I'm worried I may miscarry, can anyone describe the symptoms of a dead fetus in first trimester?

Hell no go to the doctor

Pain and bleeding. Starts with spotting, then gets heavier. The further along you are, the worse the pain and bleeding is. When you miscarry, you bleed, very heavy. Go to the ER, if you are having cramping or spotting.
Prayers for you. :pray::heart:

See a Dr ā€¦ not social media


Y would u put this up

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Comes to something when instead of seeking medical help, you just post it up on Facebook :roll_eyes:

I had no cramps. Just some very light spottingā€¦not red bloodā€¦more of a brown color. I just felt something was wrong. They had to do a d and c

Yeah go see a Doctor

Heavy bleeding, clots and cramps I had

Baby donā€™t speak that into existence!!!

I had no symptoms whatsoever until the day of my miscarriage at 15 weeks my son had been passed for 5 days before I delivered him at home and I didnā€™t know he was already passed until a few days after my miscarriage

You should discuss your worries with you doctor rather than a bunch of people with their own experiences and opinions. That is why he/she has an MD behind his/her name! You probably should talk to him and get to the bottom of your of your fears as well.


Cramping. You will kno if your miscarrying.

Cramping like hell and more bleeding than ever with a period.