Can babies have rice cereal?

My baby’s on a really thin prescribed milk & suffered with awful reflux to the point where she couldn’t be lied down to have her nappy changed. The doctor prescribed us ‘carobel’. It’s a milk thickener so she could try keep the milk down and it would be heavier on her stomach. It’s worked wonders! She’s now 4 months and is sleeping through & hasn’t suffered with reflux since we started using it. It’s cow & gate carobel, you can buy it over the counter at a pharmacy x

I started my daughter on rice cereal around 3 months but it was only a half of a table spoon till she was 5.5 months than we went up to normal amounts but I talked with my bbys dr first

All 4 of my boys started at 3 months (with the pediatricians recommendation). They were not getting full from their feedings and kept wanting more. 3 of them were also premature. Another baby in the NICU had rice/oatmeal as well at only one month old. I asked the Dr’s in the NICU, they said it depends on the baby and the way they intake their formula/Brest milk. But not to start without consulting your pediatrician first.

I did it with both of my kids at two months old. I used their formula from their bottle to mix it in a bowl, then they finished off the bottle. Did it before bed and morning. Helped them be full and once I started it they slept through the night.

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My middle child was put on rice cereal at 2 months because formula wasn’t enough for him.

How much is your baby getting? I highly doubt it’s actually too much. I have never heard they should get an ounce an hour like some previous posters said. My kids were eating 40-48 oz at 4 months. At 2 months they were probably taking 4-6 oz every 3 to 4 hours. Longer at night.

I personally wouldn’t, but definitely consult your pediatrician. The recommendation is to start solids around 4-6 months.

I don’t know about you guys but my Son is 7 years old he don’t get sick his healths great I started to put cereal in my Son’s formula when he was days old because the formula wasn’t holding him he was getting hungry to fast it didn’t do any harm to him so I think at 2 months it wouldn’t do no harm to your baby

Try paced bottle feeding! make him work for the milk by holding it half way so the milk sits half way in the nipple instead of holding it directly up right. You want to slow his intake down so his belly fills up slowly and not super quick cause it will continue to expand and before you know it he will need 9oz of formula lol

Yes a little bit of rice cereal is ok in a bottle especially at night when its warm it will knocked them right out little toes be curled lol

I started mine on rice with formula at 3 weeks. They gained weight. Slept good . Let them eat. Just a little tho. Then at about 2 months put some bananas with it!!

I gave my son cereal at 2 months just alittle will not hurt… most ppl say don’t but my son is just fine

All 5 of my kiddos started cereal at 4 months with their pediatrician’s approval of course. Talk to yours. Best wishes. :smiley:

In my day we started our children on cereal at about 2 or 3 months, then added fruits one at a time every couple of weeks, then vegetables and meats last…just got to be careful and add one at a time to make sure not allergic… by 9 mths my kids were off formula and eating quite a bit of table foods… However I would never add cereal to a bottle. We made cereal thin and spoon fed it. I also never propped baby bottles. I fed my babies then laid them down after they were burped etc. My children never got attached to their bottles for sleeping etc. My personal opinion is it didn’t kill us and don’t think it will hurt kids in today’s world. AND I KNOW NO ONE IN OUR GENERATION THAT HAVE HAD ANY OF THE SUPPOSED DISEASES THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS MENTIONED CAN BE CAUSED BY FEEDING YOUR BABY FOOD TOO EARLY. NOT ONE PERSON, ISNT THAT AMAZING

Both of my children ate rice cereal by 3 months right off a spoon I have never put it in their bottles. I started with a couple bites before bedtime every night with my girls and they slept better and weren’t so hungry all day day long. If your using the right formula for him it shouldn’t do anything but help him.

Try a little in his milk (if he bottle feeds). If he breast feeds I’d suggest waiting & just feed often.

My oldest was eating soft real food by 5 mos (rice, beans, veggies etc)
My oldest wouldn’t eat real food until she was 2.

I would not advise that young unless recommend from your Dr. My son did it this young BUT he had severe reflux and it was under Dr.s orders

Our pediatrician recommended it for my oldest because she couldn’t keep anything down. She had to be fed sitting up (which was awkward) but helped prevent choking. If it’s not an absolute necessity, I wouldn’t do it.
I’m not sure how much you’re considering is “too much”, but I’d call the pediatrician and see about maybe changing formula or looking into other issues.
My youngest kept sucking down bottles out of what seemed to be hunger but after a few formula changes and pediatrician visits it turned out to be colic which hit full force around 6 weeks. He wasn’t hungry, he had belly aches and while eating he was soothed, but after eating his belly aches got worse.
There’s no one size fits all with babies. It’s a matter of trial and error. Good luck!

