I am concerned that my boyfriend stayed the night in a hotel with his cousin: Advice?

I think she has trust issues but not with the cousin. I’m not sure she believes he is staying with his cousin!!

what u should b concerned about is that baby, could b his…& everybody has that kind of “cousin”…2 many things happen n the dark…!!! 4got 2 say…"c u on “Paternity court…”


I think it’s a bit ridiculous honestly. I know sometimes cousins do hook up and do stuff. But it sounds like hes faithful and staying for convenience.

Do you want to spend your life with someone you don’t trust? Do you think any man would want to be married to a woman who doesn’t trust him? Happy long term relationships/marriages are based on trust. You don’t trust him.

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Is your BF close with this cousin? As in, have they hung out before, did you know her or know of her before they visited him?

For my family, that would be a completely normal thing to do, especially if I were at a hotel alone with my kid(s.) It’s often hard to talk or catch up with a child or especially baby around so it would have given them more time together after the child went to bed.

I don’t know how long his cousins boyfriend has been out of town but with a child that age it’s often hard to eat a hot meal or take a shower without having to stop what you’re doing so maybe he was just helping out. Especially having a child in a strange place it’s always nice to have an extra set of hands.

With that being said though, it depends on your level of trust, I mean are you sure it was his cousin and her child? Is that how his family is?

As I said my family someone for sure would have stayed with me and it would have just been to catch up and spend time together and no altering motives…but if your gut is saying something else ask him about it. Be sure not to attack or be negative, but open communication when you feel uncomfortable about something is important in any relationship especially those when you’re apart.

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Being cousins I wouldn’t think there would be a problem but being opposite sex is a little strange or they might be like sister brother closeness

I get that incest happens, but without any indication that they have a relationship other than lovong cousins, you need to settle down.

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In the end you are there and he’s somewhere else. It’s hard with long distance relationship. However, it is his cousin and the expectation is all should be fine. Leave it there and stop driving yourself nuts. You miss him and are probably upset at this point ANYONE can see him easily as you can’t! Good luck and talk to him when you can. You at this time are your worst enemy. Don’t be. Sneaking ones don’t usually tell their partners. You’d know after 2 years if they were kidding cousins I would think!!

I think you are overreacting. Your BF likely wouldn’t be doing things with his cousin, especially if she has a baby in tow. However, long distance relationships are hard to maintain. Perhaps you should consider whether or not you can emotionally handle it.

Honey you are being WAY extra as you say. That is his COUSIN for godsakes, why would you ever suspect him of ever having any kind of relationship with her more than a family platonic type relationship?!?! I grew up with my cousins being like siblings, that would be the last thing I would ever accuse my partner of.
I thought I had trust issues, but you just topped mine completely

If you feel something isn’t right (which does NOT make you crazy or extra) you should address it with him. If you feel you can’t trust him then it may be time to end the relationship. Don’t let anyone make you feel you’re crazy. It wasn’t that long ago that cousins married almost as a matter of course. Stuff happens. It doesn’t mean stuff IS happening, though. I would take into account that he did tell you, didn’t just omit it and let you either never know or find out later.

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What is this nonsense they sleep here I sleep there,sleep in your own dam house,if you can’t afford your own hotel room stay home,had three kids all grown now in their 50 but that one thing I instilled in them sleep in your own bed,

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I think you are over thinking things. Has he and his cousin had any sexual contact previously. If so I’d back off because sleeping with yourcousin is like sleeping with your sister.
And besides if you have these trust issues you really shouldn’t be together.

I am in a long distance relationship. My problem is when he is going some place and doesn’t say he is going to be out of pocket for a few days throws a red flag to me. If our relationship is not important enough for you to say before going i get very upset and because of this I get blamed for not trusting. Hehe to the games

Seriously? I have so many cousins I can’t count them all, male , female and yes we all hoard together and do a sleepover since we were children we’re almost 60 now. you’re mind is a little twisted there chick. Try trusting your boyfriend and all is good , otherwise MoveOn, especially as his damn cousin

What if his cousin were visiting him at his own home? Sleeping in his house, would you still feel the same ,or is it the hotel room that makes it more unsavory?

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It’s sad to say but - you’re on the very way to ruin your relationship with your trust issues and overthinking.
If this is your reaction when it’s a family member with a baby - then what will it be when he will just go for a drink with a group of friends (female includes) and will not be able to pick up the phone ? Will you break up with him straight or fly to Nevada to find out what he’ve done ?
Just FaceTime him , say hi to the cousin and the baby on FaceTime and get over it .

