I am pregnant and found out my childs father is cheatin with a married woman

He failed your son. He did you and the baby wrong. It is not your fault. Just be the best momma you can be and your boy will be happy with, or without a dad in the picture.


God removed him from your life for a reason. In your saddest moments, please remember … God did that for a reason, even if it broke your heart.


Trust me there are good men… one that will love your son as his own and respect and love you. Let him go and love your son… Don’t put him on the birth certificate…

I’m sorry sweetheart!

I’ve been a single mom since the beginning of my pregnancy and found out when my son was 6 months old I was the other woman. It gets easier. I love being a single mom. Absolutely love it. There are still times I wish I had that family I always dreamed of but I’m the best thing for my baby, and so are you. If you ever want to talk, dm me


You are just 18 years old … you have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t let this one jerk stop you from being happy. You have a baby you need to think about and stop listening to the other woman. Don’t take her calls, she has no reason to call. She’s just trying to make you more miserable.


I remember feeling this way once. Hard as it was…. I picked myself up and moved on as a single mom and met someone who took my son in like his own and we’ve been happily married. Looking back I’m grateful for the experience and the heartache before my son was old enough to see me go through it. His father isn’t in his life at all now and it sucks BUT the only person missing out is him. He doesn’t get to watch my son grow up to be the person he is and he’s missed out on so much. My son has a dad, and that man has taken the time to nurture and raise him into the person he is now. Praying for you girl. It’s tough at first and I know you feel helpless but one day you’ll look back and be grateful you dodged a bullet. You don’t want your child being raised thinking it’s ok to treat women in such manner

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Let him go and file for child support he made that choice


I am so sorry they did this to you! Just awful. It may not feel like it now but they did you a favor. He clearly doesn’t love you your son or himself. And I promise they are not as in love as they say. He’s rebound for her. She’ll ditch his ass the minute something better comes along! You didn’t fail your child he did! My best advice is to cut his ass off. Don’t take his calls or messages and block him on all social media. And cut off anyone else that would go between the two of you. I promise you will find someone who loves you and your son they way you deserve. Best revenge is to do better and move on without him.


Tell anyone who is updating you on him that you don’t want to hear it and block him on everything


You didn’t fail as a mom… your doing great and you will be great! He left, that’s his loss, you’ll be so much stronger and better for yourself and your unborn babe for this. He unfortunately showed you his true colours… and honestly… it’s best he showed you now instead of you having the baby and being around and getting the baby attached.
You’ll find someone that loves and appreciates you and your unborn child more than you could ever imagine. It’ll be a hard battle, but you can handle it! You got this! Hang in there mama


Mama!!! I was 18 pregnant by a guy that cheated on me my entire pregnancy. I was hurt and lost as well. That boy came into my life and showed me what love is and I knew I needed to fight for myself so we can have a better life. I let that man go a month after having my baby and it has been the BESTTTT decision ever. My son and I have conquered so much together and have been blessed with a loving family Man. Your life will fall into place. Do not let his actions break you. Get up dust off and keep going. That son of mine is now 15, living his best life, happy and thriving. He now has a gf and let me tell you, I am proud of the young man he is becoming. He is loving and respectful and lord I pray he continue to thrive in his relationships and be the man he is called to be.
Moral of the story, life gets better, you gotta decide you want that and move on. Sending you hugs and encouragement mama! :blue_heart::blue_heart:


Yeah life is hard. Marry before babies. Sorry you are going through this. It’s hard for sure. Be there for your child and don’t fall for it again


Consider this a blessing. His true colors have been revealed before your baby had to be exposed to it. Fuck him. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you. Make something of yourself and give your baby a good life. You don’t need him.

Thing is as hard as it is to have your heart broken especially when pregnant . He has rejected you , as yet not the baby it’s not born yet. Women become mothers the minute they find out they’re pregnant. Men become fathers when the child is born . So until he tells or shows you different in the future .that baby is intitled to his father .

And make sure any support payments are paid through the court system. If he misses any go after him legally. Don’t let him get away with not living up to not supporting your child.


