Are you okay with your husband watching adult videos?

I don’t see why he’d need porn considering your story. I’d be upset too. :woman_shrugging:t3: have you tried watching it with him or asking why?

It’s cheating no matter how other people look at it. If he believes it’s okay behind your back when you clearly already told him how you feel, then there’s no telling what else he’s hiding or doing. He has no respect for you.:sleepy:

If it makes you feel bad and you’ve told him and he keeps doing it there is an issue…porn can become an addiction. However I will say some men can watch it and not want another woman besides his wife…but be careful because my ex husband I caught him all the time and even found he had been on Sex sites trying to find random hookups & he indeed did cheat :pensive: needless to say he’s my ex no matter how long or how much we had together. To me…I’m a Christian and it states in the Bible if you lust over another person you may as well be doing the deed because it’s a form of adultery. It feels wrong esp if he’s doing it behind your back but some couples can watch it together and have lots of fun. It depends on how it makes you feel. Try this….you watch some porn of hot guys hotter than your husband and let him find out and see how it makes him feel and go from there. In a marriage we pick our battles…good luck hun I def know how you feel it can tear marriages apart

Maybe he has fantasy’s he needs to speak with you about. People are people. Speak with your husband!

I personally don’t like it & I’ve expressed this to my partner. In my eyes it’s cheating because you’re still getting off to someone else, even if they’re not there physically. You could always try compromising with him & making videos of you both, sending him pictures/videos of you, etc.

100% ok in my book so long as it’s not effecting the the relationships sexual activity.

Porn has NEVER lead to cheating in a healthy relationship. Period.


Hubby & I watch it together


Wouldn’t bother me …especially if learned something!

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Pick your battles , this is something 90% of all men and teenage boys do.
Are you going to leave him over it? No…
And if you pick at every little thing you will probably make him want to leave you .


I don’t care but I don’t wanna know the details lmao Needing release isn’t always about your partner. Sometimes you just need to get it done :rofl:. We both feel it lets us sleep better. Do you, boo boo.


I have no problem with it. We’ve watched it together before.

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I watch it why would i care if they did


It has never bothered me

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100% okay with it. Truthfully I feel like it’s none of my business lol as long as it doesn’t affect your sexlife :woozy_face:

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They do any way…not a big deal

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I’m not ok with it either.

Some people may disagree with me, but every male at some time has watched porn/does watch porn and it’s not because you’re not enough. It’s because sex with you at the moment might be unattainable.
This is more of a self confidence thing then a him cheating on you thing.
Healthy relationships involve being able to communicate about sex, explore things with each other and mutual respect. Heck, he could’ve been trying to figure out a move to show you in bed :joy:
I’d be more looking inwards to find out why I feel that way, is it religion, upbringing, etc and trying to find some sort of compromise.
Trying to control him will just lead to resentment or him hiding it.

It doesn’t bother me in the slightest…it has nothing to do with us or “not being enough”. I don’t understand why people feel that way tbh, because it’s like…sometimes you just wanna do your thing without putting in effort maybe? Idk it just doesn’t bother me, but I know some women take it personally.

Make it a together activity
But I don’t care its a video as long as he’s still interested in me then hey idc 🤷 we have a active set life and he doesn’t hide it when he watches it or tries to lie our communication is good

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Porn isn’t a hill I’m willing to die on!!

You are enough, he’s not. My ex’s porn habit led to him cheating. So…

Im ok with my husband watching porn. Ill watch it with him sometimes. Could be doing worse. Know isnt cheating bc wants it every…damn…day. I have to swat him away a lot. Lol.Wish he would calm it down just a tad. Maybe to every three days at least. Some guys just have a strong sex drive and a lot of sex still isnt enough…Doesnt mean he isnt attracted to you. Just means he is highly sexual.

I am 100% ok with my husband watching porn. I watch it too. I’d be more upset he found a good video & didn’t share it with me.
Sorry I think if you compare yourself to any of the women then you have insecurities. They are movie stars, and they are acting.
Men are very visual creatures but women can be too. Take some time & watch some yourself, I suggest amateur or homemade couples and alone. You might find a new position idea or something you want to try…… don’t knock it until you try it.
Regarding the relationship aspect, he has just as much “right” to watch it as you do saying you don’t like it. You have to compromise. As long as he is not for-going intimacy & sex with you, or watches it during sex or if it becomes an addiction, then you shouldn’t be worried.

