What are the signs of Autism?

Take videos of your child’s behavior to show to the Dr. I had a son the exact same and I knew at a very young age something was wrong. He had all the behaviors you just listed plus he never slept over two hrs at a time and could function on 4 hrs sleep a day. If the pediatrician isn’t listening get a new one. You have to advocate for your child. The earlier you get help the better the outcome will be. I hope this helps.

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Just have him checked out. It could be something as simple as a food allergy

My son screams about EVERYTHING. When he’s happy, when he’s playing, when he’s mad, when he’s sad. He’s always screaming. He used to be more angry around 1 1/2- 2, but he’s not so angry anymore. He’s also extremely shy, doesn’t like new people talking or touching him and he doesn’t like dogs at all. He’s starting to mellow out, but the screaming doesn’t seem to be going anywhere and I’ve learned to just remind myself that this is just apart of his personality. It can be frustrating, but hang in there! It’s hard to say for sure what is going on with your son because we can’t actually see and hear these things. The best thing I’ve learned as a parent trying to get my child help is to document these things! Videos, pictures whatever it may be. Dentists, doctors and so on have always been able to help better when they have seen what I am talking about rather than describing it to them. He’s little, they may need to wait longer to actually diagnose him. I did learn that food dyes and other things cause behavioral issues in children and I cut that out and a lot of sugars. I did this in September- October and I’ve seen a huge change in his behavior. Like I said, he’s so much more happy and mellowing out. We use to eat cereal every day and now I don’t buy it at all periods and I try to watch my labels. Hopeful you get some relief, but just know you’re not alone! My son never acted like anyone else’s kids either, but don’t let that get you down. I’ve had looks, comments and all the same as you. Ignore them, there may be nothing wrong or simply changing their diet or environment could help. Another thing that helped my son over come that stage of anger 24/7 was to take him out in nature. We’ve been getting out more and it changes his attitude so much. Oh and as for the speech, keep working on it! My 5 year old didn’t start actually talking until he was already past 2 and my son I was just talking about didn’t start until he was 1 1/2. Every kid is different, don’t let people discourage you.

Take all these concerns to the pediatrician, and if they won’t listen find a new one. Also look into getting a hearing test done!


My son is really hyper and has a bad attitude his doctor said he has slight autism and had me go get him checked out. Your doing the best you can and ain’t doing nothing wrong

My boys just gone 4 and has been put on a waiting list for autism .was refered by nursery

see a professional, and in the meantime read some parenting books on how to handle tantrums.

my daughter just turned 6. she was very vocal as a baby. people knew her at the grocery store by her scream. I felt like I couldn’t take her anywhere without a tantrum. I think its a weird part of development. some kids just need to scream before they can talk. it seemed like it was just how she was used to getting her way. I had to let her cry on the ground in the toy isle a few times even just last year. “its okay to cry because we aren’t getting the toy” its daily struggle of emotional regulation. your son sounds very emotionally developed. he feels comfortable screaming out his emotions to you without fear. its just practicing identifying and helping him understand* I think you are doing an amazing job!

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My question is what is wrong with you I would have taken him to Dr the first sighns

Young one- he sounds to be demonstrating abnormal behavior. Maybe if you video it and keep a journal regarding what your dealing with - take that to the doctors - however - he is still very young , I would give it a few months - til he’s about 18months - 3 years


Autism has many early signs. Did he crawl? Does he say mama or Dada? Does he allow you to hold him or hug him or give him kisses? Does he look directly at you? Screaming could indicate alot of things or just a normal hyper child. I wouldn’t worry too much if he is on schedule with his milestones.


Do a Google search for ECMH services in your area, that stands for early childhood mental health, they should come into the home and evaluate, they’ll sit with you and observe his behaviors and should be able to at least help point you in the right direction! Good luck momma!


It could be cause he can’t communicate yet and gets upset. Ask your pediatrician to put in a referral to get checked for it

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I’d take him for a full physical work up before anything.

Clearly it’s not 24 hrs a day…
Unfortunately, at this age it’s going to be incredibly difficult to even have him evaluated. ADHD…? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Girl, please. He’s not even a year. Of course he has no attn span. But possible autism - evaluating him requires a certain amt of feedback. And at 1, he’s too young.

