Was I wrong for calling the cops on my sons friend?

You did the right thing. Stop that behavior now-

NTA, at all! The kid didn’t sneak out of the house and just go wandering around the neighborhood to meet up with some friends.

He snuck out, broke into someone’s home, stole their belongings, damaged their property and then brought stolen goods back into your home.

The father should be grateful. Maybe calling the cops on him at 15 will teach him a lesson before he ends up a life long resident of the state corrections facility!

And good on your son for coming to you and not participating in his friends criminal activity! That speaks volumes to you as a parent! Good job!

You did the right thing by calling the cops. His dad sounds like a first class jerk for chewing you out when he should be glad you called the cops. Your neighbor could of had a gun and shot his son then the dad would be mourning his son. You are raising your son right not alot of teens communicate with their parents at this age.