You got this. If he cheated on you, he will cheat on her. You and your son will rise above this. I was a single mom with two kids and I made it. You got this


My first child I was 20. Same thing with me. He married another. He raised her kids who are now grown and our son is 14. He has never been in his life. It hurts l, yes but us mamas are very strong. You have not failed at all. You have your son, you raise him and you do the best that you can. Your son will thank you for all that you do when he is older and sees it all himself. I tried and tried to have him in our sons life and everything he didn’t. It would crush me more and more. The best thing to do is not push anything. Just do ya’ll two and it will save you some heartache. If he wants to be around then he will. Keep that head up mama and just stay focused on your son.


Ok stop digging for dirt. He cheated he made his choice and moved on. I know that sounds harsh. But would you really want all his negativity in your life. It WILL spread over to your son.
Your job right now is to LOVE YOURSELF so you can focus on your son. There are no guarantees in life. Better you saw his TRUE COLORS NOW than 3, 4 years down the road after your son has bonded with him. And that’s assuming his father would even take an interest in him. Some don’t and you CAN NOT force the father to take an interest and be a positive figure in his life.
Move on. You’ve got bigger fish to fry. Don’t waste your tears and energy on that looser. You’ve got an entire life ahead of you that will be filled with love and excitement seeing your baby grow. There is your focus.


I know it hurts now but you can do it, your son needs you. Take care of yourself, do the things that make you happy when you are ready to start healing and continue with your life.

Your young…and you will find a new mate…consider yourself lucky to be rid of him


It’s only a matter of time before she tosses him to the side. Just don’t take him back just because of the baby.


I agree with the others .Once a cheater always a cheater.

Keep putting on foot in front of the other and move forward, your life will be better without someone who doesn’t care about you or your son.

He is one man, he’s the one that you’re having a baby from. He is not the one you have to be with. Let him go, do not let him be in and out of your life! You got this! It’s not every situation, but let me tell you momma! I’ve heard so many over the years (I’ve said it too). It’s hard raising my kids AND my husband. So you raise that baby to love and care about himself and his family/friends. Keep your head up because you’re worth more than you think

He is one man, he’s the one that you’re having a baby from. He is not the one you have to be with. Let him go, do not let him be in and out of your life! You got this! It’s not every situation, but let me tell you momma! I’ve heard so many over the years (I’ve said it too). It’s hard raising my kids AND my husband. So you raise that baby to love and care about himself and his family/friends. Keep your head up because you’re worth more than you think


There’s no white Pickett fence…your 18 move on and learn from life. Love yourself.


Maybe the bozo who he cheated with with cheat on him lol I love how karma works out sometimes. Him and her will get what’s coming to them big time.

Some dudes and some females just really suck at being decent human beings.

You deserve better he’s trash.

You still have your whole life ahead of you hon. You’ll look back and see this was a blessing in disguise. You and your son deserve much better. Prayers love, stay strong!

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Your baby can feel what you are feeling right now. Please try to be calm I know that seems impossible right not. Talk it out with someone cry it out but don’t sit on it too long.
This is not the end for you just the beginning. Focus on your healing and your life. Your bf is out of your control. But what you can control is your life. Create the you want for yourself and your child WITHOUT your bf who does not respect you or take this pregnancy serious.

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They say when you have a boy its bc you need to be shown what love really is…who needs him anyways…you’re still young and you have your whole life ahead of you. You can do this! You’ll find someone that appreciates both you & your baby :two_hearts: keep your head up


Stop worrying about him. He made his choice. He cheated on you when you were pregnant with his child. It doesn’t get any worse than that, until he cheats after you’re married. Call it a win, he saved you from having to make an impossible decision, leaving your child’s father while pregnant. You’ll likely never get over this, and it’s okay to be angry, just do not let it consume you. You have an entire life ahead of you go live it. Your son will be fine. Your bf does not sound like a great person. Cheating is wrong, and sometimes good people make mistakes but he didn’t just make a mistake, he chose to abandon his child in the process. That’s a whole other level of terrible.

Good luck !

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That’s a blessing let him go.

You and your baby deserve better. Stay strong.

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Some kids are better without their dads. And even moms. I know it sounds bad but it’s very true. I know you’re hurting. I couldn’t imagine how badly right now as you are also carrying a child… I know it’ll be hard but you got this. I believe in you.

Please if you have family willing to help you or friends that you can trust reach out to them.

