I am concerned that my boyfriend stayed the night in a hotel with his cousin: Advice?

Do you want a cookie?? This is ridiculous and I can’t believe you even posted this.

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SERIOUSLY??? You think he’d bang family with an 8 month old in the room??? You need help with your insecurities.

Has he ever displayed signs of liking her in that way or something? If not, then I don’t think you should worry

You worried about the sister too?


Wow this is some story line. Is he known to bang his cousins? And if so why would you even date him!

I don’t know what it’s like where you live but where I live people don’t hump their cousins so I think you’re being extra.


WOW get over it :joy: that’s his family. I don’t see an issue with it especially with separate beds. If you can’t trust him with his cousin (I know you say you trust him but seeing as how you’re asking you clearly don’t.) Re evaluate your relationship.

If you think your boyfriend is going to sleep with his cousin, there’s a lot more issues in your relationship than you realize.


You are tripping
It seems like you are insecure
I think it’s sick to even think that way
They are cousin’s just chill you are going to lose him

It’s family. Wow. Let it go

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Did u say it is his cousin he will be staying with??? What is wrong with u

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Dude he was beating his cousins guts! Uh uh uh uh! Like hes still got her knees by her ears like a telephone as you read this!


Depends what culture he is lol is he Maori or Cookie ? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It’s his cousin, chill the heck out and hope he never figured out that you had these thoughts.


She’s there with her baby, maybe imagine yourself being the cousin…would she be there with her baby and sleeping with her cousin ?definitely extra I think this a you issue !

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You’re basically asking us do you think you’re boyfriend is gonna be incestuous with his cousin! What in the hill billy heavens is going on here :woman_facepalming::joy::joy::joy::joy:


What in the Alabama Arkansas kinda crap is going on here :joy::joy::joy::joy:


You are being extra as f. It’s his cousin not some random girl he stayed the night with.

You’re absolutely ridiculous

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That’s his cousin you sound very insecure maybe you need to reevaluate your self


I think she is also his cousin. Because why would you assume your man bangs his cousins :face_with_monocle:where did that come from?


You are seriously asking if it’s okay because you’re afraid your boyfriend might fuck his cousin… am I understanding this right? Just checking. Get therapy instead of a boyfriend.

I mean unless they’re kissing cousins your fine :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You are childish asf


So you think he’s gonna bone his cousin


Um r yal into incest? Cos that is his cousin. U have a warped imagination there

Well, I hate to be THAT one BUT… I’ve seen many times where those who are cheating are claiming that the people they’re cheating with is a family member so no suspicion would be raised. Especially out of town. There’s many ways to cheat and this is one of those “clever” ways.
My question would be is if you’re in a relationship, the sister should know you in some way… correct? If not, then there’s a red flag and if she does, ask how the visit with their cousin is going. If she doesn’t know what you’re talking about, then there’s your answer. :woman_shrugging:


We need the person behind the post to come forward with more background information. Make an alt account if you want to remain anonymous. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON HERE.

Wow seriously it’s his cousin who has her baby there . yes some people do sleep with cousins but come on

If you’re in a situation where your bf messing around with his cousin is an actual possibility, I would throw up and run in the other direction :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::joy:


Are you thinking he’d sleep with his cousin?

Unless she’s not really his cousin, they why worry?

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Girl even my gifs are like…tfak🤣you need help


What in the jerry springer?


If you can’t trust him then break up with him. A relationship wjere there is no trust is worthless


Are you from Arknsas?


Girl you’re extra! That is his cousin blood related? Why would you date someone that you think would be involved in incest?

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Don’t be ridiculous.

Has something happened to you for YOU to be worried about HIS cousin? Where does the thought come from for you to worry about his cousin? Is it a normal thing for your cousins to worry about other cousins? The thought is sickening :face_vomiting: and if you’re thinking he’s going to bone his own cousin, why are you with him? Unless you’re the problem and to have thoughts like that seems a bit disturbing. I don’t know, just my opinion.


You know how they say that when someone cheats, they think every weird thing their partner does means they’re cheating? I’m not saying you’ve slept with your cousin, but I think it’s weird that was your first thought…

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Am I reading this right? You’re concerned about him staying overnight at his COUSIN’s hotel room? Unless you’re from West Virginia, what’s the problem? :woozy_face::grimacing:


Uh it’s his cousin. You’re definitely being extra. :joy:

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Louise Farrell what Oj

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Unless they have an inappropriate relationship

It’s his cousin!! Enough said.
I wouldn’t be with someone that insecure & untrusting. That would take issue with me staying the night with my family.

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Girl u r tripping its his cousin u have nothing to worry about. If u can’t trust him then break up with him

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If you don’t trust him you shouldn’t be with him


I guess you’ve never had a sleep over with your cousin. That must’ve sucked growing up :flushed:


Wow…his cousin really??

Uhm. Ive stayed at my male cousins house multiple nights. If you are worried about hom being alone with HIS COUSIN then either something has happened that you arent informing us of or you have a very sick mind and are being extremely extra. I mean what person thinks that their boyfriend is sleeping with his cousin?!?!

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And he gave you all these updates while he supposed to be getting with his cousin?

Girl you tripping.

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Wait… if you think he would actually get with his cousin why would you be with him? And he should know that you think he’s a cousin fucker so he can dump you :joy:

I’ve literally taken my cousin a boy btw on a plane we went to a different state and stayed with family he wasn’t related to…bc he’s my cousin and I thought it’d be fun to take him withm what the nasty hell and insecurity is wrong with you

Jesus take the wheel! I think he should leave you if your first thought is he would sleep with his own cousin… There’s something weird going on with your head!!!