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Ask your pediatrician…? :woman_facepalming:t2: I’ve always heard 4 months is the earliest, and usually still isn’t recommended. My boy was premie and ate 24/7, at leasttt every two hours. Just have to work your life around baby at this point and time. It gets easier.

2 months old is way too young to be giving cereal to. I started my twins at 5.5 months and I felt so worried I was doing something wrong that I called their paediatrician. He said it’s fine as long as they tolerate it. But, 2 months…feeding them anything but formula that young was out of the question.
I understand everyone’s kids are different but there IS a reason the doctors and Pediatricians say 5-6 months…and being ‘full’ isn’t going to make the child sleep better, or any longer. All 3 of my children are proof of that.

Look at all these “doctors” on here. Lol
I’d talk to your pediatrician about it, every child is different on their needs.

I wouldn’t personally. It’s hard on their tummies and a choking hazard from the bottle. My pediatrician told me just feed them. My 2nd ate a lot. At least it felt like it. But he told me that if she was nursing I wouldn’t know how much she ate ans if she ate that much I wouldn’t even know so just to feed her. Unless your baby is having tummy troubles eating whatever amount you think is too much then I’d say feed your baby.

Rice cereal does not make them fuller longer … and it has no nutritional value

My daughters first born was like that and the Doctor had make her formula there at the office and she wasn’t making it right. He was just drinking water more then half and half. If you have to put a little more formula in the bottle. Because when it says heaping tsp they mean that.

Every child is different. I would ask the child’s pediatrician. My granddaughter is almost 5 months old and Dr said start her on stage 1 foods.

Talk to your pediatrician.

Typically rice bottles are not recommended anymore and are considered a choking hazard.

Pace feeding is the way to go for sure!

After 4 months u can try cereal but rice has no nutritional value at all so I went with oatmeal mixed with breast milk.

Talk to the Dr, not Facebook…
If baby is hungry, then baby is hungry. It’s completely normal for them to eat “a lot” especially at that age. Sometimes they’ll want a bottle every hour or 2. They need breast milk or formula not fillers until minimum 4 months.

Talk to your pediatrician. Everyone will have different stories because every baby is different, with unique needs.

Some pediatricians actually warn against rice cereal period but it has been found to have very high levels of metals and arsenic in it. I personally skip that one all together, we do the wheat cereals, but definitely not at 2 months. Hes too young for anything other than formula, hes probably just going through a growth spurt. Good luck mama!

I did with all my kids and grandkids the grandkids were big babies and of them ever seemed to be full my youngest is 15 I nursed her and we gave her cereal at bedtime so she’d sleep a little more she nursed about every hour and a half and I had 3 other kids I needed sleep soemtimes

It’s not recommended but we did it with our 2nd and 3rd children, 2nd didn’t want milk at all and 3rd was never full. Not saying to do it as its not recommended but we did and our girls are fine, we made it in a bowl and spoon fed not in the bottle x

We have been feeding my grandson baby food and cereal since he was 2 months. His pediatrician said to feed him what he wants so we did. He is now 7 months and eats regular food cut up fine

Talk to his pediatrician first! My son was around 4 months when his pediatrician and I talked about adding oatmeal to his bottles, the advised against rice and my son didn’t really care for it anyway. Every baby is different.

My pediatrician said to wait until 4 months but every child is different

Everybody is going to give you a different response. And every child is different. I would speak to your pediatrician. I started giving my oldest rice cereal at 3 months because he was very underweight. My youngest we started basically at birth with just a little and then slowly increased the amount as he got older. He’s 16 months and still gets rice cereal

When my daughter was an infant(26 now) this was suggested to me, by other parents. When my son was an infant(11 now) it was a big no no.
Times change, car seats change, baby food changes.
Your best bet is to talk to YOUR Pediatrician.
Everyone has an opinion, doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong.
I’d stick with the recommendations of the professionals.

