My 15-year-old got upset we do not have money for his allowance: Advice?

Send him back!! :woman_facepalming: Sike!!! He’s 15. He needs a job!

When I was a kid, any child support money my mom received (which wasn’t much at all) went to help with bills. Which I very much needed to be kept alive. I didn’t receive an allowance from my mom or my dad, but anything extra I needed (hygiene products) were taken care of. I wasn’t charged gas to go anywhere? I also was given money now and then to do things with my friends. Maybe you should stop with allowance all together if you’re not treating all of your kids fairly.

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Ypu should be getting money from the state to pay for him…

Gas??? Are you serious? My parents drove me all over creation for sports and friends and NEVER asked for gas money. That’s a bit crazy imho


I think she pointed out that he wasn’t their biological child to explain the situation, where the money came from, and why he’s upset. We don’t really know that he’s treated differently than her kids. I don’t agree with charging him for gas to go to friend’s houses but maybe she charges her kids out of their allowance for gas to go to their friend’s houses too. We don’t know the full situation. I agree with the comment above that you shouldn’t pay allowance for normal everyday chores. Pay for chores that you may have to pay others to do. If he was 5, paying him for small chores such as picking up his room would be understandable but he’s 15. I think I got an allowance for maybe 4 months the entire time I was growing up. We had a farm, my dad had a full time job and a HVAC business on the side, and my mom worked extremely long hours. I did all the farm work except large projects like putting up fencing (those were weekend projects) by myself. My allowance was living there, clothes when I needed them, occasionally going to friend’s houses but it couldn’t interfere with farm work so that didn’t happen often, and the extra curricular activities I wanted to do which was 4-H, FFA, Orchestra, and Choir. Honestly it’s $80 a month and if it’s causing this much of a problem in your house, give him the money and allow him to spend it on clothes he needs or whatever it would normally be spent on. If he goes out and blows it, that’s his fault. Cover for him the first time it happens and, after that, he’s on his own for hygiene products, PlayStation, whatever. That will teach him some responsibility and you aren’t the bad guy spending “his money” without him seeing where it goes. Peace in your house is worth more than that $80 a month.

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Shoot when I was growing up my only allowance was allowed to live there lol and I had to clean up the whole house to be able to go out with my friends til I was 13 til I moved out at 17 just a few months before I turned 18 then my mama and the monster she was married to split so she moved In with me then I got pregnant she worked to financially care for us I took care of the house cleaning and cooking along with taking care of my child and now I’m still cleaning and cooking along with taking physical care of my mama now that she can now longer care for herself


Wait you pay your biological children but not pay him cause you thi k the child support should be what covers his cost.


My honest opinion is it’s absolutely disgusting you treat him different than your “real children”. You give any one of those kids allowance, you give them all allowance. When you agreed to take him at 18 months he became your child. Who cares how little Child support you get? YOU chose to take him as your child. Act like a freaking parent and stop treating him like an outcast. Sickening


That’s crazy. When I was his age, the only allowance I got, was being allowed to live with them. Sounds very entitled. Sounds like he needs a reality check! Go put him to work. If he wants an allowance THAT bad, maybe he should get a part time job.

I never got an allowance nor do my kids get one. They need to do chores because I said so! Lol :laughing:
Of course I buy them everything they need they’re my children and I chose to have them I will take care of all their needs. But they shouldn’t think I’m order to help you out around the house they need something in return…

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That’s crazy. When I was his age, the only allowance I got, was being allowed to live with them. Sounds very entitled. Sounds like he needs a reality check! Go put him to work. If he wants an allowance THAT bad, maybe he should get a part time job.

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First and for most I don’t think charging gas should come out of the money…or hygiene products…he’s a teenager and needs that stuff…he also needs friends for interation. But I guess that’s your rules which I’m sure many of us find ridiculous…if you didn’t want him to love and treat as your own a simple no would have worked!!! I do know that what your doing is by far not fair. He would get more money from the state if they had him or even a foster care situation. This is so unfair to this teenager. :confused:

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Sounds like to me he has food, water and all his necessities. Free. Hush and be grateful. Give him his child support and stop doing for him and see how long the money lasts or he’s bored because he can’t go anywhere. He can pay for each ride to and from. Like Uber. Tough love! The world owes you nothing, you owe the world!

