Is my mother in law overreacting?

They can both go cry about it, I’dsay that then ignore anything else they say. Her brothers and their families are allowed to hangout without her, they are not a set match of 3 where they all have to hangout together every time. If her brother (who invited your family) didn’t invite her, he didn’t want her there and doesn’t have to.


Sounds like my family sometimes . Sorry, but not every family member needs to be invited every time . My younger brother and I have had get togethers without the rest of the family . If someone tried to complain, I’d tell them to buzz off . They are suppose to be adults. They should act like it

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You can change the privacy settings to where only certain ppl can view the pictures. Your mother in law and sister in law don’t have to be invited to everything. Who cares at the end of the day


Lol put her in her place, she’s your family now to. Put up boundaries because she is way crossing the line


Don’t give a fooks. The sister /sister in law is nuts. Jealous cow. Stand up for you n your family. Same as his brother. Show the sister where she belongs. N if mil has a problem with that. Then tell her jump of da boat. A mother should not side with one child. Soon selfish sister will have nobody bcos of her attitude

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yes she is over reacting my family n i mean me n hubby do outings a lot n we dont invite every one in the family to go just like they dont us its no big deal its usually just us our kids n grandkids occasionally ill invite one or other of my sisters n their family but not both or my brother n his family there would be way too many of us just for a small outing and there has never been a problem we all understand

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FB has this neat little function that let’s you post and exclude certain individuals from viewing it. Sounds like an excellent way to block your MIL and SIL from seeing posts that are not related to them.


Enjoy your memories, excursions and let the kids enjoy their cousins. You don’t need anyone’s approval or permission to lead your best life. It doesn’t make sense that you should be expected to invite someone to someone else’s house for a gathering. So not argue with the crazies, it only puts your husband in the middle. If his mom calls him having a fit, he needs to deal with that as he pleases, that demographic was set up way before you. If she calls you, tell her you’re sorry she’s upset, the kids had fun, the end.

I married into the family and their son chose ME as his wife. I never leave it up to my husband to speak up. If there is something that needs to be said then I say it. She didn’t help and it wasn’t pre planned. You helped the guy move and he bought you dinner because of it. Simple as that. And had she had HELPED as well vs being nosey & complaining about it then she’d have some pizza, park time, and pictures as well :woman_shrugging:t3:


I would have told her that if she would have helped she would have been invited but she didn’t so she needs to grow up


I would block his mother and sister from my Facebook so they don’t have the ability to feel any type of way about what I do. It’s Facebook not family book. You don’t have to have relatives on your page if you choose not to. Eliminate the negativity. Prioritize your peace. Stay blessed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


My ex-“MIL” was like this. If I posted pictures of my son and my family, she would call my son’s dad (her son) crying hysterically that she wasn’t invited.

Even before we had my son, if my boyfriend and I did ANYTHING at the time without her (one time we carved pumpkins, went to a haunted house, went to cedar point, even just a movie etc.) she would call him up crying we didn’t invite her. It was insane. One time we literally went to red lobster on a DATE and she cried that we didn’t invite her lmao.

Bottom line is, it got worse when I had my son. It never gets better. I got so sick of it I finally told her she needs to stop because it’s not normal and she’s suffocating everyone and I wouldn’t tolerate that around my son.

My ex (THEN boyfriend) took her side. I didn’t care, it was insane. You have to say something, it NEVER gets better. Usually they get so offended when they’re called out, they just stop talking to you.


Set the boundary. You were invited to something. Why would you invite someone else? Don’t be afraid on fb. Just remove them. Or block them. Or change your setting so they are on restricted if you don’t want to remove them. You have options.

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Tell your monster in law to shut the fuck up and quit calling!!! What a bitch

She needs to get over it. She’s not going to be invited to everything. And she didn’t even help with the move so why would she be invited . Sounds like the pizza was a thank you to your husband.


Put her ass on the “friends except” list for your posts. You hit the top bar that says friends and boom she can’t see shit unless you want her to.

If the sister is truly upset, make her say something herself instead of running to mommy.

