I feel like my childs father is playing favorites

Fathers playing favorites? My children’s father absolutely adores our oldest daughter. we had her in covid and he helped take care of her 50/50. Our youngest is 4 months old. he works. I stay home. I EBF and she refuses to take a bottle. I feel like he hasn’t had a chance to bond with her. But I’m scared he will always favorite our oldest. Has anyone experienced the father favoriting one child?

Give it time. As baby needs you less, he and baby will bond more. I was scared of this when mine was tiny too but once baby grew up a bit, they got very close and all was well.

He’s not favoring the other child. You’re home, he can’t feed the baby. Does he do anything with her ? Why do you think he’s favoring one over the other

He’s favoring the other child or you’re assuming he will favor the other child? This is confusing

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