My husband has paid bills for 3 months and won't stop throwing it in my face: Advice?

I am a little perturbed , what do you need him for, from what I read you are better off on your own with a " sex toy"

After 8 years y’all still doing that crap…Y’all Petty​:woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

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What’s to throw in your face? He decided to be a father/husband for 3 months and thinks he’s special? Divorce him and get child support/alimony and then let him brag. :roll_eyes:


I would remind him he is suppose to be the man of the house and it might be nice if he acted like it rather than a whiny bitch who thinks he deserves an award for taking care of his responsibilities

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Try telling him to STFU. If that doesn’t work, then split the expenses but also split every household chore including raising children in half and share in all the responsibilities. Fair enough.

He’s selfish. He doesn’t see what you’ve done for him and he’s not supportive. This isn’t a “mistake” he’s made, it’s a character problem.

It’s the same as when you make sacrifices for your kids all the time they’re growing up, but they do something for you and have to impress on you how they put themselves out.

Pays it like PAYS it, or does he just spend a few minutes a month clicking buttons. Regardless. My husband always does all the bills except my credit cards. He pays them and pays for them. He’s never once bitched about it in 7 years. I’d tell him to make his own dinner if he did.

Honey it doesn’t get any better. I’ve dealt with it for 21 years

Well… If u want to keep hearing it… Then stay . if your tired of hearing it…then leave !! Decisions are not that hard to make !!


That’s NOT a husband he’s a man child.

Tell him to stop whining & get over it

Kick him out it sounds to me like you really don’t need to raising another child


Time for him to go!!

Sounds like an ungrateful loser

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Ashley Minter, Some good comments here!

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork. He sounds like an entitled little bitch.

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Needs a kick up the meat and two veg

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Wait…wtf??? Nooooooooooooo

Why are you with this idiot

Have a conversation with him

Tell him to piss off cheeky pig

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I would send him packing for being a selfish asshole.

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It’s not just that he brings it up… it’s that he doesn’t have any respect for you as a person or your role and importance in your family. He doesn’t feel he should have to be a husband/father because he pays bills?? You deserve better!! Know your worth… move on :heart:

If you’ve been together 8 years and he’s not helping with anything other than bills (for the first time)… I think you already know the answer. That’s not a man, that’s another child for you to take care of.


Ask him does he want a medal, because if so, you’re owed 8 years worth. :roll_eyes:


I don’t necessarily think it’s time to go I think a conversation is necessary to see where you both stand on bills. If you’re in a married relationship why not try and make it work? Unless there’s another factor playing into the equation


Ask yourself what your prepared to live with. My husband is similar and despite trying things haven’t improved. Tell him your feelings and ask him straight if he’s prepared to work on this. Finances are a tricky topic that many people fight about you need to find a middle ground.

Did you marry a child? His maturity is lacking, he probably feels like he shouldn’t have to pay anything, basically his head is up his arse and sounds self entitled, you would be better off without him

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He sounds useless no help to you really. Move on gf


Sounds like a man child to me, needing validation for doing something rather than just getting on with it :roll_eyes:

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Tell him how it makes you feel and see why he’s feeling resentful. Everything is a negotiation and compromise. Definately not time to destroy a family without every effort. Marriage is work sister!

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I think you can do better all by yourself. He is a sissy that should be living by himself


Honestly if he is a real man and he it has a family and he has kids and a wife or a you know he needs to man up be a man first thing be a man and you have a family you’re supporting your family not just yourself and the fact that he pays all the bills that’s his job anyway you know what I mean he he wanted a family he wanted a wife I mean he’s lucky he has somebody to cook for him clean do his laundry if you ask me that’s doing something that’s working and as far as paying bills if a man really loves you he would not complain about supporting you in your own kids

Neither. Don’t let it slide, but from the outside looking in, to just decide to go? That sounds like you are already looking for a reason to go. Have a formal/ level headed conversation if possible, if nothing changes and you are unhappy, then you must keep in mind that you are in control of your own happiness.