I was in a relationship for 6 years and it ended. So I know you’re hurt. But sometimes it’s better for certain individuals to leave your life to let someone new and better come in. I have lost a few people in my life and it hurt but now I look back and see it as a blessing. Certain people drain your energy please don’t let those people back in. Know your worth momma! You got this! Stay strong and please never be afraid to reach out for anything!


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Don’t you dare think that way! I’ve been there in your shoes. Keep that head held high and know you are worth so much more than that. You will have the family you deserve but another man will come along and be everything you want and need. Don’t take him back if he comes back bc he is just using you. I know it hurts and I know you’re in pain but it does get better! You are amazing and you have never failed your child! You were not the one who stepped out. Straighten that crown and know while it sucks and hurts right now you will make it and your son will be so proud of you


God will take care of you both :two_hearts::pray:

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Hugs and prayers for you and your son. Keep God in your arms your sons life and things will change for the better.

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How old is he? Fight to prove paternity and get child support. And if he’s much older than you have him investigated for a relationship with a minor. And then take care of yourself and your family - which is you and your child


He failed, not you. Keep moving forward and never go back to him. God will take care of them. At that point you’ll be doing well.


Think of the Rascal Flatts song, God blessed the broken road… This may be your broken road, but it’s leading you on a path to someone much better, someone who will want to be an amazing husband and a father figure to your son.

Do not ever get back with him , no matter what. You are only 18 you have your whole life ahead of you to find someone who will treat you right. Try to just focus on being a great mother. You will get through this !!! Just please don’t have any other kids unless your married.


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Honey you will find someone who loves you and your son! Right now focus on you and your pregnancy and stop worrying!


Take him to court to pay child support


This is a blessing in disguise. Trust me, let him go, enjoy your baby and you will find a man that will love you both.


I know it’s upsetting and hard right now, but keep your head up. You were meant to have that little one to show you what true love is. He doesnt need a father like that in his life. He needs you to raise him right! You will eventually find a man to be the perfect father for him! You’ve got this hun!!!

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Definitely get DNA test and get help from a family attorney to get child support. There are attorneys who will help through Legal Aid. Good luck and blessings.


Sorry to hear this. I would cut ties and definitely would not talk to her. If it was me I wouldn’t talk to him unless it was to go to court for him to prove paterternity. Then the courts will set child support payments and visitation. Sorry this is happening. Wish you and your baby the best. Congrats and you can do this. Check all your resources in your community for assistance and you will be fine. Keep your head up.


Hard truths. If they’re already planning to move away together, safe to say it has not been going on for just a week. Also, sadly he’s not obligated to do anything till a court orders him too. I understand the want for him to buy things, that’s just not how it works. I’d leave him be till baby is born and then file paternity, child support and custody. Or if you’re able to do it on your own, don’t tell him and leave him off the birth certificate so he has no rights till he files. Stop worrying about what they are doing and live your life.

Pray sincerely for GODS guidance.


You dodged a bullet, believe me it’s scary and it hurts but you will be thankful one day :heart:

I know you can’t see it right now, and your road won’t be an easy one, but you dodged a bullet. Please know that you can be all your baby needs❤


Pray God will send the right man along. I’m praying for you.

You did not fail your son! Establish paternity, get child support … make a life for you and your child. You got this!!


Enjoy your baby. Don’t let him steal your happiness. Don’t let anyone steal your happiness.Soak up every drop of love that baby has for you. You think you know love right now but it can’t compare to the love that a baby has for you. Little one will and does think you are the most amazing thing in this world.
You’ll be right without him. We women have survived wars and famines with our babies on our hip and so will you.
You will be fine.
So enjoy this time. You only live once.
You don’t get a chance at second happiness


So sorry to hear this. Let his ass move and when baby is hear don’t put him on birth certificate. You got this mama

Fix ur crown! Hold ur head high and consider urself lucky. The trash always takes themselves out. I pray for a long happy life for u and ur baby!

Forget him and move on. Once a cheater always a cheater

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It is his loss, that relationship won’t last and then he will come crawling back, but don’t let him. You don’t need him to give your son the best life ever. Sometimes the “daddy” is there physically but he isn’t there. No child deserves this. You can do this on your own, and someday you will meet a man worthy of you and your child. Don’t settle just because he impregnated you.