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Cut the playstation and offer him that as allowance…


So do you make your other children pay for their hygiene products& pay for gas and with him being 15 it should be the one in control of his child support. Maybe he’s acting this way because he sees as his older different you treat him compared to your other children


Cancel his subscriptions and don’t buy his deodorant… and then give him his 15.
He’ll realize real quick the priorities that he should have.


If you’ve had him since he was 18 months old how is he not as loved as the biological kids? To pay “your” children allowance and he gets nothing is not right. You are treating him as inferior to the other kids in the house . Just because he has a place to live and food, I hope you feed him the same as the other kids, doesn’t mean anything. You are making him feel like he’s a burden rather than a member of a family. That’s abuse


He is only 15 and your making him pay his way to live on your home and you should love him just as your own and let him be free to make his own decisions and you be a parent instead of treating him like a dam room mate I feel sorry for the kid not you


The fact you even said he doesn’t belong to us…
says enough


Sounds like he is the only source of income at the moment, are your other children contributing $80 a month for hygiene and gas etc.? That is literally his money and when he turns 18, if he continues thru college, and/or the parent paying also owes arrears that will be paid.after he turns 18, then the childsupport LEGALLY goes to him. It would literally be illegal to keep it from him!! You have issues and if you can’t treat him as your own then find someone that can


Lord the reading comprehension skills on this post are lacking.

Tell him to get a job and still require home to do his Dailey chores! My 16 year old decided to go to work at McDonalds at the young age of 14. He now has a management in training position and is still attending school as a Junior in High School! He is The Manager of the Choral Dept. He is the Manager of the Baseball team and also leads his youth group at church! He sings on the platform and still has home duties! Needless to say he’ll be 17 in June and is the 2nd to the youngest of a Well Blended family! He just started complaining to that he wants to live a child’s life now! I didn’t ask him to get a job at such a young age. His dad passed away when he was 20 months old. The only dad he knew was my 13 year olds dad who left with his kids numerous times. So he decided to Step Up and help me with purchasing household supplies, his own clothing and paying for his own braces. Needless to say you can remind him that any State only requires us as parents to give them a blanket and a floor to sleep on and make sure that they eat at school and home! Good Luck. Parenting is the Hardest job we’ll ever have to endure!

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That’s a bit to work through. I’m not going to bash you on how you spend child support…because in all honesty it does make sense.

So for starts on the child labor thing: he lives in the house. He makes messes in the house the same as everyone else. He uses the house the same as everyone else. He’s just as responsible for making sure that it’s clean and habitable as all the other kids. No judge, DFS worker, or police officer will call that child labor. None.

Next. That child support is to support the child. It should go to the child’s needs first. Not their wants. Not their whims.
That’s why the cards go to the adults and not the children. You’re allowed to decide where that child support is best used to support the child.
With as gas as high as it is…if you’re doing extra running for fun activities for him? Then use it. If he has preferred hygiene products that aren’t “cheap” use it. And the PlayStation subscription is a want.

And I get it. Running 3 kids can get expensive. Buying different types of hygiene products can get expensive… especially for 5 people. Especially if you all need something different.

But as others have brought up, you need to try to make sure you’re treating him as evenly as you are the other two. If the other two were upset about this and reacting how he is…what would you do?
That’s your answer.

If it was me…I’d try to find out what they want the allowance for. If it was something really important to them that couldn’t I would try to make it work.
If not…I would explain.
He’s old enough… Show him your check register. Show him how much everything costs and why you can’t just give him money right now even though you want to.

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My children only get money when then completed chores. This child is 15. He wants money he can get a job. Think he’s a teenager and he can get mad all he wants but in the end you cannot Gove what you do not have and it’s not mandatory. I have 6 children. Money us only given when it is earned. Chuld support is to help support the child not to be just given to them to spend however they please. And I hope you’re only difficianting the difference between him not being biologically yours is bc you do get a small amount of child support and no other reason. And what about the mother? Why doesn’t she not pay child support? I’d tell him to tough it out and he can get a job if he wants any extra cash. And his child support isn’t supposed to cover his complete cost of living. It’s income based and you and your husband agreed to financially support him like your own.


the playstation sub. is allowance see what a week with out looks like


I’m going to assume the reason you says he wasn’t biologically not yours was so you could preface on where the $80 a month comes from.

But unless he’s super particular about his hygiene products and gets high brand stuff, I believe parents should provide until 18. And gas shouldn’t be charged. An extra chore? Maybe? I can understand why you can’t pay the extra out right now because everything has to go to bills. But either you worded this way wrong or you’re doing it wrong.