Everyone is so quick to divorce. This is not a divorceable offense. Its typical man behavior. Honestly he might be proud of himself for paying bills. But it depends on the context and tone of when he’s talking about the bills he paid. Just remind him how much money in bills you’ve paid and put him in his place. I dont know if he’s joking around about paying the 3 months or if he’s being rude and condescending about it. Ive also been married for 8 years, and this is Definitely something you can talk abou and resolve with some basic communication.


Wow…reminds me of my ex… Time to walk … I walked 9 years ago and so glad I did


Seriously??? Time to go??? For real???
Me need to hear that they are doing a good job constantly.
They aren’t taught to give encouragement- that’s where you start.
Let him know that you understand you want to be acknowledged for the effort you do when you sit down to pay the bills. Did you ever consider that I would like the same acknowledgment for :
Cooking meal
Cleaning OUR home
Doing OUR laundry.
This stems from look ask of actual communication, which is different than a complaint or whining about what hasn’t been done….
When you start a discussion with your husband do not start it out with “ you never …”
Start with when this happened I feel ……or I feel when you do or say…. It makes me feel……
Just because someone needs to be acknowledged in a relationship is no reason to quit .

He should help you more and stop complaining.
A marriage works both ways.

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Tell him since he did such a good job paying the bills he can try the cooking and cleaning and deal with the kids daily . I bet he’ll change his tune then.

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Don’t buy any food for him, label everything with names and when he says he has nothing, tell him that’s cos he’s paid for nothing

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NOT time to Go !! Or is it Time to Slide!! …take that for what its worth !! Been there I’m Gone!!

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Did you ask what he did with his money for the 6 years you paid for everything? He sounds as if he resents having to spend his money. Ask yourself Is he generous or mean with money? Does he have savings because you were paying everything or has it allowed him to squander money? Font walk away as this needs talking through. If you cant sirt it out then I think you need to lookat what you want from your future. Good luck chic x

Let him pay the bills and use your money for help in house. Or leave and support yourself as you did for 6 years

Time to go? Seems there’s a huge chunk missing in this story.

Maybe you should throw the husband away. Marriage is a union. Everything should be shared.

Give him a gold star or tell him his blue Peter badge is on the way in the post :rofl::skull_and_crossbones::skull:


When someone shows you who they really are please believe them. I think you know what you need to do. Sending you Blessings🙏🏾

Thats not a man thats a child who needs to grow up and you need to throw in his face whos been paying the bills for the last 6 years remind him you could do with a bit of it paid back before you throw him out

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He would get told ‘ to the left to the left’ everything you own in a box to the left :woman_shrugging:t3:

If you have not sat down and talked about it then stop complaining this is not the place to have a talk with your husband. Fix it or move on.

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Give him a round of applause everytime he mentions it :unamused:


sounds like its time to go lol


Its been time to go!!!


When I was married I took care of the outside and she took care of the inside of course some relationships are different

Make him a gold star and stick it on his chest

Red flags!!! leave him sis x

Go !! You already know you can do it on your own :muscle::heart:

Id tell him to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!!

Sounds like you can do it alone without a headache.

That would get me mad. I would leave hes obviously childish :roll_eyes:

Stop. Stop doing all for him that you do and he’ll see where your value lies! Men are absolutely ridiculous sometimes and can’t actually have the thought process to be appreciative of the invisible things. I am sat on the sofa when my partner leaves and sat on the sofa when he returns, he’s learnt it isn’t worth even asking me what I’ve done in between anymore or if the amount I’ve done he doesn’t approve of because of the huge rows it’s caused. He was very very surprised to learn I may have actually done a lot in the time he was there, and just because I’m sat back in the spot I was when he left doesn’t mean I was there the whole time. Moral of the story is don’t let it slide, he doesn’t let it slide when he feels he’s done good. So don’t let the fact you take care of the kids, house, shopping, cleaning!!! You are a million employees in one and deserve to be treated with the value you are not what he seems to think you are! Remind him how valuable you are by not doing his share of the kids, the cleaning, cooking, shopping etc! Ensure everything is split 50/50 if he wants to split hairs

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No put him in the bin. Or marry me? :woman_shrugging::joy:

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He’s had a result , wish there was more like ya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Who asks these questions , leaving this group right now. Scams

You don’t have a husband you have another child.

