My daughter wants a puppy but is allergic...advice?

My daughter has dog allergies, advised by her doctor we tried play dates with 2 different Malteses, she never had any reaction which we then went ahead and saw 3 puppies to hopefully buy 1. After 30mins of exposure she had a running nose and sneezing, which was heart broken.Has anyone had a similar situation? I don’t know what to do as she really wants a puppy, but I don’t want to put her health at risk or have to rehome the puppy.Is there any solution to this? Or should I just explain that she can’t have one


There are many hypoallergenic dogs, also try air humidifiers. :blush:

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Bichons and poodle mixes don’t bother my allergies or asthma. But I can honestly say that our Cavachon puppy shed like crazy until we had his puppy coat groomed at 5 months and I was stuffy quite a bit. He’s 7 mo now and no longer shedding but I have to be careful when my pups go outside and bring in the pollen and grasses. Try exposing her to an adult poodle mix dog and see how she does. Any other outside allergies? Asthma history? I’d be very cautious.

Do you want her on allergy medicine, does she? What class is her allergy at for dogs? Talk to her doctor about the different types of allergy meds should you decide.
Another option is fostering dogs. Only IF, you all have the capacity to be in a foster situation knowing the dog is staying with you to find a home, but also helping to keep a pup out of a kennel, preventing sickness and helping out a shelter or rescue. That way it could be a more temporary situation and a majority of the costs are covered by the rescue.

maybe volunteer around dogs? there’s walking services, where you can walk other peoples dogs when they need.

it’s not fair to get a puppy & have them love you then rehome when they won’t understand. animals shelters are over full. just don’t do it if you’re not into it for the full life of the dog.


Have you tried like poodles and dogs with curly hair instead of fur somebody I know is allergic to dogs but has 2 dogs with like wool hair not fur and is ok

Dont do it !!! Then youll have to re home him! And so sad for animals to be given up! And itll just break your daughters heart


I’m in this situation with my daughter . Did the drs talk to you about how to Medicate your child before exposure? With my daughter it’s an allergy pill before exposure most of the time she won’t have a reaction but if she does than it’s Benadryl and if a rash a simple cream

I’ve heard poodles and labradoodles fur is better for people with allergies as it’s different than a lot of other fur but it might just be the case of letting her be around different breeds and which she won’t be affected by x

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Poodles, Bernedoodles, Bichon Frise are breeds to try. I’m allergic and I’m OK with the first two. Maybe try a different animal like birds or hamsters. They make mechanical dogs that could be fun, and no food, vet bills, accidents or need to be walked!

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Ok so might sound wired but how old where the Maltese’s?. Reason I’m asking is I have a child who is highly allergic to kittens & Puppys but is fine around Dogs. Now he still gets stuffed over cats. But we have both. Allergies change every 7 years. So not sure how old she is but you could wait to try again when she is 7 if she is under 7.

Try different breeds. I’ve had dogs all my life (German Shepherd, Dalmatians, Great Dane, Chweeenie) and never had any issues. We have two dogs now, a mixed breed (Poodle, Corgi, Spaniel Mix) and a Pittie. Our little dog doesn’t bother me at all. Our Pittie though, I’m allergic to. Anytime his paws, skin/fur or saliva touch me, I break out in a horrible red, itchy rash. It’s not his fault, so I just deal with it.

Sometimes the allergies are to the oils in their skin or the pet dander. There are breeds that are considered hypoallergenic.

It depends on how badly she wants a dog and how severe her allergies are. As a child her immune system is still building and she can still grow out of the allergy. If she wants to ever have a dog as an adult it is best to get one now while she is little. I use to be severely allergic to rabbits but after having raised some as a teenager for about 2 years I now only have a mild reaction to them.

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I would not do it. There are low shed dogs, but there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Some people are allergic to dander and others to their saliva. Also, a 30 minute visit is way less exposure than being in your house 24/7 for 15 years. I would explain that it isn’t an option.


Nope!!! My mom let me have a dog as a kid even I was allergic. I ended up with asthma

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If you can find someone who had a yorkie see if they will let her be around it for a bit
Some people who are allergic can be around them and they are darling little dogs.

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There are many breeds that claim to be hypoallergenic. Research them and see if you’re able to spend some time with that particular breed. You can typically arrange “play dates” at animal shelters, you could explain your situation. Other places like pet shops might help accommodate you too

I wouldn’t risk having to rehome if it doesn’t work out. Explain to her why getting one isn’t really an option. I know it’s hard to disappoint our kids but it’s ok. It’s a very necessary part of life, actually.


Poodles are best bet for allergies non shedding short curly hair. They need to be groomed so include expense every 6 to 8 wks.

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Poodle is probably your best bet.

Do research on the dog, and really think about the pros and cons! But my college roommate had a cat (his cat) and he was allergic, he just took an allergy pill every morning…

I wouldn’t do it. I’d maybe try something smaller like a hamster, rabbit, gerbil, guinea pig etc. You sometimes have to disappoint our kids when it can jeopardize their health and well being.

I personally wouldn’t, but if you do lock off areas of the house where the child is to keep the dog out, you’re going to have to constantly be vacuuming, and constantly grooming the dog.

Maybe a schnauzer. My mom Is allergic to most dogs but we have had 4 in my life so far and she’s never had a reaction to any of them.

Look into hypoallergenic dogs! I am highly allergic to pet dander but my keyshond mini aussi cross doesn’t but my allergies at all!

My cousin would get regular allergy shots from her doctor so she could keep her dog. She already had got the dog before she found out she was allergic.


My grandma was allergic to most dogs and we were allowed to have a poodle in the house and she had no allergic reactions too

Don’t get one. Shelters are full of UNWANTED dogs due to “allergies” keep doing doggy play dates, or suggest a fish.

Teddy Bears shizu bichons my grandbabies and son in law have allergies but there dog doesnt give a reaction.

Maybe a a Bichon Frize not sure if I spelt it right

Poodles, bernadoodles are great options to try to see if she will react

Miniature schnauzer are hypoallergenic they have more human like hair. And great family pets

Labor doodles are hypoallergenic!

Ours is a morkie (Maltese/Yorkie) he is hypoallergenic. I’m allergic to dogs and he doesn’t bother me at all.

I was very allergic to dogs and cats as a child. To the point I’d end up in the hospital. My parents got a dog anyways. Within a short amount of time (a few weeks) I no longer had issues. My body grew immunity to it. I took daily allergy medication and they kept the dog out of my room. No major issues after that. Now we have 3 dogs and 2 cats, I occasionally need allergy meds but that’s it!!!

My son & i are both asthmatic & lit up like a Christmas tree for dogs & cats on the allergy skin test. We both take a daily allergy medication & get weekly shots (we’re allergic to a bunch of other stuff too, grass, mold etc.) Dr said as long as our dogs stay out of his room he’d be fine.

Try a havanes they are hypoallergenic

Doxies are a good breed they’re low pet dander and hypoallergenic