She said she doesn’t have the money to pay THEM allowance right now. She’s not singling him out at all. Momma cheer up. Teenagers act up. One day he will understand. Your doing what you can right now❤️


She says that none of the kids are getting their allowance. I think that being out of work is hard on everyone but each has to do their part to keep the household going. I suspect that some of that $90 goes into the food budget. It takes more than $90 a month to raise a child. I’ll bet that he eats more than that each month. I suspect he is just being a jerky teen(as a lot of them are). And given the unemployment stress is making everyone grumpy. Hopefully soon jobs will come up for them and the balance will return


The fact you don’t consider him “yours” says a lot about you. He has ever right to be mad.


The first thing you say is he isn’t yours? You give off major Dursley vibes….


Tell him if you have to pay someone else to do his chores, that will come out of his PlayStation etc money. Chores are expected of members of a household. Allowance is separate, and is a privilege not an expectation. My kids are learning that young, as four sons with a single Mom. Sometimes I don’t have those few extra bucks. Sucks. But we still do our chores.

Wait…you raised him his whole life and you separate him from “your” kids??? Talk about making him feel bad! Wow. Either give all allowance or none. Also, if you registered as a foster parent, the state would give you a stipend for him. (I’ve been in that situation myself with a great niece) But you are really not being nice at all. If you don’t love him like your own kid by now, he can feel it. Very sad.


Well, he is acting entitled however you are raising him along side other kids like they are siblings. You are making him pay for his hygiene products. Are you making the other kids pay for theirs? You are giving them an allowance… Why not him?

Its been my experience that all kids want to be treated like everyone else but it seems he is being singled out. So…not entitled, frustrated by the inequalities you have created.


Y are you making him pay for hygiene products? And explain to him that his allowance is going to things like is PlayStation subscription and if he wants money he’ll have to lose some of his wants


Well making him pay for hygiene products is ridiculous! And paying gas money is ridiculous!


He has a roof over his head and food in his mouth right? If he wants extra money can he get a part time job and start earning his own money and learning how to save and such?


I’m sorry you’re being judged and attacked in the comments. I read your entire post and didn’t see anything wrong. I know kids are expensive. 

Where you went wrong is being telling him where his $80 child support goes. He has a right to know where his money goes but it doesn’t have to be itemized. You need it to help run the house until you’re back to work - period. You may have made him feel excluded since you probably do those same things like drive the kids around and pay for sub services for your kids with no problem. Them tell him he has to pay for it. If you had your adopted son since 18 months old there shouldn’t be no difference in the way the kids are treated. You should say you have 4 kids!!!

I understand that you and your husband aren’t working and prob need the money. Be honest and tell him that. Tell him the household needs the money for hygiene products and subscriptions services since they’re extra. And when y’all get back to work that his allowance will resume along with everyone else’s. And that you all are a family and when times get hard you have to pull together. Please do what it takes to make him feel like he’s not an extra burden and that you consider him your child too…


$80 a month in child support?? That’s so low.
Go back to court. And in the mean time tell that kid to get a job.

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Kids aren’t entitled to an allowance. That’s a bonus. I’m more concerned about the rest of the things listed. Do you make your bio kids pay for their own hygiene products? Do you make them pay you gas money to go to their friends houses?


Give him an allowance and give him bills to pay with it.

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I’m sorry as the parent/guardian… YOU should be providing that child with his hygiene products. And to even start off this whole situation as (my 15 that does not belong to me or my husband ) is already a red flag! My god…you’ve raised the child his whole life. Smh.


So you’re charging the 15 year old boy GAS??? He’s 15!!! He can’t legally drive. And treating your kids better than you’re treating him. I can see why he has behavior issues. That poor kid.


Hahaha, my bioson tried this once and I started placing tickets on every meal he ate, and then I took all utilities and mortgage note divided by 3(Him, his, brother, and I and gave that to him at the first of the month.
He looked at me confused and I then sat him down and informed him his entitlement isn’t warranted and the home we live in is mine and he has come off as very selfish and entitled. I worked my ass off and don’t deserve the attitude and ungratefulness from him. Shit was hard enough and I was stressed to no end. We do not do chores or do they get allowances. It takes all to put in effort to maintain our home, not one(as in me). This is called responsibility and in the real world we as adults do alot more for employers out of our titles to get compensated. His efforts and how he approaches this and you too will be to clearly set examples of other ways until your finances are sorted out.
For that $80 CS…there would be a OAG CS hearing for modification request from Bio parents. That’s ridiculous.