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I just want to say it’s not your fault and it sounds like you’re doing a great job as a mom. Don’t let negative people get to you put them in their place from the get-go.


You can message me. My daughter is 4 years old now and I’ve known she was autistic since she was born… never looked at me. Never smiled. Never giggled. ALWAYS SCREAMING! Car rides were a no go even if it was just down the road to the store. I cried myself to sleep every night. Everywhere I went it was “give her something” “discipline your children” people always stare at us everywhere… we live in a tiny town and she sees a lot of doctors. She got misdiagnosed with extreme ADHD. She got diagnosed with severe sensory processing disorder also. Witch I know the SPD is true. She’s on a waiting list for an autism diagnosis. My oldest (6) has ADHD but an angel child compared to her 4 year old sister…


Take a video and show his doctor. I had to keep pushing for my daughter’s diagnosis from the time she was 3 until she turned 6. Most doctor’s wouldn’t diagnose until she was 5. I finally got referred to a specialist after a year of waiting. I suggest to go straight to a specialist of Autism if you don’t get any help there.


record some instances and make a log of his behavior for a couple days to present to the dr, otherwise possibly seek a second opinion? idk

First of all people need to not say that to you that’s awful. Every kid is different and there is nothing wrong with having autism. If your worried about it talk to his doctor and ask about it. Never take advice from anyone except your child’s doctor


See behavioral specialist get him tested.psychologist

Based on my niece …she wouldnt laugh just smiled, she also didnt talk til she was 3 and it was all baby babble by then…that’s when her parents finally had her tested…we kept saying something was wrong when she wasnt talking at a normal age.

I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19182 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. https://superdollar41.netlify.app/

Go to Kennedy Kreiger institute…they work wonderful with children with all types of disabilities

He’s 11 months old, not even a year yet, and you think he has problems? No, he doesn’t, not yet. My mil tried saying my son had autism at like, 9 months, but my son was extremely intelligent at a young age and needed more interactive stimulating toys and surroundings. Try taking him outside more, try other toys that will stimulate his brain more. I mean, 11 month olds usually don’t talk right away, lol. All kids are not the same, that doesn’t mean they have problems. I fully believe ADHD is just a load of shit. We’re all wired differently.

Could be a food allergy or something similar.


Normally the drs won’t dx autism till 3 or 4 but in the mean while keep a log of his behaviors from tantrums how long they are what calms him down n what you do for punishment to good days eye contact will he look at you when you speak to him or does he look anywhere n every where any stemming aka repetitive motions keep a log of all his mile stones right down anything sensory related like how he reacts to loud noises his clothes being on textures of food and also describe how he plays with toys n kids like does he line things up in a particular order does he get unreasonably mad when they are moved n does he interact with kids his age or does he parell play with them another’s words does he play with them or ignor them…hugs hun I have 2 kiddos dx with autism n one who I think has asd as well butthe drs misdiagnosed her n ive been fighting with them to fix it


There is an online survey that can help. Google it I thinks it’s M something. It will ask weird questions but just answer honestly. My daughter was diagnosed at 18 months. Don’t let drs tell you to wait. It’s absolutely imperative that help is giving in the early years it can be life changing I know it was for my girl. If you think even for a second ask for a formal diagnosis and see what the drs think. Unfortunately a lot of drs are not trained enough on autism and tell parents to wait it could be the difference of a normal independent life or non verbal assisted living for life.

Does he smile, look you in the eye those are tell tail signs.
Maybe hes just growing into his self. Take video of his actions, maybe make a log book. Maybe something hes eating dosent agree. Good luck Momma…you’re ok just breathe.


You are a great mama! Don’t let anyone make you feel different​:pray::purple_heart:

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Don’t be hard on yourself. God creates all sort of littles, they are all different. I would say distance yourself from those that tell you he’s not right without offering you some help and suggestions.
Take a deep breath, take the advise of checking for allergies and his ears. I wouldn’t listen to the waiting, get another opinion. :pray:

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NOT YOUR FAULT! If your doctor does not listen try a child psychiatrist, but mostly just relax you are doing the best you can and that is all you can do. It could be that he is normal and just fussy, it used to be called croup.