What people have said, you gotta move on and forget him.

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Leave him. No nothing will be the same again, but you are 18. You have so much you can do. Get a good support system in place for you and the baby. Divorce the idiot and get child support. It’s going to hurt for a while, but you’ll be alright.


Tell the other woman if he will cheat with you he will cheat on you.let that sink in.her time is limited

I know it’s hard right now but it sounds like she did you a favor by taking him. I’d block him on everything. Get a protection order. And raise your baby by yourself. Fuck him.

I know it’s hard being pregnant and going through this. I have been there and the secret? Get mad. Get protective over YOUR son. You gotta change the whole way you think about him. He’s not the guy you loved because the guy you loved would have never done this to you. But he’s gone and this is what you’re left with and it’s unacceptable. So fight for your son. Custody, child support and tell him to eff off. He walked away now make him watch you THRIVE momma!! You got this I promise you are so much stronger than you think and you’ll realize it the second you hold that sweet babe


This is weird. Some dude comes over to paint the house and then just sleeps over and begins a relationship? The girl is cheap. Move on.


Karma is a beautiful thing

You will see the hidden blessing in time.
Sending you a heartwarming hug


The stuff I read in here. Craziness.

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I’m so sorry that happened to you. Guys like that aren’t worth stressing about. You got a guy that’s going to love you unconditionally, your son. It will be hard at times but not impossible. You can do this!


I was kind of in a similar situation! Get out Wal you can and raise that baby to your best ability!! You don’t need his dad to be a family!


He doesn’t deserve to be in your son’s life and your son doesn’t need a man like that as a father. Be glad you weren’t with him for years and then have to yank your son away from him when he’s older. Trust me, I’ve been there. Raise your son without him, you’re young and the right man will come into your life someday and raise him as his own. Do not allow him in your life. Be done, move on, hold your head up high and raise that boy!


Girl… your baby daddy is lyin’ — another man will love you and your child the way you deserve. Let that loser go! Let him cheat with her and on her… you deserve better.


Hunny you are still very young. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. You will find your happy ever after. My oldest baby daddy was a compulsive liar and compulsive cheater. I thought the same as you. I am with my now hubby and he’s amazing. I got my dream family. He treats my oldest as if it was his own. I couldn’t ask for anything better.


Oh lord don’t worry that woman will get her karma and do not take him back …once a cheater always will be …focus on u n ur little ones …god has something good planned for you remember that


Sweetheart that woman done you a favor! A real man will come into your life and love all the broken pieces back together and will treat your son as his own. They won’t last as they’ll end up cheating on each other and then he’ll try to come crawling back talking bs and when that happens tell him you only date real men not little boys!


Ugh I wish I could just give you a hug right now :confused: when did people become so ugly to others ! Keep your head up momma be strong for that little boy :heart: I know this is always easier said then done but the second you lock eyes with that little boy you will see a whole new purpose & all else will fall into place ! Take care of yourself an your baby :heart: your very young you still have lots of time to create a family & with someone who values you the way you value them !

I ‘m so sorry, it’s not fair and it’s not right. Please stay strong and build a beautiful life with your son. I know it won’t be easy. Just know it’s okay to feel the pain. Show him/them your son is a gift and a beginning of a new life where true love, happiness, and abundance exist. You got this!!! Breath. Love you!

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Y’all are better off honey

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There’s a testament to marriage.

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I’m sorry that happened to you but do believe that life will get better & you will meet the man of your dreams 1 day. In the meantime, take good care of yourself & your baby. You can do it! Read In the Meantime by Iyanla Vanzant. Listen to encouraging things like Joel Osteen. He is very encouraging! Fill up your cup & don’t let people take away from you. Do not worry. Be encouraged for you are destined & so is your precious baby! :heart::bouquet::baby::gift::pray:t2:

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Girl, I know you’re only 18, there’s a lot to learn about the world still. That man, ain’t shit. You would have NEVER had the life you dreamed of, with a man like that. Now you have every opportunity to find your dream man and life. You didn’t fail your son, because you have MORE than enough love for him. Your son, deserves a real father, not that man. One day you’ll find a man that’ll truly step up for him, until then, I promise you mommys carry more than enough, we’re strong, we resilient, we get it done for these babies. Don’t let him have another second of your peace and love girl. Forget him, And remember you girl. Much love, stay strong, you got this.