It isn’t fair to give him allowance and not the other kids regardless if he’s getting support. But if you were giving the other kids allowance before, and not him, that is just cruel because you pay for all of their needs and still can factor in allowance. Yet you nickel and dime the money you get for him and think he doesn’t deserve it outside if his needs??? :thinking:

Lots to unpack here.


Why are you treating him differently? You’ve had him from 18 months on but you separate him from your other children?? This upsets me to the fullest.


Buy him a :biking_man: and tell him go put job apps in and his weekly chores are to part of growing up

We never gave ours allowances either. Wasn’t financially stable. Tell him to go to McDonalds and get a PT job. Earn his own money. That’s what all 3 of my children did. They loved it. Go more money than what a parent could pay.

Do you charge your other kids gas money? Do they buy their own hygiene products? If not then why is he?


I don’t understand how you can have a child since 18 months and not call him yours 15 years later…
I understand you are having hard times but making him pay for his own hygiene products and gas is ridiculous absolutely absurd ďżź


I had the same issue with my 15 yr old. So I told him, help me do chores, I will give you money at the end of the week, I also signed up for the Green Light card. This way if he wants to put his money in the card he would just give it to me and I will send it to his card. He then has an idea of what it is to have his own card and how much money he has and what is left after he hangs out with friends and pays for his play station subscription, music subscriptions and so on. Its hard when you find yourself in a pickle with teens. ESPECIALLY, when they feel its abuse to have them do things around the house. But the reality is, they will either learn in the household or life will eventually make them learn.

Hes old enough to get a job after school and weekends


I would suggest having the 15yr old get a part time job so he can have his own money. Also stop making him pay you to take him places. As a part that comes with the job of parenting.


It sounds like your not being fair to him because he’s “not yours” it sounds like your treat bio kids differently than this child. They all should get allowance (if earned) or none of them should if it’s a financial reason. He can’t help his dad only pays $80.


I dont agree with fit he is throwing, but you need to take a step back and see why he may be acting that way. Maybe you aren’t telling the whole truth about where his child support actually goes. Cannot believe you expect him to pay you gas money out of the child support. If you did not want the full responsibility of taking care of him then you should never have stepped in to agree to it. You obviously have not bonded with him if you still consider him not to be your son after all these years. I am sure he feels a bit a resentment towards you for it too. I myself would feel abandoned all over again.


He is your child, blood don’t matter. What you give your biological kids, you would give him. He’s no different. If none of them are getting an allowance then that’s fair but if they are and he isn’t then you’re terrible and he deserves better. Why aren’t you or your husband working? There’s no excuse for that unless you’re legit disabled and even then you can find some way to be an adult and get some income. Do something. You have responsibilities and you are to take care of your children, no excuses. Do you make your other kids pay for their hygiene products? You should if you’re going to do him that way. They deserve to be treated the same. Don’t like that? Then you should see how wrong you are for treating him that way. If you can’t step up and provide for all of your kids and yes he’s one, then you don’t need children period. The fact you mentioned he’s not your biological child and didn’t claim him as yours even after all these years is sad and speaks volumes about you.


Children doing chores isn’t about them doing work for money. It’s about them learning and practicing basic life skills. They don’t actually have to be paid for that.

Every person who lives in a house and contributes to the mess of the house, is responsible for cleaning said house. Adults don’t get paid to clean their own house, you just have to do it because it needs to be done. If he expects that doing chores is purely for money, will he never clean his own home as an adult, because no one is paying him to do it? :thinking:

Giving children an allowance isn’t a requirement for being a parent. You don’t have to give them one. It’s a generosity you extend to them. Yes, it can be used to teach them about money management on a basic level; but it’s also helpful to teach them that sometimes you go through periods in life when you don’t have money for everything, and some stuff has to be sacrificed. What’s more important to him? That he gets $15/week as an allowance? Or that he has food to eat so he doesn’t starve?


It’s the paying for hygiene products for me :woman_facepalming:


I have a 15 year old and he does not get an allowance if hes going somewhere i give him money but thats it. Trying to raise him to be able to do things for others without expecting something in return. I dont get paied to do the dishes laundry ect so why should he get paied to do that stuff?