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I don’t care at all.

I’m fine with it. I watch it too

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Get over it. Men’s brains are in there pants. There are sites with men’s ( brains) to

Depends on what kind of porn he’s into I guess

It’s not cheating, your just insecure… I’m not a fan. I don’t like it or watch it. As long as i don’t have to see it, i don’t care. You shouldn’t be looking through his phone either. EVERY SINGLE MAN watches porn. And i mean all of them… it’s their thing. They love it, who cares. It’s not you, it’s them lol :woman_shrugging:


It only bothers me when it’s distracting my husband and I don’t consider it cheating unless it’s someone obtainable (like someone he could talk to or meet up with) so idk, everyone has their own limits though, if you’ve made it clear it bothers you and you consider it cheating and he’s still doing it then it shows a lack of respect for your feelings. Talk to him again because he obviously doesn’t feel that way so he probably doesn’t understand why you feel that way or he just doesn’t care how you feel about it, come to some sort of compromise or leave.


Depends on the relationship. Sometimes it bothers me other times it doesnt. I think when it bothers me is when sex starts to become less and less done. Then I get offended. Now if we have a great sex life and he just wants some “me time” here and there, I won’t care cause baby sometimes I wanna have me time too. Outside of that, it just really depends to me.

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Sorry but there are some things we as women and individuals aren’t comfortable with, or things your partner isn’t comfortable telling you turns him on, I think porn is completely healthy. Both me and my partner watch porn, he would never ask me about my history and what I watch and same to him, but we both do it for eachother in the bedroom but I’m comfortable in the fact I don’t have four willys in my bum so if that’s what he fancies that day he’s gonna need porn to satisfy his needs​:sweat_smile::ok_hand: I’d rather porn when I know there’s little sluts out there that would be willing to do your man for a digestive :sweat_smile:

You aren’t ok with porn on his phone but its ok for YOU TO SNOOP ? It sounds like a serious double standard.


I dont care and don’t see it as cheating. Hes not talking to other girls or touching them.


I personally do not see anything wrong with men watching it. They have needs whether he’s having sex 5 times a day, week, month or year they still get horny out of no where and sometimes have to do what they have to do get past it. It’s normal and happens more than we as women can realize.
Ps there’s times men “use the bathroom to pee/poop” but are pleasing themselves. Again it’s normal and natural in my eyes.

Seems like you’re insecure as long as he’s in your bed and not someone else’s what’s the problem.
Humans aren’t naturally monogamous porn helps stay faithful fuck with that at your own risk.

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Do u also cover his eyes during sex scenes in movies??:roll_eyes: This is a form of control…


I already said something, but truly, it’s fine. Are you truly jealous of a 2-D screen? Something not real? Relax. He’s with you. If he wants a turn on, so what? It’s a video. It’s not like he’s getting with actual women. If you think it will lead to him getting with actual women, then you have bigger things to think about than a video.

I’m 1,000% fine with it, we actually watch it together and we both watch the same stuff lol.

if im still getting attention and sex like normal then idc. if I’m being ignored, then its an issue. i look at it myself. looking is just looking. nobody is being touched. some ppl even watch it together

Doesn’t matter if you like porn or not, it is the exploitation of women and men. Not right. It is adultery if married in the eyes of God.

I don’t have a problem with it.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are you okay with your husband watching adult videos? - Mamas Uncut

Yes and we watch them together

It’s ok I’m totally fine with it

Me and my man watch it together.

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I’ve never cared :woman_shrugging:t3: I be watching too :rofl::sparkles:

It’s just a guy thing honestly

Yup​:grin:And we both love it​:fist:t6::100: Shiiiiiiiiit we get some great ideas​:hugs:

Hi Darling watch porn together

You should start watching it yourself. Be sure to only watch the ones with the hunkiest, most cut dudes who have the most impressive junk in their drawers. Then maybe fake a porn addiction - like, at dinner time, slide him a bologna sandwich across the table while gazing raptly at the erotic video playing on your phone. Tell him you didn’t have time to cook because you were totally into watching a threesome with two guys and a gal. Ask him how he would feel about recreating that scenario. :rofl:


Hate it. Makes me feel like shyt.