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I personally would say to her that it wasn’t your home to invite people to and then the next time they do some one on one mommy daughter bonding time i would make my husband call and pitch a fit about how our family was excluded to prove a point.


Time to block SIL and MIL.

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Sounds like his mom has mental issues. My mom got diagnosed with Bipolar depression last year and used to randomly do that same thing. She needs help with that. Definitely overreacting


Do you baby girl!! As long as yall are happy and the kids are having fun… :blush:

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I’d say thank you for contacting us. And then do whatever you want to do. His mom he needs to sort her out

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tell him to tell his mother…If they all would of helped with the move this would of been a nice thank you outing!!!


He needs to tell his mother and sister to grow tf up. You cant invite anyone to a home that isnt yours. Besides you were invited because your husband helped them move. The sister should have helped too


It wasn’t your house to invite anyone to. Tell her next time call the brother and leave you all out of it


Tell her to grow up and stop wearing diapers lol


Sounds like a drama Llama


I would hang up on her.

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Tell her to shut up and sit done!

I’d block her from my social media and keep living my life.


I would of told her that you were not hosting there for it was not your place to invite …you can not invite people to somebody’s else house .even if they are family…


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: just say it wasn’t our house to invite anyone else. The owner of the house has their own rules. I bet your had a care free good time.


Tell her n sil off it’s the only way they will get it or put them on restriction so they can only see the posts you tage them in


Just stop posting, I know you want to but what thay don’t know keep peace


The sister and her family nor the MIL helped the brother move so WHY should they be invited to eat dinner and see the house? Your MIL is crazy!


this one is easy. it is not you nor your husband’s place to invite the sister to the brother’s house. send mom to the brother to make her grievance, and let her know that when it is your house, your party, your whatever - you’ll invite whomever at your discretion. set the boundary upfront and stick to it. should help then to avoid dramatic aftermath.


Tell mother in law to get a life and leave your family lives alone


Everything doesn’t have to be the whole group. Tell her that and next time hyperventilates tell her to grab a paper bag and say goodbye.


tell her it wasn’t you or your husband’s place to invite them to someone elses house!


She was crying and hyperventilating over this? :flushed:

She needs to seek therapy and maybe it’s time to sit her down and express your concerns. This isn’t normal.


Keep posting the pics!! It’s YOUR life!! If she’s mad OH WELL :sweat_smile: Sucks to suck

Mother-in-law is wrong


Let your husband handle this with his mom for you.

And you were the guest. She has a problem called the daughter

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She sounds like a nightmare she’s totally over reacting

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I’d definitely say something, it’s a two way street. You guys helped and they didn’t so why should they reap the benefits?


block her and the sister, and tell them to grow the F up because everything does not revolve around them.
Just keep doing your own things.


Block all of them from any social media, set your privacy up high (where only friends can see photos and such, in case they set up a fake account), ask your husband if he wants to block them on SM (all good if he doesn’t, just don’t tag him in anything).

Maybe have a conversation with your husband about limiting contact with them for a while and explain why.

Just because they’re blood doesn’t mean they’re entitled to have anything to do with your life, that is earned.


She is overreacting.
It’s your husband’s mother, not yours. It’s up to him to speak to her about this issue and explain that it isn’t appropriate.


She sounds a little crazy. Definitely have hubs handle it.

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Ask MIL how much her daughter helped her brother move? This was a “Thank YOU” for helping - SIL did NOTHING to help - why should she be thanked for doing nothing???


Wow so entitled :joy::joy: she never helped move why should she get free pizza lol tell her and your mother-in-law to grow up :woman_facepalming:.

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Just block them from those posts


Your husband has to handle this. He has to lay down the law with his mother. It’s not easy and there may be some hurt feelings but he has his own family now and he’s allowed to make decisions that don’t include her or his sister.
I have a sister I don’t speak to for multiple reasons, one of which is the drama and chaos she needs in her life.
It’s time for him to be his own man and not allow his mom to cater his life.

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delete mom n sil off fb


The sooner you let stuff like this go, the better you’ll be. Speaking from experience. It never stops and you (unfortunately) have to adjust how you react and how much you let it bother you. It gets better with time … A little…lol


Snooze them on Facebook. Tell the MIL when they help move then they can get invited.