I see nothing wrong… tell him Lights, water, food are all paid out of child support. With you not working he is just going to have to wait it out or get a job. He is too old to be acting like that. He is old enough to understand that his parents are out of work.

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I’m sorry but for you to say that he does not belong to you even if followed by biologically is absurd. He has been yours for over 13 years, shake your damn head.

He seems very selfish


:green_heart: a lot of kiddos have a fit about this. I saw some sheets on Google listing the chore/points appointed and they had to earn things. Say playstation fee, cut grass or dishes 5xs or whatever point system you see fit. Maybe that would point out what is being provided and some association to what it takes to earn it. Just an idea! Thank you for trying your best to help our youth, even with your own hands full!! :green_heart:

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Give him the 15 let him pay for everything you do.

Let him do chores to earn his allowance, I raised 2 grandchildren and they had to earn their allowance

A Playstation sub is like $70 a year, and charging him gas money… really. I would encourage him to get a job since he obviously shouldn’t rely on you for any basic needs. Get yourself a job while you’re at it.


He feels he is a man, show him the door, tell him it’s time he go to work and pay his own bills, light, water, food, clothes, etc

Treat them all the same. The $80 is not significant enough to make a difference. You call him your 15 year old but then you treat him like he is one of your kids.

Not really understanding why you’re making a 15 year old pay your gas or pay for their hygiene products or why you started off saying he wasn’t yours. The allowance he can live without but it seems like you’re treating him unfairly unless you’re making your kids pay for that stuff too. Can’t expect a good reaction when it’s clear you treat him differently


If you’ve had him since he was 18months old, how do you not just consider him yours as well. Also, he really should be treated the same way as your other children. Yes, that means allowance as well. Use the child support toward groceries and other things spent on the children and home. You’re right that it isn’t much but he shouldn’t be paying for his own toiletries and such if your other children aren’t as well.


So bc your not working he can’t get his allowance anymore? That’s on you and your husband. Give him maybe $35 a month n use the rest on what he needs. You and your husband needs to get jobs


I’m thinking not everyone actually read the post. Please go back and actually read it before commenting.
She said the $80 a month she gets in child support is used for hygiene products, gas for going extra places, and his playstation subscription he has. Not that his allowance pays for that stuff or that she charges him for it. She said her and her so are out of work right now and can’t pay any of the kids their allowance and the 15yr old is throwing a fit saying he should still get his allowance (even though the other kids aren’t) and that it should come from his child support :woman_facepalming:t2: that him doing chores around the house is child slavery and illegal :roll_eyes:


I raised 6 children none of them got an allowance…they all found little jobs in the neighborhood. They never got an allowance. I am happy to say they all have wonderful careers …“Raised Old School”


Tell him if he wants extra money to get a part time job.

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I would give them the $15 out of the $80. Just personally as a parent I’m not gonna make him pay for his own hygiene products or whatever gas it takes me to drop them off at some thing. That just comes with having kids. He has been yours since 18 months. He is your child and your responsibility.That being said I don’t necessarily agree with the fit he’s throwing but again he’s a kid he doesn’t know how to express these emotions as maturely as an adult would.


You are not a nice person give that child his $80 not his problem u not working…


Treat him the very same as you treat the other children…. You have raised this child,he is yours so treat them the same. Please,for the child’s sake.


I believe you should pay for his hygiene products and the gasoline if you do those things for your other kids! That is a parent’s responsibility! And yes you are his parent when you signed the guardianship papers you took on that responsibility! I promised the judge to take care of my grandkids just like they were my own when I signed guardianship papers! Guardianship means the parent has relinquished their parental rights and you are now responsible as that child’s parent!


Since you’re making his $80 a month child support pay his hygiene products, Xbox subscription I’m sure the other kids also use, and gas, guess that $15 per week per kid you pay the rest should be spent on the same things for them. You are financially rewarding them for being biologically yours. You don’t even deserve kids if you are unwilling to treat them all the same. I’m glad he had a hissyfit. You’re treating him like an outcast and obviously have for the entire 13.5 years you’ve had him.


You do for your 3 he should be treated the same shame on you


First off I fong see ehy you woukd start eith he isn’t our bio kid. That is irrelevant as he is your child regardless of how. Second djnt treat him different ftom the other children. Third his response it typical in kids his age so remind him that bring fed and having a roof over head is top priority and he needs to recognize that at the time things are tough and his patience and cooperation is needed.


This gave me ptsd while reading it :melting_face:


My kids never asked for allowance!