I don’t trust any man with any woman, regardless of familial relationship. But I’m really fucked up, so there’s that.

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What’s wrong with the relationship to make you not trust him. To go so far as to think he’s be doing something with his own cousin. Serious issues there and you should leave him if that’s how little you think of him.

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Omg really? It’s his cousin. I sleep in the same bed as my male cousins. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Especially if they grew up together. There really ain’t nothing wrong with this.

If he never gave you reason to not trust, then let it go. If there was a past occurrence of something and it really bothers you then when he is standing in front of you face to face. then ask him if he cheated. You will know by his eyes and response delay.
Good luck, best wishes

We are from a big family, a couple of nephews had a thing for their female cousins in our family, but they were only 15/ 16 years of age. But as Adults know better that its wrong, to close in blood related, than something very wrong with your boyfriend head, if he plans to do anything with a cousin of his. But trust is the main ingredient in any relationship, with out that you dont have anything, and if she has her kids with her, why would they do anything with her kids there .

I wouldn’t think rice about sharing a room with my cousin, we grew up together.


I think you are being a bit too extra… it’s his Cousin, not an ex or Best friend… obviously you have trust issues…

You don’t trust him he was honest and told you
Stating he has nothing to hide and he doesn’t think anything is wrong
Being honest merits his trust from you. Don’t go into a relationship not trusting and jealous. Causes many problems
And please don’t say your not either because you would not be feeling this way and asking
Has he ever giving you a reason not to trust him

i dont think its a trust issue,my family is close too but i like my privacy ,he should have got his own room just my opinion

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its his cousin. I would worry if it was a coworker. long distance relationships are built on trust. If you do not have it with a cousin then maybe you should rethink the relationship

The question is would YOU sleep with YOUR cousin? I have some extremely attractive cousins and have never ever considered sleeping with one of them.

You not extra…just a little jealous its natural…I would not beat yourself up over it nor him that matter…he is just with family…

Obviously if you are upset that he slept in the same room as his cousin and her baby, you don’t trust him. Like at all. Not one bit. You trust him so little that not only are you concerned he’d cheat, but you literally are saying you believe he’s capable, as a functioning adult member of society, of cheating via incest in front of a baby.
Gross. So gross.

FFS… She is his cousin… What type of sick twisted mind have you got? If you can’t bring yourself to trust him wil a family member then I hate to say it but you both have wasted the last 2 years.

Is it his blood cousin, or his play cousin? There is a difference. You must have a reason for the suspension. If it’s his real cousin you are paranoid and need help.

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It is his cousin. If you are that paranoid about him cheating. Maybe you shouldn’t be with him. And if he would cheat with family. He would cheat with anyone.

It’s his cousin. I wouldn’t think there would be hanky lanky. However, some cousins have married each other.

You did say they were cousins correct? Like real life blood cousins not fake cousins? Because if they are indeed cousins it’s just :nauseated_face: When me and my cousins get together, which isn’t often at I would like, we fall asleep where we fit in… We share a bloodline, we’ve shared beds, we’ve shared clothes, we’ve shared food and shelter and lifelong bonds. I have two concerns… #1 Do you have trust issues because of the distance, especially if you think he’s being inappropriate with his cousin? 2. If she lives in Vegas and you live in Vegas and you’re dating her cousin… Why weren’t you invited out ask to tag alongt? Unless you and his cousin don’t have the type of relationship? Hope it all works out :100::heart: Good luck with everything :blush:

Are You totally convinced that she is his cousin ? If you guys are truly in love with each other why is he living a State away and with No transportation ?

I would hope that it being his cousin alone would be enough of a detureant for him !!! And certainly if you feel he has tendencies to cheat unfortunately it may just happen! More than likely its not anything to worry about!

The fact that he told you he’s sleeping in the same room with his cousin and child means he being transparent with you! I wouldn’t worry, but I don’t think you trust him like you say you do!

You sound very insecure! Its his family!!! You sound crazy questioning him and getting .ad for being honest with you.

Long distance relationships for the most part will not last. If I were you, I’d just move on and save myself the doubts, the Facebook questions to strangers and trust issues. For real

Todays world is so perverse. Sadly so many moral lines are crossed now a days. I do not think its a good idea for cousins to sleep in the same room even if it is innocent. Gods word says to stay away from even the appearance of evil. Biblical wisdom and very true and will keep everyone safe from harm.