I ran a daycare for almost 30 yrs and in my experience singing silly songs quietly seemed to work. They always stopped their ‘fits’ to listen. We’d start singing songs during transitions too since they don’t like change. Monitor a daily log and see what works and doesn’t work. Also find an age appropriate fidget gadget that he gets only in his carseat-and remember communication like we got to go bye bye soon, we’re goin for a car ride soon!!! Time will tell but there’s help and hope for you lil momma!


U need to have him evaluated by your local early intervention services doctor can give u a referral

Dr said the same about one of my babies; “it’s fine/normal”… they got us a family therapist and she determined it’s not my “problem Child” , but her older sister taking the attention from her. That was not true either. I later figured out my baby was being sexually molested right in front of me and my whole family by her paternal grandpa. He was literally sitting with her or walking with her and would be molesting her. Very sneakily, thankfully I was able to find evidence and watch and picked up his pattern. Yet, she would only want to be with him when he was there. That was my situation. I read your entire post. I’m only explaining Bc every thing u said was exactly how my baby was behaving when he was not around her and then some. Bernie we found out the truth, We checked for constipation, uti, gerd, a full blood work, did therapy alone, etc etc. then I started being more vigilant. Maybe none of this is the case with ur boy, but maybe have the dr refer u to a specialist about ur concerns? After my child was finally away from her abuser a year, the dr finally wanted to try meds to see if she would calm down. By then she wasn’t acting out so much. Good luck mama


Every state and territory in the USA has an Early Intervention Program often with professionals in several fields knowledgable and very capable of assessing children 0-3. “…A doctor’s referral is not necessary…Programs are available in every state and territory (see each program’s contact information towards bottom of page in link below). These publicly funded programs provide services for free or at reduced cost for any child who is eligible…” What is “Early Intervention”? | CDC

Have you been scammed? Did you loss your hard earned money I’ve got solution for you🤝 contact Mrs Veronika filina will help you recover your lost funds

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Take a video and play it for the doctor. Do research. Try a different doctor or child development specialist. Good luck, you seem like a loving caring mom.


You do not say where you are from.

My grandsons autistic n everything except being (hyper) every thing I mentioned is his Exact actions of spits out certain types of foods n sensitive to loud noises loud noise honking of cars ,motor cycles ,loud music etc have ur child checked out poor bby n prayers for u momma​:pray::pray::broken_heart:

Contact your local early intervention and switch doctors too to one that will hear your concerns and give you the appropriate referrals.

:eyes::woman_shrugging::thinking:… Will Bennett

Absolutely agree with Jen Jones and Nicole Teresa! Many times, pediatricians don’t see the child long enough to understand. You should seek out a developmental Pediatrician or Pediatric psychologist to observe him and listen to your concerns. Not faulting your Pediatrician at all. Just look for more help.


Pediatrician and early intervention have ears checked if he stopped speaking could need tubes

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What you will need to look out for is stimming behavior such as toe walking nonstop, hand flapping, head shaking, etc look them up there’s a lot. Also children that age don’t really focus on stuff for long periods of time. If he was focusing on something such as wheels on a toy and like stuck on it that’s a sign. Watch for signs as he is hitting himself etc. and picky eating. Does he make eye contact? Does he smile when you smile at him things along tho lines

The number of vaccinations for infants has increased tremendously to a dangerous amount. There is much written about autism in relation to vaccines. Their tiny bodies/systems are not equipped for all these chemicals. There are ways to detox from vaccine injuries


I tried talking to my child’s pediatrician because he is the same way. She told me he was still young and to give him time. I ended up having to get him help on my own from a child psychiatrist and he has autism and adhd (they often go hand in hand) the wait times due to covid were HORRIBLE. He has missed so much time that he could have been getting help. :cry: please reach out to a child psychiatrist for help. The sooner the better. Also, I wouldn’t associate with anyone who said that shit about my kid, family or not.

Please reach out to me directly if you have questions, mama.

