My fiance has blocked me and I am not sure what I did wrong: What should I do?

Do you really wanna have to deal with that abusive shit every day for the rest of your life ?? leave him before you’s commit to marriage…

Quit contacting him.
Its obviously over & hes not man enough to tell you. I had this done to me at 18 years old and he finally had his uncle tell me. He was cheating on me, the whole.time.


Girl that is toxic and childish AF. Girl you got all the red flags. You shouldn’t need anyone to tell you what you already know. That man is done. Idk who or what got their claws in him but you ain’t it anymore. If he truly loved you and cared he would NEVER put you through that. I get being distant or needing alone time. Me and my husband are high school sweethearts. We’ve had our share of this but never that bad or to that extent. Especially if we were together. Please sweetie. Do yourself a favor and walk away. If you let him degrade you and embarrass you to this extent it will never end. A “sorry” is not going to fix this treatment.


Girl bye… He’s already a headache… Single life :beach_umbrella::beach_umbrella:


Full of red flags. Get out now. Call the engagement off.


What is wrong with you are you dumb, is tbT how you want to be treated forever?


Run, don’t walk away from this so called man. A real man would never treat the woman he loves like this!

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This might not be what you want to hear , but that sounds a start of a toxic relationship.
Might hurt but it’s time to let ends loose with him.
He is showing true colors now. So leave before it gets harder.

How is he going to shut down so fast and you guys are barely engaged.

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When someone shows you who they are…believe them! People don’t change.

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I was with a guy just like that I left his ass I was with him for almost two years left him in May you deserve so much better than him

My partner did this to me, bought an engagement ring then started acting weird. but when I’d confront him saying I was worried about him, he would tell me “everything is perfect” found out about a month later he was cheating


Time to end your relationship with him. He only wants you there when he wants to speak to you. If my fiance treated me like this I would show him the door very quick


Girl it sounds like he is over it! I’d end it before it gets worse.

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You have a chance to go while you’re not married. Take it. If this is how he is going to act before y’all get married, what would it be like after yall get married? Why would you want to marry someone like that? Time to move on and be grateful you saw this side of him of him now and not later. You deserve better.


I’m assuming this must be a long distance relationship of some sort. No one wants to feel ghosted. It’s terrible to do to someone so value yourself enough to not accept it. If a man gets away with ghosting once, he will learn that you accept this behaviour. Give space and live your life.

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Looks like he’s done with the relationship. So I would move on


I had a guy do this to me after a couple months of dating or as he put it “talking”, and us both saying we caught feelings, except we werent engaged and I got pregnant. If I could go back I wouldn’t pursued the closure. It wasn’t worth it. The gaslighting is toxic and that’s what your guys is doing. Your answer is clear and Its not worth it and he will twist your grief into you looking like you’re crazy. You deserve better.

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Walkaway while you still can.


Would you want to live the rest of your life like this??… move on!


Thats beyond childish! Time to say bye.


Let him go. He is immature and rude.


Kick him 2 the curb !!!


Let him go now, it is/will be much easier now than when you get married. Be thankful all of this happened before you got married rather than after, it saves you more heartache and money!! He sounds very childish!


Uh… Sounds like he told you how he feels. He said he would talk when he’s ready. Also seems like maybe you could be starting drama and he’s not happy about it and needs time to sort out how he feels, you pressuring him won’t help.

Pffff. What a lame page - hunting for responses😂


Being able to openly communicate, express feelings good and bad imo is a huge key to a successful relationship. Making you feel how you do now and to this extent is not a good sign :confused: Best of luck and keep your head up!


Say Thank you Jesus and move on. Run actually…


Oh girl there is so many red flags here that remind me of my mega narcissistic ex… Run! As far and as fast as you can. It will be hard for a minute but remember the problem is him, not you. You can not and will not ever change him. Nor will he ever change himself. There’s a good man out there for you and he’s not the one. Get out while you can.


Actions are speaking louder than ever now. I just think to let him go. Find yourself


Hold ur gead up high an walk away…
Its better to end it now before u get married an have kids an ends up having a divorce…

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He’s got EXACTLY the relationship he wants.

One where he has trapped his partner with grand romanticism and carries on as if single.

Is that what YOU want? I would think ths answer is no and you should definitely LET YOURSELF GO.

YOU ARE WORTH MORE. :kissing_heart:


Say bye. There is other men out there that would appreciate u.

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Blocked you!!! Wtf!!!

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He sounds immature af and you need to get rid of him. Asap


Uhh. Sounds like he is speaking. You’re just not picking up on it. Girl he needs to go.

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Don’t waste any more time with this specimen…there is better out there.


I would say it is time to speak your peace. Know and accept he won’t give you closure, and just move on. Tell him it is over and start working on moving on with your healing.

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Sometimes we don’t get closure🤷
Consider yourself lucky and move on💛 best wishes


Stuff thatttt ! Seems like ur dodging a bullet

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Sounds like a blessing in disguise he’s showing his true colors before you were married you need to drop him like a bad habit


Let him go. My ex did crap like that to me. He was either cheating or wanted a relationship on his terms. No man is worth that kind of anguish. I can guarantee you you’ll find someone better. Run now before you end up stuck and hurting even more.


Run, don’t walk! Sounds like he doesn’t have the cojones to say it’s over.

Are y’all 12?! Who’s fiancé blocks them… who gets engaged to a person they aren’t serious enough to live with?!

Sounds like u need to get rid of him why u can


I would move on. Life is too hard without dealing with that sort of poo.


