Should I drop the child support case against my ex?

I wasn’t allowed by the court to drop it. Just reduced it and eliminated his back child support amount which I truly regret. He did eventually get it together and that 40,000 dollars would really help now since even though the kids are grown and I busted my ass to support them on my own, he would still owe it to me. He loaned my daughter 600 dollars and is giving g her guilt over not paying it back speedily. Makes me so angry.

Pay for your daughter to be in cheer and talk to his parents and let them know what he said.

Non of this is your fault these are his choices he should Of made Better life Choices he chose drugs over anything else all that’s happing to him is because of him not you xx

Don’t drop anything but him.

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Hell no dont drop it he should take responsibilities for his child

Do not drop the case. They will not reissue the check to him. It’s done it’s not reversible. Hes likely wanting you to drop it for a few reasons. 1. He is under a false pretense he will get the stimulus check and is wanting that money
2. Once you drop the case you are also signing off all arrears he has accumulated over the years.
If he really cared he’d man up and take care of his responsibilities.


Oh and tell him when they take him to jail they’ll make him work and ull get them checks too

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No. No. No. If he gets in trouble for this it is only his fault.

Mine asked the same thing. I said Hell NO!

i’m going to vote no just because it sounds like he’s not going to get his shit together anyhow so i’d let him deal with the consequences rather than enabling him :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:

Dont stop it. You will regret it

Don’t drop it. Man should of known better. Fair play to the grandparents though

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Nope don’t drop the case

NO. NO. NO. You WILL be enabling him and he will NEVER grow up. Child support is a reason to get a job not a reason someone refuses to give you one.

Fuck him!!! Dont fall for that shit!

Literally going through the same thing. But I refuse to drop the case. He needs to be accountable to his financial responsibility of raising his children.

Don’t do it. First of all they won’t refund him the $1,200 even if you did drop it. Let it keep adding up. You’ll get it eventually.

Why would you EVEN consider dropping it?? You’re actually doing your daughter a disservice. Don’t expect sympathy or complain about him being a dead beat dad of you’re enabling him.


Honestly don’t. My dad never paid and he had to think of that while he bussed around

He wonts out from under it dont do it

Nope don’t do it. :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:

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No. Only would enable his self-destructive behavior.

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No. My ex asked the same thing, I haven’t seen much of anything from him at all. Eventually you’ll get something. That is money for your child, if you can give your child a better life wouldn’t you want to? Even if you drop it all the back owed is still owed and doesn’t change anything.

On principle u should say NO. However l would ask his parents what they would prefer u do as they support your daughter and financially make up for what he doesnt do…He is still their son and this must hurt them very much. He will never change, also they sound like amazing inlaws. So if they are happy for you to continue with the case go for it, but if they honestly arent happy about it, even though they know he deserves it, then l would seriously consider their point of view. Goodluck

Nope he is the father and he should help mine sons dad has had his license revoked 3 times now my son is 17 now, but no keep that money and spend it on your child. But I didn’t think they were going to take stimulus checks for back child support. But anyways the answer is NO .

You may seriously regret it later

Do not drop it. The way I see it it’s not his parents responsibility to help pay for your daughter things but they are probably doing it to keep you from putting him in jail for non child support pay. If you drop the case then his parents will probably quit helping also. And you alone will not have enough money to do it all by yourself. Be wise and quit enabling him.


Don’t feel bad. It’s his problem not yours

Do not drop it! Hes the father he has a responsibility to help pay for her! You both made her time he bucked up his ideas. Good luck x

No No! He owes you that money! Not your problem. Don’t drop any court orders either. One day if he ever came into money you would get yours first.
His parents help and buy…that’s their privilege as grandparents. Please, don’t do it.

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Don’t drop it. He made his bed and now he needs to lie in it. Maybe this will be a wake up for
Him if he cares so much about the $. Good luck mama, YOU are doing great

Don’t drop it. Alls it’s gonna do is allow him to use whatever money for drugs.

Do not do it. Atleast yet.

i’m not sure why you would even consider dropping it. she’s his too. he can get a job the child support case isn’t stopping him from that.

Even if you drop the case he is still obligated to pay u the back support so it’s honestly not going to matter. What u do is ur decision but he’s still going to owe it.

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No. That’s why he is the way he is because he has been enabled his whole life and feels entitled and doesn’t take any responsibility for his life. No don’t drop the charges. He needs to learn consequences like a kid.

Absolutely not, no way in hell!!! You have a child to raise , it’s not about him !!

Don’t drop it let him take care of his own responsibilities.

I would drop it purely on principle to not have him hold his bad life choices over your head. You’ve been raising her without his help for this long, child support or not, he won’t step up. Without the case against him he can never say that you are the reason he can’t get a job or get ahead in life.