Autism is such a wide spectrum. When in doubt keep track of behaviors and and surroundings to bring up to your doctor. Diagnosis of adhd and autism is very rare at that age and isn’t usually done until 5 give or take, depends on doctor. My son was diagnosed at 6 where as my stepson was diagnosed at 3. My son used to stare off into space alot. Got scared of odd things, textures and noises really set him off. He didn’t start putting sentences together until around 4.


Suggest you record your son to show the drs.


Kayla Trent Willoughby

Call your local early intervention services. They will do an assessment and decide what services are needed. My youngest is just aging out of early intervention and moving in on to the next program


First of all, you didn’t do anything wrong or mess up. Keep talking about it with the dr and maybe record it and take those videos in. Quit listening to others. For real, if they don’t have suggestions then their opinion doesn’t matter

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I would video him for a time so your able to show the doctor what is going on in a day as most kiddies hes probably great at the doctors try to video him :slight_smile:

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How many vaxx has he had? Just curious.


Watch supernanny and try some of her methods…she seems to take care of situations exactly like you are describing


Sounds to me like hes had brain inflammation from vaxx injuries.


They can evaluate / diagnose for autism at 18 months. Bring up concerns to your pediatrician. The first sign of my son being autistic was not responding to his name. He wouldn’t look any time we said his name , no matter how loud or how many times. He was also extremely colicky as a baby , always cried. He never said any words and is still non verbal. Also has pretty extreme meltdowns. He’s also very hyper and never sits still

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Video everything then go back to the doctors and show him/her what’s been happening

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Video him to show Drs!!!

Not trying to be cruel but why would you put this on here asking about autism instead of taking him to your doctor to be diagnosed?

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hes only 1 wow the screaming could be a physical problem pain ect take him to doc to be tested ive been around AUTISM AT THAT AGE THEY DONT SPEAK besides hes only 1 MY GUT SAYS HE HAS SME SORT OF MEDICAL ISSUES kids attention are age related 1 yr =1 min so i think hes ok there

Vaccines are safe don’t use that for his problem s I had 6kids all had their shots @there fine


I haven’t dealt with a child like that so I wouldn’t know but the short attention span is normal at that age anyways id definitely video tape his episodes then get him into the dr and show the dr the video so they can see how he acts

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If the doc won’t listen go to a new doc. Trust those instincts mama. When your gut says something is wrong, it usually is.

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Sending you a hug. Keep going mom!

I just want to give the OP a hug. :pensive: Don’t beat yourself up so much momma. Without seeing what’s going on it’s difficult to make a clear assumption. I recommend Videoing some of the behaviors and also your interactions with him and your calming techniques for advice from his pediatrician. If the pediatrician isn’t helpful find a new one who is because I can tell he is your priority and you need a doctor on the same page.
Try to gauge how long those behaviors have been going on.(since what age)
If his outbursts seem pretty random, pay attention to what is going on right before them, during, and then what happens after them. He may be trying to express something going on and frustration is stopping him from appropriately emotionally regulating and may just need help through those big emotions. Never ignore or come back with anger even if it’s irritating and do your best to be calm and work through them with him. Clear calm words and a desire to figure out what need he is trying to meet. It’s easier said than done, but remember children have the same emotions we have without any of the experience. :two_hearts: Good luck and know you’re not alone.

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Adhd sounds like my nephew was like this but they didn’t wanna do medicine until he was almost 5

He’s ELEVEN MONTHS. He is a normal baby. You expect him to be talking at that age?! You’re nuts. My own son only said mama and began to pick up slowly from there. PERFECTLY NORMAL.

Stop automatically assuming everything is autism. He sounds like a normal child to me going through a stage.


I personally would just get him into birth to 3 services if you feel he is behind in any way. He could have autism, adhd, speech delay etc but the first thing I would do is see if he can qualify for services through your community. I’ve worked with alot of families and it could be anything and sometimes just having an outside person see them once a week helps alot. Just remember mama you are his safe space so he is gonna be different with you than around anyone else. It doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong :heart:

Also one comment I want to make to everyone else is if she wouldn’t had brought up autism would you have brought up vaccination injuries? Also autism is presented differently in every kiddo some talk so much and some don’t speak at all. And I know alot of kids that have autism that havenever been vaccinated


Please take the advice to see another pediatrician Your son ( and you) deserve and need a second opinion


If your dr isn’t taking you seriously I would get a second third or even fourth opinion because your child very well may be on the spectrum.


