AITA for being upset that my husband didn't cry when I walked down the aisle?

…geezus christ. Grow up man. As long as he was looking at you, who gives a shit?

What does “AITA” mean?

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So when I walked down the aisle to my first husband I bawled like a baby. My second one I teared up but I didn’t lose it. I think it’s first marriage jitters and look at it this way… maybe it means he is more sure of you than he was her. I knew my first marriage would fail and I think that’s why I was so emotional. I was pregnant too but still.


Youre starting this marriage off on the right foot. :roll_eyes: Have you even gone on your honeymoon yet? :joy: Yes, you ARE the a$$hole here.


Yup. Your being crazy. It’s okay though it happens to the best of us


Good grief. Get over yourself already.

Which men cries when he sees his bride walking down the aisle??

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I do understand where you thoughts are coming from however, you need to base you wedding on you and him and your relationship, I am sure he smiled or ?? When he saw you , that’s your affect on him . You should be happy you affect him differently.
This has nothing to do with you directly but after you have a divorce you tend to guard your emotions. It’s not you or anything you can be or not be , it’s just a natural thing to protect ones emotions.
I think he wasn’t even thinking abt his ex when he saw you and you shouldn’t of been either. Dont spend time looking for negative, focus on they awesomeness.

You’re overreacting. You can’t start your marriage off by comparing it to his first. That’s no way to live your life.


Oh my goodness, I read only the first sentence and can’t stop laughing…


He’s already been there done that, it’s a little different for him. He realizes after the actual day of the wedding things go back to being what they were before.

Maybe he cried with the first wife cause he knew he was trapped and it was a Trainwreck. Maybe with you he’s truthfully happy … And it’s kinda hurtful for someone to pick on such small things at a wedding. Where’s the happiness for the big picture of things. If this is what your worried about one day after the wedding you got another thing coming…

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Did he smile? Tell you that you looked beautiful? I cried my first wedding. I look back at it and know it was because I knew I was making a mistake. Maybe that’s why he cried.


I don’t blame him for being frustrated with you. That’s crazy :flushed:.

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Really? Lol cmon! Did you want him too hold all bowl movements that day too :joy: jeez. Yep you being cray :stuck_out_tongue: better stop now before he runs lol


He was younger the first time. We dont know why their divorced. Maybe hes learned to control his emotions better. Maybe he hurt her so badly that emotion is non-existent.

Maybe he knows you are his soulmate and knows he wants to be with you after all that.

Men show emotions differently.


If this is the biggest issue you face in your marriage, you have struck gold. You gotta not sweat the small stuff and quit expecting HIM to live up to YOUR unspoken expectations ! Go enjoy your life together


I didn’t cry at my first wedding and it lasted 10 years I threw up my second the morning I was getting ready, and it lasted only two the only tears shed were after finding out he was cheating it’s really not that serious!

Some comments are kind & helpful but idk why some girls still make themselves so vulnerable to some of the mean spirited lil’ biotches out there…she’s asking for advice not to be judged & laughed at by all the “perfect” ppl out there…does putting her down make u feel superior?? 'cuz all i see is a bunch of a’holes waiting to pounce cuz they’re so miserable


The worst step you have taken so far is expecting him to. I hope this wasn’t playing on your mind the entire time cause that’s really sad :frowning: . He obviously loves you very much because he married you.

Maybe he cried when he saw her coming bc he already knew it was a mistake lmao

Tell your husband how you feel. Let him reassure you that he chose you for a reason :yellow_heart:

Wow. Wait should I have been upset with my husband for not crying when I walked down the aisle…… seriously stop it. You’re being jealous over the knowledge Of him doing so for his first wife like that means something. All that shows is how great of a man he is and how not his ex wife is. If he didn’t love you he would t have proposed to you and he certainly wouldn’t have been there to see you walk the aisle so stop your fussing over something trivial. It’s extremely rare for a man to cry just bc you’re walking down the aisle to get married all dolled up. Also I’m not miserable I’m happily married for 20yrs. I just find it childish to focus on things that aren’t even part of your everyday relationship.

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God woman are just so soft. Dude married your crazy ass but your upset he didnt cry?

