Is it normal for men to think babies are gross?

Listen to your instincts. This man does not want children and you cannot force a bond to happen between your child and this man. Walk away

I mean, babies and kids are gross, they are messy, smelly, always fighting baths, picking their noses and eating their boogers, or sticking their fingers in things they definitely shouldn’t. You’re awfully immature if a person thinking kids are gross is wrong or a deal breaker. :roll_eyes: and yes I have a child, and have helped raised no less than 10kids in my life starting at 11, so I am more than aware how kids are. You can still love your children, or other kids and still think they are gross.

Break up completely and find someone more in tune with you and what you want.
No brainier.

He sounds like a teenager! I would say good bye and find a real man

Lol yep babies are gross. Luckily they grow up.

They are gross! I never wanted to sit for any of my cousins’ kids until they were in elementary school.

Babies ARE gross. They poop, vomit, and pee constantly. But thinking they’re gross isn’t the same as “I hate babies”.

Well 1st of all if the man I was with and planning on marrying and starting a family with, wasn’t absolutely 100% crazy about the daughter I already had, I’d kick his fucking ass to the curb… that’s all

Move on. He’s lazy and not worth yours or your daughter’s effort. Only cruel men intentionally push children aside.

I would dump him in a heartbeat. Your children will thank you

Should ask him directly if he honestly wants children. As far as his remark, I have heard lots of guys say that, including our son and son-in-law. Both of which love their children very much. Think more just a dumb thing guys say. Don’t over think it

When someone shows you who they are, do yourself a favor and believe him. Your daughter doesn’t need this asshole and neither do you

I think you’ve answered your own question get rid of him not for you

Kids are gross, honestly.

I agree babies and children are gross.

Bruh. Babies puke, crap, and pee all over you. Babies ARE gross.

Keep it movin Sister!

You will be a single mother of two kids if you get pregnant with him. How can you be thinking of having his kid when you can’t live together and he’s unable to bond with the child you already have? You are not being responsible to your first child. Maybe take a break and find someone who takes the 2 of you as a package deal.

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It’s definitely normal. Stop :clap:t2:normalizing :clap:t2: parenthood :clap:t2: