Are you okay with your husband watching adult videos?

That how MOST men are. Yes. One is not enough…variety is sought. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


to me it’s like i know men do it… hell occasionally i look it up myself … what bothers me and i have told him is when he’s trying to hide it… or when it’s a constant thing… it bothers me that i also look nothing like the women he’s looking up ? I know stupid but it makes me think is that what he’s into ? just weird shit i think a lot of ladies are self conscious about… my biggest thing is don’t hide shit from me

It’s not a big deal for me personally…I just look at it as a movie

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As a widow and married 3 times total… I also ran adult store… Pick your battles…


Im ok with it. We both watch porn individually or together. We sometimes crack jokes about the “actors” and the ridiculous dialog they do in cheap porn :laughing: We trust each other and we arent insecure about ourselves or our relationship. We get that one of us might be in the mood when the other is out and masturbation sometimes needs visual stimulation. Its not that deep to us. Our love isnt solely defined by our sex lives. Porn isnt intimate. Those people arent in the room helping us get off. We’re ok with it. :woman_shrugging:

If you’re not OK with it,And you talk to him about it then he shouldn’t be watchin!! Point blank


It’s a hard no for me. I want a healthy sex life with my partner. That only includes us. That is my preference.

In my opinion porn sites are fine. It can make things easier if you’re not in the mood and might teach him a new trick :sweat_smile: Only fans & asking for or offering to pay for nudes/ videos is not. If you’re putting our money into it or talking to women personally then its crossing a line. There are plenty of free sites to watch.

Better porn than another person in real life :woman_shrugging:t2: plus we watch it together :raised_hands:t3:

Girl I feel :100: the same way. I’ve explained how I don’t like it and he denys it and said it’s old in his browser history. Caught it on my man’s phone twice as well, I learn to just not go threw his phone so I don’t get hurt :woman_shrugging:


I don’t mind. :tipping_hand_woman: We watch them together sometimes alone , it’s no big deal in my marriage. I will say though ,there is no communication with these people or do we buy any videos. We have been together for A long time!! 14 years, married 5 of those years and sometimes it’s nice to look at. I have A question though, :thinking: does any one else think that every man watches porn ?! I don’t think that I have ever met A man that doesn’t and only A few females that haven’t. ???

I encourage my husband to watch porn and take care of himself when I don’t feel like having sex. I don’t believe humans are meant to mate to one person only, forever. He can look at whatever he wants. He loves me and my body Even when I don’t love myself. I know I am safe with him and I trust him completely. Men are far more visual than women and having fantasies is a good thing! We usually have sex about 3x a week which is a decent amount after being married for 13 years. If he wants to watch porn a couple nights when I don’t feel like it, he has every right. Sometimes we even watch together if we find something that works for both of us. But yes. I am 100% ok with him watching porn.

As long as it doesn’t affect our relationship and he’s not paying for it I’m fine with it


The only reason I am not okay with it was when I found it and he tried to deny it and said I must have watched it and there’s no way I was watching a woman finger herself in a jeep and another thing he loves jeeps and we don’t have sex much because I’m constantly getting pregnant even when I was on birth control. I would rather him be honest than lie to me that is what makes me think something else was or is going on

Wow if you see this as cheating hate to see ur other deal breakers


You found it on his phone … so it sounds like you felt a need to go snooping on there looking for stuff anyway? Is there a reason why there’s insecurities or a lack of trust here?
Most men watch porn, and so do women. It doesn’t mean they’re not happy in their relationship. You can get some great ideas from porn too!

Literally could not care less. I’m happy something so easily available makes him happy and keeps him entertained.


Go for it! Maybe he will learn something :thinking:?


No not at all. It’s disrespectful to your partner and gross to watch. :nauseated_face:


I think this is a thing that alot of people do so maybe just try to handle it as he wont stop watching it now

I think the issue here is not the porn, but the betrayal.

I’m only not okay if it replaces me. If he starts doing that instead of being intimate with me then we have an issue. If not, then no I’m fine.


No . It is wrong in every way . Unacceptable. If he won’t / can’t stop , he needs counseling .


I don’t care at all. :woman_shrugging:t3: Doesn’t bother me and I’ve told him that. As far as I know he doesn’t watch it when he’s home but he’s offshore 2 weeks out of the month and if he watches it then so what I don’t care lol. I know he still wants me in the end. I honestly like watching it sometimes myself.


I don’t mind it at all. I even like some of it myself.


I never cared if he watched it but where he watched it I did. Granted, this was back in 2011 and we had cell phones but not like we have today. So I’d go to bed with the kids and he’d use my college desktop. I’m sure even computers have evolved since then but when you powered it on in, the photos loaded first and you couldn’t click out of them. One day, I wanted to turn on an interactive computer Sesame Street game for our toddler as I made breakfast and was flooded by 3,500 porn images roughly. Photo bucket style. I was horrified. It wasn’t a jealousy thing but a highly inappropriate thing being he knew it was my college computer and in the living room. He laughed it off. He’s a narcissist though and can’t understand anyone else’s reaction to things. I didn’t care about the porn but the amount and the Avenue.

I actually feel the same way as yourself I know it isn’t cheating but to me it feels like it because it makes me feel insecure with my own body so yes I have the conversation with my partner about it and we both agree we won’t watch porn but we would enjoy watching is the films such as fifty shades of grey or 365 days.

Watching porn is not cheating, cheating is actually having sex with the person you aren’t meant to, porn is two people having sex and he’s watching it. But honestly explain how you feel if you feel that uncomfortable with it, he is your husband and should respect how you feel.

Girl…I felt the same way when i found porn in my ex husband’s phone. I took it personal and just couldn’t understand why I wasnt enough for him!!! I also told him that I didn’t like the fact that he watched porn but he didn’t stop so that also made me feel disrespected.

BUT…I have learned since then that men having porn in their phones honestly doesnt have anything to do with their spouse.
They just enjoy watching it!
I know that the man that I am now with has porn in his phone. I’ve watched some with him!!! And it doesn’t bother me at all bc honestly…our sex life is still amazing…and at least he has porn from websites…and not pictures from other females.

What he does with himself is for him. Do you also think it’s cheating for him to see a pretty person. Do you tend to control other things he watches, reads, imagines? You not liking it and having issues with it is you. Maybe he’s hiding it Bc you have unrealistic and controlling ideas for him as a person.


I’m sorry but it’s porn. It’s not like he’s sexting another woman or getting nudes/vids from his co worker. He’s literally watching 2 actors have sex. Actors. 2 ppl that he has zero chance of having sex with. Let the man enjoy his porn. Try watching it with him. You might have some fun.

Watch it with him and have a good time together


There is nothing wrong in a man watching porn, he isn’t cheating on you.
He would probably suggest watching it together if you weren’t so uptight about it.
As long as it isn’t affecting your sex life I don’t see a problem.

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What your not okay with he shouldn’t be doing and vice versa, if you’ve talked about it then going behind your back is wrong, so for the people saying “what you control what he reads or imagines” has nothing to do with it, imagining Is completely different then acting on it and getting off on it. I love one of the ladies comments about watching but of dudes with big :eggplant:hahaha yes, maybe he’ll feel the same as you do and understand, it’s not wrong to feel that way as everyone here has expressed there feeling on whether it bothers them or not, personally no I wouldn’t like it , it’s not an unrealistic idea to have, respecting your partners feelings isn’t unrealistic at all. NEVER feel like your not enough​:heart:


I could not possibly care less.


My husband used to watch it. It used to Piss me off at first when I was younger then I started watching it too, I liked watching girl on girl…I’m now married to a women :grin:

I am totally ok with my man watching porn in fact we watch it together sometimes

No I’m not ok with it. He should respect your views that you aren’t comfortable with it


I recently found out my husband buys nudes from onlyfan girls. It made me feel so insecure that I didn’t want him touching me. He was caught texting texting other women before so this really messed me up. I’m still.trying to work through it. He says he won’t do that anymore. It hurt me because he was spending money on them & don’t ever get me flowers or anything


I’d rather they watch videos than expect me to bend like that :rofl:


If you are uncomfortable with it then your husband needs to respect that.
Porn addiction is real there are many groups on fb for support for partners with PA. Happy to send you the group links if its something you wish to look into.

I can say from experience, it can destroy your relationship, your trust, your self esteem, your family and many other things.
If its an issue for you then please seek support … :kissing_heart:

It’s your relationship and your boundaries. If your not okay with it, defintley have a conversation


if it meant I got more sex I would buy the videos for him

Honestly dont see why people have an issue. If you dont like it it’s a you problem. Its just sex I watch it my hubby watches it we have an amazing sx life so dont see an issue at all

Don’t care at all. But it’s not about him watching porn. It’s about him watching porn knowing it hurts you. Thats the problem.

Nope, and we’ve talked about it. It’s not cheating if you both are ok with it. If not, there needs to be a conversation. Neither of us need to get off by other people if we are in a monogamous relationship.

I watch more than him lol


I’m 100 percent ok with my husband watching porn.

Its normal. Watch it with him.


No one really has the right to control what another adult human dose. Watching porn isnt cheating.

I dont mind at all… but if you dont like it and he knows you dont then he is wrong


My husband does and we have a very healthy sex life. And I know he watches porn. Doesn’t bother me at all. Men and women are allowed there fantasies. It’s not personal on you he doesn’t find you any less attractive or love you any less. Maybe offer to watch it together aswel at some point? Porn it hot lol


Wouldn’t even remotely bother me. If it were images/ videos of a woman he knew, or spoke to, that would be different.


I think it’s a 100 normal to watch it . But if you don’t like it , and he knows it , we’ll that’s an issue. But what’s wrong with it , why do you not like it ?


You need to seek therapy. In no way is porn considered cheating🙄

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If ur comfortable with him watching it alone maybe you could watch it together


I think it’s more to do with trust here … as he doesn’t feel he can talk to you about it, so he hides it, then you find it and get upset and then don’t trust him and feel he’s cheating… it’s not cheating as he’s not actually doing anything but cheating by hiding that’s the issue… I know as my ex hid everything from me… but I’m soooo open to it all… and I actually encourage my partners to watch it with me so there’s no reason to hide anything from me… Maybe just don’t go mad at him and you put it on one night for you both x

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I am not okay with it. It is a form of adultery. Porn tears families apart and has done a very good job of it.


It only matters how you feel. You have your own reasons, experiences, emotions… what may be okay for someone else could be a trigger for you. Boundaries are healthy, and it sounds like this is one for you. If this is crossing a line with you, I would hope your husband can respect your boundary.


It really depends on the boundaries between the couple. Sometimes both enjoy it :woman_shrugging:t2: and some don’t. All is okay as long as the agreement is mutual. But when someone is hurt over viewing, then definitely have a conversation about it.


I can see it being disrespectful only if it had been openly discussed as something that you are completely against. Shoe on the other foot have you never read any of the many romantic novels out there? No difference in that than looking at porn , as far as it being a form of cheating. Addictive personalities could definitely create issues but then also that type of personality is only going to switch one addiction for another they will not control there behaviors and if that is the case here , you have 2 choices stick by your partner and help direct them to other things that are helpful to the family unit or get a divorce. The question is how committed to a family unit are you?


Doesn’t bother me even one bit. There are bigger fish to fry in a relationship, and porn isn’t the one for me. It may be an issue for other women, and that’s totally valid to them and their personal relationship with their significant other. For me, personally, it is asinine as I watch porn as well.


If it bothers you, he need to respect your boundaries and quit it. If he doesn’t, leave him :woman_shrugging:t2:


Lots of guys do it! Some don’t… Doesn’t exactly dictate a good or bad husband. Each couple is different, some women are okay with it, some women watch it with their man, and some women don’t like their men watching it…
It’s your personal preference. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then bring it up calmly to him. Explain how you felt when you saw it( not how IT made you feel, own your personal emotions). Committed relationships are all about compromise, to bring balance to the couple as a whole. Beat wishes xo.


I personally hate it, and it’s disrespectful to MY relationship and our boundaries, but every relationship is different and communicating your own boundaries and setting them is key. My man has no reason he’d need to even look at porn unless he wasn’t happy with what he has. Because not getting sex is never an issue lol I’m the one always wanting it.


Tbh I don’t really care. I do think however, if you’ve told him you don’t like and he’s still doing it. Well I can see why that would piss you off. You may have to see where your line in the sand is. Is this a good enough reason to end the relationship?


I 100% don’t care. They’ve been doing it since puberty. They’re not going to stop just start hiding it from you. I never understood how people compare it to cheating. Men are very visual and it’s a quick release has nothing to do with his feelings for me


It doesn’t matter how we feel about it if you’ve openly discussed that you aren’t comfortable with it and he’s continued to do it.

I personally couldn’t care but it sounds like you set some clear boundaries for your relationship and he is crossing them. That’s your main issue here

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My husband watches it🤷‍♀️ I had an issue at first but let it go. We spend months apart due to his job and am realistic about it. I watch it myself when he’s not around🤷‍♀️


I am 100% ok with it. And occasionally watch it myself. I don’t see it as cheating as long as he is not hiding it.


I’m 100% ok with it! Watch it myself at times! We even watch together!


You are enough but as for me I always want more and sometimes he does too but like I said we have cock or pussy blocks lol ( kids). When I brought it he says it’s bcuz he imagines me doing whatever he is watching to him or would like to do … So don’t worry about unless u really feel uncomfortable or don’t trust him … All depends of u … Only u knw ur husband


U should talk to him to see why he likes it 1st try not to make it weired as it is already weired or feels attacked … At 1st it was weired with my now husband when we were dating but then again I did the same but not around him 🤷 when he moved in we watched porn alot I don’t mind it … He sometimes watches without me cuz my kids r always around us and don’t have a moment especially now since it’s summer and I also too … When school comes around n everyone is back on going to sleep early I knw we will again and there’s times we don’t watch it all depends … Communication is key !!!

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Unless it is immoral or illegal i do not care what my partner watches as he does not care in regards to what I watcheven when he is in the room :sweat_smile: All about honesty. Boys i grew up with confessed to me about at like 12 and up they were yanking the sausage to whatever they could sneak lmao so trust me at this point its hard wired to the brain :laughing:

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That’s something yall should’ve had a conversation about a looong time ago. Boundaries and comfortability vary between relationships and individuals. Tailor it to yalls comfort level. I feel like the “porn destroys families” narrative (unless an actual addiction) isn’t helping at all though because then those who watch it get all defensive and secretive about it, making it a further issue because at that point its not about what you’re doing- it’s about the principal of trust. Tis all about communication and trust


I don’t care
My hubby can watch what ever he wants, and sometimes we share videos back and forth. He has his kinks and I have mine.


Nope. It sets unrealistic expectations and it becomes addictive. Boundaries are healthy & good to have. If he respects you, he’d consider your feelings about it & do what needs to be done for a healthy relationship. I hope you didn’t have to find that because you were searching through his phone, because that in itself is another issue that needs addressing.


I used to be in the same boat. But deep down inside, it’s just an insecurity that I didn’t even really know about. Loads of men have high sex drives and along with being visual creatures, it’s a way to release stress. And now that we have 2 kids, nights when I ain’t into doin anything, he can handle his own business. We even made a small video that he can keep on his phone to add to his cycle of whatever he watches lol
Trust me hunny when I say this: YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!


… Ladies can we please try to think about the question more realistically and think on a males level.
In the past my partner resulted to watching porn because he didn’t want to make me feel pressured or obligated in the slightest way which could very well be the case here.
My partner didn’t know how to ask me the big “can we have sex” question he suffered from his own insecurities also. . Its got to the point where we agreed that if he ever felt like he wanted to watch it I was happy to help him out so there were no need to resort to the sites. Thankfully to this day his insecurities have disappeared and porn has no longer been seen in the home which thankfully I respect. Now some days its hunny wanna root​:joy:or can I slide your panties down, most nights or early nornings I wake up half asleep and he’s eating me outtt it’s great​:butterfly::joy:. Everyone’s different it depends on what you choose to do with it how you allow yourself to deal with it.