I told my fiancé if he doesn’t cry when I walk down the aisle that I will turn around and go back and we will do it again until he gets in right. So if you’re the AH then I’m the AH too.

Mabie he cried like a baby with his ex because he didnt want to be there. He didnt cry with you because he wanted to be there.


I feel sorry for him if your already ragging on him cuz he didn’t cry good grief mist men don’t


Why do you want the man who was married to “her”? Be happy & thankful the man you chose, chose you to marry.

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Its kind of petty to start your marriage off on the wrong foot because you chose to compare yourself to his ex. He loves you, he thinks you are gorgeous, he’s grown since his first marriage… not everyone HAS to cry every single time they get married. You are TA… don’t be petty or upset over something so trivial!


Many many men don’t cry ever.
I kinda feel sorry for him if this is how you’re starting out.

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Yes. YATA. This is just your own insecurity talking. :purple_heart:

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He was probably a lot younger then and those were boy tears. You got to walked down that isle to a man kiss. It will be ok, I promise. Please enjoy your honeymoon

Lol i cant imagine going through all that and partially financing a wedding just so my wife could be mad at something so ridiculious


Mine didn’t cry…and it was both the first marriage for the both of us…

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Is this a real post or a troll? Lol

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You just told all your friends!!!

Sounds like you’re comparing yourself to the ex . Will this man have a hard time spending his life reassuring you ? You’re suppose to be happy , especially a day after marriage … and she shouldn’t be in your head … girl , find some healing , this is a toxic trait and will hinder your marriage in the future …

Fall in love with him everyday , and stop holding his past against him x


Not the asshole kinda petty to start your marriage off. Most guys don’t cry, mine didn’t cry though I’m sure he wanted to (:joy: lol). But I’m sure you looked beautiful and he recognized that, he may not have cried because he knew you were the one for him where his last wife was a mistake. Try not to take it personally if he didn’t show the emotion you wanted

people need to watch their own bobber ! stop judging people for their own emotions, it seems like every thing you do you are on trial for


Your friends aren’t judging him! But you are! Pick your battles!


Maybe he bawled the first time because he knew he was screwing up? Maybe he didn’t this time because he knew he wasn’t screwing up? It’s all in how you perceive things, my dear.


My husband didn’t cry; I would have been surprised if he had, actually.

I’m sure his life and personality has changed significantly since he was first married…
Overthinking ruins relationships.


I’ll never understand these things. He married you, what more proof do you want that you’re important to him. He’s matured, maybe he didn’t react the same way now, it doesn’t mean anything about how he feels necessarily. You should drop it.


Stop comparing your relationship to his and his exs. There is a reason he isn’t with them. Maybe them tears he cried with her was because of change, different environment, stress, nerves. He didn’t have to feel them emotions with you because he was ready this time and was excited not scared for the future. STOP reading into it before you destroy your marriage before it even gets going. Stop comparing yourself and your relationship to others.


Ngl if it was me i woulda turned around, if hes not the happiest he’s ever been to marry me than he aint gonna.

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I mean I didn’t even realize it was a big deal my husband didn’t cry when I walked down the isle. That is, u til social media told me it meant he didn’t love me :rofl::woman_shrugging:t4:

I think you’re overthinking it. Enjoy your marriage and stop worrying about what he did or didn’t do with his ex wife. It’s going to be a long unhappy life if you don’t.


Dear he picked you to marry he didn’t remarry his ex. He chose you. He is now older and wiser now too. Until he give you a reason to doubt him don’t.


Talk to him about it an find out why

Maybe he was a lot younger when he married his first wife. Then when he married u he had already done gone thru it so it wouldn’t be as emotional as the first time going thru it…

You are comparing yourself to the ex. At the same time hes trying not to. That relationship could have really f***** him up. But essentially you’re asking him to put himself self back in that emotional state. He may not have been crying about how beautiful she was he could have been crying about how much he loved her and about how unreciprocated it was.

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I mean do u think a wife on her 3rd 4th marriage cries walking down the aisle ? He’ll no lol


My husband didnt cry, dont mean to say your man isnt happy.
I was laughing so much i was crying, nerves got the better of me, not nervous marrying my man, its the attention that i dont like

Girl get a grip for heaven sake why are you worried about his ex “she is an ex” he cried but she is out of his life he chose you(God only knows why)


This seems a lil much. If he didnt cry, he didnt cry. Doesnt mean he doesnt love u

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We get older and we mature. Just bcuz he didn’t cry when he saw you doesn’t mean he’s not happy as a clam to be with you. Lighten up, and please don’t hold onto this as as it will only breed resentment.

My husband b and didn’t cry when I walked down the isle. He just was a o g appy he said. If I were you I would forget a boutique it and focused on your marriage. God bless.

Well y’all are off to a great start :sneezing_face:


My first and only wedding my hubby didn’t cry and didn’t say anything about the dress

how silly can you be. why would he cry? He should be smiling.


Oh boy. 24hrs in. Good luck to you both.


yea ur the ah get over it n stop being crazy

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Ok…now I know everyone is going to attack me as bad as they’ve attacked the OP… HOWEVER…I am an insecure person (at times) and this would definitely “trigger” me. I KNOW it shouldn’t; but it would. I will give you something that I have learned over the years in regards to my ex husband, though. He used to cry when we dated and when we were married. He cried as we were saying our wedding vows. We have been split up for 15 years now. After we split up (he was having an affair and he refused to try to work on our marriage) he does NOT cry over ANYTHING. He and I get a long very well as it is in our daughter’s best interest. But, this man changed. COMPLETELY. He is NOT the SAME man that I was married to.

So, your husband could have just possibly “changed” over time on the way he reacts to things. I know how easy it is to feel the need to compare yourself to the “ex”. But, there really is NO need to. He’s with YOU. Enjoy him and your marriage. Don’t let the little things get in the way…because they will end up being the death of your relationship. Best of luck. I really hope this helps.:heartpulse:


Be happy you got to walk down the aisle and that someone loves you enough to commit to you for life like that. Marriage is beautiful. Something I will probably never get to experience

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It’s a dangerous game to compare your relationship with him and his ex… imagine if he compared you and his ex?!! Yes you are the ahole. Where are your priorities?? You JUST got marries, why are you not happy and excited, rather than nit picking over someone’s emotional response or lack of??? Did you get married because you love him, or because you wanted to put on a show for your friends??? My gosh, not sure you are mature enough to have gotten married!!!


Well…Try and stay mindful that with his ex, That was His first wedding as much as this one was yours. So if he teared at his first, it really shouldn’t be picked apart like this. Move on Be happy.

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Maybe he was crying with her because he didn’t really want to get married

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You’re mad he didn’t respond how you wanted him to?
Discuss with your inner self why he’s supposed to act exactly how you want him to.
Because that ma’am, is not love.

And if you want this marriage to last, quit comparing it to his first.


Don’ t over think this he was crying because he realized that he had such a beautiful lady the first time and he screwed up the second marriage and he regretted it.

So you are both on your second marriage, crying is not a sign of anything that counts toward a good marriage!! You need to grow up and stop being so self absorbed.


He may just be more metallly and emotionally stable at this point in his life

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I’m just curious how you know he “bawled like a baby” when his ex wife walked down the isle. Were you there or did you actually have the cajones to ask people… petty

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My husband didn’t cry, and we have been married 47 years. The crying doesn’t mean anything - he divorced his first wife, right?


It was his first time and he probably knew it wasn’t gonna last and he just spent all this money

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Think you have more of a personal problem with insecurity that needs to be addressed


Sorry, that’s pitiful.

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My husband now is my second marriage and his first. No one cried but my dad and mom. We have been married 18 years and together for 19.

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l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18550 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

There are many, many times my husband has not given the emotional response to key events I wanted. It hurts, but he’s a good man and this may be part of his wiring that makes him a good man. In 32 yrs together, I’ve learned to still hope for responses but not be upset if I don’t get them.

Think you need therapy for your insecurities


He was much younger, less mature, more emotional, anxious scared etc.second time around, knows the ropes a little better. Plus,divorced her, married you! Had a friend kept asking her husband why he didn’t tell her all the time he loved her, like she did him. His response was when I married you, I told you I loved you. If I stop loving you, I’ll tell you"!


So you want your husband to cry at the sight of you?


Oh good grief. That’s all I got.

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Oh for goodness sake, get real. You experienced a most beautiful day. You looked the best you possibly could. He was there waiting to join with you at the top of isle. I am assuming he was happy to be there. Ye got married. He cried like a baby at his first marriage and look how that ended. I am presuming he is a bit older, more mature and in controle of his emotions at this stage. Jees if my man was crying like a baby as I reached the alter it would completely upset me. I needed him to be strong & confident so as to calm me. Be happy as you start into your married life. Don’t spoil the memories of what was your magical day with a non problem. Best of luck to both of you.:four_leaf_clover: :green_heart:

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Maybe he cried because of who he was marrying and he smiled with you.

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Yes. You’ve been married less than 24 hours and you’re already comparing your marriage to your husbands ex. Personally I’d be thankful he’s not doing it all the same and acting out the emotional expectations of others.


I think you are crazy


He gad the right to frustrated. Get over it

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Well, mine threw up before we walked down the aisle. Married for 13 years, together 18 :woman_shrugging::joy:

Judging him why? Because he didn’t cry? A lot of men don’t cry especially if it’s something they’ve already done. He married you because he loves you. I’d expect him to recreate the emotions he had with his ex throughout their marriage to yours just remember she is now his ex.


If this is real, then I’d say :bat::poop: crazy! This is why I can understand why some men are the way they are! Ffs!


just be happy he chose to marry you like he married you honey . the ceremony isn’t always the big part or the most important thing, everything that comes after that. The life that y’all build after that what is important 

For all the people giving you a hard time- you can’t control how you feel any more than your husband could control the tears that came the first time but didn’t come the second time.
But I DO agree that you should not compare your ceremony with the ex’s. Maybe he “cried like a baby” when she walked down the aisle but it didn’t save her marriage to him.
I get it. We want to feel like the love we feel is reciprocated and crying might seem like a visual confirmation of that. But it’s really not. The confirmation was the vows you exchanged and the love you share every day.
You aren’t crazy but maybe a little insecure. Talk to your husband about it. Unless he’s given you a reason, make sure you tell him it’s not on him. If he HAS given you a reason to feel insecure, make sure that you talk to him about it. Talk to him about what you need from him (and remember that he can’t redo the wedding march :grin:).
Maybe he didn’t cry when you walked down the aisle but I am sure he smiled. Maybe look at it that he doesn’t need you to change a thing to be beautiful to him. He’s comfortable and confident with you and maybe no tears were necessary. He didn’t run, right?!
Relax and enjoy your new marriage. Remember that communication is important to let each other know what you need. And remember that he’s with YOU- he’s NOT with his ex


Yes, you are, crazy!


Dont read into it too much.
Remember he was younger when he was married before… it was a new experience. He’s obviously been through alot of emotional changes since then.
Also remember the woman he had tears for, he’s no longer married to. Maybe he didn’t cry because he knows he’s confident in his decision to marry you.


Crying does not mean that he loves you more or less. Don’t compare yourself and your marriage to his ex’s, if you do it will drive you insane and ruin your marriage. Love your Husband and be happy! Blessings.

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My husband didn’t cry when we got married. Been married for 17 years & together almost 20. In my opinion how he does or doesn’t react during the wedding shouldn’t matter. It matters how he treats you now & how he always treats you.


He deserves better. You’re insecure asf


I wouldn’t call you crazy for feeling disappointed in his lack of crying when he saw you, but it sounds more like an insecurity thing on your part. Being married myself I get that you want your husbands reaction to be something memorable, but that doesn’t take away from the fact he loves you enough to marry you. Learn to pick your battles or you’ll find yourself getting upset over little things. You talked to him about it and he gave you an answer, but you didn’t accept it. I’d like to know what his reaction was? Was he smiling from ear to ear? Was he just super nervous and trying to focus on you? Kinda need more details. Either way don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill. Don’t compare his old marriage to the new one.


Sorry but how do you know he cried at his first wedding hun?


He might have cried when she walked down the aisle cuz he knew it wouldn’t last :woman_shrugging:t6: like what am I doin?!!! Just kidding but it’s NEVER a good idea to compare your relationship to his experience with his ex. Hope all goes well for u.