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Tell him to move out if he doesn’t like it…actually at 15 if he doesn’t understand about LIFE then its your fault. Sounds like you gave up parenting and let the playstation raise him. I tell his spoiled azz that he has a roof over his head, meals everyday and a bed to sleep in and at 15 he doesn’t know anything…grow up or get out and see how life really is. But alas, I raised 2 sons and they never got a allowance and was never ungrateful for anything…but then again I raised them right from the start. I taught them about life. About there grandma and grandpa that lived through the Great Depression and hard times. To have faith in God and love each other and other people. Sorry that you failed, hopefully you become better before the kid leaves the house.

First, let him be upset. Validate his feelings even if they may seem a bit over the top.

Second, he’s fifteen. Fifteen year olds tend to not understand the value of money. It’ll pass.

Third, let him get a side ďżź hustle and make some cash of his own.


I am sure u r getting more money from government to take care of him. Give him if not $15 at least $10


Commets are WILD! You are still a child at 15! AT THE END OF THE DAY your parents still have a obligation to you biological or not! Yall are telling this boy to go get a job! 15 year olds should not really have to work WHICH IS WHY THERE ISNT VERY MANY JOBS FOR A 15 YEAR OLD! Granted some do have to work to help family pay things but this is obviously not the case here. Mom and Dad should find other jobs even if they aren’t the ones the want right now. They have a obligation to not 1 but 3 children and should’ve never started allowance if it was going to become a problem at any point on there part. You don’t have to pay children for things they are SUPPOSED to do. I think his 80$ should be split up between him and his siblings and the parents should pay for the ALL of the children’s hygiene and gas on there own because its a part of having kids wtf.


Sorry this makes me sick you the $80 a month gets sent for him why not give him a chance to buy the things he needs it is his money not yours maybe give him a chance and you yourself see what he does with it or you just keep the price for his PS subscription and just wondering do you make your biological kids pay you gas money to get somewhere or for their basic hygiene things and as a mother you yourself needs to buy the basic hyginene things all the kids needs if you do it for one kid you need to do it for all kids so instead of giving them allowance give them their basic hygiene things as pocket money just a idea or maybe just sit him down and ask him what is going on in his mind ask him to talk to you or you husband and try to reasure him about things he does not yet understand

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They all should be treated the same. No child should recieve the allowance if they can’t all recieve it.


Give him the allowance and take it from the Playstation subscription. His choice :woman_shrugging:


Man I was only get 2.00 a week. :woman_facepalming: Also in my opinion. They should be chores. You are teaching your kids about everyday living. These are skills they need to learn once out in the big world. They won’t have mommy or daddy or anyone to do their dishes, taking the trash out, clothes, any of everyday things. We got allowance on how we bahaved like in public or at school. But respect. I could see maybe helping in the garden or small stuff that you do need help with. But to I think kids need to know how to live life and how to save their money as well. My daughter will be 8 in July and she is really good at saving her money.

Do you charge your other kids for hygiene products and gas? What in the f*ck?

How the hell you have this child since he was 18 months and not consider him yours? :confused: That’s pretty cold hearted.


You know what my kids got for doing chores and participating in the family, food, clothes and a roof over their head.


Treat him as you would treat your own children.


Just in time for summer…I’m sure there are plenty of yards to be mowed… raked… weeded… I mean 15-shiiit that is working age

No need to list where his child support goes to other than to his needs and some to his luxuries. Eighty bucks isn’t much at all to cover everything. You’re his guardian, therefore, you are the manager of where that $ goes, as you should be.

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First of all if you have raised him since 18 months of age he is your child. Treat him like one. Second having him pay you for gas to take him somewhere is ridiculous he’s 15! Do you make your other children use their money to buy their hygiene products? Probably not…I’d be pissed too if all my siblings got $ and I had to pay for every little thing I do. Be a parent to the kid!!! That’s why your his guardian!


Stick to your guns! Hes got to learn. He has to see that things dont always run smoothly. But tantrums can result being put in the corner lol

Start charging his ass rent, food, utilities, transportation and then see if his 15 dollars can cover any of it.

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15 year olds can work, take him for interviews and let him get a job. Mine worked. I furnished their rides until they got their own cars. They are excellent workers, hardly ever miss work unless they are seriously ill. If I had been struggling to make it, they would have had to pay for gas. Nothing wrong with them helping you since they are getting whatever they want when they earn their own money.