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Wow. If she’s really his cousin, what’s the issue? If think you can’t trust him with his cousin, then you shouldn’t trust him with anybody else. OR if the trust issue is you, you need to grow up. You shouldn’t be in a serious relationship, it’s YOU who can’t be trusted.

My mama used to say in Spanish man and woman in same room not even in the grave they’ll always end up sleeping together.

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Your being extra that’s family unless he has given you a reason to feel like that!

It is his cousin. You are being beyond extra over his cousin. If someone questioned me and my cousin(if I had any) I would drop them and run. Get over your insecurities, otherwise your relationship is doomed.

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Based on your own logic, I’m curious about what you and your cousins really do at family gatherings.

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Long distance relationships are difficult. If this is the only time you have had any doubts, then I would say definitely give him the benefit. Out of respect for someone you love, you should not spend time alone with a member of the opposite sex. Call me old fashioned, but this is the way I was brought up. However, my ex didn’t feel the same way. If you really care about someone, you will take their feelings into consideration. My husband now has never given me any reason to doubt him.

If you’re jealous of his cousin then there is a bigger problem here lol

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Ummm their cousins. Do you really think them at they’re going to do something together? If so you may want to figure out where the insecurities are coming from.

You are not over reacting , i know someone that sleeps with a cousin and that is not ok. Recently someone married a first cousin.

it sounds normal when you have family i wouldnt worry about it ! i he was up to something he would not have told you he was going to stay there

I don’t see anything wrong w it at all as long as they aren’t weird ppl … her child is there also…

Think you are over thinking it…my sons and their cousins are like brothers and sister…you shouldnt be feeling insecurw…if you cant trust him then your in wrong relationship…

Do you trust him so little that his own cousin makes you nervous?

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Trust has nothing to do with it. Hormones run rampant and things happen. Just doesn’t look good even with a cousin. That could be so tempting

Let it go it is his cousin!i frequently stay at my cousins home or at my brothers homes and my husband is fine with it. Heck i even go camping alone. Be an adult and stop overthinking

You think you’re with a man who’d have sex with his cousin???

One of the following scenarios is absolutely true …Either you need therapy, or to get out of that relationship…

If you think he will get in a relationship with his cousin , You don’t respect nor trust your man . Such a ugly thought you have in your mind .

Uhm… it’s his cousin??? And his sister? All family hanging out together and you’re worried. Really? Unless you have a valid reason to legit suspect incest… you may want to talk to somebody.

Why are you even involved with someone that you would suspect of having sex with his COUSIN!!! Sounds like you both have issues!!

Laughing over the I do trust add up foe im part in a a paragraph have to not with question over hnappropriate/ weird/wrong/fishy. I go with and bey gut…but Im not a jealous person by nature. So facts would have to not add up for me and be out of character for him.

What kind of relationships do your cousins participate with family members that you would think like this? You’ve got serious trust issues and need some help to figure that out.

Are you crazy they are family. You are looking for trouble in this relationship if you are concerned about family spending the night together.

For those saying she is over reacting or that she has the issues, things do happen in families. Someone had commented on here saying their nephew was trying to sleep with their daughter (nephew’s cousin). She told him no and he said he slept with other cousins. You never know what can or would happen.

If you can’t trust him with his cousin, then you will never be able to trust him at any time. What a waste of time in a relationship.

Cousin aside, I don’t think she’d bring her baby with her if the intention was to hook up with him. Also, if his intention was to cheat, I don’t think he’d be upfront about it.

I would feel exactly the way you did.
He should have bought his own room. Stayed alone in his room. He used poor judgement.

I doubt that a few words from strangers will offer sufficient comfort. So much doubt after two years does not bode well for the long term.

It’s not weird at all. She’s family with a baby too!

Sometimes you just have to trust. I see where you are coming from but if you are confident in your relationship don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill

Like actual cousin? Like family? My dad’s brother’s kid? Yes you have issues. Really big issues!

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It’s his cousin. If you think your boyfriend is into incest maybe you better rethink your relationship. Or better yet, think more rationally.

I am old fashioned I just don’t think no male should spend night with woman if in a relationship with someone and believe me I’ve know cousins who had sex with oneanother

Just remember the story about putting a bird in a cage. If you open the door it will probably fly away but if it comes back it was meant to be. If it don’t it was not meant to be. And you can never really keep someone that don’t want to be there. Long distance relationships are hard. But if you love each other enough you can weather the storm. Jealousy will eat you up inside. And if you don’t trust him with his cousin your relationship is already in trouble.

