What cold medicine can I get a 6-month-old?

My 6 month old has a little cold and has been coughing pretty bad today. What kind of medicine can I give him for it? I wasn’t sure if I could give him any at all because I get different opinions from everyone.


I’d call your pediatrician before giving any medication to your baby.


Take the baby in a hot steamy bathroom to help break up any mucus… not much meds you can give.


Put vicks on there feet and put socks over it, I swear it works.


Uhhhh, maybe call & ask your doc? :woman_facepalming:t2:


The small box is what I gave my 6m old and it worked really well

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If your in the UK I found the best for my 2 boys was the asdas little angels vapour bath worked amazing for coughs and colds, try to prop them up a little in bed too so they aren’t laying flat causing a post nasal drip which will irritate the throat causing the cough to get worse and plenty of mummy cuddles hope your little one is feeling better soon x

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Hylands works the best imo. Zarbees is good when they’re older but all 3 of my littles would throw up the infant versions :woman_shrugging:t3:

Boil a piece of peppermint candy in a cup of water then transfer liquid to a jar. Add I tsp lemon juice and one half tsp molasses. Give a teaspoon warm every few hours. Home remedy that works.

Ask babies pediatrician for best answers.


Go to a doctor, do not medicate in any way until you’ve seen a professional


Your doctor knows best, and at 6 monthes should really , bbe seen by doctor, it can get bad quickly , the don’t have good immune systems at this age , , rsv , can become very serious.

Take your baby to the Dr.

This is what I used when my kids were babies. Unfortunately there’s a lot of restrictions giving cold meds to children. Certain meds cannot be given under certain ages. I would also suggest you take your baby to the doctor because what may look like a cold, could be RSV or just plain allergies.


Call a nurse line. Not Facebook

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Facebook isnt the place to ask medical advice!! Call your pharmacist

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I would call your pediatrician. Usually hylands or zarbees has options for that age. But a cough in a baby that young could be anything from croup to whooping cough to covid. Have you been able to make an appt?

This is what pediatric doctors are for. Wtf…