How to get pregnant with a girl?

Boy sperm swim faster and live less, girl sperm swim slower and live longer. So if you want a girl don’t have sex the day of ovulation or day before you ovulate. Not full proof but hopefully the boy sperms will have died off by the time you’re ovulating lol.

Have sex a couple days before your ovulation date, female sperm swim slowest but survive longer in the body.

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Well, actually, there’s a theory about a better chance of getting a girl if you do the dance a tad further from ovulation. It’s a theory called the Shettles method. Sperm survive inside for up to 5 days, but it’s really on a spectrum. The low end of the spectrum TEND to be the Y guys, and the longer living ones tend to be the X gals. So, if you happen to be regular, know your ovulation signs and can predict when ovulation will be, I’d try doing the deed more like 3 days before instead of the day of or day before. Not a guarantee but would increase the likelihood.

Obviously if you do the deed again before you ovulate it’s back to 50/50 shot.

Use a condom with a hole in it! I had 5 boys. Then got a girl because we used a condom off a condom tree that my husbands mom had at her bachelorette party for a joke. They had poked holes in the wrappers to hang them…we didn’t know that.


If you have to ask questions like this, just stop having kids. Lol


Naturally? No. Medically? Yes. If you go through IVF you can have a “selected gender” as some people call it. If you just plan on going natural then you get what you get.


The man in the relationship needs to get his sperm in order. He’s shooting out little boys willy nilly like they’re going out of style. From what I understand of genetics… the male genetics determines the gender of the child. If you want to get the gender of your choice, your best option is adoption.

I’d say find another spouse because the one you currently have is a boy maker :rofl::rofl::rofl: (it’s a joke don’t come for me) :rofl::rofl::rofl:


There are ways apparently but you could still end up with the opposite of what you wanted.

Girl tadpoles tend to live longer than the boys so if you want a boy you are apparently supposed to do the deed right as you are ovulating as opposed to if you wanted a girl you could do it a day or so before ovulation and the tadpoles would still be swimming because the girls live longer than boys.

I cannot confirm or deny this theory this is just what I have been told lol


It’s what ever sperm wins the race

Look up the statistics. You’re more likely to continue having boys until baby 7 or so. I’m a Mom of four boys LoL seven boys between my ex and I. No girls. The male birth rate is higher, probably because the male infant mortality rate is higher. And it’s all Dads doing on boy or girl, that chromosome comes from him.

I had five girls and 1 boy my ex always drank a lot of milk,


Amanda Mitchell Just when I felt I had a low IQ


I just know im not the only one that thought you meant a woman getting another woman pregnant.


You could try having a stern talk to your partners ballsack? Really though nothing is for sure and everything suggested is anecdotal.

Timing and girl diet. Supposedly increase in calcium and magnesium help with girls to change body pH. Guy I worked with and his wife followed the timing for a boy which is no sex leading up to ovulation and sex when within that first day of testing for ovulation is like 92% chance of boy bc boy swimmers swim faster but die off sooner. So time it for leading up to but not during that first day.

I followed the boy diet and timing as well for my second bc I had a daughter the first time. Luck of the draw? Or did my diet (sodium and potassium increase) help with a son the second time

No tricks, just pray

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Lol girl the male chooses the sex. So it’s your SO’s fault. He’s full of Y’s

There’s no way to increase your chances of naturally having a boy or a girl. Just luck of the draw unfortunately.

IVF…but it’s very expensive for just one try…

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Girl, God gives you what you csn handle!! Boys was so much easier to raise then my girls !! Lol.


Me and my husband have two older boys and tried for girl but got twin boys lol I was destined to be a boy mom


Go through IVF I believe they are able to choose the gender idk the percentage and how well it works I’ve only read about it.

hi i’m science and i didn’t say that

Ok ok im go na try to explain this the best I can… yes the men do infact predict what the sex of the baby is going to be!! With that being said the male sperms swim(travel) faster than the female sperms but the female sperms live longer so we was told during innercourse that he needs to pull out some (not all the way) and cum shallow (not deep inside) that way it gives the female sperms a better chance

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I had 2 boys and wanted a girl. I used the Chinese fertility calenders for sex selection

I have 3 girl’s & some days I’m :exploding_head::gun:


I’m here to.tell u I have 4 boys and another boy on the way I’ve managed to have 1 daughter she was my 3rd child when u find out plz tell me cause I want another girl so bad the only way I can think of is ivf and I can’t afford that

Because female sperm live longer, have sex as far away from ovulation as you can, (ideally 4 days before) so that by the time you release an egg it’s only the female sperm left. There really is something to it. I conceived all 3 of my girls this way

When I first read the “how to get pregnant with a girl” I though she wanted to have s3x with a female, and have her impregnate her. :rofl::person_facepalming:

I was told that frequent sex after the period would be more likely to have a girl…we did it…after 2 boys a girl…worth a try…

Lol. My husband wanted a boy…here we are 3 girls later! :joy:

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Hate to say it, but that’s up to your husband :joy: I recently learned the sex of the baby depends on the man. :sparkles: science :sparkles:

It’s the sperm that decides. Nothing you do or don’t do will ensure a girl.

Had my ovary and tub removed someone at the hospital was joking I’m sure and said the left one produces more successful for female fertilization anyways my right was removed if their is truth to this not sure maybe she was trying to make me feel better it was an emergency surgery all and all pray god is here alive and listening

I have one boy & one girl & another girl on the way. Count your blessings with all boys! Lol.

I got one after changing husbands


I had 3 boys and wanted a girl so bad ! My 4th was a girl so I got my tubes tied, 10 years later got them tied back together and had 2 more girls, it’s a tie !

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Read about the acid and alkaline diet… one promotes boy and the other girl but make sure of which one…

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New man with boy genes.


Try a different dad? It’s the man who determines the sex of the child. Nothing the woman can do.

My parents used a book back in 2000 to get my brother after 2 girls. 2 of my other uncles used it to get a son after multiple girls! Worked everytime. Last fall, I used the same book, but to get a girl& I was successful too! I’ll paste a picture of the book below

There is a book - how to choose the sex of your child. That’s how we got ours. Good luck

Use the Chinese calendar

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My husband had 3 girls with his ex wife. A daughter with me. Miscarriage with me was a girl. Now finally a boy

My husband had 3 girls with his ex wife. A daughter with me. Miscarriage with me was a girl. Now finally a boy

I’m sorry but there’s no way to do that. You can pray for a girl. But you’ll get whatever is intended. Those children were meant to be yours and you theirs for whatever reason. If you really need a little girl and it isn’t happening I would suggest getting a pet if you’re truly dedicated to caring for it. It won’t be a baby but you’ll care for it all the same and it’s the only time you can pick the gender.

Just wish to god that he gives you a girl :ok_hand::bowing_woman::woman_shrugging:

Have him think baby girl while doing the deed then maybe it might happen :woman_shrugging:t2:

Stupidest thing I’ve ever read. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Honey god is telling you something. Boys are easy

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You could always adopt a lil girl. :heartbeat:


The closer you have sex to ovulation the higher chance for a boy. Male sperm die faster than female sperm

There really is no right way. It’s a 50/50 chance of luck honestly.

Coming from a mom of 5 boys :sob::sob::sob: its no specific way :joy::joy::joy:


short of witchcraft, idk

If there was a way I would have a boy I promise you :100::100::heart::sob::rofl: I have all girls and the 3rd pregnancy I was praying but nope twin girls fml but I pray you get that girl :heart:


It actually depends on the fathers sperm.

Stand on you head for 4 mins :joy::rofl:


I never wanted girls only boys, but i ended up with 1 boy and 3 girls

Ummmm i really dont know how to answer this but best of luck to ya.

Are people trolling this page with these questions lately? Like are these posts like the 5 minute craft ones where they literally post the stupidest s*** possible for clicks?


I did lots of research an I got to no my body got pregnant always right after my period so I got super fit an the father no drinking smoking worked out everyday an I tryed wen I was ovulating which was 10 days after my period I was most fertile everyone is different I also studied when my body was ovulating an it worked I got my girl this way after 3 boys that were conceived after or end of period so maybe track ur cycle an try everyone is different tho gud luck

Google it I did it with my daughter but I dunno if it was just a coincidence

It’s all about ovulation tracking and only trying on certain months depending on your age at the time :blush: (and no I’m not referring to the Chinese calendar btw lol)

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Gender has nothing to do with you. Sperm determines the gender. There is nothing you can do.