Try the enfamil AR brand of formula first.
We used the target brand of it for our daughter last year because she was born at 36.6 weeks and only weighed 6.5 pounds. Regular formulas made her acid reflux worse and she wasn’t gaining much despite eating all the time. Pediatrician recommended at 4 weeks old this formula because it has added rice starch. So you’re basically getting the same effect but without the choking hazard of putting rice cereal in the bottle and they can digest it. Rice cereal in the formula can cause major constipation vs added rice starch formula that doesn’t. As she got older she needed it less and less because she got on track to where she needed to be for her age and we were able to switch to regular formula at about 6 months old. But we still did her nightly bottles from 6-9 months with the added rice starch formula because it made her fuller. Then at 9 months we started doing a baby food pouch and 4 Oz bottle of regular formula before bed. We have been lucky she has been sleeping through the night since 6 maybe 7 months old. She’s 1 now so she drinks whole milk now and eats what we eat so.

I had to add it to all my son’s bottles to keep what he had drank down, because he had projectile vomit an could not keep what he drank down from breast feeding or the pumped breast milk.
This was started per his pediatrician’s orders at 5 weeks old.

Talk to your pediatrician, do they think he’s eating to much? Or are you tired of feeding the baby? Talk to your pediatrician, they will have safe suggestions.

Just put a lil in the bottle and warm it up. I had to give my son and daughter some especially at night.

I started adding just a little to my 2 year olds bottles when she was a month old. She is healthy and has no issues. Trust your gut all babies are different. I do agree to talk to your pediatrician just to be on the safe side

No such thing as eating too much at that age. Feed on demand

Eats way to much! It’s a two months growing baby!

A 2 month old should not be having any solids. Only formula or breast milk.

That’s your baby no person can tell you whats right for your child because every child is different everyone is gonna have a difference of opinions. But you always do what you feel is right for your baby. Everybody’s opinion is not going to be right only you know.

Closer to 6 months is best… anytime before isnt good for bubs…

That isn’t safe, he could choke. No solids until 4-6 months, and you should NEVER put cereal in a bottle. Not unless a pediatrician advises you to do so. 2 month olds can’t eat “too much”. He’s most likely going through a growth spurt, he needs those nutrients from milk.

I did with mine at that age

Probably overfeeding your kid. This is dangerous. Some people just … ima stop there.
look at other comments for reference…

You should only ever do it when your doctor recommends it. It is basically empty calories and also an aspiration risk in a bottle. There is no guarantee it makes a baby fuller longer. My two sons were total opposites and my son is almost 1, he can drink 10 oz eat a kids size meal and be begging for more food less than an hour later​:joy::joy: it’s also bad for their digestive system too early on and wayyyy too much sugar.
Here’s my take on all the moms saying they did it and it was fine. Doctors also tell you not to eat cold cuts or raw seafood due to risk of listeria right?? For good reason. Pregnant women are 20% more at risk for developing listeria and losing their babies. Now some women say I did and my baby is “just fine”. There’s also plenty of women who have eaten it against better advice and lost their babies or almost did because other moms said they can if they want to. There’s a reason for studies that get updated constantly. For the safety of mom and baby

I would talk to the pediatrician first before doing anything and see what they say.

They can have 6 bottles a day???

Just take the rice cook and blend it add spot of honey

Constipation! I would do oatmeal or something similar to it

Yes full tummy helps baby sleep

Some of y’all are saying” I’ve done it and my babies are fine or we did it back in the old days” only reason y’all did it is so your baby can sleep through the night. Babies are supposed to feed every few hours. Giving them cereal or “banana” are not safe and their stomach is so small. So much research has been done. This is 2021. The doctor will tell you the same.


A baby that young literally cannot eat “too much”. They eat when they’re hungry which is often because they are growing rapidly. Please talk to your pediatrician before doing something that can harm your baby.


Rice cereal is a nutritionally void food, it’s empty calories with zero of the nutrients babies need. It’s only really used to help older babies practice eating and swallowing thicker purees on their own. Skip it…especially at 2 months. That’s way to young.


My first born had severe reflux and my pediatrician suggested i put just a pinch of rice cereal with bottles and it worked for me, but there is a lot of things to consider so have a talk with ur dr

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I did it with all mine.

I put a tiny spoon of oats on my sons bottle at night so it would fill him up a little longer for a longer night sleep. This was when he was 8 weeks old, upon the advice of my nan. It worked.