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This page is the new Jerry Springer Show


Are you worried about him and his mum aswel?

Umm, it’s his cousin.

They are in Vegas, not West Virginia.


Hes not in Alabama I wouldn’t worry.


Girl, that is his cousin. Wow.


Wtf :rofl::rofl::rofl: he needs to run, if you’re tripping over cousins you are overly jealous :rofl:


Girl seriously that’s his family and yes I know it happens but you’re sick to even think something like that to begin with!! Unless you have proof then leave the relationship and go get some help.


Is it his play cousin?

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Its a blood cousin right? Like all the family acknowledges this lady as a cousin?.. If yes whats your problem? Does he usual fck his cousins…if he does… Find a new boyfriend


Is it realy his cousin or is it his “cousin”


Plus the baby? I live with my cousin and would never & neither would he. Get a grip


Does he regularly engage in incest that you are this worried?


You find it weird that he stayed the night in the same room with his cousin?? Ummmmm

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I have stayed with my cousins so many times at motels no weird stuff has ever happened and I know it never would.

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is this fr? girl just stop :joy::rofl::joy:


I actually don’t know.

Like literally I can think of numerous times as teens my cousins and I stayed all together at someone’s house (grandparents, aunts & uncles… parents… you know bc were all close family) and literally you couldn’t tell who was where until we woke up. No one thinks anything weird until you make it that. My cousins and I are friends and would never, I would never, they would never… like it would never be like that… I trust them, they trust me. It was all for fun and to spend time together. Fast forward to now as adults, my male cousins all have wives who I love just as much and I have a great husband. If something came up & just us 2 cousins had to go somewhere without the spouses (unlikely) but maybe a family emergency or something…or if we were all on vacation together and decided to nap in the same room during the day… or for some reason rooms were slim and we shared a room overnight Just remember you said separate beds… it’s basically like sleeping at grandma and grandpas house just in twin beds lol not together…: I think this is fine. Maybe you are feeling strange bc of the distance or other insecurities with the relationship but I think it may be misplaced here. Is there something else that’s bothering you about your bf or your relationship/trust, etc?? I don’t think you’re a bad person for asking this or even weird… I mean… just don’t make it weird. Sometimes people over complicate things and that’s why people have the feelings like this. I mean unless he makes it a regular thing to “sleep” you know not sleep but SLEEP :sleeping_bed: :man: :woman: with his cousins, then maybe there’s more to the issue than at this current moment lol otherwise, I think it’s fine…: but that’s just my own opinion and we’re all entitled to one :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s just strange… are you guys from Alabama or something?? I’m not hooking up with any of my cousins and I doubt your man would either!!


I think you’re reaching here. I mean, really reaching. :thinking:


Put your phone down next time this question crosses your mind please :sweat_smile:


He stayed with his cousin and their baby… wtf. Thats weird, thats his cousin and he told you about it.


Rebecca Litovsky wtf😂

Are you serious right now.


But you said they was cousins… I mean incest happens but… 🤷🏽

NGL but yea you are being extra. Like why would you be worried? Are you upset cuz you cant be there or???

If you’re tripping you don’t trust him

I think you’re reaching, he’s being open and honest. I don’t think it’s weird - I have 30 first cousins and if I was traveling with one of the guys; we’d get one room with separate beds. Family looks out for each other always.


Sooo wait…you think he would have sex with his cousin? Might be some bigger issues here :face_with_raised_eyebrow::grimacing:


I don’t understand how you’re asking this question like it’s a normal girl and not the word “cousin” like…what


So either that’s not his cousin or you need to reread what you just submitted :joy::thinking:


What in the whites of West Virginia is going on with this page the last couple of days?


Yes you are being extra…cousins!!

Honestly i wonder where here in the states you are ? I gre up in Illinois where you knew your cousins or even not you knew better . i moved to arkansas at 15 and saw for the first time in my life that whether they knew they were related or not still hooked up . so i get the doubt . i think it comes down to knowing the family and knowing the relationship. My husband and i are not related at all and checked to make sure . when my husband and i got married in arkansas 9 years ago the judge and marriage certificate asked "how are you related " i was jaw dropped :joy: but then you still could marry our second cousin down there…lol just saying its stupid and we live in colorado now away from all that back woods crazy !

Oh gawd…who hurt you to think your man might sleep with his cousin??


If u are concerned that hes messing with his cousin…u May have biggwr things to worry about in the relationship…is it really his cousin?? if it is…hopefully by marriage (which is still Not right ) imo …js …

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Hold up…
You think he’ll cheat with his cousin?
Not even kidding, are you drunk right now?


I dated a guy once, we were looking at old pics in his phone & I saw a chick naked in a tub & then another picture of her being all seductive in a thong. He said it was a chick he used to talk to… couple months later, i find out it’s his cousin. I confronted her & she said she accidentally sent them… twice. SO! Unless something like that has happened, I dont think you’ve got anything to worry about. :grin::hugs: best of luck.

This reminds me of that friends episode :rofl:


… ummm I think you’re way above n beyond extra. You’re seriously worried about him being with his family?


My first question is do you bang your cousins??

Ok nvm that’s my only question.


…really? Lmao you sound nutty gf

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Not everyone is kissin cousins… So why is this a discussion? 🥸


I know ALOT of people that are with their cousins and have kids together. You people must live sheltered lives because it goes on everywhere


…sweetheart…it’s his COUSIN…baby who hurt you


How crazy insecure do you have to be to think he would fuck his COUSIN :nauseated_face::nauseated_face: