How many words does your 1 1/2 year old know?

Help me from my ledge… how many words did your child know by the age of 1.5yr? Or by 2? So many expectations that are so overwhelming and i feel like I’m failing


My child is 1.5 and says 4 words (mama, Dada, ta, car). Only started saying car a week ago. Some children are slow talkers I would try to not worry until after 2. If you are super worried can give plunkett a call or talk to your GP

The fact that you care enough to come to a group of strangers and basically ask for help tells me you are not failing. It doesn’t matter what others do, every kid is different and learns at their own rate. Try not to stress. I know kids who didn’t say a word until after 2y/o and others that talked in full sentences by then. If you are really concerned, address with the pediatrician. But be easy on yourself Mama. You’re doing great. Try not to stress and enjoy your little one :heart:

Don’t judge your child by anyone else’s… they all develop at different levels. Just cuz little Johnny’s doing it doesn’t mean little Sally should be…

My 2 oldest were talking in full sentences at that age, my third had no reason to talk- the older ones talked for her. My youngest was 16 months before she even said mama or Dada and that was it until she was 2, then she decided to say " I want cookie". Every child is different and will talk when they are ready and willing

Every kiddo is for sure different. I had one that was talking in full sentences at that age and another that was barely saying a couple words.

Every kid is different, siblings are vastly different as well.

Please do not compare your child to other children. That will drive you nuts! Instead contact your local headstart, early on or school district. Have her evaluated.