You should let your “husband” go! You dont have a husband but a man child. Wth he thinks hes supposed to do? He is supposed to be the provider, protector etc. I understand it takes two most now financially but you have been carrying the family this whole time! Dont let nothing go except him if he cant be the man of the house!

Tell him at least 7 years and 9 months to go…. Keep up the good work and help out around the house and help raise your kids.

It also may be time to cook and clean for you and the kids only.

Leave your husband then simple, either do something about it or don’t

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Tell him to pull his head out of his arse, and if he wants to be a twat he knows where the door is!

Sounds to me like You were taking care of him for 6 years. He’s selfish and not grown that’s a responsibility of his. Honestly speaking u need to leave him alone because it’s going to get worse. You allowed his ass for too long.

No… it’s not time to go, but now is the time to sit his “behind” down and give him the 411! This clown is probably feeling all the pressure that you dealt with while providing for the family. He’s just not used to it! That’s partially your fault because you haven’t required him to be or do better. Don’t get me wrong, it’s his fault too because he should have stepped up to the plate without you having to ask. If you love him and the feelings are mutual, then you need to put this selfish bast*rd in check. If he doesn’t get it…then after careful consideration and preparation you move on.

Pack his bags and kick him out


While he’s paying bills, send him your maid and childcare invoice :fu:

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He sounds very immature. I would tell him, pay them for the next eight years, like I did then talk to me. TELL him to chill because he could be paying child support for 18 years…Sorry but you got a idiot on your hands. Good luck.

I was married to a leach for 20 years. Her money was hers and I paid fo everything except food and her clothing. After she started screwing around and it became all my fault when I left.

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Talking to my bf right now waiting to get on the ferry in galveston… he paid majority of the bills… God forbid he ever throw that in my face. I’ll just stop cooking and washing his damn poop stained underwear … but he says he would never throw it in my face. I work by the way and take care of our son majority of the time. He pays bills, I pay entertainment… he gets VA benefits anyways. Just have a convo with him that you definitely don’t appreciate it and you don’t throw it in his face when you cook or clean for him.

Dont seem to have real men no more iv always paid the bills for over 45 yrs …i wont evan let a guy buy me a drink …

Maybe you need to let him see what it would cost to pay someone to do what you do.


I have been married 41 years and for the most part it was me that paid everything. I never said why don’t you contribute more it’s what a relationship is about for better or for worse.

Let him go lol. You’ve been doing it for 6 years. Smh

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband has paid bills for 3 months and won't stop throwing it in my face: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

Sounds like you need a new husband

Seems like your with a child

Go he’s ungrateful shit

Wow, what a wanker.

U can’t make chicken salad out of chickenshit

Ffs sounds lyk him indoors​:woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::flushed::roll_eyes::grimacing:

Get rid !!! & fast .

Kick him to the kerb.:rage:

Time to go. Hes a loser.

Ask him if he wants a trophy


Get yourself a new man :woman_shrugging:t3:


Tell his ass get on out


Make a graff something that can be in print… That can be viewed from a glance…

These kind of scenarios always confuse me. My husband and I have a joint account both our paychecks go into the account and any money given for birthdays, christmas etc. All our bills, fun and savings come out of this account as well. There is no this is mine and this is yours. Its ours. It became ours the day we married. We are a team and tackle everything together from our daughter, to bills, to household duties. I would sit down and discuss it with him first. You need to get to the route of why this is such an issue. I mean if you find yourself in a situation of defense, I would question as to why he is so defensive. If you cant trust your spouse with your money then why be with them :woman_shrugging:. If I couldnt trust my husband with my money why would I trust him with my life or my children. Makes no sense to me.


Therapy. Then if it persists, boy bye!

Men are strange creatures… he may not do it to throw it on your face but do it becasie he is proud to be taking care of his family ? If not then he is scum lol

If you’re married you both are paying them. You’re a team. Tell him to kick rocks.

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If you kick him out he’ll have to pay all his bills on his own. Tell him if he doesn’t like it he has options.

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