Don’t care, I enjoy it too. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Watching porn is not a form of cheating. Is it the type of porn he is watching that is bothering you?

As for me I’m ok with it. It really doesn’t bother me.

Don’t have an issue with it. A lot of women watch porn also, but lots wont admit it for some reason.

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I don’t see a problem with it. Masterbation is normal and everyone does it in different ways. Have you ever tried watching porn?

Him watching porn doesn’t mean that aren’t enough for him.
People have fantasies and fetishes. It is normal and healthy.
Have you asked him what he likes? What kind of adult videos turn him on? Inquired about his sexual fantasies?

Porn has nothing to do with you not being enough, try watching it with him.

I’ve never had a problem with it…

I’m 100% fine with it. I watch it too sometimes when I have a moment alone
I dont see it as cheating or I’m not enough. Sometimes I just don’t want to full out have sex, I’m too tired lol he’s gotta get off and sometimes so do I. Doesn’t always have to be with each other. It’s just a release … doesn’t mean we love each other any less. He would never buy porn though. Neither would I…

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I watch it more then him… I never understood why women have a problem porn, I mean would you rather him be out physically cheating instead, stop being a insecure prude and
watch it with him and have a good time

Pleasing yourself is a whole feeling !!! It has nothing to do with him thinking about other Women


I don’t like it …but that’s me…I feel as though I’m up for it ANYTIME sowat is the point of watching what you can be doing? But I also let that be known before I get serious with them… I don’t like U looking at others bits cause I’m insecure and then start thinking what’s wrong with my bits…but that’s me. .we not all the same🤷


Lmfao. Let him get his rocks off. My god.


…i mean… I want to watch so fair is fair. Fun times had by all.


I watch more then him , I wouldn’t mind if he did , he dosent mind if I do

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Ummm it’s not cheating on my eyes it’s just porn

:100: okay with it. But I hope he doesn’t expect my mum Bod to ever look that good :rofl:

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Yes, I am fine with it, because I understand that watching pornography and masturbating is not the same as having sex. It is a personal release, and some people need a visual to get there. As long as the porn does not become an addiction to the point my SO is obsessed with it I consider it normal. I have also watched porn since high school on and off and it never has been the same as actual sex to me it’s a whole different thing. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Unbothered. It becomes a problem tho if he is choosing to watch porn over spending time with you or being intimate with you. Otherwise it is completely 100% natural and normal.


Looking at porn is not cheating. Porn is a good way to bond with your partner, gives new ideas for bed room play & such.

I use to be like this & didn’t like my partner watching it but we started to watch some together and well it’s not a problem. Maybe give it a try maybe you’ll learn something new

Porn has never bothered me as long as it was just videos. If it’s a live chat thing, nope. Don’t like that. And lying about it knowing I don’t care also drive me nuts. But I think some guys are just embarrassed.

Depends how often he’s turning to porn. Is it just videos or is he venturing on to live cam websites too? Is he still affectionate and intimate with you? Is he lying about it? Is he being more secretive and you feel you just don’t have the same connection lately? Is he still being a good husband generally or has something changed? Porn alone isn’t the issue, it’s what else it triggers… Mainly lying and secretive behaviour, lack of intimacy etc. A lot of women don’t like their partners watching porn because you instantly feel like he’s suddenly not satisfied with you and is comparing your body to the ones he’s looking at in videos… I guess it’s not wanting to think that your man can be turned on or get off to looking at another woman so it would feel like cheating :woman_shrugging:t2: everyone has their own boundaries and what they will and won’t tolerate in a relationship. If you’ve made it clear you’re not ok with him watching porn then he needs to respect this and make a choice. I personally think it’s damaging in relationships and triggers all kinds of feelings over it. I’ve been in relationships where I’ve felt pretty secure and trusting of my partner and it hasn’t bothered me and then relationships where it has, but it’s because it’s more disrespect on top of what is already wrong in the relationship if that makes sense. I guess you have to look at the bigger picture… :heart:

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In no way in watching porn cheating :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: like how about you watch it with him? Make your own videos so he can also watch those. He is going to leave if you keep acting like this. I mean would you rather watch him watch porn or go find some girl off a dating app give him a blow job​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

What’s good for the goose….