So just putting this out there my son used to scream like that just to be heard ended up finding out he had hearing issues and needed tubes he total yfine now


Your pediatrician would be the first to diagnosis with autism. There are so many disorders on the autistic spectrum. Just because he screams does not make him autistic, he made be frustrated for not being able to communicate properly. I will say this, because it was missed my baby had something wrong with her pelvis, hips and spine and she was in constant pain. Finally after pushing we went for a ultrasound and see her hips we rotated and pelvis was pushed forward. Maybe another problem other than autism.
For some autistic children squeal is more of a communication of excitement or fear.
Most autistic children are nonverbal so mine has a high pitch that feels like my ear drums have busted. Again because he’s high sensory seeking and or excited.
He is not to young to be tested, maybe ask your pcp to have him evaluated for occupational therapy and speech therapy. Always remember no one child is the same, do not beat yourself up, and definitely do not let others. If you have more questions feel free to message me and I will help however I can. I’m new to this. So I am still learning myself. Behaviors are communication we just need to learn to understand them.

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I would discuss issues with your child’s pediatrician. They can refer you for testing if needed. I had to be persistent about my twins, who now have several diagnoses each. I knew something was different…off. I just kept recording symptoms and behaviors and reporting back. They were first diagnosed with ADHD at 3 and had to have blood pressure meds to sleep. They were assessed at 4 for behavioral and mental disorders. They were not found to be Autistic at the time. Now one has an ASD diagnosis, and the other will hopefully be evaluated this summer. Having concerns is not assuming. You don’t know until you ask. Many docs will first assume you are overly concerned, but if one is worth their salt, they will eventually begin to see for themselves.


There are so many posts, I’m not able to read them now. Hopefully this isn’t a repeat. Hugs to you momma, that’s tough. I would be curious, maybe he’s in pain? Call me crazy…Have you thought of baby chiropractic? He may have an injury from birth?
I have a friend from many moons ago, where there was a difficult birth, and her child‘s back was pulled out of alinement. Always frowning, and angry.
After the adjustment, he was the sweetest baby. May wanna look into it? Good luck, and hang in there.


Get a baby sitter and go sit in the park for a couple of hours or go to a movie.

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All six of my children were different, the oldest boy SCREAMED non stop the first six months of his life. And between me and my mom that child was never left alone, abused, wet, or hungry. And the Drs kept saying he was fine, until they finally did a FULL exam. He was BORN with a double hernia and was in CONSTANT pain! He had hernia surgery at 18 months and became the best baby/child anyone ever saw.


I have one daughter is just like what you were saying. She had high IQ. But all babies are different. Take him to a specialist.

Go see a developmental pediatrician


Please don’t think you’ve done anything wrong!!! You sound like a great mom. I have a severely autistic boy and I know your son needs to be evaluated as soon as possible. The earlier he is diagnosed and provided care the better the outcome.


I have an album of my middle child and literally in every picture he’s screaming… I used to try to make him smile or at least not have his mouth full on open in a scream and finally gave up… Christmas tree and presents? J screaming… Birthday cake and gifts? J screaming… he has type 1 diabetes and ADHD… not sure which if not both caused the screaming… point is, if he’s screaming, there’s a reason… find it. :heart: Get a new doctor, get an evaluation… find a tribe to support YOU


Does he look you in the eyes? How does he react to touch? How does he react to others? Does he smile? All signs to look for. Could be any number of things.


I could suggest taking a video with your phone and
Bring it to your dr to see


My grandson’s like that with the short attention span. He watches logos on the internet youtube like 100 times in a row. So suggest youtube to hold the attention. Also does a jittery handwave dance and he has been diagnosed with autism and partial deafness. Keep showing love, it does get through. My daughter swears by Fiji water?