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If you’re a do gooder, you get good things in return. If you’re not, then you get nothing. Aka stimulus check. Do no drop the case, please.

I think you can tell by the unanimous senses hear that majority vote is not to drop it.
The child support office would never recommend you to drop a case. He should pay his child support if he wants all of those privileges back. Why should he get money from the state when he can’t even support his child. And does he really need a driver’s license it’s not like he’s driving to a job. Whatever you do, DO NOT listen to him.

Do not drop it… he’s going to use that stimulus money on drugs, not your child anyway. If he goes to jail the likelyhood of him getting sober is higher than him getting what he wants :woman_shrugging:t3:

No! That is his child, not his parents. He needs to show some responsibility!


No. He needs to be accountable some how and if he is not there physically for his child then he can at least financially support her. That is TRULY the least he can do. CS is a debt that never goes away. Your child can use this later for college. I guarantee he will shape up one day and this savings will be waiting for your child. If you give it away now it’s all gone at once. Block his calls for a while.

No, no and no!!! Don’t feed into him. And his parents are enablers.

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Don’t drop that case

Too bad for him…like you said he needs to grow up! Don’t drop it!

The fact that you would even ask or consider it​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

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Whether you drop it or not , he’s not getting the stimulus. Not how that works lol you don’t get a doover.

Do we have the same baby daddy??? Ugh no. Dont drop it. My sons father has played the blame game on CS too. Hes even been to prison because of non payments.
I tell my ex, none of this would have happened if he just paid his CS like he was supposed to. It’s a snow ball effect and its NOT your fault!!!
Dont enable him!
He needs to grow up!

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No freaking way. He can buy drugs but not support his kid? Please.

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He makes excuses like pathetic losers do. No dont drop it. You need the money for your daughter. He needs to sign up for SSI then get into rehab and stop blaming you. Let child support accumulate.

No way! Time for him to grow TF up! If he goes to jail, that is HIS fault, not yours!!

Please don’t drop it. That isn’t helping anything or anyone, especially your daughter.

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I dont think they took his whole stimulas check in the first place. They only take a percentage of it . also its not like he worked for his stimulas anyway. Easy come easy go. And if your daughter is ten years old he owes quite a bit and he better just shut up and get used to paying some support cuz that’s whats up! Tell him to grow up and stop his whining!

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Child support doesnt take out till you’ve been at the job for a few months… dont drop that case against him! He needs to grow up take responsibility. He doesn’t need to buy drugs or anything else until he can help afford sports for yalls daughter.

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Do Not Do It!! You are owed that money and should rightfully get that money! He is not owed any money. I have the same type of dad for my children, asked me if he could get some of his stimulus check back to help him get his license and to start going to college…he has been using this same excuse for years and still has yet to get his license back. Dont let him manipulate you! Keep the case open and keep doing you! You are not responsible for his life and you DO NOT owe him anything!


No, if he payed then there wouldn’t be one in the first place. It’s his own fault, and that’s taking the piss that he’s even asked you that!

Nah…dont pity him. He just wants that money for drugs anyway.

Big nope!!! Don’t drop the case. This boy needs to grow up and take care of his responsibility!

Don’t do it!!! Don’t feel bad for his shitty choices

Don’t do it, you will reget it. It’s not ur fault he’s a dumbass.

Do not drop it ! Your good heart says to, but do not drop it. He made his bed , he needs to lay on it. He could have grown and been a man but he choose drugs and bullshit over your daughter. Him saying I will ask my dad is proving my point . He wants all his crap back aka lisc. But does not want to do what he has to do in order to get it.

Girl do not listen to him. My kiddos dad tried the same thing, it is not your fault this man laid with you and yall had a kid together. And this child is not just your responsibility! Men have a way of making us feel bad for them in situations like this but this is where they use the mother of their child/children. You need all the help you can get from him,

Umm let me think… Hell NO

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So basically his parents do his financial part of the supporting due to him being an addict? Sorry to say but that’s his parents choice to pick up the slack for their son. It’s just my opinion but if his parents do his part then him paying support would be double dipping and maybe that’s how they see it also? Parents of addicts do crazy things to support and protect their own. Drop the support and continue on with your daughter with the help of his parents.

I would ask him why he doesn’t pay it or help with her?

No way! He made his choices, let him live with the results!

Nope dont fucken drop it.

Well i had the same issue. The state ended up dropping it because they couldn’t find him.

I wouldn’t honestly I am abke to do it alone so never needed child support but if it is something that will help you and your daughter then you need to stick with it. This is all explained in the beginning when establishing, but it is not on you that he ignored it all. He should be helping care for his child.

Oh Hell No don’t drop it!! Let him go to jail may teach him a lesson!

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My baby daddy hasn’t paid for years. Almost 4000 in the hole. I hope he gets a warrant put out. Ik he got his license taking from him. Mf hasn’t wanted shit to do with my child. I will remain with this case open. You know they dont even have to pay a full amount each month as long as they are paying something that’ll prevent them from loosing their license

Nope. He won’t give up? You can’t give up either. :two_hearts:

Fuck him. He should be helping

No, I wouldn’t he won’t get the check no matter what. If you drop it he is still obligated to pay the back pay he will still get in trouble.
He can work something out with the court to make payments on the back pay as well

No do not give him the benefit of not having to pay for a child he helped create and does nothing for. Besides I highly doubt the IRS told hi. To have you drop the case so he could get a stimulus check. My sons father hasn’t paid support ever (12yrs son is 14 1/2). Hasn’t seen in him 7yrs and absolutely no one from his family asks about him. His father doesn’t work doesn’t get ssi or anything so he leaches of everyone he knows

Drop it since his parents are kinda paying it for him.

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He’s entitled to pay and support for his kids.
Also nobody got their check today because it was supposed to end and they paid for this time. At the beginning of getting your claim
If you drop it you’re enabling him to be the way he is.

Do not drop it. You are doing the right thing, you are also teaching your daughter that she is important, and respecting yourself is important. Keep them all involved but don’t bend over backwards for someone who hasn’t budged to help you.

No way! My ex owes almost 10,000 but I didn’t get his stimulus. :thinking: Don’t do him anymore favors!

He won’t get a stimulus check because he owes back child support (not just current). Even if you dropped it now, that opportunity has passed. The CS office would not have told him any different. Nice try though dude. He’s just playing you. Don’t drop the case!!!

Stand your grounds! It takes 2 to make a baby. She deserves better.

No don’t do it. He needs to grow up and take responsibly. To many dead beats when it comes to being responsible for their choices and children…men and woman.

Why would you drop it? Hes half responsible for that child. He needs to man up and stop being a deadbeat.

Id say no. N he won’t get shit back… He lost it… His mistakes to fix.

You have an active case because you are acting in the best interests of your child. Those funds are used to better the life of your child. Since that stance hasn’t changed neither should proceeding with the case. Continue to fight for the best interest of your child.

Negative :-1: he needs to man up & take responsibility for HIS child

You answered your question ma’am. He only wants you to drop it to benefit him. Until he proves he will do for her I suggest you don’t drop it because you will be right back where you are now. He can go get an I’d card and apply for a job you don’t need a drivers license.

I am in the same situation…do not drop it

If he hasn’t worked for years he doesn’t need a driver license. Don’t drop the case.

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If he never worked/doesnt work then hr wouldn’t get a stimulus check anyways. If he was supposed to get it and has arrears on CS then you’re supposed to get it… I would definitely not drop CS. If he gets a job where he doesnt need to drive and starts payin his current he will get his license back. Tell him to grow up. Or he can have is enabling parents pay the child support for him since they dont mind helping you anyway

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No. No way should you drop it. Its to benefit your kid not him. Hard pass.


Don’t do it!! Its his responsibility to provide for his child too!! My x hasn’t paid in yrs his problems are not mine. He is capable of getting a job and chooses not too!

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Definitely do not drop it!

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The state won’t allow you to drop the case.

He doesn’t want to get a job because they will take out money for child support. They will MAKE him pay. So that’s why he “can’t get a job”. Because he knows this. He feels that it isn’t worth working to have to pay some money for his daughter, so he just puts it on his parents.

If you drop it, make him sign over all rights. You could still let her see him if it comes down to it, but he has no rights to her anymore. No medical decisions. No right to see her if you say no. I don’t see the point of pushing someone to be a father because the kid just feels it the worst way.

If you don’t drop it, explain that if he actually saw his daughter and helped out otherwise, you’d have no problem dropping it. But until he actually takes responsibility, you need help and that’s the only way you’ll get it (stimulus money, taken out of his check, or taxes) :woman_shrugging:

Don’t You’ll Just Be Enabling Him Like His Parents Are Doing And He’ll Never Help If He Ever Planned Because He Always Has You And Mommy And Daddy Feeling Sorry For Him!!!

The stimulus check you should get

My mom dropped child support for my dad on my brothers and I because my grandparents asked her to said they would help and all but we struggled with food clothing and shelter while my sisters had good food and nice clothes always had heat and always has electricity so I would say no its to help with things for your daughter not about making his life easier, by the way my dad never helped after and once my grandparents has more grandkids we were basically forgotten