He’s eating more cause he’s growing cereal could upset his stomach and he could choke on it. Like what. Probably your first kid so I’m not gonna judge but tips don’t do it! They don’t recommend till 6 months! Maybe 5. Please research and ask your doctor. My boy is two months and he’s eating more cause he’s growing it’s normal!


Don’t put it in the bottle. I started spoon feeding both my kids at 4 months old. But just don’t put it in the bottle.

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He’s 2 months if he’s breastfed he can’t over eat. If he’s formula feed try pace feeding. He could be cluster feeding it’s normal for that age.
His digestive system isn’t ready for food

Talk to your pediatrician first. They’ll tell you for your baby if it’s okay to give now.

Rice cereal just processes as sugar. Go for whole grain or oatmeal

Just call your pediatrician and ask :woman_shrugging:t2:

I did it with both my kids. My son was eating mashes potatoes his first Thanksgiving. Ik plenty of ppl that feed they babies solid food within a couple of months

Talk to the doctor and see what he or she says.

No please just milk or breastmilk until 6 months !

No. Google open gut syndrome.

You can put rice cereal in a bottle with formula and you have to make nipple a little bigger to help with flow. You can give your baby at 3 months put them in a swing so their head is up if they are unable to do lift head for long period and feed them apple sauce … advice from my doctor, he was the same way. And every bite give a little water to wash it down. And not give them to many things to eat so you know if the baby is having allergic reaction to food. No meat just fruits stage 1

My doctor said 4 months

You can google this stuff

2 monthly is TO YOUNG.

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Check with your pediatrician!

No. Just no. 6 months+. Hungry baby formula is there for a reason.

we older moms have done it forever. it’s up to you.


Your baby isn’t eating too much. 2 months is too young for rice cereal. Please consult with your pediatrician ALWAYS before introducing anything to your baby, especially a newborn


My kids are 34 and 31. My mom said rice cereal, maybe a tablespoon in the formula not a problem. Did it with both of mine. The 2nd was actually when they started saying nothing but formula for the 1st year. My babies started at 2 month. They are both still alive. Rice cereal only tho

I would talk to your pediatrician about it. Unless the pediatrician is concerned with how much he is eating, I would just leave things be. Baby’s that young can eat quite a lot/quite frequently but it doesn’t usually mean anything is wrong. Usually rice cereal in bottles is only recommended if your baby has reflux or needs a thickening agent due to choking/swallowing issues. That said, I’ve had to use rice cereal or other thickeners with my kids, but that’s because they’ve all had reflux and/or issues with swallowing and choking.

My ped told me when, but rice cereal has absolutely no nutritional value so I started with purees instead.

Banana yummy. Banana baby food, a spoon of rice cereal added to formula. I’m old school though. Neither of my kids had colic or developed food allergies. They just rested well.

NO! Formula/breast milk only till 6 months. Then food bit still primarily Formula or breast milk.

U seem like a good mom… what does ur intuition tell u?.. I have 7 kids and i breastfed all my babies…my sister has 5 and she formula fed all hers…I hate formula but I also started feeding my baby rice cereal at 3 or more months…bcuz I could tell she or he was still hungry so I mixed my breast milk with the cereal at first…

What does “eating entirely way to much” mean? Way too young. Babies this young eat often, just feed the baby breast/formula when hungry jeez

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I mixed formula with cereal when my son was about 2 because he ate all the time, my pediatrician told me to, as long as it didn’t cause constipation or spit up…it didn’t. May I suggest making the first few bottle more formula than cereal, and then thickening it up a little once you know it’s not causing constipation

I put it in his bottle at night and cut a bigger hole in the nipple at 2 months. He slept through the night from then on. He’s 21 now…

I wonder what you think is “entirely too much”. If your 2month old is eating every 3hrs approximately 3/4ounces then no your child isn’t eating too much

Nope one of my friends did it with both her kids and they both had hernias at 3 months old.

Some of the advice on here is terrible :woman_facepalming:


It can make your baby anemic. I would stop all together.

Cluster feeding. Normal.

how about asking your doctor.

What the hell kind of drs are you people seeing??? They are giving you such bad advice.

Farex worked wonders for us.

try your doctor, not fb


Talk to your pediatrician

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They say food before 1 is just for fun

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