The Fussy Baby Site Support Group | Colic, High Need, Spirited Babies
My eldest was very similar, It sounds like you will get a lot out of this group :two_hearts::two_hearts:

I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21807 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. https://superdollar68.netlify.app/

Make videos of the behavior. Get a new pediatrician. And get your son evaluated for early intervention


TW i dont have a young child but i do have a partner who is in there mid 20s who was diagnosed last year with autism and adhd. i love him so very much but most times its like living a nightmare. he also gets so craizily angry. when he gets angry he self harms, it can be in the middle of a supermarket or anywhere. he can be very abusive at times and yells, screams and swears. i find if i just ignore him he gets louder and more violent towards himself. its like he needs me to comment, like it doesnt matter if im yelling at him, its still a form of attention and with him, any attentiion is good attentiion (whether it be good or bad). he does alot of inappropriate things around others. and a year ago he started tutting. (not everyone seems to know what i am saying when i tell them that, but if someone is tutting they are making a little clicking noise with there tongue that shows a sign when done of anger, dissaproval or dissapointment). and he also now huffs. so takes a big breath in and lets it out loudly as if to say oh geez cant anything go right… every time my poor mother comes and joins us in the loungeroom, he starts tutting. every time i talk to him he tutts. its like we are just annoying him comstsntly. so i can understand how you are feeling, how helpless, how having no clue what to xdo to stop the behaviour. i wish i could give you an answer darls on a stragety that may work with your son, but i dont know what to do to help my situation either… im so sorry that was a long reply, but just wanted to try to explain some behaviour that im finding from someone who has both an adhd an autism diagnosis. hope all works out ok for you and your son :slight_smile:


The first things I would look at is javing a knowledgeable baby chiropractor look at him. It is amazing what they can do for a cranky baby. The second thing I would do is request his hearing be checked.

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It is definitely not your fault you should start a video diary of his behavior show your pediatrician and tell him you need help and a diagnosis


My 5 year old has been diagnosed and honestly first sign for me is he wouldn’t make eye contact and also would spend hours lining up things like DVDs like laying them on the floor and putting them end to end making designs across the whole house but honestly go to a different doc bring up your concerns to get him tested to quicker the better my son been in therapy for the last 2 years right now he is an occupational and physical about to graduate physical therapy he already graduated speech therapy but mama you doing your best it can be hard some days but the quicker you get a diagnosis and the quicker you can get the sweet baby into therapy the better and also there is nothing wrong with autism I got diagnosed when I was an adult it’s just our brains are wired a little different and see the world differently


Ok, my son who is almost 6 didn’t speak until he was 4 or not fully. Everyone thought he was autistic, I listened bc some had worked with autistic kids before. Turns out it was ADHD and sensory issues. Combined with him talking late…just keep your pediatrician informed maybe keep a journal to remember better bc things change month to month and that’s all you can do. Also, try to find things for kids his age with ADHD just a difference in how we interpret. I have it and I struggle as an adult so I know how hard a child must…good luck you’re on the path and all will be well soon.:heart::heart::heart:

Don’t listen to his Dr. You know your child and know something isn’t right. Find a new Dr. Or maybe take him to emergency room during his screaming episodes to see if he can be evaluated, xrayed, cat scan, mri…something to rule out injuries

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Start with the pediatrician. If your not happy with than see a neurologist that specializes in infants.

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I am so very sorry your going through this. My son went through this over 35yrs ago before the spectrum disorder was widely known about and boy i was put through the wringer. Hang in there your doing all the right things. Keep fighting be proud of yourself

He’s 11 months old but you’re questioning why he doesn’t talk except to say hey…? That’s completely normal. As for the behavior, he’s a baby still. These are things he could grow out of


See a developmental pediatrician and contact early intervention. Early intervention therapists will help you with these behaviors.


they dont diagnosed autism til 18 months

My son wasn’t diagnosed till 2. He’s 11 months, it’s fine not to talk yet. Record some videos of the behaviors to show the doctor but some kids are just more challenging than others.


Start with regular doctors. Then request or demand a referral to Children’s Hospital Development and Behavior Center. They will help you.

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