As a female that watches porn when i have a partner i prefer they watch it with me than without me. Id try talking to them and asking why they felt the need to in a non attacking or defensive manner and just open it up for communication

Everybody has there own boundaries of what they are comfortable with and not. For me i don’t care if he does. It doesn’t bother me cuz I watch it sometimes too heck we’ve watched it together before… but to each there own. If you aren’t comfortable with it then communication is key. Have a conversation about how it makes you feel and be understanding of each other’s needs and feelings.

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Mu husband don’t, he says it’s a pass on cheating. He shouldn’t need another girl to " do the deed".

However most men arnt like him lol
Most men don’t see it that way…

If it was me I would find porn with a HUGE thing and ask if he wantsnto watch it with you. :rofl:


If It bothers you that much, then you should talk to him. He might be embarrassed to admit It but don’t take It personally just hear him out.

Sometimes We should try to understand that some men have desires but I don’t mean to offend you and watching porn does not define who he is.

Just remember that we’ll have our own weaknesses too. Try not to make him feel worse because he Is your husband and your partner In life. Ask him how can you help?

Best of luck!

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We have been together 25 years, he can watch what he wants. I’m the one he’s with & he has no interest in going anywhere. Works 2 jobs & is home within 15 minutes of quittin time.


Me and my fiancé both watch porn occasionally but have talked about it and we both picture eachother when watching it and tell eachother when we do watch it… not a big deal to me! If he were watching it obsessively and paying no attention to me than that would be different.

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If you set your boundaries and he crosses them that’s the main problem…


I’ll be honest, I’ve been given boundaries in a relationship where they told me not to watch porn or they would break up with me. I thought it was insane… I still really did try to abide by it, but to me porn is just a part of life. Eventually I did continue watching it and it’s the only thing I hid/did wrong in that entire relationship. When they asked something around the subject later I admitted to it and dealt with the arguments… but my answer is yes, I am okay with it if they’re honest. Even though I think porn is completely normal and okay to watch if they tried to hide watching it or something I wouldn’t be okay with that. Dishonesty just doesn’t fly with me, even about little things. But your husband watching porn is absolutely not about how he feels towards you or measures your worth to him in any way. If besides this he makes you feel like you’re not enough, that is different. But personally if I were you, I would work on overcoming the insecurities towards porn because he clearly watches it and I think a change of perspective on your part is healthier and more obtainable than trying to control a human into not doing something they want to do. This is what I personally did! I also used to feel how you do. But everyone is different and your emotions are valid regardless.

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Everyone has their opinions but honestly I don’t see how people can think porn is cheating?! It’s Adult Entertainment! These people actually make money off of those videos… they have no idea who your husband is or that he even exists… he’s not emotionally or physically invested in the person in the video. It’s a quick wank and done :woman_shrugging:t2:

If he watches porn more then normal and seems like an everyday habit then I see that as an addiction. Not cheating. And should be addressed.


It’s definitely not cheating and it’s perfectly okay to masturbate


I couldn’t care less. It’s just videos. I watch it more than he does.

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No way he can look at me and make porn with me if he wants dont like it get out


Honey it doesn’t matter at all. Everyone has a kink, without boundaries is the only dilemma…. Men can’t be honest with their spouse because their spouse has insecurities and are not open to communicating.
If your fear is porn ruining your relationship- your relationship has a bigger issue(s).*

For me it’s a form of cheating.
I have recently had my eyes opened to the why due to an issue in my own marriage.
So, although I have always said it’s a deal breaker for me.
I’m glad I heard his reason and am trying SO hard to help him heal and no longer need that.

I would try coming to a conclusion on why before taking it personal as that can amp up emotions and make it hard to talk.
Then try to find a solution.

But you also need to take care of YOU and be happy.


I personally wouldn’t be able to get mad at my partner because I watch porn too. I think boundaries are important to be set though

Perfectly comfortable, porn is so basic and irrelevant to a relationship

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I’m good with it. To me it’s not a big deal at all.

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I have no issue with it. I watch porn also when I want to. It’s normal to me. I don’t view it at cheating at all though.

Have an ACTUAL talk about it. Understand why he does it. And explain to him why you arw uncomfortable with it. If you two cannot come to an agreement that means you do not have a good relationship.

It’s a physical need. It’s a form of relief. It’s the same as banning someone from doing yoga, or having a beer after a long day IMO. It means nothing about the relationship.