from clothes she already has, she can make anything from anything, she’s a pianist, and a face painter and she recently painted a mural on her wall. I have one who does sculptures and they’ve even done ceramics. I would encourage their creativity, and find acceptable things they can destroy. This will give them a creative outlet so you only have to punish them for destroying the house instead of everything.


Send their butts outside to go play


I know it sounds weird but check their eating habits with their doctor. Believe it or not some foods/ingredients can bring out bad behavior like this.


Maybe it’s something in their diets that’s possibly affecting their brains?? Have they had vaxx??


It’s all in the parenting.

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Have you brought your children to a developmental doctor? Just to rule out possible adhd, add, ex… i truly hope this doesn’t Offend you or anyone else on here. It’s just something you may want to consider. Very common and a lot of kids go undiagnosed. also bedtime. Do your children have a set bedtime? Are they getting enough sleep. My son has a developmental disability and for the life of me I couldn’t give him a bedtime. He would be up all hours of the night, wake up whenever he wanted, and he acted… very out of control. After bringing it up to his doctor he told me 8/8:30 pm bedtime everyday and melatonin before bed. His attitude changed 100%. Kids need routine and they need a lot of sleep. Lack of can really do a lot to attitude


Anger management classes they’re angry about something.

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I can explain t the glass. It looks like a bunch of diamonds when there’s light on it as it breaks. Sounds like they might need more science projects to find out what happens. Don’t worry. I did the same thing as a child. My dad always said if it wasn’t nailed down, if brake it. And he was right.

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They’ve kicked out windows?!?!? Perhaps some OT as it seems like something is going on that they can’t express. Kicking out windows is NOT normal even for hyper kiddos.


It sound liked adhd behavior


Have you seen a doctor about them being ADHD

Literally parenthood summed up in that one sentence “My kids destroy everything they touch”…One day they will move out, just try to stay strong… Buy second hand or bargain stuff until they do :heart:

go to a childs doctor and see what he comes up with ,they all may have adhd which you;ll have to give them , but other than that just buy second hand clothes/toys/ books/ and when the time comes that they r in school/high school/ and they need books that the school won’t provide well,mom dad you will haveto provide those books , how about out of there allowance.your biggest fear right now is how all kids r behaving - so go and get all kids tested for ADHD

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Maybe try turning it around with them fixing things and doin some hard labor, yard work, moving furniture around cleaning and organizing… they sound strong and capable … even if it’s not perfect and clean enough keep them going do it over again once u run out of stuff at your house ask neighbors and friends and family earn some cash


Simple solution go for the prison cell method strip everything back to basics give them absolutely nothing except the bed they sleep in then nothing gets broken also don’t buy any devices until they are trusted strip the wallpaper off the walls then it don’t get ripped off

My 4 yo destroys everything too. They’re kids.

Is it an older home with things already faling apart, like parking wallpaper and weak/old windows? My kids are like this art their dad’s because it’s anyway messed up so they are more likely to mess with it.

My friend is having the same issues. And trying to figure it out to

No sugar, no snacks no sweets, no bha’s , no bht’s. Stop buying them toys !!! They have you and your husband wrapped knowing if they destroy their toy you’ll just go out and buy another. Dah ! How about creating consequences if they are being brats and wrecking your home and their stuff. It’s called being a parent.


No more toys for now. I would definitely see Dr about adhd possibly. They may need more hands on projects to do and do as a family.

Your kids are “rowdy.” Let them break their toys but DO NOT replace them. Make them earn money to buy toys. Just little things they can do but definitely make it real age appropriate work. Hopefully that will teach them the value of a dollar …


Maybe no more new toys until they learn how to take care of them. And stuck to it, stop buying new toys.

I’ve worked in childcare and have had to deal with this type of behaviour before… it usually stems from wanting attention in some way and yes I have children. (4) of my own and usually at any one time will have 12 or 14 children at my place time to time with friends/family. Discipline focuses on the Bad behaviour and positive reinforcement focuses on the good behaviour (when you see they’re playing nicely and calm not destroying) address it with positive words like: “oh love it when you play nice, it makes me happy when you play nicely or you’re very clever at building a tower, what else can you/we build”

Do you feel like they’re doing it for attention?

If them playing happily and calm isn’t getting your attention but being destructive is… they’ll take that as oh so this is how I get seen… yes it’s hard to give your full attention all hours of the day everyday and to each child but even a few minutes of focused attention may help resolve some of the destructive behaviour.

Do you sit with the younger ones when they are playing?

Modelled behaviour in turn teaches them how to and how not to behave… no new toys once toys are broken.

Sit with them when they play and role model the “correct” way to play with the toy. If telling them No don’t play like that doesn’t work…. This is how we play with this toy.
When you notice them becoming more rowdy have two sensory type plays ready and give them a choice of which one they would like to play with and for how long and explain when you are ready to play nicely again then you can go back to playing with what it was before but we first have to pick up what was broken.

Along these lines…

I recommend you try looking into a course called “circle of security” it has strategies on how to deal with big emotions.

If you feel it’s more related to something that needs to be diagnosed such as ADD/ ADHD/ ODD (oppositional defiance disorder), autism then I’d suggest seeing a developmental peadatrician.

For the older child maybe more hands on cause and effect type games or science experiments

Are you able to put them into or do they already do a sport? More so a team sport?
Burning the energy they have and having a focus on something may also help

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Why does everyone blame ADHD? My son has that and didn’t go round destroying my house, he would of got his butt kicked and he knew it. There has to be something you can do to stop them, give them jobs to do around the house if they do a good job reward them, if they do something bad take something away. They will learn eventually. It must be heart breaking for you guys. I hope you find an answer, good luck.

Sounds like me with my 9yo, he has ADHD.