Completely ok with it… he used to go to strip bars as well… never bothered me. It was always me he came home too…


I have zero problem with it. I think it’s way worse that you are snooping in his phone.


I feel for you 100%. My hubby admits he’s addicted to it even though I send him photos and videos too. He has cut back since I started that. I have MS four kids 3 with ADHD and 2 with autism plus 3 dogs and 3 cats so I’m not in the mood really anymore. I admitted I hated how it made me feel have you discussed it with him? Is he addicted to porn? Maybe he’ll see a counselor or maybe he dont trust you too talk about it and marriage counseling could help? Best of luck

I do not have a huge problem in it but he usually don’t unless we are together watching it

Hell no unless there ours…

I am. I recently started watching them. If we like something or wanna try something I’ll share the video nothing is wrong with spicing up your sex life. Stop being a prude

Yeah it’s a no from me. If you have expressed that porn is a boundary you have, and he still crosses it? It’s cheating. He’s not respecting you.

Yah, because he’s just looking his not actually touching any other women. Or paying for it. Also it’s fun to keep it spicy so we like to watch together. Watch some porn for yourself maybe you’ll see something that you like that you wanna try with your husband. It’s not the end of the world if he pleases himself when your not around. But if he is obsessing and always watching and doesn’t have enough stamina for you then it would become a problem.

Also do you not trust him? Were you looking for the porn on his phone? Cause if you were, your likely to set yourself up for dissapointment because you were looking for something. So maybe next time stay out of his phone if you don’t wanna see his internet history if its just going to make you upset.

I’m 100% fine with it


It’s another kind of addiction, beware!


Long as it isn’t man on man I’m okay with it…

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It’s so gross seeing how many of you view this as “normal”…if you don’t feel comfortable with it then he shouldn’t do it. I guess i just like my men respectful & not wanting to see other women.


Don’t care at all let him have fun

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Respondents whose frequent use of pornographic sites is sustained and problematic reported higher levels of hypersexuality, depressive symptoms, sensitivity to boredom, feelings of discomfort about pornography, lower levels of self-esteem, and less satisfaction of their psychological needs related to social belonging, sense of competency and overall autonomy.”

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I don’t care one bit! My partner comes home to me, sleeps with me, and I’m confident enough in our relationship that it’s fine. Plus we watch it together. It no different than reading/watching 50 shades. :facepunch:


Absolutely not! I explained this to him before we even got married that I wasn’t comfortable with it, and most of our biggest fights over the years were bc if it. Its called respect for your spouse. I have issues with my confidence so it breaks me down really bad when I’ve caught him an I feel worthless. Not everyone feels the same, so just respect your spouse if they don’t agree with it.


It’s an outlet and personally I love porn

I feel your either okay with it or your not everyone is different on that topic ! I used to be not okay with it but, I changed my tone as I got older! As long as it doesn’t affect my relationship and, my hubby pays attention to me it don’t affect him having sex with me I’m okay with it ! I even watch porn now and like it so :joy:

Idc what kind of man u with he could be the sweetest nicest man u ever meet he is going to look at porn it’s a normal thing if u think that’s cheating then something not right with u and 7 might as just be alone bec all men look at porn gay straight or bi they look at porn

As long as he’s not hiding it doesn’t bother me. I watch it alone sometimes as well to get in the mood so don’t see why not.

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Watch them together :wink:

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Doesn’t bother me, but to each their own. What might bother me in a relationship might not bother the next. Every relationship is different.

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Porn almost always leads to cheating in a Relationship. Clueless ppl. Most haven’t figured it out

Quit being a jealous prude. Obviously if he feels the need to watch porn you’re not satisfying him.