You can have ivf done with female embryos :woman_shrugging:t2:


Mar 9, 2022 — It’s all about a race to the egg… Shettles found male sperm to be smaller, would swim faster and have a shorter life span than the female sperm.
So if boys swim faster and girls live longer then …… ovulation timing is everything.

They have books on ways to conceive a girl. My ex sister in law used a book

It really all depends how any boys or.girls are on each side. If one.side has more boys than girls more likely your gonna have a boy or girl. I have two boys. My second I wanted a girl. But my youngest dad side has all boys. My side is a mix of both. Sadly I didn’t get my girl.

Well I was told let him do all the work

Didn’t matter on my end
I got 2 girls 3 boys
GBBBG. In that order

Pull out and prey method? I mean its believed that male swimmers swim faster but die off quicker, while female swimmers are slower but last longer. (Hmmm weird… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:) So maybe if you try this method, the little boys might not make it……

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Try a different sperm donor :woman_shrugging::rofl:

It’s got nothing to do with the females body only the mans sperm. The mans sperm is what decides the sex of the baby only

This book has a chapter about influencing the gender. It worked for me twice.

I used the Chinese  predictor chart. I only tried to conceive on certain days that says the possibility it will be a girl we’re high. I guess it worked, I finally have my precious baby girl after three boys. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: 


You could try the shettles method! I don’t know how accurate it is but some people
swear by it.

5 was not planned and ended up being my girl. Had 4 boys and ended up with boys when trying to get a girl. :woman_shrugging:

All that crap is bull. If you could’ve would’ve been able to pick the sex of a child everyone on this earth will have exactly what they want. Just be happy with healthy babies if it happens good… If it’s that serious then adopt a girl … Sheesh

Is anyone else just here for the comments or is it just me?


Yell at your boyfriend/husbands junk demanding that it will produce a girl this time! It’s all up to those ballsssss.

IVF and have a genetically modified baby

Not unless you plan go to the lab and have your man’s sperm filtered and only females implanted

"Oh Brother " ! So easy ! just get a different Mailman this time ! lmao :grinning:


I read a book called how to choose the sex of your baby. It’s really interesting information on how ovulation works, how sperm does it’s thing once inside… we followed all the directions and suggestions for a boy and it worked for us!

I thought this was my sims 4 group and actually had answers but now I don’t :sob::sob:


There are doctors who specialize in this. People who have who have hemophilia in their family use them. Hemophilia affects boys more than girls but girls are carriers. I think IVF is also involved.

The only garunteed way is to adopt a baby you already know is a girl.


Don’t have sex on your most fertile days. Girl sperm swim slower, but live longer …………. also, DON’T get pregnant only hoping you’ll get a girl. All babies are a blessing!

Girls sperm swim.slower so have sex a day or two before ovulation

Maybe do a "gender selection " With your fertilized egg by your husband’s sperm

You don’t. You either have a girl or boy. Anything anyone tells you was literally luck :joy:

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Pick a man who has kids but only girls …. My 1st child’s father has boy girl then my boy then 2 boys… my 2nd child’s father had boy then my boy then girl… my 3rd child and set of twins (miscarried ) father girl , alleged girl, girl, my girl my twins girl , alleged girl….

Sorry. I was blessed with 3 girls. Always wanted a boy but it didn’t happen, and I’m okay with it. My kids are amazing!

You have really opened a can of worms here.


Use the Chinese birthing calendar. Never fails!!!

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Sex selection with IVF

The male sperm determines the sex of the baby. The strongest sperm that makes it wins. You can try all the old wives tales out there but in the end it depends on which sperm makes it to the egg first. Good luck.

Dont get pregnant If you really want a girl. Its not fair if its a boy cauze you will be dissapointed. A baby deserves a mom thats happy with having a baby and not just by having a girl or boy.


Ok. So we planned our genders and it worked. We researched how to get a boy/girl and found out that male sperm swim faster than female sperm. But they die off in 2-3 days. Female sperm swim slower but live up to a week. So basically get an accurate ovulation date and then have sex 4-5 days before that ovulation date. This essentially will put the sperm up there at ovulation but the male sperm should have died off by then. It worked twice for us. You can research more online to get exact dates. Its been awile for me…