Post your life! Ignore the drama.

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Stop posting on social media when u do things like that u know its gonna cause an issue u cant control other people but u can control what u do u wanna avoid confrontation stop posting things that u know good and well are gonna cause confrontation orrrrrr grow a thicker skin and learn to tell people to f off and not have problem with telling them so!

Do what’s right for you, they’ll get the message eventually

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No it’s not your place and you’ll be the bad guy and create a rift in your husbands family and you’ll be the perfect scape goat to be blamed.
Let your husband handle these situations and give him as much support as possible so he can stand up to his mom and sister when it’s the right time.

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They all need to grow up good lort LMFAO

not worry about it, but if it upsets you do not post pictures any more unless you feel like fighting

I blocked my MIL…FYI sooo…lolol #their just sayn


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You can block single people from seeing your posts. So just block his sister, and whoever else you don’t wanna have see your post.


Hide your sister in law and mother in law from seeing your posts.

Exclude them from seeing certain posts of yours on Facebook. Or every one have a sit down and talk about basically what you said in the post. How they do stuff with out you and you can do stuff without them.

I keep doing what I’m doing. Nobody is gonna tell me or cry to me otherwise lol

I would have my husband speak to his mother and tell her to back off.

Tell them to fuck off simple

I would ignore her, she sounds ridiculous

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she can post whatever she wants is asking for opinion and yes she is reacting for me

Block her on facebook. I did that because they would moan about things i posted or they would comment with something snarky. See ya!


I’d let my feelings be known!! With that said you have to understand the mil will buck up against you!! Make sure your husband and you are on the same page! So he is not blindsided!

Definitely block MIL and sister in law on Facebook pictures. Regardless of what you say, these people have been condition to think a certain way and its their way or the highway. They don’t see it as, “there are two ways to do things”. Dont bother with them, block them and when ask why they were blocked, just say, its to save them from having bad feeling or drama. They need to grow up. You dont need to lower yourself to their level. You have a family to care for and that is your only priority

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Nope. Again… nope. You are NOT required to invite anybody to somebody else’s house. Read that again. That’s your answer. I would start ignoring them.

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Turn on your privacy settings when you post. Block the MIL and the SIL.


F them. Should of helped with the move. I think that’s a great thank you for your help. NOTHING wrong with it. SIL & MIL need to stay in their lanes.

I blocked my MIL, SIL and BIL years ago! We have been married 10 years and they have been blocked 9.5 of those years. It was too much drama and I had to deal with the same things you are.

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When someone invites you to their home. The guest is not allowed to invite others guests. Its the golden rule. It’s rude, and your MIL knows that. She sounds like a drama Queen. Tell your husband to straighten her out, before you do.

Block them and say you deleted fb :joy:

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Took all my kids dads family off my

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Not worth worrying about

Let your husband deal with his mom. But don’t change nothing you do .


I would edit your post to say thank you for the thank you to your brother in law. He was thanking you for your hard work. Your MiL needs to keep her nose out of everyone’s business


Block the MIL and SIL on your social accounts. Problem solved.


Unfriend and block them if they are going to act like that. You can do whatever you want.


Just stop posting stuff on FB!

You have the right to invite people and not others. It’s not you keeping people out of your life. You don’t have to spend time with who she wants you to all of the time.


I concur with the others who suggested you block MIL and SIL on FB.


I would remove them from your Facebook.


You have every right to live your and your familys life the way you want it, not the way SHE wants it. The world doesnt revolve around her. What does your husband have to say about it?


Either remove and block then or you can restrict them from seeing posts by selecting them to be restricted from the post that way they don’t see it. She’s totally over reacting she doesn’t need to be involved in everything ! Sounds a bit jealous ! X

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They sound like trouble makers,
You have the right to do whatever you want they need to mind there own business

Ignore them.Misery loves company…

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Jesus so glad I don’t have to deal with this kinda shit.

Have your husband say something cause she’s crazy if she’s calling acting like this :woman_facepalming:t3: