Should I say something to my step daughter about her sucking her thumb?

Mind your fucking business. It’s none of your concern how she finds her comfort and it’s DEFINITELY none of your concern if her mother “baby’s her” too much or not. What’s weird here is a grown woman focusing so much on what this child is doing to self soothe and her relationship with her mother :roll_eyes:

I sucked my thumb until I was 13 or 14, leave her be. No need to worry about being picked on by other kids when she’s getting picked on by the stepmother.

What is wrong with her blanket? Is it hurting you? Does she choke you with it? How about you stay in your step mama lane and worry about your own kids.


my 10 year old daughter still sleeps with hers and carries with her to couch thats as far as it goes.

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That tells me she’s likely uneasy/uncomfortable and uses it for comfort. It I’m sure smells like her mom and is a constant familiar especially between both homes. Have you considered looking deeper into why this bothers you? I am a dual diagnosis therapist and I always tell my patients to asses the situation with the “is it annoying, or am I just annoyed” thing. I also think it it’s a good idea to ask her how you can help her feel more comfortable and at ease. Keep her hands busy. Clay, painting, whatever she is in to. Use it as a way to bond. Find out what is special about her blanket and what she loves most about it and utilize that. She is needing comfort and doing what she knows to self soothe.

Maybe you shouldn’t be a step parent. :person_shrugging: Instead of judging her try to CONNECT with her. All those things she’s doing is for HER comfort and security.

My 5 year old daughter has a pig stuffed animal that she can’t sleep without, she carries it everywhere and she sucks her thumb, even at night she does that and during the day when she is sitting on the couch. Leave that baby alone let her be.

That’s her comfort. Let her be.

If you don’t want her picked on and bullied then stop picking on her and bullying her…and make sure your kids, nephews and nieces aren’t either. You’ve already been calling her abnormal for the last few years so I’m sure harm is already done. There’s no doubt she feels out of place amongst all your relatives that you approve of…poor little girl.

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It’s sounds like she’s already getting picked on and bullied…in her own home…by her stepmom :woman_facepalming:

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Seriously…SMH…:roll_eyes:Maybe u are inexperienced with Children perhaps.Just don’t get offended what people here will share with you.

Wow, you sound like a fun stepmom. :roll_eyes: Leave that child alone. If having a blanket and sucking her thumb gives her comfort, why does it bother you? :thinking:See this is one of those times that you need to have a seat and mind your own damn business. Worry about the 5 that YOU gave birth to and leave this child alone.

First off, what’s normal? Secondly, you may be a parent but you’re not her parent.


Stay in your lane :roll_eyes:
Comparing her to your own children is your first mistake


Leave that child alone !!! , sounds to me like you are jealous

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Well I will never wish a thumb sucker on anyone it is the hardest habit to stop. When I was younger me getting braces stopped me from sucking my thumb. My hubby just stopped some how and my son who is now 15 has stopped only because we have started the braces process. We took my son’s blanket away from him when he was about 6. That was hard but he still had his thumb. We did give it back a few years later and he still has it but no attachment anymore. Now he does none of that. Everyone always told me aww your lucky he always has a pacifier but I could never take it away as it is stuck to his hand. Good luck it’s a slow process just don’t get upset over it it’s a habit that they have had since a baby it’s gonna take some gentle love and care.

It’s gross and she’s going to destroy her teeth. You’re not a bad step mom for looking out for her best interests when clearly her actual mother isn’t. Therapy for the nasty habit and the blanket stays in her room on her bed.

I have a 10 yr old that sucks her thumb. I have 4 children not sure how many kids you have makes a difference. All kids are different, all kid’s have their own coping mechanisms this it’s her comfort. I was a thumb sucker until yr 6 and it was a teacher that helped me. My daughter will stop when she is ready. I have a son with RMD (rhythmic movment disorder) he headbutts to go to sleep would I try stop him no it’s his comfort. She will stop when she is ready. The only thing that annoys me is when she tries to talk with it in her mouth I can’t understand her

I carried around my blankey and sucked my thumb til I was 12, she will be fine. I still slept with my blankey long into adulthood until I lost it in a move :pensive:, my mom still has her childhood pillow she sleeps with, it’s basically a knotted, tattered rag stuffed in a pillow case, she’s 63.

My oldest dtr (21) began sucking her two middle fingers at 6 weeks old and did it well into her teenage years, when she is really tired or sick she still does it on occasion. She carried a blanket named Smiley until she was about 13. My youngest dtr (13) sucks her thumb when she is tired, sitting watching TV, in her sleep…she carries a blanket "blue blanket"that she has had since she was a baby, sleeps with it…it is literally a tattered piece of cloth at this point. Pick your battles.

Leave her alone. My youngest daughter has sensor processing issues has a tattered ugly throw blanket and sucks her thumb. She’s 9. If the doctor isn’t concerned or her parents let it be

Leave that girl alone! It’s a comfort thing for her. My kids (15,12,10&7 this year) ALL have a blanket they sleep with on a daily basis. As she gets older she will do things without the blanket.

As a 35 year old with my blanket. Do NOT take her comforts away. If her thumb sucking isn’t messing up her teeth leave her be

Maybe she has some kind of mental illness?? I mean who r u to judge the little girl? Just because your kids don’t do it doesn’t mean anything at all.

You’re the step mother which means her family was destroyed to make yours. If she needs comfort and if she needs whatever let her have it. In fact instead of trying to take away her comfort get to know her and then maybe direct her attention to another form of self comfort until she doesn’t need it any more because you and her father provide it.