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Trust is key in a happy relationship. U can not be together 24/7 its his cousin. Let it go. Must be bigger things to stress on.

Its his cousin for gods sake, honey obviously you dont trust him, and if you cant even trust him with his cousin you have bigger issues

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First off if you think your Bf is gonna do it with his cousin it’s time to go !!

Not at all. I have cousins and my grown children have cousins. We are all very close. Sexual things never ever become a part of our family time. Put your worries aside. Over reacting.

Its his cousin. I definitely feel like your overreacting. You feeling like somethings gonna happen with his cousin says something about you not him. Your relationship isnt gonna last if you keep thinking like that

U really think they are going to sleep together? Their cousins for goodness sake!!!

I’d give him more credit. I’m sure it was completely innocent, from what you described. Stressing over this will drive you guys apart from each other.

So in a relationship for 2 years together all the time because u 2 worked together but one of u obviously moved away without the other one and is now doing a long distance relationship maybe once or twice a month and he has no car I don’t know the situation why one of u moved but if it was going to go anywhere u2 would probably be in the same vicinity together just saying sounds like not a true commitment but the cousin thing could possibly be just what it is just visiting family from out of state

Hell yes your being extra. Goodness. If he was gonna act disgusting with own cousin, I highly doubt he would be telling you about it. Whoa… please seek some counseling if you have insecurities this intense. His cousin?! :eyes:

You’re right to think that way my brother-in-law always used to say a hard *ick has no conscience

If it his first cousin I don’t see a problem unless they are perverts. My sons are close to their cousins even girl cousins. They were in and out of each other’s house and I didn’t think twice when they went off together in fact one cousin was a roommate for 2 years. I think you may have a problem.

I had a cousin that stayed with me and my two boys when he was looking for a job. He lived in another state and didn’t have the money to stay in a motel for a month, and didn’t have the money to rent a room either. I would not think of jumping into bed with him, and he never made any advances toward me!

It’s his cousin for God’s sake. If you can’t trust him with a relative then you need to question if he’s trustworthy at all.

Yeah, it’s his cousin…If you think he’s sleeping with his cousin, you should probably stop seeing him right now and not for your own sake, but for his :roll_eyes:

He was up front about it and she has her child… I don’t see a problem. Now, if you found out after the fact…might be different.

Question: While your worrying yourself over this issue, your #1 not changing the situation.
#2 worrying about him in the company of a cousin (his) says a lot about you.
You seem to have trust issues that need to be addressed.

I think you have issues and this relationship is definately not gonna last. You might as well end it now. If you dont trust him with his cousin…seriously girl get a grip. Do you think he is capable of having sex with his own cousin? Are you dating men that’s willing to have sex with their cousins…what does that say about you?

FYI for those who say it’s his cousin your sick “WRONG “ as a teenager I was hit on by a lot of cousins. Sick . I also had a female cousin that slept with 2 different cousins. And a dear friend who’s brother in law married his 1st cousin. Excuse we were not raised as cousins. And no they were not all from south. 3 were from California

Is she his cousin or is she “HIS COUSIN”:woman_shrugging:t4:has he ever given you a reason not to trust him? If not what’s the problem, if so why stay in a long distance relationship with him!?

Tell me something why would you have a sick thought like that she is family is your boyfriend into sleeping with female family members inappropriately if not get over it and seek some mental help

It’s his cousin!
He doesn’t have a car! Simple as that.

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To be honest I think it’s weird that you think it’s weird… I mean that’s his cousin unless you have like a for real trust issue

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Yes, that’s weird because my husband would have never left me to sleep with anyone. I don’t think it’s a trust issue I think he’s weird!

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Okayyyy unless he is into that sort of thing thats just weird. Its his cousin!! If this really is a red flag for you then something isnt quite right.

Wow. There sure are a lot of armchair psychiatrists on here. I think it is only natural that you might feel concerned that you can’t be there to share in his endeavors. There is always the nagging feeling that he may find someone to replace you. My advice is to not allow your insecurities to ruin what you’ve got. Just remember, there is always a chance he feels the same way. Think about it: family with little kids running around. You have nothing to worry about. It’s more of a “better you than me” type thing.

Sounds like a you problem. Got some insecurities ya need to work out I think