There’s someone else walk away.

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He is so not worth you.
Move on for yourself, you deserve sp much better

Or commitment issues

Maybe he met someone else or maybe everything is perfect like he said and it is scaring him

This isn’t a man. This is a Peter Pan that refuses to grow up. This isn’t a healthy way to resolve conflict on his end. End it. His loss. Not yours.

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How nice of him to let you know when you are worthy to be spoken to!! Kick him to the curb!! Never let anyone treat you like that …say goodbye!!!


He is cheating… say good bye.

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Nah, f that. Do you want to play these kind of games for the rest of your life? Because I promise you that you will. He’s showing you his true colours now, hon. RUN!!!


“Thanks for your time! Have a wonderful and blessed life.”

Move on. He’s probably got a whole family someplace else… ( I wouldn’t normally say things like this but that’s how these catty ho€s are)


You got ghosted, girl. Take the L and move on while it’s only 6 months and not 6 years and a marriage.


If he’s treating you like this now do you really want to get married to someone like that. To the curb. You deserve better.


Engaged 12 years but only dating 6 months ? I’m confused by that

There is only one word adios , it may hurt but you don’t need to put up with this abuse. There is red flag showing up that this relationship is over and it’s an abusive relationship if he really loved you and care about you he wouldn’t be treating you like this he don’t have no respect for you. That’s not love and you don’t need someone to treat you like that don’t allow yourself to fall victim to the abuse Wake up. Walk away before it too late kick him to the curb. Remember to value yourself and respect yourself you are a human being and you don’t deserve to be ignored or abuse.

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Kick his ass to the curb

Sorry but he’s cheating and is too coward to come out and tell you. Stop with the calls and texts. Let him think it’s not affecting you anymore.

How they treat you is how they feel about you. Don’t force yourself on anyone. Let that shit go.

He blocked you there’s your answer MOVE OM


Ditch him immediately
You did nothing wrong
He’s a creep

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Let him go. Not only are there red flags but his treatment of you will get worse.

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Thank God you didn’t Marry Him…he’s given you the only response that you need…Move on Girl and don’t look back…you’ve been blessed more that you’ll ever know.


Maybe there has been two of you in his life and he has chosen the other one,I would run if I was you,hes playing games with you I think a nassasist s actions!

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He has to be cheating why else would he block you and not answer your calls or texts move on it only gets worse

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Narcissist. Count your blessings and RUN on!


He blocked you?
No thats wrong its not love thats horrible behavior
Block him back and move on


I don’t think you’re engaged anymore

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hes a gonner. let him go u deserve better

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Sounds to me he wants out.Let him go or you will always wish you did.

I think he’s told you how he feels…you just aren’t listening! Let him go and move on.


Sounds like he doesn’t want nothing to do with you at all anymore for some reason or other it’s going to hurt I wouldn’t Chase his ass you get back up on your pedestal and stand there till someone comes along who deserves you

Chuck him in the fuk-it bucket.


Hey dear, tell him you are mailing him his ring if he gave you one. If you can’t . Do so and move on. You deserve better. He is not doing you a favour. If he a grown as* man can’t express himself then that’s on him. Move onnnnn, please. If you convince him to marry you somehow, you will see worst of this attitude

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There is nothing left to be said evidently. His ignorance says everything.

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tell himto f off and find some one eles

Distant, cold conversation, blocked. I think you have your answers sweety. You do NOT need that kind of person in your life. It’s time to move forward, let this go, and do what is best for YOU and YOUR well being.


Youre being catfished. Become familiar with the term. Sounds like he is leading a double life. And yes its painful. Hugs to you.

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Oh HELL NO! I had a fiance do this EXACT SAME ISH to me and he had not 1 but 5 other women on the side and had impregnated several of them and was using me for money and then when i confronted him with proof he still tried to make it my fault and had all the excuses in the book to make me think it was my fault. Tell him if he cant speak to you about the issue like an adult then you cant marry him and start dating again. You deserve better

Let him go you deserve better

Sounds to me like he built up some unrealistic expectations during the 12 years you’ve known each other and now that he has you, things aren’t what he thought they would be. Nothing against you, just not what he imagined. Or he’s not ready to get married and jumped the gun due to infatuation and not deep love. I would back off. He clearly is.

Something like this happened to a friend of mine… Come to find out he had a wife and kids at home. And was living a double life :broken_heart:

By by buddy better fish in the sea.

Throw the whole BOY in the trash :wastebasket:cause that’s not a MAN!!
HE needs to Grow a pair!!:woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

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You seem very desperate. Sorry but I don’t think he’s interested and he just doesn’t want to say it. But he’s definitely showing you.

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Cut bait, and run. Never look back


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Sounds like he ghosted you. RUUUUUN


All the signs are there…you have to be strong and walk away this man means you no good…dont force nothing that wasn’t ment for you…move on with your life its not gonna be easy so just put your self abd happiness first

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You need to move on he has and haven’t told you. Been there 33years ago with my ex at the time moved on after he started seeing his ex on the side I found out and moved on, met my husband now married 32 years

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You gotta let go sis… For your mental health


Let him go and move on !

Umm. Leave him. Take your dignity and go.

Block him and run! Move on! Get counseling if you need to.

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He gone love. Move on :heart: you deserve better


At this point I would not take him back. This is unbelievably childish and hurtful behavior and completely unacceptable. An adult would have a conversation with you. How do you know he wouldn’t pull this garbage again? Take this as a sign and be thankful you found out now.