I was 18 when I had my son, I found out I was pregnant at 2 months. I told my then boyfriend & he was so excited but just a month later he got someone else knocked up. To this day they have their own family got married & he is even raising her kids from a previous relationship. It has been 12 years!!! Never once seen OUR son. But I now have 2 more kids since him & im happily married. Just cause it’s not the picture you dreamed of doesn’t mean it won’t come true. It’s just not with him & that’s ok!! You now know how easy it is for him to leave so Don’t cry over someone like that. You’re still very young & you will move on from this. You build yourself up dust your self off & put your child first. Life moves on & so should you. Start planning a beautiful life with your child. It will be scary but it is possible. I wish you the best & I hope this helps.

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Whatever you do stay in college now so you can get a degree and have a better chance at a better job and better life for your baby. You and your baby will be ok life is just hard sometimes.

You are better off alone. He will be a cheater his whole life.


Sorry your going through this but he isn’t worth your time,try to move on focusing on your baby. Sign up for child support immediately. Good luck and God bless you.

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You will find someone who will love you and your baby. Trust me relationships like that never last. Do you sis & he’ll regret everything soon enough :blue_heart: maybe go fuck get husband to feel better :crazy_face:

He isn’t a baby daddy! He’s a sperm donor, spreading seeds everywhere and and leaving single Mom’s to cope on their own!

He put his needs over you and yours. At least you found out before another couple of babies. Cut him loose. Love is out there for you. He is Not the one for you.

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Leave him in your rear view mirror girl! You and your son deserve better. Get your child support from him and surround yourself with a loving support system. Your baby and your mental and physical health are the most important thing. Remember YOU matter! He’s not worth a damn.

That sucks. But you will both be better off without him. You deserve someone who wants to be present for you and your child, and give you both the love and support that you need. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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You don’t need a man to be happy raise that baby by yourself you will be fine.He is an ass like the rest of them stay single and take care of that baby!!

Cracks me up how people just fall into bed with anyone who comes along and then complains about it things not working out. You ought to have known if he was having sex with you without ben fit of marriage he would do it with someone else too. Grow up

He did you a favor! He will try and come back please don’t let him!!! You can do this and you will be a great mother….and Stop getting information abt him & her it will only drive you crazy

Move on, you deserve better.

Number one… you did not fail. As harsh as it sounds… it is better that you found things out now than later because there was going to be a later. That style of person will not be the style to maintain a steady relationship… reguardless of who his current soul mate is. So knowing that cry your tear of what will never be and go forward. Do not look back. There are men out there that do want a family and that will take a child not their own. Learn from his behaviors and try not to repeat them with your next choice.

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Yes it will be hard ,but my mom did it with 2 kiddos in her teens. Don’t settle for less than you deserve! Keep pushing & follow your dreams! You & your child will be proud. You got this!

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Congratulations on your baby. Your son is a blessing and you are going to be a great mama.

Please don’t count yourself out. You haven’t failed anyone!
The man that did this to you and your son failed.

I was once in your shoes pregnant with my son. Same exact situation except she has 3 boys and my sons father was in college.
My mistake was taking him back.
I thought he would be a wonderful dad and husband. I thought he would change and stop cheating. I thought I could make him love me and his family enough to change.

I couldn’t get him to do anything!! He continued to cheat, he wasn’t ever happy and everything was never his fault.
After 11 years I divorced him. I’m remarried now and amazingly happy.

You’re going to be ok. You’re going to have your son and you’re going to have to make a decision for YOURSELF. You making a decision to stay separated and move on with your life will allow your sons father the opportunity to want to change himself for his son.
Only time will tell.

Don’t take him back. If you don’t have family, I’ll be your family. If you need to talk, call me. If you’re unsure or need a pep talk, maybe some mama advice, message me.
You aren’t alone I promise.

May God bless you and your son in abundance and comfort you in your time of hurting. May God give you the strength in each to be the best mama and see the truth.

You’re better off without him & so is your son.
I had only been 16 for a month when I had my baby. It’s hard but it gets easier. My kid doesn’t have a dad either & we’re better off that way. She’s almost 6 years old now. You’ll be okay.